Lock NYC down now !

The Mayor want the Military there, so give him what he wants...

Just when he says he did not want it then remind him of his demands and bitching!

The pop. of NYC is 19 million people!

It needs to be totally quarantined from the rest of the Country. Now!

The population of NYC is 8,000,000.

The population of NYS is 19,000,000.

What we need is a quarantine from you assholes.
If Yidnar and B. Kidd were in charge, NYC would be getting sealed off as I post!

Once again, NYC has a population of 19 million and one half of all the cases in the U.S. currently!

If we want to really bring the curve down, start there!
In the city people live in the same building just feet away from their neighbor...so staying home for them is not as protective as it is for people that live in single family homes....
In the city people live in the same building just feet away from their neighbor...so staying home for them is not as protective as it is for people that live in single family homes....

They sound like someone who just walked over their own grave.

Lock 'em down, now!
thats right i said it and i mean it ! its been all over the news showing people in NYC ignoring social distancing in parks and on the streets ! even Gov Quomo has been pleading for people to stop this just today ! and with over 30% of cases popping up there alone something has to be done to stop this ! its time to start thinking about drastic measures not just in NYC but any city where people are ignoring social distancing requests need to have military troops patrolling to force the idiots to comply ! and i am not for big government control in any form but we have no choice ! if we are going to slow the spread its time to lock those places down and set up fenced in tent cities under guard for those that refuse to comply ! our country is at stake !
How about getting the college students home from Florida? What kind of parents would let their kids go to Spring Break?
If their "fun" doesn't happen in one place, it will happen somewhere and depending on the kind of fun that they are wanting to have, I do not blame them for not wanting to be cooped up in one place for too long when they really do not have to be. How is getting this sickness any different from anything else bad that can happen to a person? To me, its just the latest thing to add to an already long list of things that are unfortunately out there to try and get in the way of people trying to live their lives.

God bless you and those who are brave always!!!

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thats right i said it and i mean it ! its been all over the news showing people in NYC ignoring social distancing in parks and on the streets ! even Gov Quomo has been pleading for people to stop this just today ! and with over 30% of cases popping up there alone something has to be done to stop this ! its time to start thinking about drastic measures not just in NYC but any city where people are ignoring social distancing requests need to have military troops patrolling to force the idiots to comply ! and i am not for big government control in any form but we have no choice ! if we are going to slow the spread its time to lock those places down and set up fenced in tent cities under guard for those that refuse to comply ! our country is at stake !
How about getting the college students home from Florida? What kind of parents would let their kids go to Spring Break?
If their "fun" doesn't happen in one place, it will happen somewhere and depending on the kind of fun that they are wanting to have, I do not blame them for not wanting to be cooped up in one place for too long when they really do not have to be. How is getting this sickness any different from anything else bad that can happen to a person? To me, its just the latest thing to add to an already long list of things that are unfortunately out there to try and get in the way of a people living their lives.

God bless you and those who are brave always!!!


Please get back to us, if God forbid, you contract it.

God bless you, always.
B. Kidd
do you truly believe that its ok for people to behave like this during a deadly pandemic ?? i'm a conservative republican and a veteran ! i'm not some whining ass snowflake liberal ! but if we dont slow this down soon we are going to have a major economic and medical disaster ! we've got ! i repeat we have got to stop this virus or we are going to be hurt more than anyone can imagine !
You sure do no sound like one...
Do the math
Date Cases deaths ortality% Suvival % pop Affected
3/21/2020 26747 340 1.27 98.73 0.008121
3/22/2020 32057 400 1.25 98.75 0.009734
So why are you worried about something that has a better than 98% survival rate and effects way less than 1% of the population?

we already have a economic crisis due to the panic by the news media and the over reaction by the government. This is the perfect example of the cure being worse than the disease
i totaly understand your logic and i agree with much of it ! but the point of social distancing is to limit the spread so we dont overload our health care system ! but i now have a better feeling about the situation ....Trump announced that NY is getting thousands of doses of malaria drugs and they are going to start treating people by Tuesday morning ! Trump knocked the fda out of the way ! if this works it is a game changer !:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:
do you truly believe that its ok for people to behave like this during a deadly pandemic ?? i'm a conservative republican and a veteran ! i'm not some whining ass snowflake liberal ! but if we dont slow this down soon we are going to have a major economic and medical disaster ! we've got ! i repeat we have got to stop this virus or we are going to be hurt more than anyone can imagine !
You sure do no sound like one...
Do the math
Date Cases deaths ortality% Suvival % pop Affected
3/21/2020 26747 340 1.27 98.73 0.008121
3/22/2020 32057 400 1.25 98.75 0.009734
So why are you worried about something that has a better than 98% survival rate and effects way less than 1% of the population?

we already have a economic crisis due to the panic by the news media and the over reaction by the government. This is the perfect example of the cure being worse than the disease
i totaly understand your logic and i agree with much of it ! but the point of social distancing is to limit the spread so we dont overload our health care system ! but i now have a better feeling about the situation ....Trump announced that NY is getting thousands of doses of malaria drugs and they are going to start treating people by Tuesday morning ! Trump knocked the fda out of the way ! if this works it is a game changer !:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

It works for some, but not all.
Such is the nature of a man-made biolab concoction.
Also I've heard that 1/3rd that are positive for it, HAVE NO SYMPTOMS.
Either the tests are faulty, or truly it is a man-made bioweapon.
I tend to think the latter. I will add, that I am a nobody.
In the city people live in the same building just feet away from their neighbor...so staying home for them is not as protective as it is for people that live in single family homes....
as brutal and evil as China is they locked the Wuhan district down and it seems to be working.

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