"Lock Step Democrats"

It never used to be that way. It was like herding cats to get them to all go along. But now the GOP is having issue with the Tea Party wing so their fighting is making the Democrats step back and not say too much. So they appear to be the unified party at the moment. That can change at anytime.
Democrats can no longer disagree with .. "The Party" ..

"The Party" is infallible...

Oh hell, I'm not going to start a new thread over this so I'll put it here.

It kinda, sorta fits in...

Ace of Spades HQ
White House Confirms What We've All Known...Dick Durbin Is A Lying POS
Ok, Now It Gets Good...Joan Walsh Calls Obama Administration A Liar


Dick Durbin (D-IL) is technically the number 2 Democrat in the US Senate and he's acting like a whiny high school kid whose trying to get someone in trouble.

Durbin said in an October 20 Facebook post, “In a ‘negotiation’ meeting with the president, one GOP House Leader told the president: ‘I cannot even stand to look at you.’”

That's a pretty serious charge. Say what you want about Obama but congressional leaders should be professional and respectful of the office of the president. Naturally, all the GOP leaders who were there denied it but of course they would, right?

How bad is this lie? This bad.

White House press secretary Jay Carney on Wednesday flatly denied that a House Republican told President Obama “I cannot even stand to look at you” during negotiations over the government shutdown. "It did not happen," Carney said, saying he discussed the incident with a "participant in the meeting."

There you have it. The Obama White House calls Dick Durbin a liar. If you're a Democrat you have to be a pretty smarmy piece of crap to have the White House call you out.

Naturally Durbin's debunked smear will be the lead story on MSNBC for days because while it might not be actually true, it tells a greater truth. Or something.

Added: Joan Walsh isn't a bright woman.

Until Sen. Durban retracts his claim, I'll be believing him #standwithdurbin

Now there are Durbin Truthers. Just what the world needs.
It never used to be that way. It was like herding cats to get them to all go along. But now the GOP is having issue with the Tea Party wing so their fighting is making the Democrats step back and not say too much. So they appear to be the unified party at the moment. That can change at anytime.

In your opinion the last time Democrats "changed", ahem, had a serious disagreement with "The Party" was?

I'm recalling the early Clinton years and Hillary-care.
It never used to be that way. It was like herding cats to get them to all go along. But now the GOP is having issue with the Tea Party wing so their fighting is making the Democrats step back and not say too much. So they appear to be the unified party at the moment. That can change at anytime.

In your opinion the last time Democrats "changed", ahem, had a serious disagreement with "The Party" was?

I'm recalling the early Clinton years and Hillary-care.

Vince Forster was the last Democrat to try to go against the Party
It never used to be that way. It was like herding cats to get them to all go along. But now the GOP is having issue with the Tea Party wing so their fighting is making the Democrats step back and not say too much. So they appear to be the unified party at the moment. That can change at anytime.

In your opinion the last time Democrats "changed", ahem, had a serious disagreement with "The Party" was?

I'm recalling the early Clinton years and Hillary-care.

Vince Forster was the last Democrat to try to go against the Party

oh no you didant!!! :shock:
You know, it's always pretty amazing to me when I see Conservatives make these sorts of claims.

When was the last time someone use the phrase "DINO"?

From where I'm sitting, you guys are the ones trying to run off party members who don't toe your line.
You could say the same about republicans. Maybe we should think instead of being sheepies?
After the Iraq War became unpopular, the Bush administration continued to extract loyalty from GOP congressmen, even though some of them knew they would lose their seats for supporting the war. The Dems are not like this. Many of the Blue Dogs stood up to Obama on ObamaCare, forcing him to change it. This doesn't happen in the Right. Either you go along with Dick Chaney or something bad happens to you. The Right does not tolerate dissent when they have the WHITE HOUSE
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You could say the same about republicans. Maybe we should think instead of being sheepies?

I don't think you can..many Republicans but hardly all still have the courage of their convictions no matter the cost.

That's lost to Democrats..
This thread is fucking petulant.

No wonder nobody likes conservatives you are all like smarmy children on a playground.
This thread is fucking petulant.

No wonder nobody likes conservatives you are all like smarmy children on a playground.

Listen to you, you smarmy petulant liberal. Seems to me as if you're the only one in the playground.

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