"Lock Step Democrats"

This thread is fucking petulant.

No wonder nobody likes conservatives you are all like smarmy children on a playground.

Listen to you, you smarmy petulant liberal. Seems to me as if you're the only one in the playground.


What you just wrote makes no sense and you used the same pejoratives I did in my post.

A real original thinker, you must be.

Let me try to explain.

The left-wing equivalent of the "Tea Party" are people like Bernie Saunders and Dennis Kucinich.

When was the last time you heard their followers demanding that Chick Schumer or Nancy Pelosi be drummed out of the Democratic Party?

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Democrats can no longer disagree with .. "The Party" ..

Very true Lumpy, which is why we have to keep in mind when ever even considering a democratic candidate we are electing the the entire agenda. electing a democrat will result in a vote against your 2nd amendment rights. electing a democrat will spread the wealth
Let me try to explain.

The left-wing equivalent of the "Tea Party" are people like Bernie Saunders and Dennis Kucinich.

When was the last time you heard their followers demanding that Chick Schumer or Nancy Pelosi be drummed out of the Democratic Party?

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Sorry Doc.. you're making no sense.

The Tea Party believes in following the Constitution, a balanced budget and reducing the national debt for starters...try not to be fooled by your Masters, if still possible.

The Democrat Party has been swallowed up by the extreme leftists, Obama being the perfect example.
After the Iraq War became unpopular, the Bush administration continued to extract loyalty from GOP congressmen, even though some of them knew they would lose their seats for supporting the war. The Dems are not like this. Many of the Blue Dogs stood up to Obama on ObamaCare, forcing him to change it. This doesn't happen in the Right. Either you go along with Dick Chaney or something bad happens to you. The Right does not tolerate dissent when they have the WHITE HOUSE

depends on what kind of Democrats you are talking about.....the Far Left variety do not like anyone who does not toe their line.....we have quite a few here who prove that....
This thread is fucking petulant.

No wonder nobody likes conservatives you are all like smarmy children on a playground.

i guess you have never seen Liberals on a playground....they tell the little Brown kids they can play....but i dont want you on my team....
Democrats can no longer disagree with .. "The Party" ..

Very true Lumpy, which is why we have to keep in mind when ever even considering a democratic candidate we are electing the the entire agenda. electing a democrat will result in a vote against your 2nd amendment rights. electing a democrat will spread the wealth

not if the person is a Conservative Democrat......but watch what happens if you elect a Far Righty.....you will be electing their whole agenda....
It never used to be that way. It was like herding cats to get them to all go along. But now the GOP is having issue with the Tea Party wing so their fighting is making the Democrats step back and not say too much. So they appear to be the unified party at the moment. That can change at anytime.

In your opinion the last time Democrats "changed", ahem, had a serious disagreement with "The Party" was?

I'm recalling the early Clinton years and Hillary-care.

They've disagree'd with each other where the Conservative Dems don't go along with the more Liberal Dems. The Democrats have a big tent.

The healthcare law was a prime example. If it weren't for the more Conservative Dems like Mary Landrieu, Ben Nelson, Joe Lieberman, etc. there would of been a public option and or Medicare for all. During the debate over extending the Bush tax cuts some of the more Conservative Democrats supported rolling back the cuts on higher income tax levels than others. Instead of income levels of $250,000/year, they settled for $450,000/year.

These are just a couple of examples. Until this latest shutdown debacle, the Republicans always towed the party line. They've just recently started fighting with the Tea Party Republicans and it's about time they did that. They need to distance themselves from the element that thinks shutting down the Government and not raising the debt ceiling is the way to negotiate over a law that was already passed.
It never used to be that way. It was like herding cats to get them to all go along. But now the GOP is having issue with the Tea Party wing so their fighting is making the Democrats step back and not say too much. So they appear to be the unified party at the moment. That can change at anytime.

In your opinion the last time Democrats "changed", ahem, had a serious disagreement with "The Party" was?

I'm recalling the early Clinton years and Hillary-care.

They've disagree'd with each other where the Conservative Dems don't go along with the more Liberal Dems. The Democrats have a big tent.

The healthcare law was a prime example. If it weren't for the more Conservative Dems like Mary Landrieu, Ben Nelson, Joe Lieberman, etc. there would of been a public option and or Medicare for all. During the debate over extending the Bush tax cuts some of the more Conservative Democrats supported rolling back the cuts on higher income tax levels than others. Instead of income levels of $250,000/year, they settled for $450,000/year.

These are just a couple of examples. Until this latest shutdown debacle, the Republicans always towed the party line. They've just recently started fighting with the Tea Party Republicans and it's about time they did that. They need to distance themselves from the element that thinks shutting down the Government and not raising the debt ceiling is the way to negotiate over a law that was already passed.

You're opinion on what represents a conservative Democrat and mine are vastly different.

Also recall that Mary Landrieu, Ben Nelson, Joe Lieberman and others were payed off with political favors..


The Senate had an array of sweetheart deals or to put it in more current terms, "cash for votes." Payoffs included $100 million for the Cornhusker Kickback, $300 million for the Louisiana Purchase, $100 million for the Connecticut Hospital, and many more. Of no surprise, the right arm of Obama, SEIU, got their own deal in the Senate bill and was out in full force threatening House Democrats who opposed the bill.

ObamaCare Passes By Means of Arrogance, Deceit, and Payoffs | Blogcritics
In your opinion the last time Democrats "changed", ahem, had a serious disagreement with "The Party" was?

I'm recalling the early Clinton years and Hillary-care.

They've disagree'd with each other where the Conservative Dems don't go along with the more Liberal Dems. The Democrats have a big tent.

The healthcare law was a prime example. If it weren't for the more Conservative Dems like Mary Landrieu, Ben Nelson, Joe Lieberman, etc. there would of been a public option and or Medicare for all. During the debate over extending the Bush tax cuts some of the more Conservative Democrats supported rolling back the cuts on higher income tax levels than others. Instead of income levels of $250,000/year, they settled for $450,000/year.

These are just a couple of examples. Until this latest shutdown debacle, the Republicans always towed the party line. They've just recently started fighting with the Tea Party Republicans and it's about time they did that. They need to distance themselves from the element that thinks shutting down the Government and not raising the debt ceiling is the way to negotiate over a law that was already passed.

You're opinion on what represents a conservative Democrat and mine are vastly different.

Also recall that Mary Landrieu, Ben Nelson, Joe Lieberman and others were payed off with political favors..


The Senate had an array of sweetheart deals or to put it in more current terms, "cash for votes." Payoffs included $100 million for the Cornhusker Kickback, $300 million for the Louisiana Purchase, $100 million for the Connecticut Hospital, and many more. Of no surprise, the right arm of Obama, SEIU, got their own deal in the Senate bill and was out in full force threatening House Democrats who opposed the bill.

ObamaCare Passes By Means of Arrogance, Deceit, and Payoffs | Blogcritics

You are right. Those are examples of Conservative Democrats in my book. I'll also add Joe Manchin, and Jon Tester. Do I think they are bad Democrats-not really. But I do think they come from Conservative States and will go against the more Liberal members of the party on a regular basis. Thus disproving the lockstep theory. And those that were paid off-welcome to the world of politics. It happens all the time-on both sides.

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