Lockdown #2 underway

Been keeping this thread constantly updated for the past year. . . mostly because I believe it should be the first thread ever to come out of the Conspiracy Sub-forum. . . Who's with me?


You mean he is a compulsive liar and a coward. I agree.
Mac1958 thinks of himself a moderate floating in a sea of extremists

in his mind anyone who disagrees with him on even the smallest detail is either a far right or a far left winger

only he is steering the ship of state in the correct position

but trump really freaked him out

and now he thinks its mostly rightwingers hiding under his bed
The virus lost its grip so now it’s energy manipulation that will keep many at home. Either one Briben can issue edicts to show how much he cares(about harming freedom seeking, productive people). Mask mandates lifted and 80% dimbilbs still walking around by themselves with masks on.
Youre a classic example of why retrospective abortion should be instituted
I don't consider domestic travel as traveling, moron. Nothing has stopped me from traveling domestically.

Now you story changes.

While you were working from your attic (and saving that all important gas money that you are throwing away like water now) and not traveling

Yes, I have been working from home since March of 2020 and will do so until I retire, even got a small raise for doing so this year with the money our company saved from renting office space. We have never quit travelling either, not sure why you have to spread these lies, but I guess one has so ride the horse that got them to the race.
Now you story changes.

Yes, I have been working from home since March of 2020 and will do so until I retire, even got a small raise for doing so this year with the money our company saved from renting office space. We have never quit travelling either, not sure why you have to spread these lies, but I guess one has so ride the horse that got them to the race.
Interesting how some folk can tell you about their lives of living in grandma's basement, up to the elbows in Cheeto dust, and make it sound like a vacation on the beach. Takes a great imagination. Some of them even have WIVES! o_O
Interesting how some folk can tell you about their lives of living in grandma's basement, up to the elbows in Cheeto dust, and make it sound like a vacation on the beach. Takes a great imagination. Some of them even have WIVES! o_O

Yes, it is interesting indeed. Are you speaking from personal experience?
The virus lost its grip so now it’s energy manipulation that will keep many at home. Either one Briben can issue edicts to show how much he cares(about harming freedom seeking, productive people). Mask mandates lifted and 80% dimbilbs still walking around by themselves with masks on.

Do you think you could get through a post without insulting people?

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