Lockdown #2 underway

See I think more broadly. I would like to get into heaven and the good Lord keeps giving us tests on how we behave by testing us on how we think about others rather than self. To each his own, you can do your thing and I'll do mine.
Yes you are in fact more virtuous than I
Now thinkers don’t harm themselves for the benefit of others but since you don’t think you just keep right on feeling superior.
If you pay for a piece of property and then just let strangers wander across it at will without saying something, this is not something to be proud of.

Yes you are in fact more virtuous than I
Now thinkers don’t harm themselves for the benefit of others but since you don’t think you just keep right on feeling superior.
Never said that.
There is no directed personalized insult
Liberals do get insulted when smacked by fact.


Well, that you feel this is an appropriate thing to say, as an adult (I assume you're an adult), then I find this rather worrying. That you try and justify you insults.... beggars belief.

I think I'll put you on ignore, what's the point of not having you on ignore?

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