Logic of God: replace Judaism by Christianity, and then Christianity by Islam

The Bible says that nothing will follow it. That makes islam a fraud. People might patronize muslims. But we all know that nothing follows the Bible.

You are lost. Jesus (peace be upon him) said the greatest prophet would come after him, (Muhammad, peace be upon him).
No, you are wrong. Jesus said that the one who came after him would prove Jesus right and glorify him by drawing from what he taught and showing it to you.

Mohammed glorified himself pretended to be something greater and then replaced the teachings of Jesus with the ravings of violent lunatic mind. And you're too deluded to notice.

He is an imposter, the false prophet.
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Christian viciousness? That's funny. At the minimum Islam is just as vicious, likely more. I believe people were beheaded by followers of Islam in the past 18 years, correct?

And, if you can't abide Christians may I suggest you move? Plenty of "good" Islamic countries for you to choose from.

That's not funny. You Christians tell people God has a son, then refuse to say Muhammad is a prophet. We all know Muhammad (peace be upon him). Scholars from all religions study and emulate his teachings endlessly, all over the world, ever since his time, 1400 years ago. You are much vicious, and frankly I have had enough of it. I mean "I" personally.

Your belief to you, and mine to me. What I have to do with Christians and what they do, however offensive it is ? What are you talking about ?
Anyone peddling islam is bound to get their feelings hurt. Americans are not known to be sympathetic to child molesters.

Anyone peddling islam is bound to get their feelings hurt. Americans are not known to be sympathetic to child molesters.

Or suicide bombers...

For the millionth time (will it ever be understood ?), where do you find here, or here, teachings of child abuse or suicide bombing ?
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Christ will rule and reign from Jerusalem, with His followers, both Jew and Gentile. He will increase the size of Israel to the boundaries God gave to Abraham, and the Muslims will be happy for them.

In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt, and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel will join a three-party alliance with Egypt and Assyria— a blessing upon the earth. The LORD of Hosts will bless them, saying, “Blessed be Egypt My people, Assyria My handiwork, and Israel My inheritance.”…

It is called, Peace on Earth.....

How about Solomon? That was when Israel's borders extended their farthest. Bigger than the state of New Jersey, I think.

Of course the Muslims would be happy about that.

Stop the viciousness. Jerusalem and Palestine have been Muslim for the past 1400 years, until 1948 when Israel was created, exactly on those lands. Christianity and Judaism would be wise to forget about Jerusalem and those lands altogether. Enough is enough.

In that case, you need to take better care of your shit:

Truth is, the land belonged to the British Empire. No one else wanted it so, they deeded it to Israel. Before that it was wasteland.


Just look at all of those poor Palestinians about to be displaced...


Oh LOOK! A nomad! No, that's a weed...
The Bible says that nothing will follow it. That makes islam a fraud. People might patronize muslims. But we all know that nothing follows the Bible.

You are lost. Jesus (peace be upon him) said the greatest prophet would come after him, (Muhammad, peace be upon him).

No, Rabbi Jesus, the Messiah of the Jews, is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. No one tops Him. Ever. He will rule and reign from Jerusalem for eternity, and the hatred between Muslim and Jew He will erase.
Christ blesses them all. Because He loves them all.
They’re the fastest growing religion in the world so they must be doing something right. Hopefully secularism can outrace them.
They aren't doing anything right. They are just depriving their own people of an education. If you had to chant verses from the koran 12 hours a day seven days a week you would be ready to rape babies, beat women, kill infidels and blow yourself up in the name of Allah by the time you were 12 years old too.

You are pitiful. We are talking about ISLAM. Not the practices of some Muslims, whether minority or majority (and what you say is minority). Your distress is evident.

If you truly surrendered to the will of God you would not follow the teachings of a mentally disturbed child rapist.

You would reject it as the vile and loathsome flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate.

Its irrelevant if you are one of the few who chop off heads or one of the many who get down on their hands and knees five times a day and are very polite to infidels.

Islam is one of 3 great worldwide monotheistic religions. A vicious person and an idiot (both always go together) would claim otherwise. I'll add that Islam is the only one of those 3 that incorporate perfectly all these 3 great prophets (peace be upon them). Christianity or Judaism don't even begin to try that.
I bet your fave part of Islam is to beat women. amirite or AMIRITE?
Christian viciousness? That's funny. At the minimum Islam is just as vicious, likely more. I believe people were beheaded by followers of Islam in the past 18 years, correct?

And, if you can't abide Christians may I suggest you move? Plenty of "good" Islamic countries for you to choose from.

That's not funny. You Christians tell people God has a son, then refuse to say Muhammad is a prophet. We all know Muhammad (peace be upon him). Scholars from all religions study and emulate his teachings endlessly, all over the world, ever since his time, 1400 years ago. You are much vicious, and frankly I have had enough of it. I mean "I" personally.

Your belief to you, and mine to me. What I have to do with Christians and what they do, however offensive it is ? What are you talking about ?

Muhammad is no profit and in the end he answered to Jesus for his judgment. If you've had enough of it then stop posting about Islam. You will get responses you don't like - so why start the argument? Christians will not accept Islam as their religion. I'd become an atheist before I would accept it.

1400 years you say? Hmm, Jesus was 2000 years ago, so who was first? You're welcome to keep Muhammad and Islam. Enjoy;.
Anyone peddling islam is bound to get their feelings hurt. Americans are not known to be sympathetic to child molesters.

Anyone peddling islam is bound to get their feelings hurt. Americans are not known to be sympathetic to child molesters.

Or suicide bombers...

For the millionth time (will it ever be understood ?), where do you find here, or here, teachings of child abuse or suicide bombing ?

I see results, in reality. I don't need to look at your propaganda.
1) I don't think you know what logic is.
2) if Islam reject rejects compulsion, how.come every Islamic nation opposes freedom of religion? Many of them executing people who reject islam.
3) you've made no logical arguments.
4) if this was a pattern you've given us no reason to believe Islam is the last
It is up to mankind to embrace the purpose of God Almighty. The Judaism of Moses (peace be upon him) has its rules, perfect in nature, for the people of that time.

Later, it became very heavy and complicated to live by those rules. That is why the Christianity of Jesus (peace be upon him) came to replace the Judaism of Moses.

Slowly, those rules of Christianity became heavier and heavier, and hard to live by for all its heaviness. That is why the Islam of Muhammad (peace be upon him) came to replace Christianity. Islam on the other hand is made for all times from that time on, until the ends of time, for eternity. Indeed, God Almighty intended to end the cycle of prophethood, commissioning Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the very last of all His prophets, with no prophets after him.

The whole of mankind can witness by itself that Islam is able to go throughout the times and ages, for centuries and centuries without any sign of obsolescence. Anything Islam forbids, it is because there is a great benefit for mankind, or other species, in it. This goes for absolutely all the 800 prohibitions of Islam.

One of those things Islam prohibits is to accept religion forcefully. Accepting Islam under compulsion is absolutely rejected: "There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion." (The Holy Qur'an, S 2, V 256).

This is the reason for the succession of religions.

lol.... Christianity will never replace Judaism, Islam will never replace Christianity...

If the Jews got Moses and the Gentiles got Jesus and you got Mohammed you just ended up with the booby prize if you ask me.

There are a million ways to say fuck you....That could just be Gods way of saying it.
Don’t Muslims claim all 3? Sorry, all these magical fictions are hard to keep track of.

That type shit always has been beyond the grasp of stupid hipsters. Stick to Dr. Seuss.
1) I don't think you know what logic is.
2) if Islam reject rejects compulsion, how.come every Islamic nation opposes freedom of religion? Many of them executing people who reject islam.
3) you've made no logical arguments.
4) if this was a pattern you've given us no reason to believe Islam is the last

No. Your understanding of the word "logic", rather, is not complete.
No compulsion in religion: Surah 2, V 256. Just before that verse, is the verse 255, known as the Verse of the Throne, and the greatest verse of all the 6236 verses of the Holy Qur'an, as indicated by a saying of Muhammad (peace be upon him). You are the one living unaware of anything happening in the world. There are maybe 30, 40, 50, who knows, Muslim countries. Muslims countries are located the "whole world" over. There are maybe 2 or 3 countries that use Islamic laws to rule their people. Those are Mauritania, for example, Saudi Arabia, Iran; I don't know of any other. But of course we are Muslims, and we love our religion. It is our heart and our soul. So even if we don't use Islamic laws (which is sad, the real Islamic Laws are magnificent and a great divine blessing), they influence our constitutions. Homosexuality for example is an offense (jail time and fines, not stoning and lashes and killings and what have you), as well as prostitution; polygamy (marrying up to 4 wives) is allowed, etc...In some countries alcohol is illegal, in others it is not. You find churches and synagogues in all these 40, 50 Muslim countries. Only in Egypt, or Iraq, or Nigeria do you ever hear churches attacked, and this is often because of terrorist GROUPS.

Last, again, in this long line of magnificent prophets, and I mean those the whole world considers prophets, Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the very last of all, and as he declared, there shall be no more after him. But there are a great number of Muhammadan saints, like Ibn Arabi, Rumi and Hafiz, to name those very well known and very well loved in the Western world. But there are many others the Western world don't know of. There are some of them at each century after Muhammad (peace be upon him), and so until the end of times, precisely because after Muhammad, there shall be no other prophet. There are and have been saints in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, India, Uzbekistan, Daghestan, Africa, etc...

You are incredibly NAIVE. Truth is not ascertained through the men. Men are ascertained through the truth. Islam is the religion that protects women, and emphasizes respect for them. This is one the main messages of Muhammad's Farewell Pilgrimage Sermon. The respect for women, first and foremost, and without condition.

That thieving warlord rapist fucked 9 year olds, not someone I would listen to concerning the treatment of women.

You are incredibly NAIVE. Truth is not ascertained through the men. Men are ascertained through the truth. Islam is the religion that protects women, and emphasizes respect for them. This is one the main messages of Muhammad's Farewell Pilgrimage Sermon. The respect for women, first and foremost, and without condition.

That thieving warlord rapist fucked 9 year olds, not someone I would listen to concerning the treatment of women.

You are like the flies. They roam around superficially and bring dirt on people. You know, flies, they would avoid touching Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the sun would not make a shadow from him. You have no clue.
Replace Christianity with a satanic cult of conquest, rape and slavery that compells it's zealots to blow themselves up in crowds of innocent people?

That's not logical at all...

Never mind the loss of beer and bacon....

Back to the OT, apparently.
You are like the flies. They roam around superficially and bring dirt on people. You know, flies, they would avoid touching Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the sun would not make a shadow from him. You have no clue.

So your false "profit" didn't take a 6 year old girls as a wife and fuck her when she was 9?

Spare me your propaganda already, islam is a sick cult and at some point the rest of the world is going to get tired of your shit and let the chinese wipe you out.


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