Lol at the peaceniks claiming Trump is a warmonger for not allowing Iran to go nuclear.

He just gave them the green light to pursue their nuclear weapons program.
Could be that is the plan. Then the warmongers who run this country, can start a nice big war with Iran resulting in mass death of Iran’s citizens like was done in Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, and so many other nations the US government has attacked.

So if they pursue nuclear weapons and attack us, and we wipe them out..that's because we told them not to get nuclear weapons?

You people are crazy.

So, if we didn't support Israel, they'd still be a threat to us?
He just gave them the green light to pursue their nuclear weapons program.
Could be that is the plan. Then the warmongers who run this country, can start a nice big war with Iran resulting in mass death of Iran’s citizens like was done in Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, and so many other nations the US government has attacked.

So if they pursue nuclear weapons and attack us, and we wipe them out..that's because we told them not to get nuclear weapons?

You people are crazy.

So, if we didn't support Israel, they'd still be a threat to us?

He just gave them the green light to pursue their nuclear weapons program.
Could be that is the plan. Then the warmongers who run this country, can start a nice big war with Iran resulting in mass death of Iran’s citizens like was done in Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, and so many other nations the US government has attacked.

So if they pursue nuclear weapons and attack us, and we wipe them out..that's because we told them not to get nuclear weapons?

You people are crazy.

So, if we didn't support Israel, they'd still be a threat to us?


Like Israel was a threat in the Lavon Affair, or in the U.S.S Liberty Bombing?
Why are they so absurd about everything? Seriously.

How do they allow themselves to become so pathetic?
You do realize that he just dumped the agreement that prohibited Iran from going nuclear right?

How do you people allow yourselves to be so stupid?
He just gave them the green light to pursue their nuclear weapons program.
Could be that is the plan. Then the warmongers who run this country, can start a nice big war with Iran resulting in mass death of Iran’s citizens like was done in Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, and so many other nations the US government has attacked.

So if they pursue nuclear weapons and attack us, and we wipe them out..that's because we told them not to get nuclear weapons?

You people are crazy.

So, if we didn't support Israel, they'd still be a threat to us?


Like Israel was a threat in the Lavon Affair, or in the U.S.S Liberty Bombing?

yes-----just like that-------the Lavon affair-----a smoke bomb in an empty building-----and a
military error in an arena of war. ------something like 65 years ago-----and 50 years ago.
BE AFRAID!!!!!!!! ......daily. try lighting candles
Why are they so absurd about everything? Seriously.

How do they allow themselves to become so pathetic?
Not allowing Iran to go nuclear? He just cancelled an agreement with Iran. We now have no say one way or another with Iran's nuclear is "having no say" turn into "not allowing"?

Your way GRANTED iran a nuke after ten years. Your assertion is a joke.
Please show anything that grants Iran nuclear weapons in 10 years. Hell go out for 100 years, even 1000000, nowhere in that agreement is Iran granted nuclear weapons.
Why are they so absurd about everything? Seriously.

How do they allow themselves to become so pathetic?
You do realize that he just dumped the agreement that prohibited Iran from going nuclear right?

How do you people allow yourselves to be so stupid? says yet one more parrot stuck in an echo chamber.
Why are they so absurd about everything? Seriously.

How do they allow themselves to become so pathetic?
You do realize that he just dumped the agreement that prohibited Iran from going nuclear right?

How do you people allow yourselves to be so stupid?

crepitus-------did you flunk the "how to do a physical exam,,,,,exam"? are you
able to detect an S4 -------- be not ashamed
He just gave them the green light to pursue their nuclear weapons program.

No, Obama did that when he gave them $1.8 billion dollars stacked up on pallets at an airfield, like some lowlife drug-smuggler or something.

Iran's nuclear ambitions have now officially ended.
LMAO!! With no inspections we won't even know when they start building one. tRump just gave them the bomb.
LOL, Israel supported Iran back when.

Israel's role in the Iran–Iraq war - Wikipedia

According to Ronen Bergman, Israel sold Iran US$75 million worth of arms from stocks of Israel Military Industries, Israel Aircraft Industries and Israel Defense Forces stockpiles, in their Operation Seashell in 1981.[1] Materiel included 150 M-40 antitank guns with 24,000 shells for each gun, spare parts for tank and aircraft engines, 106 mm, 130 mm, 203 mm and 175 mm shells and TOW missiles. This material was transported first by air by Argentine airline Transporte Aéreo Rioplatense and then (after the 1981 Armenia mid-air collision) by ship.

According to Trita Parsi, President of the National Iranian-American Council, Israeli support for Iran consisted of several elements:[2]

  • Arms sales to Iran that totaled an estimated $500 million from 1981 to 1983 according to the Jafe Institute for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University. Most of it was paid for by Iranian oil delivered to Israel.[2]:107 "According to Ahmad Haidari, "an Iranian arms dealer working for the Khomeini regime, roughly 80% of the weaponry bought by Tehran" immediately after the onset of the war originated in Israel.[2]:106
  • Arms shipments from the U.S. to Iran in the Iran-Contra Affair facilitated by Israel.
  • Israel's June 7, 1981 attack on Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor which set back Iraq's nuclear program. In fact, Iran bombed them first, back in 1980, but they only damaged secondary buildings.[3]
  • Israel is also reported to have supplied instructors and non-armaments help to Iran for the war effort.
According to Mark Phythian, the fact "that the Iranian air force could function at all" after Iraq's initial attack and "was able to undertake a number of sorties over Baghdad and strike at strategic installations" was "at least partly due to the decision of the Reagan administration to allow Israel to channel arms of US origin to Iran to prevent an easy and early Iraqi victory."[4]

Israeli arms dealer Yaacov Nimrodi apparently signed a deal with Iran's Ministry of National Defense to sell $135,842,000 worth of arms, including Lance missiles, Copperhead shells and Hawk missiles.[5][6] In March 1982, The New York Times cited documents indicating that Israel had supplied half or more of all arms reaching Tehran in the previous 18 months, amounting to at least $100 million in sales. The Milan weekly Panorama reported that Israel had sold the Khomeini regime 45,000 Uzi submachine guns, anti-tank missile launchers, missiles, howitzers and aircraft replacement parts. "A large part of the booty from the PLO during the 1982 Lebanon campaign wound up in Tehran," the magazine claimed.[5]

Israeli financier and trader, Marc Rich, who sold Iranian oil to Israel in exchange for arms sale during Iran Iraq war.
According to John Bulloch, in 1983, Israel sold more than 100$ million dollars worth of arms to Tehran. The volume or arms sale was so great that a special office was instituted in Cyprus to facilitate the arms transfer.The most well known of the middle men facilitating the arms deal was Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi.[7] The most well known Iranian middle man was Manucher Ghorbanifar. A report appeared in 1981 in Cyprus weekly showing that Larnaka airport was used to transfer Israeli arms to Tehran. A report by New York Times in 18 March 1982 stated that Israeli officials admitted that arms had been sold to Tehran and Khomeini himself had approved of the arms deal with Israel.[8]

Ariel Sharon, Israel's defense minister, was first to disclose Israeli sale of military equipment to Iran during his visit to United States in 1982. In the news conference in Paris on September 28, 1983 Sharon said that Israel was selling arms to Iran with the consent of United States. Israeli ambassador to the United States Moshe Arens said in October 1982 that Israeli arms sale to Iran was taking place with the consent of highest levels of US government.[9]

In 1983 a french newspaper provided photocopies of the contract for sale of more than 135$ million dollars worth of missiles and shells to Iran from Israel.[8]

In 1986 New York Times provided another report on Israeli arms transfer to Iran in which the writer reported of a multi billion dollar project for surface to surface missiles with Iran.[10]

International Israeli financier and trader, Marc Rich, was also instrumental in selling arms to Iran. After the revolution, Iranian government faced significant difficulties selling oil to international markets as most European companies left Iran. Marc Rich sent his Glencore executives to Iran one week after the revolution and became the most important trader of Iranian oil for 15 years. In his autobiography, The King of Oil, Rich has stated that he sold arms to Iran in exchange for selling Iranian oil to Israel through a secret pipeline. He stated that both governments were aware of this transaction. For these actions and violating the Iranian sanctions, Rich was put on FBI's most wanted list for many years until Bill Clinton pardoned him in his last day in office. Former Mossad head's Avner Azular and Shabbtai Shevit both personally wrote to Clinton for his pardon.[11] [12][13][14]

Destruction of Osirak reactor[edit]
Further information: Operation Opera
On 7 June 1981, a squadron of Israeli Air Force F-16A fighter aircraft, with an escort of F-15As, bombed and heavily damaged the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq. According to journalist Nicholas Kristof, had it not been for the attack, "Iraq would have gained nuclear weapons in the 1980s, it might now have a province called Kuwait and a chunk of Iran, and the region might have suffered nuclear devastation."[15] The reactor was part of Iraq's weapon program as had been reported on September 8, 1975, then-Vice President Saddam Hussein declared publicly that the acquisition of the French reactors was the first actual step in the production of an Arab atomic weapon. The deal with the French reportedly initially included the shipment of 7% enriched uranium, but was nixed after "heavy economic pressure" was exerted on the French from the oil-rich Iraqis to instead include 75 kilograms of 93% pure enriched uranium, the likes of which is theoretically sufficient for the production of "five or six" nuclear bombs, and would have put the Iraqis much closer to the production of such a weapon.[16] The Iranian Revolution accelerated Saddam's interest in atomic bombs and he ordered his scientists directly, in December 1979, to build them. Political scientist Dan Reiter has argued that if Osirak had not been destroyed, Iraq would have had become a nuclear state and Saddam would have taken over a large chunk of Iranian territory, as well as Kuwait.[17] The United States would have preferred that Iraq, controlled by what they viewed as a less volatile regime than Iran, would replace Iran as a major "stabilizing force" in the region, and therefore refrained from objecting to the country's nuclear ambitions.[16]

Other aid[edit]
According to John Bulloch and Harvey Morris, the Israelis devised and manufactured the huge, lightweight polystyrene blocks which the Iranian assault forces carried with them to build instant makeshift causeways across the shallow Iraqi water defences in front of Basra; Israel kept Iranian planes flying in spite of a lack of spares; and Israeli instructors taught Iranian commanders how to handle troops.

Despite all the speeches of Iranian leaders and the denunciation of Israel at Friday prayers, there were never less than around one hundred Israeli advisers and technicians in Iran at any time throughout the war, living in a carefully guarded and secluded camp just north of Tehran, where they remained even after the ceasefire.[18]

In August 1982 Aerospace Daily reported that Israel's support was "crucial" to keeping Iran's air force flying against Iraq. Israeli sales also included spare parts for U.S.-made F-4 Phantom jets. Newsweek also reported that after an Iranian defector landed his F-4 Phantom jet in Saudi Arabia in 1984, intelligence experts determined that many of its parts had originally been sold to Israel, and had then been re-exported to Tehran in violation of U.S. law.[5]
He just gave them the green light to pursue their nuclear weapons program.
Could be that is the plan. Then the warmongers who run this country, can start a nice big war with Iran resulting in mass death of Iran’s citizens like was done in Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, and so many other nations the US government has attacked.

So if they pursue nuclear weapons and attack us, and we wipe them out..that's because we told them not to get nuclear weapons?

You people are crazy.
Tell me the nations Iran has attacked in the past 50 years. Then compare that to the number attacked by the good ole USA.
He just gave them the green light to pursue their nuclear weapons program.

No, Obama did that when he gave them $1.8 billion dollars stacked up on pallets at an airfield, like some lowlife drug-smuggler or something.

Iran's nuclear ambitions have now officially ended.
LMAO!! With no inspections we won't even know when they start building one. tRump just gave them the bomb.

Not with the sanctions coming down. Your hero, the obummer, basically guaranteed that they would have a bomb in 12 years. Further, because he gave them all of that cash to bail out their floundering economy they could actually survive long enough to do it, AND they were able, thanks to those pallet loads of cash, to further develop their missile tech. All laid out nice and easy for them. obummer, your hero, gave them the means, and the time to develop a IRBM, if not an ICBM.

Congrats, you're a fool.
LOL @ sobie-------you "support" the politics of the jew who fixed your pocket watch?
Why are they so absurd about everything? Seriously.

How do they allow themselves to become so pathetic?

Actually he just made it easier for them to go nuclear. Just want Israel wanted him to do.

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