Lol, liberals and rights


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2010
South carolina
I've just watched a etv show about the history of women's first voting rights. It's final picture was of iraqi women showing their puple fingers. So are liberals finnally willing to say liberating iraq was worth it? Or are you going to stick to your usual, it was a waste? Women are able to vote in iraq now, so if your against women voting, and having rights, then you should still be anti-bush? I don't think so, if you are we have a liberal war on women.
I've just watched a etv show about the history of women's first voting rights. It's final picture was of iraqi women showing their puple fingers. So are liberals finnally willing to say liberating iraq was worth it? Or are you going to stick to your usual, it was a waste? Women are able to vote in iraq now, so if your against women voting, and having rights, then you should still be anti-bush? I don't think so, if you are we have a liberal war on women.

I know this is from wiki but it's the best summary I could find:

Many people feel it is due to the ongoing terror wrought in this land that brings so much oppression to women. Prior to the arrival of forces in Iraq in 1991, Iraqi women were free to wear whatever they liked and go wherever the chose.[9]:105-107 The Iraqi constitution of 1970 gave women equality and liberty in the Muslim world, but since the invasion, women’s rights have fallen to the lowest in Iraqi history.[9]:105-107
Since the invasion in 2003 "Iraqi women have been brutally attacked, kidnapped and intimidated from participating in the Iraqi society".[10] Another attack on women's rights was done by Yanar Mohammed, an Iraqi feminist who "asserts unequivocally that war and occupation have cost Iraqi women their legal standing and their everyday freedom of dress and movement".[11] She continues by arguing that "The first losers in all these were women".[11]
Arising from their fear of being raped and harassed, women have to wear not only the veil, but must also to wear the black dress in order not to attract attention. In an online edition of Guardian, the reporter Mark Lattiner reports that despite promises and hopes given to the Iraqi population that their lives were going to change, Iraqi women's lives "have become immeasurably worse, with rapes, burnings and murders [now] as a daily occurrence."[12]

So yes Iraq was a horrible mistake and we have more enemies because of it. Bush was an evil bastard and you're a fucking idiot.
I've just watched a etv show about the history of women's first voting rights. It's final picture was of iraqi women showing their puple fingers. So are liberals finnally willing to say liberating iraq was worth it? Or are you going to stick to your usual, it was a waste? Women are able to vote in iraq now, so if your against women voting, and having rights, then you should still be anti-bush? I don't think so, if you are we have a liberal war on women.

So what you're saying is that going into Iraq was really about women's voting rights? Yes? Or that, oh, as an aside, because bush went into Iraq because of WMD's that weren't there, and murdered hundreds of thousands of civilians anyway cuz he's the decider and he decisioned to do this, then these women that are still alive can now have voting rights? Correct? And the dead women that can't vote now because they're dead should still be grateful and not be anti bush because he murdered them?
Why do you hate women's rights so much? I mean bush liberated a country and gave basic civil rights to millions, but your kind would rather cripple our economy over gay marrige, instead of fixing our own economy. Costing us trillions, and you call me an idiot. Lol:clap2:
Why do you hate women's rights so much? I mean bush liberated a country and gave basic civil rights to millions, but your kind would rather cripple our economy over gay marrige, instead of fixing our own economy. Costing us trillions, and you call me an idiot. Lol:clap2:

You are super duper wroooong. Hmm Bush liberated a country :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And then you talk about gay marriage?
You silly person you :cuckoo:
Yeah, just like obama killed osama. You never told me, why do you hate womens rights?


There, the same caliber of response you gave to me.

Why doesn't your master work on the economy, instead of gay marrige? Anyway my first point was, why do liberals put front and center women voting in iraq, while ya'll hated the war? If you had anything to do with it, it wouldn't of happened. So why advertise it?
Was participatory democracy a right for anyone in Iraq under that U.S.-sponsored regime?

I've just watched a etv show about the history of women's first voting rights. It's final picture was of iraqi women showing their puple fingers. So are liberals finnally willing to say liberating iraq was worth it? Or are you going to stick to your usual, it was a waste? Women are able to vote in iraq now, so if your against women voting, and having rights, then you should still be anti-bush? I don't think so, if you are we have a liberal war on women.

Would you trade your life to bring democracy to Iran?
I've just watched a etv show about the history of women's first voting rights. It's final picture was of iraqi women showing their puple fingers. So are liberals finnally willing to say liberating iraq was worth it? Or are you going to stick to your usual, it was a waste? Women are able to vote in iraq now, so if your against women voting, and having rights, then you should still be anti-bush? I don't think so, if you are we have a liberal war on women.

Would you trade your life to bring democracy to Iran?

If I was called to, would you? Now why do you hate women's civil rights?
I've just watched a etv show about the history of women's first voting rights. It's final picture was of iraqi women showing their puple fingers. So are liberals finnally willing to say liberating iraq was worth it? Or are you going to stick to your usual, it was a waste? Women are able to vote in iraq now, so if your against women voting, and having rights, then you should still be anti-bush? I don't think so, if you are we have a liberal war on women.

Would you trade your life to bring democracy to Iran?

If I was called to, would you? Now why do you hate women's civil rights?


Way to not respond to anything
I've just watched a etv show about the history of women's first voting rights. It's final picture was of iraqi women showing their puple fingers. So are liberals finnally willing to say liberating iraq was worth it? Or are you going to stick to your usual, it was a waste? Women are able to vote in iraq now, so if your against women voting, and having rights, then you should still be anti-bush? I don't think so, if you are we have a liberal war on women.

Would you trade your life to bring democracy to Iran?

If I was called to, would you? Now why do you hate women's civil rights?

Called to? IOW, forced. Big man, eh? You'd trade thousands of other people's lives though wouldn't you?
I've just watched a etv show about the history of women's first voting rights. It's final picture was of iraqi women showing their puple fingers. So are liberals finnally willing to say liberating iraq was worth it? Or are you going to stick to your usual, it was a waste? Women are able to vote in iraq now, so if your against women voting, and having rights, then you should still be anti-bush? I don't think so, if you are we have a liberal war on women.

Wow. My 12 year old grandaughter can formulate sentences and arguments better that you are in this one.

How old are you? Isn't there a rule about kids posting on this site?
I've just watched a etv show about the history of women's first voting rights. It's final picture was of iraqi women showing their puple fingers. So are liberals finnally willing to say liberating iraq was worth it? Or are you going to stick to your usual, it was a waste? Women are able to vote in iraq now, so if your against women voting, and having rights, then you should still be anti-bush? I don't think so, if you are we have a liberal war on women.

Wow. My 12 year old grandaughter can formulate sentences and arguments better that you are in this one.

How old are you? Isn't there a rule about kids posting on this site?

I could say the same to you. I was at first talking about a liberal ats tv network having a show about women's voting rights, which included a picture of two women in iraq showing their purple fingers. I was just pointing out the fact if it were up to them, their voting wouldn't happen, and as usual liberals resort to name calling. Then I get called a kid. Lol

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