Republicans dont understand science??!!!!

Amazing how oil deposits have been found by drilling over a mile deep and how they find oil by deep sea drilling. Those dead dinosaurs REALLY got around!

It's not amazing to anyone who understands geology. That obviously leaves you out.

That "liquefied algae" is very persistent since old oil wells that were once thought to be "tapped" out are refilling

No, you're lying, as that only happened in a single case, and standard non-moron geology explained it quite well.

Let us step back in time to the Geneva scientific conference from 1892...due to the pressure exerted by scientists employed by oil robber baron J D. Rockefeller? They claimed that oil was a "organic substance" and thus a finite resource...that way artificial scarcities could be created and they have done that since the petro-dollar is based on the price of oil. You don't know diddly squat and you prove it every time you lamely attempt to challenge me.

The reason you have to ignore all the science after 1892 is because all the science after 1892 contradicts your deranged conspiracy theories.

Now, crank, let's get back to what you won't answer.

Why can't anyone find anything beyond a bare trace of this abiotic oil?

Why does all oil have the same biomarkers as algae?

Why is oil only found in sedimentary rocks, and never igneous rocks?
Of course this is just another in a multitude of lies the democrats tell. They only like science when it agrees with their maniacal beliefs. They only like climate science and only the scientists who agree with AGW.

They don’t like the science that proves there are only two genders or that proves that a human fetus is a human baby, or that proves that GMOs are harmless or that transgender people have psychological problems.

Thanks for proving my points, snowflake.

Those points are:

1. Trumpflakes are usually weepy little things who cry instead of talking about science.

2. Denialism isn't the fundamental conspiracy theory. Trumpflakes, being idiots, fall for a whole buttload of idiot conspiracy theories. Global warming denial is just one of the many hilariously stupid conspiracy theories that Trumpflakes are commanded to believe.

The left is the only one that hates science. After all, the left is the worlds largest hate group.

Speaking of hate groups, I'm sure you'll condemn your Stalinist Republican pals for trying to imprison climate scientists.

Oh wait. You won't, because you're a Stalinist fanatic yourself. You don't just want all scientists killed for imprisoned, you want all liberals killed or imprisoned.
Of course this is just another in a multitude of lies the democrats tell. They only like science when it agrees with their maniacal beliefs. They only like climate science and only the scientists who agree with AGW.

They don’t like the science that proves there are only two genders or that proves that a human fetus is a human baby, or that proves that GMOs are harmless or that transgender people have psychological problems.

Thanks for proving my points, snowflake.

Those points are:

1. Trumpflakes are usually weepy little things who cry instead of talking about science.

2. Denialism isn't the fundamental conspiracy theory. Trumpflakes, being idiots, fall for a whole buttload of idiot conspiracy theories. Global warming denial is just one of the many hilariously stupid conspiracy theories that Trumpflakes are commanded to believe.

The left is the only one that hates science. After all, the left is the worlds largest hate group.

Speaking of hate groups, I'm sure you'll condemn your Stalinist Republican pals for trying to imprison climate scientists.

Oh wait. You won't, because you're a Stalinist fanatic yourself. You don't just want all scientists killed for imprisoned, you want all liberals killed or imprisoned.

No nit wit, you are dead wrong and you tried to avoid addressing the main facts of my post.

You lose science hater.
Of course this is just another in a multitude of lies the democrats tell. They only like science when it agrees with their maniacal beliefs. They only like climate science and only the scientists who agree with AGW.

They don’t like the science that proves there are only two genders or that proves that a human fetus is a human baby, or that proves that GMOs are harmless or that transgender people have psychological problems.

Thanks for proving my points, snowflake.

Those points are:

1. Trumpflakes are usually weepy little things who cry instead of talking about science.

2. Denialism isn't the fundamental conspiracy theory. Trumpflakes, being idiots, fall for a whole buttload of idiot conspiracy theories. Global warming denial is just one of the many hilariously stupid conspiracy theories that Trumpflakes are commanded to believe.

The left is the only one that hates science. After all, the left is the worlds largest hate group.

Speaking of hate groups, I'm sure you'll condemn your Stalinist Republican pals for trying to imprison climate scientists.

Oh wait. You won't, because you're a Stalinist fanatic yourself. You don't just want all scientists killed for imprisoned, you want all liberals killed or imprisoned.

God this guy is special................

Ummmm s0n..........can you please take a moment and show the forum members where the "science" is mattering in the real world? Outside the intellectual bozo arena, academia, the media and the climate scientist club? Where is it having an effect in the real world? This "retard" wants to know!!:bye1:
Ummmm s0n..........can you please take a moment and show the forum members where the "science" is mattering in the real world?

You heard it here. Skook thinks science has no real-world applications.

Hence, time to end the thread, as Skook has proven the point that Repubclians don't understand science.
Ummmm s0n..........can you please take a moment and show the forum members where the "science" is mattering in the real world?

You heard it here. Skook thinks science has no real-world applications.

Hence, time to end the thread, as Skook has proven the point that Repubclians don't understand science.

Its not.........its called all the evidence in the world s0n!! Please show us some links displaying for forum members where the science is mattering outside the internet forums and science industry?:up:

If the science mattered s0n.......and had real world implications.........the Paris Treaty wouldn't be dead. Cap and Trade would be the law of the land. After 25 years of development, solar energy would be providing more than 1.2% of our electricity. Congress would have passed legislation on climate change in the past 10 years. "Climate change" would actually be a topic in a presidential debate! Global warming would rank higher than 20th on voters list of concerns.

Links please s0n.........I'm making you look pretty fucking stoopid!!:spinner:
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True. Republicans not only don't understand science, they think science is a "faith".

Not very good at thinking are you? Not surprising...being liberal and all.

The man made climate change scam is a religious ideology, not science. There are a few things that all ideologies have in common. Any idea what they are?

1. The first is an absence of doubt. That is to say, no skepticism. To even suggest that the science is settled exclaims in bold letters an absence of any doubt and removes anything resembling actual science which is naturally skeptical of anything from the equation. If you are not skeptical of the AGW hypothesis, you are an ideologue.

2. The second would be an intolerance of debate. You guys like to hoot a lot about the settled science, but you are very intolerant of questions that your settled science can't seem to answer...or questions that your settled science likes to ignore. My bet is that I could demonstrate your intolerance of actual debate of the topic in just a few posts with no more than two questions.

3.The third would be an appeal to authority...just take a look around the board at what passes for debate on your is almost entirely an appeal to authority.

4. Fourth would be a burning desire to convince others that your ideology represents truth. If it were, in fact, truth, you wouldn't need to convince could just overwhelm them with a preponderance of observed, measured, quantified evidence...climate is, after all an observable, measurable, quantifiable entity is it not?

5. Bringing up the rear is a willingness to punish those who don't concur...You have seen the calls by climate science to punish skeptics haven't you?...and one could reasonably construe name calling, and ridicule punishments dished out on a regular basis by AGW believers on forums around the world in lieu of being able to present actual observed, measured data to support your beliefs.
Ummmm s0n..........can you please take a moment and show the forum members where the "science" is mattering in the real world?

You heard it here. Skook thinks science has no real-world applications.

Hence, time to end the thread, as Skook has proven the point that Repubclians don't understand science.

lol.......10 year campaign with the Republicans don't understand science!!! Sure looks like its had a real impact!!:up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Here it is now 2018 and skeptics still waiting around looking for a link from a member of the religion showing all of us where the "decided science" is mattering in the real world.:funnyface::funnyface::fu:
True. Republicans not only don't understand science, they think science is a "faith".

Faith is your devout worship of the CO2 molecule

There are 5 consistent factors that can be attributed to any and every ideology.

1. Absence of doubt
2. Intolerance of debate
3. Appeal to authority
4. A desire to convince others of the ideological “truth”
5. A willingness to punish those that don’t concur

If there are any of those which don't apply to the belief in man made climate change, I wish someone would step on up and point them out. They certainly don't apply to skeptics in any way.
True. Republicans not only don't understand science, they think science is a "faith".

Not very good at thinking are you? Not surprising...being liberal and all.

The man made climate change scam is a religious ideology, not science. There are a few things that all ideologies have in common. Any idea what they are?

1. The first is an absence of doubt. That is to say, no skepticism. To even suggest that the science is settled exclaims in bold letters an absence of any doubt and removes anything resembling actual science which is naturally skeptical of anything from the equation. If you are not skeptical of the AGW hypothesis, you are an ideologue.

2. The second would be an intolerance of debate. You guys like to hoot a lot about the settled science, but you are very intolerant of questions that your settled science can't seem to answer...or questions that your settled science likes to ignore. My bet is that I could demonstrate your intolerance of actual debate of the topic in just a few posts with no more than two questions.

3.The third would be an appeal to authority...just take a look around the board at what passes for debate on your is almost entirely an appeal to authority.

4. Fourth would be a burning desire to convince others that your ideology represents truth. If it were, in fact, truth, you wouldn't need to convince could just overwhelm them with a preponderance of observed, measured, quantified evidence...climate is, after all an observable, measurable, quantifiable entity is it not?

5. Bringing up the rear is a willingness to punish those who don't concur...You have seen the calls by climate science to punish skeptics haven't you?...and one could reasonably construe name calling, and ridicule punishments dished out on a regular basis by AGW believers on forums around the world in lieu of being able to present actual observed, measured data to support your beliefs.

Well done!
There are 5 consistent factors that can be attributed to any and every ideology.

That's dopey. For example, the ideology of "Freedom" that the reason based people here embrace has none of those factors.

1. Absence of doubt
2. Intolerance of debate
3. Appeal to authority
4. A desire to convince others of the ideological “truth”
5. A willingness to punish those that don’t concur

All denier cultist qualities, condemned by the reason-based people.

Most deniers are proud Stalinists. They want people who disagree with their political cult to be jailed or killed. When the Republicans tried to jail climate scientists for the thoughtcrime of disagreeing with TheParty, not a single denier here thought it was wrong. Quite the contrary, most of the deniers supported that open Stalinism, and still do.

If the deniers here had the power, they'd have _me_ jailed or killed for daring oppose their Stalinist utopia. Since they can't do that -- yet -- they just have to settle for censorship.
There are 5 consistent factors that can be attributed to any and every ideology.

That's dopey. For example, the ideology of "Freedom" that the reason based people here embrace has none of those factors.

1. Absence of doubt
2. Intolerance of debate
3. Appeal to authority
4. A desire to convince others of the ideological “truth”
5. A willingness to punish those that don’t concur

All denier cultist qualities, condemned by the reason-based people.

Most deniers are proud Stalinists. They want people who disagree with their political cult to be jailed or killed. When the Republicans tried to jail climate scientists for the thoughtcrime of disagreeing with TheParty, not a single denier here thought it was wrong. Quite the contrary, most of the deniers supported that open Stalinism, and still do.

If the deniers here had the power, they'd have _me_ jailed or killed for daring oppose their Stalinist utopia. Since they can't do that -- yet -- they just have to settle for censorship.

Bull shit. All 5 of those are typical of you and every single AGW cultist.
There are 5 consistent factors that can be attributed to any and every ideology.

That's dopey. For example, the ideology of "Freedom" that the reason based people here embrace has none of those factors.

1. Absence of doubt
2. Intolerance of debate
3. Appeal to authority
4. A desire to convince others of the ideological “truth”
5. A willingness to punish those that don’t concur

All denier cultist qualities, condemned by the reason-based people.

Most deniers are proud Stalinists. They want people who disagree with their political cult to be jailed or killed. When the Republicans tried to jail climate scientists for the thoughtcrime of disagreeing with TheParty, not a single denier here thought it was wrong. Quite the contrary, most of the deniers supported that open Stalinism, and still do.

If the deniers here had the power, they'd have _me_ jailed or killed for daring oppose their Stalinist utopia. Since they can't do that -- yet -- they just have to settle for censorship.

Can you please explain the "Science" behind atmospheric warming getting "trapped in the deep ocean"?
Bull shit. All 5 of those are typical of you and every single AGW cultist.

Little fascist, I still don't hear you condemning the Republicans for their attempts to jail climate scientists.

And you won't, ever.

First, you adore the idea of jailing or killing anyone opposed to your Stalinist utopia.

And second, contradicting the official dogma of your party/cult would require courage and ethics, which means almost no denier will ever do so.

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