Republicans dont understand science??!!!!

Can you please explain the "Science" behind atmospheric warming getting "trapped in the deep ocean"?

You have to explain it, being it's your cult theory. The normal people simply point out the strong warming across the whole world.

Oops. This is what happens when you're uninformed and just spewing AGE Cult talking points. "Fucked yourself royally, you have," said Master Yoda.

"Since 1955, over 90% of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gases has been stored in the oceans (Figure from IPCC 5thAssessment Report)."

Ocean Warming
Bull shit. All 5 of those are typical of you and every single AGW cultist.

Little fascist, I still don't hear you condemning the Republicans for their attempts to jail climate scientists.

And you won't, ever.

First, you adore the idea of jailing or killing anyone opposed to your Stalinist utopia.

And second, contradicting the official dogma of your party/cult would require courage and ethics, which means almost no denier will ever do so.

Alas....fascists are big government you hairball...fraud..especially when it involves public money is a punishable crime...exactly what crime are skeptics guilty of that they should be jailed?
Can you please explain the "Science" behind atmospheric warming getting "trapped in the deep ocean"?

You have to explain it, being it's your cult theory. The normal people simply point out the strong warming across the whole world.

Oops. This is what happens when you're uninformed and just spewing AGE Cult talking points. "Fucked yourself royally, you have," said Master Yoda.

"Since 1955, over 90% of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gases has been stored in the oceans (Figure from IPCC 5thAssessment Report)."

Ocean Warming

The hairball is a top shelf moron...she has no idea of the science...she just says what her high priests tell her to say...and she projects her attributes onto anyone and everyone.
Bull shit. All 5 of those are typical of you and every single AGW cultist.

Little fascist, I still don't hear you condemning the Republicans for their attempts to jail climate scientists.

And you won't, ever.

First, you adore the idea of jailing or killing anyone opposed to your Stalinist utopia.

And second, contradicting the official dogma of your party/cult would require courage and ethics, which means almost no denier will ever do so.

They aren’t jailing anyonenor are we trying to jail anyone. You are a liar.

And you are exactly all 5 of those traits.
Can you please explain the "Science" behind atmospheric warming getting "trapped in the deep ocean"?

You have to explain it, being it's your cult theory. The normal people simply point out the strong warming across the whole world.

Oops. This is what happens when you're uninformed and just spewing AGE Cult talking points. "Fucked yourself royally, you have," said Master Yoda.

"Since 1955, over 90% of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gases has been stored in the oceans (Figure from IPCC 5thAssessment Report)."

Ocean Warming

The hairball is a top shelf moron...she has no idea of the science...she just says what her high priests tell her to say...and she projects her attributes onto anyone and everyone.

From Crick, Old Rocks, Mamooth we "Learned" that it takes somewhere from 70 to 3,000 times the energy to heat an equal amount of water than air. That's a lot of energy to transfer from the atmosphere to the ocean, never mind the "Deep ocean" -- the question is -- "Where was all that energy when it resided in the atmosphere?"
The harder deniers try to push their propaganda, the more people reject their propaganda.


That's what has then so fixated on shrieking at me, the fact that I point that out. It triggers them. They've devoted years of their lives to lying for the cult and pushing dishonest cult propaganda, only to see it have the opposite effect of what they intended. That means all those years were totally wasted, hence their bitterness.

It's not pretty when an extreme anti-reality cult like the denier cult dies. If only they would focus their rage at their leaders for lying to them, instead of me for being the messenger.
The harder deniers try to push their propaganda, the more people reject their propaganda.


That's what has then so fixated on shrieking at me, the fact that I point that out. It triggers them. They've devoted years of their lives to lying for the cult and pushing dishonest cult propaganda, only to see it have the opposite effect of what they intended. That means all those years were totally wasted, hence their bitterness.

It's not pretty when an extreme anti-reality cult like the denier cult dies. If only they would focus their rage at their leaders for lying to them, instead of me for being the messenger.

The harder deniers try to push their propaganda, the more people reject their propaganda.

At this rate, Kyoto is sure to pass.
Can you please explain the "Science" behind atmospheric warming getting "trapped in the deep ocean"?

You have to explain it, being it's your cult theory. The normal people simply point out the strong warming across the whole world.

Oops. This is what happens when you're uninformed and just spewing AGE Cult talking points. "Fucked yourself royally, you have," said Master Yoda.

"Since 1955, over 90% of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gases has been stored in the oceans (Figure from IPCC 5thAssessment Report)."

Ocean Warming

The hairball is a top shelf moron...she has no idea of the science...she just says what her high priests tell her to say...and she projects her attributes onto anyone and everyone.

From Crick, Old Rocks, Mamooth we "Learned" that it takes somewhere from 70 to 3,000 times the energy to heat an equal amount of water than air. That's a lot of energy to transfer from the atmosphere to the ocean, never mind the "Deep ocean" -- the question is -- "Where was all that energy when it resided in the atmosphere?"
I was reading AR5 a few days ago in preparation for a paper. I found it odd that they never identified the rout by which it magically happens. They say its there but never identified the mechanism that accomplishes this.. All I can do is laugh as I apply basic physics of water and heat transfer which clearly shows it cant happen.
If you apply the math there simply is not enough heat coming from land warmed water to make any significant rise in ocean temps. And LWIR simply cant do it from any point of view.
Can you please explain the "Science" behind atmospheric warming getting "trapped in the deep ocean"?

You have to explain it, being it's your cult theory. The normal people simply point out the strong warming across the whole world.

Oops. This is what happens when you're uninformed and just spewing AGE Cult talking points. "Fucked yourself royally, you have," said Master Yoda.

"Since 1955, over 90% of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gases has been stored in the oceans (Figure from IPCC 5thAssessment Report)."

Ocean Warming

The hairball is a top shelf moron...she has no idea of the science...she just says what her high priests tell her to say...and she projects her attributes onto anyone and everyone.

From Crick, Old Rocks, Mamooth we "Learned" that it takes somewhere from 70 to 3,000 times the energy to heat an equal amount of water than air. That's a lot of energy to transfer from the atmosphere to the ocean, never mind the "Deep ocean" -- the question is -- "Where was all that energy when it resided in the atmosphere?"
I was reading AR5 a few days ago in preparation for a paper. I found it odd that they never identified the rout by which it magically happens. They say its there but never identified the mechanism that accomplishes this.. All I can do is laugh as I apply basic physics of water and heat transfer which clearly shows it cant happen.
If you apply the math there simply is not enough heat coming from land warmed water to make any significant rise in ocean temps. And LWIR simply cant do it from any point of view.

All I can do is laugh as I apply basic physics of water and heat transfer which clearly shows it cant happen.

Is that because "covailent bonds can repel photons from cooler matter"?
The funny thing is how skook actually thinks his OP wasn't whiny and retarded, and he wants people to keep looking at how stupid he is. We're glad to oblige. Everyone, make sure to keep laughing at skook.

Skook, do you know why your OP is retarded? Of course you don't, because you're a whiny cultist. If you're weren't a helpless moron, you wouldn't be a denier.

Nuclear power has failed, and hydropower is essentially static, but power demand grew. That means until recently, fossil fuel was the only option. Until recently. Now renewables are making skook and his ghey pals cry.

You won't address that issue, skook, because you have no gonads. You'll do what you always do, which is flap your limp wrists around and change the subject.


Whatever you say s0n!!:deal:
  • Renewable energy accounted for 43% of new US electricity generation capacity in the first half (H1) of 2016, and 29% of new capacity in the second quarter (Q2) of 2016.
  • Natural gas accounted for 57% of new US electricity generation capacity in H1 2016, and 71% of new capacity in Q2 2016.
  • Coal electricity generation capacity actually declined by 15 GW from the end of Q2 2015 to the end of Q2 2016, due to the retirement of numerous coal power plants and no new coal power plants.
  • Renewables now account for 19% of all US electricity generation capacity.
  • Renewable electricity generation jumped from 14% of US electricity in H1 of 2015 to 17% of US electricity in H1 of 2016.
  • Coal electricity generation dropped from 34% of US electricity generation in H1 2015 to 28% of US electricity generation in H1 2016.
Renewables = 43% Of New Electricity Capacity In USA In H1 2016 (CleanTechnica Electricity Report) | CleanTechnica

43% of the new generation in the first half of 2016. And ten years ago, what was that percentage?


From your link

We basically need 6,448 gigawatts of renewable energy generation capacity by 2050, but at our current pace of building, it will take 405 years to get there. That’s a death sentence for the world as we know it. Instead, we need to build six SolarCity-scale factories in each state and something similar for wind turbines.”
There are 5 consistent factors that can be attributed to any and every ideology.

That's dopey. For example, the ideology of "Freedom" that the reason based people here embrace has none of those factors.

1. Absence of doubt
2. Intolerance of debate
3. Appeal to authority
4. A desire to convince others of the ideological “truth”
5. A willingness to punish those that don’t concur

All denier cultist qualities, condemned by the reason-based people.

Most deniers are proud Stalinists. They want people who disagree with their political cult to be jailed or killed. When the Republicans tried to jail climate scientists for the thoughtcrime of disagreeing with TheParty, not a single denier here thought it was wrong. Quite the contrary, most of the deniers supported that open Stalinism, and still do.

If the deniers here had the power, they'd have _me_ jailed or killed for daring oppose their Stalinist utopia. Since they can't do that -- yet -- they just have to settle for censorship.

Once again mamooth lives in bizzaro world it is the AGW cult that wants people in jail

Bill Nye open to criminal charges, jail time for climate-change dissenters
The harder deniers try to push their propaganda, the more people reject their propaganda.


That's what has then so fixated on shrieking at me, the fact that I point that out. It triggers them. They've devoted years of their lives to lying for the cult and pushing dishonest cult propaganda, only to see it have the opposite effect of what they intended. That means all those years were totally wasted, hence their bitterness.

It's not pretty when an extreme anti-reality cult like the denier cult dies. If only they would focus their rage at their leaders for lying to them, instead of me for being the messenger.
adorable. instead of answering a science question, you posted an opinion poll. that's real science right there
You have to explain it, being it's your cult theory. The normal people simply point out the strong warming across the whole world.

Oops. This is what happens when you're uninformed and just spewing AGE Cult talking points. "Fucked yourself royally, you have," said Master Yoda.

"Since 1955, over 90% of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gases has been stored in the oceans (Figure from IPCC 5thAssessment Report)."

Ocean Warming

The hairball is a top shelf moron...she has no idea of the science...she just says what her high priests tell her to say...and she projects her attributes onto anyone and everyone.

From Crick, Old Rocks, Mamooth we "Learned" that it takes somewhere from 70 to 3,000 times the energy to heat an equal amount of water than air. That's a lot of energy to transfer from the atmosphere to the ocean, never mind the "Deep ocean" -- the question is -- "Where was all that energy when it resided in the atmosphere?"
I was reading AR5 a few days ago in preparation for a paper. I found it odd that they never identified the rout by which it magically happens. They say its there but never identified the mechanism that accomplishes this.. All I can do is laugh as I apply basic physics of water and heat transfer which clearly shows it cant happen.
If you apply the math there simply is not enough heat coming from land warmed water to make any significant rise in ocean temps. And LWIR simply cant do it from any point of view.

All I can do is laugh as I apply basic physics of water and heat transfer which clearly shows it cant happen.

Is that because "covailent bonds can repel photons from cooler matter"?
Got to love it.. when you got nothin.... you say nothing.. and you did...

How about you proved the route by which energy in the atmosphere magically warmed the oceans to 2000M.. Provide references and show your work.
Last edited:
Oops. This is what happens when you're uninformed and just spewing AGE Cult talking points. "Fucked yourself royally, you have," said Master Yoda.

"Since 1955, over 90% of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gases has been stored in the oceans (Figure from IPCC 5thAssessment Report)."

Ocean Warming

The hairball is a top shelf moron...she has no idea of the science...she just says what her high priests tell her to say...and she projects her attributes onto anyone and everyone.

From Crick, Old Rocks, Mamooth we "Learned" that it takes somewhere from 70 to 3,000 times the energy to heat an equal amount of water than air. That's a lot of energy to transfer from the atmosphere to the ocean, never mind the "Deep ocean" -- the question is -- "Where was all that energy when it resided in the atmosphere?"
I was reading AR5 a few days ago in preparation for a paper. I found it odd that they never identified the rout by which it magically happens. They say its there but never identified the mechanism that accomplishes this.. All I can do is laugh as I apply basic physics of water and heat transfer which clearly shows it cant happen.
If you apply the math there simply is not enough heat coming from land warmed water to make any significant rise in ocean temps. And LWIR simply cant do it from any point of view.

All I can do is laugh as I apply basic physics of water and heat transfer which clearly shows it cant happen.

Is that because "covailent bonds can repel photons from cooler matter"?
Got to love it.. when you got nothin.... you say nothing.. and you did...

How about you proved the route by which energy in the atmosphere magically warmed the oceans to 2000M.. Provide references and show your work.

Nothing? You've got a very exciting new discovery.
Don't keep it secret. Spread the word!!!

Tell us how covailent bonds repel photons.
True, Republicans think science is a faith. It's something we've known for years.

I'm pretty sure the folks in that photo aren't Republicans. But, you never know. Science is never settled.
Got to love it.. when you got nothin.... you say nothing.. and you did...

How about you proved the route by which energy in the atmosphere magically warmed the oceans to 2000M.. Provide references and show your work.

Not can't expect toddster to actually engage in a conversation where both parties explain their position and provide evidence to support liners on the order of a 5 year old asking why is all he is capable of and likely all he ever will be capable of.

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