LOL!!! Zimmerman's Wife Retracts Claims


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
After yesterday's breathless headlines about that mean ol' George Zimmerman beating his wife, threatening people and murdering three defenseless Black kids just for fun...

Guess what? It was all bullshit. All of it.

Despite all the wishing and hoping and lying by the left.... Despite the allegations....

It's all BULLSHIT....

Police: Zimmerman wife not pressing charges

Deputy Police Chief Colin Morgan said officers did not recover a gun, and Bracknell said Shellie Zimmerman later dropped her claim that a gun was involved.

H/T Asaritis. He called it right away

I'm sure the New Yawk Slimes, WaPo, ABC, NBC, and CBS will all headline that fact as soon as they can find the time :lmao:

Suck on it libturds. Trayvon is still dead and George Zimmerman is still walking around a Free Man.

Embrace the butt hurt



and that's a pretty big "if", GZ is a bad guy, TM is still exactly where he would have ended up had he not been in prison first.

TM was a thug, and got what he deserved. Suck it bed wetters.

Her recent history is why I stayed away from the Zimmerman bashing yesterday. Glad I waited for the rest of the story to come out.
Ms Zimmerman is a convicted purjuror who has a divorce case coming up soon. An arrest and abuse charge would help her case, if true.

Help who?

The lawyers?

If George the murderer has to defend himself against assault charges, it's going to dry up the money pool.
This is the fourth chick Zimmerman's had real trouble with.

Gotta love who you guys make into "heroes".

Meh, the only thing that makes me like George Zimmerman at all is that he makes you liberals piss in your panties on a continual basis. For that alone, I'd like to shake his hand.

I love how cum dumpsters like swallow call GZ our "hero". It's bed wetters like him that made GZ a "hero". If they had not invented this case out of a pool of a sickly bull's loose bowel movement, no one would know who GZ even was.

Those assholes made GZ a public figure, now they want to attach him to the people they hate.
This is the fourth chick Zimmerman's had real trouble with.

Gotta love who you guys make into "heroes".

What 'trouble'?

Whose hero? He's no 'hero' of mine. Don't know him, don't wanna know him.

I'm just one of those people who will stand and fight for an underdog. Unlike the scumbag left who literally THRIVES on the Mob Mentality like a pack of Jackals
This is the fourth chick Zimmerman's had real trouble with.

Gotta love who you guys make into "heroes".

What 'trouble'?

Whose hero? He's no 'hero' of mine. Don't know him, don't wanna know him.

I'm just one of those people who will stand and fight for an underdog. Unlike the scumbag left who literally THRIVES on the Mob Mentality like a pack of Jackals

Hey hey hey!!!

No need to diminish the character and intellect of jackals. They're a proud species that actually fullfill a niche in the ecosystem.

These are parasites we're talking about, they irritate jackals just as much as the rest of us.
This is the fourth chick Zimmerman's had real trouble with.

Gotta love who you guys make into "heroes".

What 'trouble'?

Whose hero? He's no 'hero' of mine. Don't know him, don't wanna know him.

I'm just one of those people who will stand and fight for an underdog. Unlike the scumbag left who literally THRIVES on the Mob Mentality like a pack of Jackals

Oh're fighting for a guy who as a kid, sexually assaulted his younger cousin.
Who as a grown man, lost a job as a security guard for throwing a woman around.
Who as a grown man, got into with his fiancee who got a restraining order against him.
Who, now, punched his father in law in the nose and tossed his wife around while threatening to shoot them.

And, oh yeah, he shot an innocent kid through the heart.

Great "underdog" betcha!
This is the fourth chick Zimmerman's had real trouble with.

Gotta love who you guys make into "heroes".

What 'trouble'?

Whose hero? He's no 'hero' of mine. Don't know him, don't wanna know him.

I'm just one of those people who will stand and fight for an underdog. Unlike the scumbag left who literally THRIVES on the Mob Mentality like a pack of Jackals

Oh're fighting for a guy who as a kid, sexually assaulted his younger cousin.
Who as a grown man, lost a job as a security guard for throwing a woman around.
Who as a grown man, got into with his fiancee who got a restraining order against him.
Who, now, punched his father in law in the nose and tossed his wife around while threatening to shoot them.

And, oh yeah, he shot an innocent kid through the heart.

Great "underdog" betcha!
This is the fourth chick Zimmerman's had real trouble with.

Gotta love who you guys make into "heroes".

What 'trouble'?

Whose hero? He's no 'hero' of mine. Don't know him, don't wanna know him.

I'm just one of those people who will stand and fight for an underdog. Unlike the scumbag left who literally THRIVES on the Mob Mentality like a pack of Jackals

Hey hey hey!!!

No need to diminish the character and intellect of jackals. They're a proud species that actually fullfill a niche in the ecosystem.

These are parasites we're talking about, they irritate jackals just as much as the rest of us.

They're not even worthwhile parasites.

Some parasites are symbiotic while others provide a food source for other creatures.

dimocraps are like intestinal worms.... Completely and utterly worthless and with absolutely zero (0) redeeming virtues. Not even good for menial labor.

Too stupid.
After yesterday's breathless headlines about that mean ol' George Zimmerman beating his wife, threatening people and murdering three defenseless Black kids just for fun...

Guess what? It was all bullshit. All of it.

Despite all the wishing and hoping and lying by the left.... Despite the allegations....

It's all BULLSHIT....

Police: Zimmerman wife not pressing charges

Deputy Police Chief Colin Morgan said officers did not recover a gun, and Bracknell said Shellie Zimmerman later dropped her claim that a gun was involved.

H/T Asaritis. He called it right away

I'm sure the New Yawk Slimes, WaPo, ABC, NBC, and CBS will all headline that fact as soon as they can find the time :lmao:

Suck on it libturds. Trayvon is still dead and George Zimmerman is still walking around a Free Man.

Embrace the butt hurt


This doesn't change much of anything. He murdered an innocent kid and he beats up on women.

Why are you rw's STILL celebrating this scumbag? You consistently choose scum to idolize.

Why is this in Politics?
What 'trouble'?

Whose hero? He's no 'hero' of mine. Don't know him, don't wanna know him.

I'm just one of those people who will stand and fight for an underdog. Unlike the scumbag left who literally THRIVES on the Mob Mentality like a pack of Jackals

Hey hey hey!!!

No need to diminish the character and intellect of jackals. They're a proud species that actually fullfill a niche in the ecosystem.

These are parasites we're talking about, they irritate jackals just as much as the rest of us.

They're not even worthwhile parasites.

Some parasites are symbiotic while others provide a food source for other creatures.

dimocraps are like intestinal worms.... Completely and utterly worthless and with absolutely zero (0) redeeming virtues. Not even good for menial labor.

Too stupid.

That's a good point. They're certainly akin to helminths. I believe I shall use that term to describe them more often.
After yesterday's breathless headlines about that mean ol' George Zimmerman beating his wife, threatening people and murdering three defenseless Black kids just for fun...

Guess what? It was all bullshit. All of it.

Despite all the wishing and hoping and lying by the left.... Despite the allegations....

It's all BULLSHIT....

Police: Zimmerman wife not pressing charges

Deputy Police Chief Colin Morgan said officers did not recover a gun, and Bracknell said Shellie Zimmerman later dropped her claim that a gun was involved.

H/T Asaritis. He called it right away

I'm sure the New Yawk Slimes, WaPo, ABC, NBC, and CBS will all headline that fact as soon as they can find the time :lmao:

Suck on it libturds. Trayvon is still dead and George Zimmerman is still walking around a Free Man.

Embrace the butt hurt


This doesn't change much of anything. He murdered an innocent kid and he beats up on women.

Why are you rw's STILL celebrating this scumbag? You consistently choose scum to idolize.

Why is this in Politics?

I have no idea why one of THE most political events in recent memory (If I had a son...) would be in the Politics section of the Board, do you?

yer a fucking genius

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