Lol'ing @ republicans. Last week interruptions were fine, this week Interruptions are Uber Bad!

The left desperately trying to salvage something from the shellacking Pence put on Kaine. Your boy looked pitiful, loons, simply pathetic

Pense made Kaine look like Howard Dean in full YEAAAAAHHHHH mode. Kaine was like the kid who keeps interrupting the adults at dinner.

That flip flop shit wont work

You are so unhinged anymore I can't make heads or tails out of your posts.

Pretending to not understand is probably the best idea you ever had to avoid me
PENCE: Well, thanks. I'm just trying to keep up with the insult-driven campaign on the other side of the table.

KAINE: You know, I'm just saying facts about your running mate.

PENCE: Yeah.

KAINE: And I know you can't defend.

fact is, there is no defending this DEPLORABLE trump campaign.

pence's only defense was to deflect and or deny what trump has said and stood for...
and now their plan is to cry those pesky facts were such a terrible interruption! wa wa wa :eusa_clap:
The left desperately trying to salvage something from the shellacking Pence put on Kaine. Your boy looked pitiful, loons, simply pathetic

Pense made Kaine look like Howard Dean in full YEAAAAAHHHHH mode. Kaine was like the kid who keeps interrupting the adults at dinner.

That flip flop shit wont work

You are so unhinged anymore I can't make heads or tails out of your posts.

Pretending to not understand is probably the best idea you ever had to avoid me

Your constant starvation for attention is noted.
The left desperately trying to salvage something from the shellacking Pence put on Kaine. Your boy looked pitiful, loons, simply pathetic

Pense made Kaine look like Howard Dean in full YEAAAAAHHHHH mode. Kaine was like the kid who keeps interrupting the adults at dinner.

That flip flop shit wont work

You are so unhinged anymore I can't make heads or tails out of your posts.

Pretending to not understand is probably the best idea you ever had to avoid me

Your constant starvation for attention is noted.

LMAO..You're in my thread son :afro:
The left desperately trying to salvage something from the shellacking Pence put on Kaine. Your boy looked pitiful, loons, simply pathetic


I won! Its over! Pathetic!
That was a horrible impersonation of Trump.
and the same applies in the other direction.

I listen to a lefty talk radio show during my commute.

last week they were bitching at Trump interruptions calling them unprofessional, disrespectful, unpresidential and on and on and on.

this morning those same tactics were literally applauded by the same people on the same show, with actual applause tracks being played in the background, while they laughed about how many times Kaine interrupted, with the justification that anything Kaine had to do to get the job done was justified, as anything that stops Trump is justified. So the logic, for them at least, is that anything goes, as long as the dems are the ones doing it.

I didn't care about Kaine doing what he did. Pence did fine and I think the only ones that didn't see through the tactic were the existing dem supporters anyhow. Besides, this whole campaign has been nothing but a mud slinging match. I say dispense with the phony decorum and just put them in a jello filled kiddie pool this Sunday.....
maybe all those pesky factual "interruptions" won't hurt rethuglican feelings so badly if those words are in writing...

The Mike Pence vs. Tim Kaine vice-presidential debate transcript, annotated
absolutely inaccurate to correct your version. post up one of those sayings that is accurate. you know, the entire clip, not the cut off sound bite that you think no one notices.

why don't you go ahead and sift thru the transcript...

let's see you demonstrate exactly which quotes from tim kaine you take offense to.

besides the terrible offense of 'interrupting' in a conversational exchange format...??

precisely what did he say about the GOP ticket that isn't true?

does it matter what's true and factual? or is today all about hurt FEELINGS over 'interruptions'...??
Pense made Kaine look like Howard Dean in full YEAAAAAHHHHH mode. Kaine was like the kid who keeps interrupting the adults at dinner.

That flip flop shit wont work

You are so unhinged anymore I can't make heads or tails out of your posts.

Pretending to not understand is probably the best idea you ever had to avoid me

Your constant starvation for attention is noted.

LMAO..You're in my thread son :afro:

^^^ double example.
PENCE: Well, thanks. I'm just trying to keep up with the insult-driven campaign on the other side of the table.

KAINE: You know, I'm just saying facts about your running mate.

PENCE: Yeah.

KAINE: And I know you can't defend.

fact is, there is no defending this DEPLORABLE trump campaign.

pence's only defense was to deflect and or deny what trump has said and stood for...
he wouldn't defend inaccurate information. he said that in so many words.
^ precisely why you deserve to be called the Grand Old Pathologicals :cuckoo:
What’s the Format of the Vice Presidential Debate?

The VP debate will be structured a bit differently than the presidential debate. According to the Commission on Presidential Debates, the hour-and-a-half event will consist of nine segments, each lasting about 10 minutes. Those segments will all open with a question, which both candidates have two minutes to answer. The remaining six minutes or so will be devoted to followup questions and to a back and forth between Mike Pence and Tim Kaine.


poor pence:crybaby: a victim to being interrupted with facts...

KAINE: Elaine, let me tell you why I trust Hillary Clinton. Here's what people should look at as they look at a public servant. Do they have a passion in their life that showed up before they were in public life? And have they held onto that passion throughout their life, regardless of whether they were in office or not, succeeding or failing?

Hillary Clinton has that passion. From a time as a kid in a Methodist youth group in the suburbs of Chicago, she has been focused on serving others with a special focus on empowering families and kids. As a civil rights lawyer in the South, with the Children's Defense Fund, first lady of Arkansas and this country, senator, secretary of state, it's always been about putting others first. And that's a sharp contrast with Donald Trump.

Donald Trump always puts himself first. He built a business career, in the words of one of his own campaign staffers, "off the backs of the little guy." And as a candidate, he started his campaign with a speech where he called Mexicans rapists and criminals, and he has pursued the discredited and really outrageous lie that President Obama wasn't born in the United States.

It is so painful to suggest that we go back to think about these days where an African-American could not be a citizen of the United States. And I can't imagine how Governor Pence can defend the insult- driven selfish "me first" style of Donald Trump.

QUIJANO: Governor Pence, let me ask you, you have said Donald Trump is, quote, "thoughtful, compassionate, and steady." Yet 67 percent of voters feel he is a risky choice, and 65 percent feel he does not have the right kind of temperament to be president. Why do so many Americans think Mr. Trump is simply too erratic?

PENCE: Well, let me -- let me say first and foremost that, Senator, you and Hillary Clinton would know a lot about an insult- driven campaign. It really is remarkable. At a time when literally, in the wake of Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state, where she was the architect of the Obama administration's foreign policy, we see entire portions of the world, particularly the wider Middle East, literally spinning out of control. I mean, the situation we're watching hour by hour in Syria today is the result of the failed foreign policy and the weak foreign policy that Hillary Clinton helped lead in this administration and create. The newly emboldened -- the aggression of Russia, whether it was in Ukraine or now they're heavy-handed approach...

KAINE: You guys love Russia. You both have said...

PENCE: ... their heavy-handed approach.

KAINE: You both have said -- you both have said Vladimir Putin is a better leader than the president.

PENCE: Well...


QUIJANO: Well, we're going to get to Russia in just a moment. But I do want to get back to the question at...

PENCE: But in the midst -- Elaine, thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Senator, I'll...

KAINE: These guys have praised Vladimir Putin as a great leader. How can that...


QUIJANO: Yes, and we will get to that, Senator. We do have that coming up here. But in the meantime, the questions...

PENCE: Well, Senator, I must have hit a...


PENCE: I must have hit a nerve here.

QUIJANO: Why the disconnect?

PENCE: Because at a time of great challenge in the life of this nation, where we've weakened America's place in the world, stifled America's economy, the campaign of Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine has been an avalanche of insults.

Look, to get to your question about trustworthiness, Donald Trump has built a business through hard times and through good times. He's brought an extraordinary business acumen. He's employed tens of thousands of people in this country.

KAINE: And paid few taxes and lost a billion a year.


QUIJANO: And why the disconnect with your running mate?

PENCE: But there's a -- there's a reason why people question the trustworthiness of Hillary Clinton. And that's because they're paying attention. I mean, the reality is, when she was secretary of state, Senator, come on. She had a Clinton Foundation accepting contributions from foreign governments.

KAINE: You are Donald Trump's apprentice. Let me talk about this...


PENCE: Senator, I think I'm still on my time.

KAINE: Well, I think -- isn't this a discussion?

QUIJANO: This is our open discussion.

KAINE: Yeah, let's talk about the state of...


PENCE: Well, let me interrupt -- let me interrupt you and finish my sentence, if I can.

KAINE: Finish your sentence.

PENCE: The Clinton Foundation accepted foreign contributions from foreign governments and foreign donors while she was secretary of state.

KAINE: OK, now I can weigh in. Now...

PENCE: She had a private server...

KAINE: Now, I get to weigh in. Now, let me just say this...

PENCE: ... that was discovered...


QUIJANO: ... Senator, you have an opportunity to respond.

PENCE: ... keep that pay to play process out of the reach of the public.

KAINE: Governor Pence -- Governor Pence doesn't think the world's going so well and he, you know, is going to say it's everybody's fault.

PENCE: Do you?
BY THE WAY...........

while trump and pence are weeping over offending those poor Americans who are racists, white supremacists, misogynists, homophobes, & Islamaphobes ........... stand back while they repeatedly insult our military as WEAK and FECKLESS.

BULLSHITE! Obama and Clinton have completely flucked our Veterans. Many are dying waiting for treatment. Most in the Military despise them both. That's the truth.
"Last week interruptions were fine, this week Interruptions are Uber Bad!"

^^ That...I don't take exception with one saying the interruptions are okay or one saying they aren't okay. However, I have absolutely no respect for anyone who doesn't take a consistent stance about them. Interruptions of a speaker do not become more or less acceptable (or whatever) by dint of the person doing the interrupting or the person interrupted.

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