London on Lockdown

Thanks to the BIG BROTHER SECURITY CAMERAS that apparently are ubiquitous in England, the police are now visiting and arresting some of the riots who were caught on camera.

Okay, lovers of freedom, which offends you more?

The anarchists who rioted, or the police Big Brother survelliance system which is now responsible for rounding them up?

Seriously, lovers of freedom, which of these two things offends your sensibilities most?

UK has 1% of world's population but 20% of its CCTV cameras

Experts have called for a halt in the spread of CCTV cameras.

Britain is now being watched by a staggering 4.2million - one for every 14 people and a fifth of the cameras in the entire world.

The Royal Academy of Engineering also warned that lives could be put at risk by the lurch towards a 'big brother' society in which the Government and even supermarkets hold huge amounts of personal information on us.

It said any system was vulnerable to abuse - including bribery of staff and computer hackers gaining acc

UK has 1% of world's population but 20% of its CCTV cameras | News

BBC NEWS | UK | Britain is 'surveillance society'


Number of crimes caught on CCTV falls by 70 per cent, Metropolitan Police admits
Prosecutions linked to CCTV have fallen in parts of Britain, raising questions about the true impact of the security cameras.

The drop has raised fears that the effectiveness of CCTV has been exaggerated. Prosecutions in Britain's largest force fell once it changed the way detections linked to cameras were recorded.

The Metropolitan Police saw the number of solved crimes linked to CCTV drop by more than half in just five years. Other forces are expected to have seen a similar effect.

Britain has the most CCTV cameras per head of any country in the world, with people said to be caught on camera as many as 300 times a day.

Number of crimes caught on CCTV falls by 70 per cent, Metropolitan Police admits - Telegraph

England also has a problem with taking people's DNA.

No the CCTV are not acceptable and are dangerous but as they are here clearly the police will use them to find looters.
Thanks to the BIG BROTHER SECURITY CAMERAS that apparently are ubiquitous in England, the police are now visiting and arresting some of the riots who were caught on camera.

Okay, lovers of freedom, which offends you more?

The anarchists who rioted, or the police Big Brother survelliance system which is now responsible for rounding them up?

Seriously, lovers of freedom, which of these two things offends your sensibilities most?

Lol! The only ones to fear CCTV cameras are those up to no good! To be honest, given the scum that roams our sytreets these days, I am glad we have them. People like me have nothing to fear from them.
Thanks to the BIG BROTHER SECURITY CAMERAS that apparently are ubiquitous in England, the police are now visiting and arresting some of the riots who were caught on camera.

Okay, lovers of freedom, which offends you more?

The anarchists who rioted, or the police Big Brother survelliance system which is now responsible for rounding them up?

Seriously, lovers of freedom, which of these two things offends your sensibilities most?

Lol! The only ones to fear CCTV cameras are those up to no good! To be honest, given the scum that roams our sytreets these days, I am glad we have them. People like me have nothing to fear from them.

Last time I was in London and riding the tube it gave me the creeps to know that I was being filmed.
Thanks to the BIG BROTHER SECURITY CAMERAS that apparently are ubiquitous in England, the police are now visiting and arresting some of the riots who were caught on camera.

Okay, lovers of freedom, which offends you more?

The anarchists who rioted, or the police Big Brother survelliance system which is now responsible for rounding them up?

Seriously, lovers of freedom, which of these two things offends your sensibilities most?

Lol! The only ones to fear CCTV cameras are those up to no good! To be honest, given the scum that roams our sytreets these days, I am glad we have them. People like me have nothing to fear from them.

Last time I was in London and riding the tube it gave me the creeps to know that I was being filmed.

I agree. Ever gone to a toilet that tells you CCTV is in operation :eek:
UK riots: police round on government

Met chief dismisses criticism from PM and home secretary as 'people making comments who weren't there'

The officer at the helm of the Metropolitan police this morning took a swipe at the government's criticism of his force's handling of the riots.

-snip-"What I can say is that with the unprecedented scenes that we found in London, I have got some of the best commanders that we have seen in the world … that showed great restraint as well as great courage," Godwin said.

"As a result of that we were able to nip this in the bud after a few days. I think the issue around the numbers, the issue around the tactics – they are all police decisions and they are all made by my police commanders and myself.

"As a result of that we have now got a lot of public support, we are working hard to identify all the offenders and we will continue to work relentlessly if it takes us months."

Sir Hugh Orde, president of the Association of Chief Police Officers, rejected Theresa May's claim that she had ordered the "more robust" approach that quelled rioting in English cities.

Orde said tactics had changed because more officers were made available. The fact that MPs had come home from holiday was "an irrelevance".

May had "no power whatsoever" to cancel all police leave, Orde said. "The more robust policing tactics you saw were not a function of political interference; they were a function of the numbers being available to allow the chief constables to change their tactics," he told BBC's Newsnight.

UK riots: police round on government | UK news |

I agree. Despite some people's personal opinion, if the police had gone in killing people and seriously injuring masses, the British public in general would have been horrified.
Courts sitting all night are handing out unusually harsh sentences

Again and again, the judges repeated the refrain "jurisdiction is declined". They considered the maximum powers of sentencing available to magistrates – six months in prison, or a £5,000 fine – to be insufficient, and so referred the case to the crown courts, where the cases will be heard before a jury. Very few of the accused were granted bail. At least one solicitor outside court six expressed concern at some of the courts' decisions, on a day when David Cameron had vowed that anyone charged with rioting should be remanded in custody and anyone convicted should expect to go to jail.

Rajinder Claire, who was representing several alleged rioters, said defendants who would normally be released on bail were being routinely remanded in custody. "The decisions seem to be being taken in a routine manner without enough consideration for the distinct factors of each case," he told reporters, "It certainly seems to me that it is being motivated by political pressure."

Certainly there were indications, in the comparatively small number of cases that reached sentencing, that magistrates across the country were in little mood for leniency.

In Manchester, Eoin Flanagan, 18, pleaded guilty to theft after he was arrested in Oxford Road with two jumpers and two pieces of musical equipment; he was jailed for eight months.

At Camberwell Green magistrates, Nicholas Robinson, 23, an electrical engineering student with no previous convictions, was jailed for the maximum permitted six months after pleading guilty to stealing bottles of water worth £3.50 from Lidl in Brixton. He had been walking back from his girlfriend's house in the early hours of Monday morning when he saw the store being looted, his lawyer said, and had taken the opportunity to go in and help himself to a case of water because he was thirsty. He was caught up in the moment, and was ashamed of his actions, his defence said.

UK riots: in courtrooms across country, there was little room for leniency | UK news | The Guardian
I wonder....I read that a lot of teen programs were cut to reduce the debt. What will be the cost of keeping these people in jail in comparison?
I wonder....I read that a lot of teen programs were cut to reduce the debt. What will be the cost of keeping these people in jail in comparison?

Well we were intending on sending far less people to jail as well. It looks like this is being done as a knee jerk response. If the story is true then the guy who stole the water who had no previous convictions would earlier just have got a warning rather than a 6 month sentence and criminal record, I would think.

About youth programs - in Tottenham where it all began they had had 75% of their youth funds removed as well as two youth clubs. Someone asked about that in Parliament yesterday and I think Cameron just said that was no reason for looting and rioting. I would be very surprised if they do not shortly see the need to have another think.
I just saw on the news that a 68 year old man who tried to stop looters setting fire to
a shop has died from his injuries caused by his brave action. Ravi said a while back that
she hopes someone comes up with an answer to all this soon. Sadly, I don't think there
is an answer. Money has been thrown at these problems for years to no avail. What can
you do about useless men having sex with pathetic women and producing children they
don't look after properly? A lot of the so called fathers just walk away to produce more
children elsewhere. It has been getting steadily worse for many years. I truly don't envy
politicians who search for solutions.
People are fed up and they are realizing the root of the problem - entitlement junkies.

Rioters face losing their benefits cash... and they could be kicked out of council houses

* Petition website crashes after massive demand
* Works and Pensions Minister puts together plan to deprive convicted rioters of benefits
* Host of local councils vow to boot out looters from homes

Read more: UK riots: Looters should lose benefits and be evicted say 100k in 48hrs on e-petition | Mail Online
Thanks to the BIG BROTHER SECURITY CAMERAS that apparently are ubiquitous in England, the police are now visiting and arresting some of the riots who were caught on camera.

Okay, lovers of freedom, which offends you more?

The anarchists who rioted, or the police Big Brother survelliance system which is now responsible for rounding them up?

Seriously, lovers of freedom, which of these two things offends your sensibilities most?

Cameras in a Public place that are there for Security are there for Security, Einstein. I would be offended if they did not utilize the resource.
Thanks to the BIG BROTHER SECURITY CAMERAS that apparently are ubiquitous in England, the police are now visiting and arresting some of the riots who were caught on camera.

Okay, lovers of freedom, which offends you more?

The anarchists who rioted, or the police Big Brother survelliance system which is now responsible for rounding them up?

Seriously, lovers of freedom, which of these two things offends your sensibilities most?

Cameras in a Public place that are there for Security are there for Security, Einstein. I would be offended if they did not utilize the resource.

More :confused: We already have them in toilets! Britain has 1% of the world's population and 20% of it's CCTV cameras. We have been asleep while we became a surveillance society.

BBC NEWS | UK | Britain is 'surveillance society'
Thanks to the BIG BROTHER SECURITY CAMERAS that apparently are ubiquitous in England, the police are now visiting and arresting some of the riots who were caught on camera.

Okay, lovers of freedom, which offends you more?

The anarchists who rioted, or the police Big Brother survelliance system which is now responsible for rounding them up?

Seriously, lovers of freedom, which of these two things offends your sensibilities most?

Cameras in a Public place that are there for Security are there for Security, Einstein. I would be offended if they did not utilize the resource.

More :confused: We already have them in toilets! Britain has 1% of the world's population and 20% of it's CCTV cameras. We have been asleep while we became a surveillance society.

BBC NEWS | UK | Britain is 'surveillance society'

This is yet one more example how our anti-big government cons are anything but.
Thanks to the BIG BROTHER SECURITY CAMERAS that apparently are ubiquitous in England, the police are now visiting and arresting some of the riots who were caught on camera.

Okay, lovers of freedom, which offends you more?

The anarchists who rioted, or the police Big Brother survelliance system which is now responsible for rounding them up?

Seriously, lovers of freedom, which of these two things offends your sensibilities most?

Cameras in a Public place that are there for Security are there for Security, Einstein. I would be offended if they did not utilize the resource.

More :confused: We already have them in toilets! Britain has 1% of the world's population and 20% of it's CCTV cameras. We have been asleep while we became a surveillance society.

BBC NEWS | UK | Britain is 'surveillance society'

That I do not support in any way. Public Streets, Public Areas in Shopping Malls, Store security has been that way for a very long time now.
I just saw on the news that a 68 year old man who tried to stop looters setting fire to
a shop has died from his injuries caused by his brave action. Ravi said a while back that
she hopes someone comes up with an answer to all this soon. Sadly, I don't think there
is an answer. Money has been thrown at these problems for years to no avail. What can
you do about useless men having sex with pathetic women and producing children they
don't look after properly? A lot of the so called fathers just walk away to produce more
children elsewhere. It has been getting steadily worse for many years. I truly don't envy
politicians who search for solutions

Indeed, thats a problem here in the US too, idiots having children. I don't know what can be done unless a program is started that offers a cash bonus for every man and woman who comes forward to get a vasectomy or their tubes tied.
Cameras in a Public place that are there for Security are there for Security, Einstein. I would be offended if they did not utilize the resource.

More :confused: We already have them in toilets! Britain has 1% of the world's population and 20% of it's CCTV cameras. We have been asleep while we became a surveillance society.

BBC NEWS | UK | Britain is 'surveillance society'

This is yet one more example how our anti-big government cons are anything but.

You are sweet Ravi, but clueless. Sorry. When was the last time you entered a shop that did not have surveillance? Why is that you suppose? Private Property Surveillance, Commercial Property Surveillance? Bank Surveillance? 7-11, Mass Transit? Why is that?
Are there boundaries and limits? Yes, as there should be. Bath Rooms, Changing Rooms, should be off limits, any area that requires privacy should be.
Why go there Ravi? Why inject false notion? Slow news cycle day? No. :tongue:
I just saw on the news that a 68 year old man who tried to stop looters setting fire to
a shop has died from his injuries caused by his brave action. Ravi said a while back that
she hopes someone comes up with an answer to all this soon. Sadly, I don't think there
is an answer. Money has been thrown at these problems for years to no avail. What can
you do about useless men having sex with pathetic women and producing children they
don't look after properly? A lot of the so called fathers just walk away to produce more
children elsewhere. It has been getting steadily worse for many years. I truly don't envy
politicians who search for solutions

Indeed, thats a problem here in the US too, idiots having children. I don't know what can be done unless a program is started that offers a cash bonus for every man and woman who comes forward to get a vasectomy or their tubes tied.

You believe eugenics is the way to sort social problems?
I just saw on the news that a 68 year old man who tried to stop looters setting fire to
a shop has died from his injuries caused by his brave action. Ravi said a while back that
she hopes someone comes up with an answer to all this soon. Sadly, I don't think there
is an answer. Money has been thrown at these problems for years to no avail. What can
you do about useless men having sex with pathetic women and producing children they
don't look after properly? A lot of the so called fathers just walk away to produce more
children elsewhere. It has been getting steadily worse for many years. I truly don't envy
politicians who search for solutions

Indeed, thats a problem here in the US too, idiots having children. I don't know what can be done unless a program is started that offers a cash bonus for every man and woman who comes forward to get a vasectomy or their tubes tied.

Hey, stop that. You do know that sometimes the trait does skip a generation or two. :)
More :confused: We already have them in toilets! Britain has 1% of the world's population and 20% of it's CCTV cameras. We have been asleep while we became a surveillance society.

BBC NEWS | UK | Britain is 'surveillance society'

This is yet one more example how our anti-big government cons are anything but.

You are sweet Ravi, but clueless. Sorry. When was the last time you entered a shop that did not have surveillance? Why is that you suppose? Private Property Surveillance, Commercial Property Surveillance? Bank Surveillance? 7-11, Mass Transit? Why is that?
Are there boundaries and limits? Yes, as there should be. Bath Rooms, Changing Rooms, should be off limits, any area that requires privacy should be.
Why go there Ravi? Why inject false notion? Slow news cycle day? No. :tongue:

What happens when by some twist of fate the EDL gain rule of Britain and we are no longer a democracy.

Even in smaller ways this spying of people can be misused. Even with all our CCTV cameras 80% of crime remains unsolved

Tens of thousands of CCTV cameras, yet 80% of crime unsolved | News


1,000 CCTV cameras to solve just one crime, Met Police admits - Telegraph

Is it really worth the risks and invasion into our privacy.

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