London on Lockdown

Alexa, what in God’s name are you on about? Your views are so left wing it’s scary. The views expressed by English Dave and California Girl are as close as you see on here to the genuine feelings of the British public. I can only presume you live in an area where you are untouched by the issues described. You mentioned you have lived in Manchester, so you will have seen your share of issues, but these issues are quite often very different than the ones you will find in the majority of North West towns.

Allow me to enlighten you on the views of the many on immigration. I live and work in Rochdale and spend a great deal of my time dealing with the public. There is an underlying anger with many ‘ordinary’ tax payers that most choose to keep to themselves or only discuss when they feel they are in a safe enough environment to do so, without being labelled racists and bigots.

I get the impression from people that they do not get angry about where people are from or how they got here. They get angry about the way that people are. I’ll give you some examples.

I met a young man who was told by a recruitment company that they were struggling to find him a job in a factory or similar environment because due to the Eastern European influx many of these jobs were taken already. When he asked why he couldn’t apply as people left the company he was told that the company tends to take on the friends and relatives of the people they already have working for them as recommendations. In other words, when the Polish worker leaves the company he recommends a friend of his that has just arrived who would be suitable for the job, the company doesn’t have to pay a recruitment consultant or advertise the role so they are all happy. Except for the fella that can’t get an interview or a job because the jobs are being taken by people who 10 years ago wouldn’t have been around to do the work.

What also angers people is the Pakistanis who absolutely refuse to integrate with British society. Their lives revolve around their own community. The shops, the community centre, the mosque etc. They have no interest in spending money outside their community unless they absolutely have to. They commit tax evasion by declaring little of what they take as taxi drivers and takeaway owners. Another regular crime is fraud. I recently met a woman that had bumped into the back of a car containing four Asians in asda car park causing no damage to their vehicle and a small crack on the number plate of her own.

The Asians employed a solicitor and a doctor who were both ‘part of the community’ and a claim was made and successful for whiplash injuries and trauma totalling £12500. This is an example of what I hear time and time again. Dodgy claims, staged accidents etc. And wherever there is a large asian population in the UK, there is a high level of car insurance fraud and accident claims.

In my line of work I also see a lot of bank fraud with 9 out of 10 examples coming from the Asian community.

Another issue is drug dealing. Rochdale, Oldham, Bolton, Bradford etc are full of young Asians driving 45k cars. Blacked out windows and nothing to do but cruise around all day while the idiotic tax payer is at work. There have also been recent convictions in relation to Asian sex gangs using teenage white girls as sex slaves while filling them with drink and drugs.

They see us as scum that is there to make money off, to manipulate and to abuse. They take take take and give nothing.

Yes, you could say that all the issues I have described are a problem throughout the whole of our society. And yes they are, but that’s not my point. The issue here is about minority and majority. The majority of White British are law abiding, taxpaying Nine to fivers. Propping up this slowly crumbling pantomime that we call a democracy. If they didn’t it would have imploded a long time ago. On the other hand the majority of Pakistanis that I meet are not in paid employment. They are self employed, or on benefits, or make their living ‘through independent means.'

To reflect this feeling and anger in the UK a grand total of £71 million was raised for the Pakistani Floods appeal in 2010 much of it coming from the Muslim population. The attitude of many many people that I met was simple. Let the Asians donate. They take enough and you could guarantee that if the floods were here outside an Asian area, they would give nothing. In comparison, in case you’re wondering, £106 million was donated over the same period following the earthquake in Haiti.
You don’t have to take my opinion on this Alexa.....Come and visit sunny Rochdale, take a look around the town centre at 2pm and have a drive round the surrounding areas. Wonder for a moment where all the expensive cars come from, ask yourself why people would be angry.
Alexa if you honestly think that integration is about getting a few school kids to play football together you want your head feeling. Oldham (breeze hill school and count hill school) has just started a social experiment by putting kids educations on the line. Watch this space for the guaranteed failure and backtrack within 5 years.

As a final paragraph I have a few questions for you based on your comments. Firstly, when since did the Irish become part of an immigration problem, they are their own issues to deal with, or haven’t you heard?
And secondly, you seem to like taking about the BNP and the EDL in the same sentence. I am a supporter of neither as a political movement but I do feel that they have at least a right to be heard and to have some of the things they say considered on some level. Our political parties need to wake up and realise that if they don’t listen to them they will lose voters to them. Labour, the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats need to decide whether they want to introduce policies that address the feelings of many Brits or just continue to bury their head in the sand and allow desperate voters to move much further right than they ordinarily would in order to find something that answers their concerns, however extreme that is. It’s also worth noting that the BNP and the EDL are very different entities. The BNP has a history of racism, with a track record of Skinhead activity etc. The EDL on the other hand do not. And if you look closely enough you might see that many (not all) of their members are just ordinary people trying to save their country from racial chaos.
Alexa, what in God’s name are you on about? Your views are so left wing it’s scary.

Scary because I don't believe in Eugeniucs :confused:

The views expressed by English Dave l are as close as you see on here to the genuine feelings of the British public.

The are standard BNP views and you know it. CG I don't know but she is probably more influenced by the US.

I attend another forum with British posters. While we have different views on things, the only ones who who come up with this crap were one BNP supporter now gone and Americans and the americans came to be shown as being a part of what has now been identified as a global movement of anti islam extremism. Something which the EDL themselves part of the network of.

I can only presume you live in an area where you are untouched by the issues described.

see my location.

You mentioned you have lived in Manchester, so you will have seen your share of issues, but these issues are quite often very different than the ones you will find in the majority of North West towns.

and you failed to see me address that re Luton and also to say the reasons and work that is going on.

Allow me to enlighten you on the views of the many on immigration. I live and work in Rochdale and spend a great deal of my time dealing with the public. There is an underlying anger with many ‘ordinary’ tax payers that most choose to keep to themselves or only discuss when they feel they are in a safe enough environment to do so, without being labelled racists and bigots.

Well I have not used the word racist and bigots so that one comes from your own thinking. I have however seen a documentary of somewhere where a lot of white immigrants looking for work were being treated extremely badly by the local population.

Having a difficulty with immigration is completely different issues to the riots. To try to pretend these riots are about immigration is simply to try to change the issue of the riots and exploit the riots for your own political agenda. If you want to discuss immigration then I suggest you start you own thread.

I get the impression from people that they do not get angry about where people are from or how they got here. They get angry about the way that people are. I’ll give you some examples.

I met a young man who was told by a recruitment company that they were struggling to find him a job in a factory or similar environment because due to the Eastern European influx many of these jobs were taken already. When he asked why he couldn’t apply as people left the company he was told that the company tends to take on the friends and relatives of the people they already have working for them as recommendations. In other words, when the Polish worker leaves the company he recommends a friend of his that has just arrived who would be suitable for the job, the company doesn’t have to pay a recruitment consultant or advertise the role so they are all happy. Except for the fella that can’t get an interview or a job because the jobs are being taken by people who 10 years ago wouldn’t have been around to do the work.

If you have a problem concerning this it is of no relevance to this thread. People do blame Poles most. They are the new immigrants. They do good work. Their was a documentary a couple of years ago on some of the work they were doing. Picking cabbages or something and packing potatoes. They got £8 an hour for picking the cabbages. The owner said he was well willing to give the job to locals. The reporter went down to outside the Jobcentre and offered the job but there was no way they were going to do it. Not one took them up. Two people agreed to try out the potato packing factory. They were very aggrieved to be under the supervision of Poles and extremely upset at the level of work expected of them. One only lasted a day or two. The other however adjusted and ended up with a full time job. Poles work, get used to it.

Other companies have said the same. They are good workers, work hard, do the job and go home. There is zero reason to have a go at Poles when local people without jobs have been unwilling to get off their arse and do the work.

What also angers people is the Pakistanis who absolutely refuse to integrate with British society. Their lives revolve around their own community. The shops, the community centre, the mosque etc. They have no interest in spending money outside their community unless they absolutely have to. They commit tax evasion by declaring little of what they take as taxi drivers and takeaway owners. Another regular crime is fraud. I recently met a woman that had bumped into the back of a car containing four Asians in asda car park causing no damage to their vehicle and a small crack on the number plate of her own.

The Asians employed a solicitor and a doctor who were both ‘part of the community’ and a claim was made and successful for whiplash injuries and trauma totalling £12500. This is an example of what I hear time and time again. Dodgy claims, staged accidents etc. And wherever there is a large asian population in the UK, there is a high level of car insurance fraud and accident claims.

In my line of work I also see a lot of bank fraud with 9 out of 10 examples coming from the Asian community.

Another issue is drug dealing. Rochdale, Oldham, Bolton, Bradford etc are full of young Asians driving 45k cars. Blacked out windows and nothing to do but cruise around all day while the idiotic tax payer is at work. There have also been recent convictions in relation to Asian sex gangs using teenage white girls as sex slaves while filling them with drink and drugs.

They see us as scum that is there to make money off, to manipulate and to abuse. They take take take and give nothing.

Yes, you could say that all the issues I have described are a problem throughout the whole of our society.

They are not a problem in my society and we have found that through shared schooling there is virtually no prejudice among school leavers whether white or Muslim. The biggest problem Muslims have in integrating in Scotland is the extent to which people drink.

All this has zero to do with the thread and only something to do with your desire to pretend that the looting was caused by immigration or Muslims which it was not.

There are reasons and problems which gave rise to looting but the have nothing to do with immigration which clearly is your mantra.

And yes they are, but that’s not my point. The issue here is about minority and majority. The majority of White British are law abiding, taxpaying Nine to fivers. Propping up this slowly crumbling pantomime that we call a democracy. If they didn’t it would have imploded a long time ago. On the other hand the majority of Pakistanis that I meet are not in paid employment. They are self employed, or on benefits, or make their living ‘through independent means.'

Were the majority of Pakistani looters? No they were not. If you want to start a thread on unemployment start one.

All you are doing is trying to deflect a problem in England, the riots and looting and blame minorities and new immigrants. You yourself will have been blaming them for the problem what ever it is. That appears to be your way. To pretend it in any way characterises the temperament of British people is a wish which will never come true. Most of us got an education. The blaming of the immigrants, first Jews, the blacks, now Muslims and Poles, is centuries all. Hey, where are the Roma, you have forgotten them.

Now I have read as much of your hate promotion as I am prepared to do. I have at the moment staying with me a friend from Essex. We were discussing the issue last night. It may surprise you to hear she does not share your thoughts at all but does believe that there are a great number of disaffected youth who at the moment she gets in her FE classes to teach while they receive there £30 pw EMA. She says they arrive like you just would not want them in your class and she teaches them and credits them whenever she sees some achievement and she says that little by little several of these in each year will start to see that they can achieve and understand the work and that there are several who do make it through, gain confidence and get themselves into employment.

She sees her work as helpful first in keeping these disaffected kids off the street and second in that in actually reaches some who had been lost to the system and rehabilitates them and gets them back to lead a proper life. With the ending of the EMA she guesses they will stop coming, will be on the street, in trouble, and we may see more social unrest.

The fact that you wish to speak about issues which are unrelated to the looting illustrates that you wish to deflect from the looting and blame it on people who are not to blame while indeed there are real issues which have caused it and you have wanted to do that to use that as an opportunity to have a go at people not involved. There is a possibility to create new threads to bring up your issues. They are not to do with this thread. Others are.

On a final note if England becomes the fascist state which some people on this site seem to want, I am very glad that I have a way out in simply voting Scottish Independence. We have some good plans afoot for economic success working with Norway :)

Could a depression bring fascism to Britain? – Telegraph Blogs

(I am not sure when I will get on again as extremely busy, maybe not for a few days.)
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I know your American CG but your saying 'we'. The only kind of people I have ever heard speaking in this way are far right.

Looks like these people are going to need protection because for ever one that went on the rampage there are 100 similar at home.

Jeremy Paxman's great something parents were cap in hand all the time. No one stopped them having more kids.

Unequal Britain: richest 10% are now 100 times better off than the poorest | Society |

Of course you are in no way the only person who has talked about somehow eliminating these people.

I kinda want a society with a little humanity. Come to think of it, I might go on the loot if I thought people just thought of me as 'stupid' and wanted my grandchildren not to have kids. I might no care for society either or I might like to get myself some of the cloths they wear so that they would not recognise me as 'stupid' when I passed them in the street.

Oh, for heaven's sake, you humorless moron.... I referred to 'we' as the human race 'we', breeding the stupid out - stupid racists like Tank.

Damn, you need to lighten up a tad.

Haven't you noticed, CG? She has a sly way of indirectly accusing those who won't agree with her of being extremists or wishing her harm. She even indirectly accused me of wishing harm on her, even though I never posted any such thing. It is, of course, a familiar technique often employed by the Labour party to demonize those who speak out against them. No surprise that she should employ the same tactics! It says a lot about her.

It is the left wing's new mantra 'extremists', 'hatefilled' 'violent', blah, blah, blah. What I find funny is that they think it's ok to label people as 'extremists' for not agreeing with a system that, as we witnessed last week, is not fucking working.

It's a lazy tactic, used by those who have no legitimate argument - cuz they know they are wrong.
Alexa, what in God’s name are you on about? Your views are so left wing it’s scary.

Scary because I don't believe in Eugeniucs :confused:

The views expressed by English Dave l are as close as you see on here to the genuine feelings of the British public.

The are standard BNP views and you know it. CG I don't know but she is probably more influenced by the US.

I attend another forum with British posters. While we have different views on things, the only ones who who come up with this crap were one BNP supporter now gone and Americans and the americans came to be shown as being a part of what has now been identified as a global movement of anti islam extremism. Something which the EDL themselves part of the network of.

see my location.

and you failed to see me address that re Luton and also to say the reasons and work that is going on.

Well I have not used the word racist and bigots so that one comes from your own thinking. I have however seen a documentary of somewhere where a lot of white immigrants looking for work were being treated extremely badly by the local population.

Having a difficulty with immigration is completely different issues to the riots. To try to pretend these riots are about immigration is simply to try to change the issue of the riots and exploit the riots for your own political agenda. If you want to discuss immigration then I suggest you start you own thread.

If you have a problem concerning this it is of no relevance to this thread. People do blame Poles most. They are the new immigrants. They do good work. Their was a documentary a couple of years ago on some of the work they were doing. Picking cabbages or something and packing potatoes. They got £8 an hour for picking the cabbages. The owner said he was well willing to give the job to locals. The reporter went down to outside the Jobcentre and offered the job but there was no way they were going to do it. Not one took them up. Two people agreed to try out the potato packing factory. They were very aggrieved to be under the supervision of Poles and extremely upset at the level of work expected of them. One only lasted a day or two. The other however adjusted and ended up with a full time job. Poles work, get used to it.

Other companies have said the same. They are good workers, work hard, do the job and go home. There is zero reason to have a go at Poles when local people without jobs have been unwilling to get off their arse and do the work.

What also angers people is the Pakistanis who absolutely refuse to integrate with British society. Their lives revolve around their own community. The shops, the community centre, the mosque etc. They have no interest in spending money outside their community unless they absolutely have to. They commit tax evasion by declaring little of what they take as taxi drivers and takeaway owners. Another regular crime is fraud. I recently met a woman that had bumped into the back of a car containing four Asians in asda car park causing no damage to their vehicle and a small crack on the number plate of her own.

The Asians employed a solicitor and a doctor who were both ‘part of the community’ and a claim was made and successful for whiplash injuries and trauma totalling £12500. This is an example of what I hear time and time again. Dodgy claims, staged accidents etc. And wherever there is a large asian population in the UK, there is a high level of car insurance fraud and accident claims.

In my line of work I also see a lot of bank fraud with 9 out of 10 examples coming from the Asian community.

Another issue is drug dealing. Rochdale, Oldham, Bolton, Bradford etc are full of young Asians driving 45k cars. Blacked out windows and nothing to do but cruise around all day while the idiotic tax payer is at work. There have also been recent convictions in relation to Asian sex gangs using teenage white girls as sex slaves while filling them with drink and drugs.

They see us as scum that is there to make money off, to manipulate and to abuse. They take take take and give nothing.

Yes, you could say that all the issues I have described are a problem throughout the whole of our society.

They are not a problem in my society and we have found that through shared schooling there is virtually no prejudice among school leavers whether white or Muslim. The biggest problem Muslims have in integrating in Scotland is the extent to which people drink.

All this has zero to do with the thread and only something to do with your desire to pretend that the looting was caused by immigration or Muslims which it was not.

There are reasons and problems which gave rise to looting but the have nothing to do with immigration which clearly is your mantra.

And yes they are, but that’s not my point. The issue here is about minority and majority. The majority of White British are law abiding, taxpaying Nine to fivers. Propping up this slowly crumbling pantomime that we call a democracy. If they didn’t it would have imploded a long time ago. On the other hand the majority of Pakistanis that I meet are not in paid employment. They are self employed, or on benefits, or make their living ‘through independent means.'

Were the majority of Pakistani looters? No they were not. If you want to start a thread on unemployment start one.

All you are doing is trying to deflect a problem in England, the riots and looting and blame minorities and new immigrants. You yourself will have been blaming them for the problem what ever it is. That appears to be your way. To pretend it in any way characterises the temperament of British people is a wish which will never come true. Most of us got an education. The blaming of the immigrants, first Jews, the blacks, now Muslims and Poles, is centuries all. Hey, where are the Roma, you have forgotten them.

Now I have read as much of your hate promotion as I am prepared to do. I have at the moment staying with me a friend from Essex. We were discussing the issue last night. It may surprise you to hear she does not share your thoughts at all but does believe that there are a great number of disaffected youth who at the moment she gets in her FE classes to teach while they receive there £30 pw EMA. She says they arrive like you just would not want them in your class and she teaches them and credits them whenever she sees some achievement and she says that little by little several of these in each year will start to see that they can achieve and understand the work and that there are several who do make it through, gain confidence and get themselves into employment.

She sees her work as helpful first in keeping these disaffected kids off the street and second in that in actually reaches some who had been lost to the system and rehabilitates them and gets them back to lead a proper life. With the ending of the EMA she guesses they will stop coming, will be on the street, in trouble, and we may see more social unrest.

The fact that you wish to speak about issues which are unrelated to the looting illustrates that you wish to deflect from the looting and blame it on people who are not to blame while indeed there are real issues which have caused it and you have wanted to do that to use that as an opportunity to have a go at people not involved. There is a possibility to create new threads to bring up your issues. They are not to do with this thread. Others are.

On a final note if England becomes the fascist state which some people on this site seem to want, I am very glad that I have a way out in simply voting Scottish Independence. We have some good plans afoot for economic success working with Norway :)

Could a depression bring fascism to Britain? – Telegraph Blogs

(I am not sure when I will get on again as extremely busy, maybe not for a few days.)

With the "extremism" of the left, it is no surprise that the backlash against that is the rise of parties like the BNP and EDL. How the hell the left cannot understand that they are responsible for driving people into these parties is beyond my comprehension.

These people, the ones joining the BNP and EDL, are not racists, they are not 'extremists', they are not violent. They are ordinary people who see the damage people like you have done to their way of life and they resent it. So they join parties that they believe will fight for them. How can you not see that? Britain is inundated with foreigners, taking British jobs, taking British welfare, and destroying British culture and traditions.... it is not their fault. It is yours. You are the ones who tell communities "don't display Christmas decorations or the union jack, it might offend the minorities". It does not offend minorities, it offends you.

This shit - like last week - this is on your head. You and the moronic left who cannot understand that when you force people to sacrifice their own way of life, this is the result. These kids have no future... and it is you who took it from them.
Alexa, what in God’s name are you on about? Your views are so left wing it’s scary.

Scary because I don't believe in Eugeniucs :confused:

The are standard BNP views and you know it. CG I don't know but she is probably more influenced by the US.

I attend another forum with British posters. While we have different views on things, the only ones who who come up with this crap were one BNP supporter now gone and Americans and the americans came to be shown as being a part of what has now been identified as a global movement of anti islam extremism. Something which the EDL themselves part of the network of.

see my location.

and you failed to see me address that re Luton and also to say the reasons and work that is going on.

Well I have not used the word racist and bigots so that one comes from your own thinking. I have however seen a documentary of somewhere where a lot of white immigrants looking for work were being treated extremely badly by the local population.

Having a difficulty with immigration is completely different issues to the riots. To try to pretend these riots are about immigration is simply to try to change the issue of the riots and exploit the riots for your own political agenda. If you want to discuss immigration then I suggest you start you own thread.

If you have a problem concerning this it is of no relevance to this thread. People do blame Poles most. They are the new immigrants. They do good work. Their was a documentary a couple of years ago on some of the work they were doing. Picking cabbages or something and packing potatoes. They got £8 an hour for picking the cabbages. The owner said he was well willing to give the job to locals. The reporter went down to outside the Jobcentre and offered the job but there was no way they were going to do it. Not one took them up. Two people agreed to try out the potato packing factory. They were very aggrieved to be under the supervision of Poles and extremely upset at the level of work expected of them. One only lasted a day or two. The other however adjusted and ended up with a full time job. Poles work, get used to it.

Other companies have said the same. They are good workers, work hard, do the job and go home. There is zero reason to have a go at Poles when local people without jobs have been unwilling to get off their arse and do the work.

They are not a problem in my society and we have found that through shared schooling there is virtually no prejudice among school leavers whether white or Muslim. The biggest problem Muslims have in integrating in Scotland is the extent to which people drink.

All this has zero to do with the thread and only something to do with your desire to pretend that the looting was caused by immigration or Muslims which it was not.

There are reasons and problems which gave rise to looting but the have nothing to do with immigration which clearly is your mantra.

And yes they are, but that’s not my point. The issue here is about minority and majority. The majority of White British are law abiding, taxpaying Nine to fivers. Propping up this slowly crumbling pantomime that we call a democracy. If they didn’t it would have imploded a long time ago. On the other hand the majority of Pakistanis that I meet are not in paid employment. They are self employed, or on benefits, or make their living ‘through independent means.'

Were the majority of Pakistani looters? No they were not. If you want to start a thread on unemployment start one.

All you are doing is trying to deflect a problem in England, the riots and looting and blame minorities and new immigrants. You yourself will have been blaming them for the problem what ever it is. That appears to be your way. To pretend it in any way characterises the temperament of British people is a wish which will never come true. Most of us got an education. The blaming of the immigrants, first Jews, the blacks, now Muslims and Poles, is centuries all. Hey, where are the Roma, you have forgotten them.

Now I have read as much of your hate promotion as I am prepared to do. I have at the moment staying with me a friend from Essex. We were discussing the issue last night. It may surprise you to hear she does not share your thoughts at all but does believe that there are a great number of disaffected youth who at the moment she gets in her FE classes to teach while they receive there £30 pw EMA. She says they arrive like you just would not want them in your class and she teaches them and credits them whenever she sees some achievement and she says that little by little several of these in each year will start to see that they can achieve and understand the work and that there are several who do make it through, gain confidence and get themselves into employment.

She sees her work as helpful first in keeping these disaffected kids off the street and second in that in actually reaches some who had been lost to the system and rehabilitates them and gets them back to lead a proper life. With the ending of the EMA she guesses they will stop coming, will be on the street, in trouble, and we may see more social unrest.

The fact that you wish to speak about issues which are unrelated to the looting illustrates that you wish to deflect from the looting and blame it on people who are not to blame while indeed there are real issues which have caused it and you have wanted to do that to use that as an opportunity to have a go at people not involved. There is a possibility to create new threads to bring up your issues. They are not to do with this thread. Others are.

On a final note if England becomes the fascist state which some people on this site seem to want, I am very glad that I have a way out in simply voting Scottish Independence. We have some good plans afoot for economic success working with Norway :)

Could a depression bring fascism to Britain? – Telegraph Blogs

(I am not sure when I will get on again as extremely busy, maybe not for a few days.)

With the "extremism" of the left, it is no surprise that the backlash against that is the rise of parties like the BNP and EDL. How the hell the left cannot understand that they are responsible for driving people into these parties is beyond my comprehension.

These people, the ones joining the BNP and EDL, are not racists, they are not 'extremists', they are not violent. They are ordinary people who see the damage people like you have done to their way of life and they resent it. So they join parties that they believe will fight for them. How can you not see that? Britain is inundated with foreigners, taking British jobs, taking British welfare, and destroying British culture and traditions.... it is not their fault. It is yours. You are the ones who tell communities "don't display Christmas decorations or the union jack, it might offend the minorities". It does not offend minorities, it offends you.

This shit - like last week - this is on your head. You and the moronic left who cannot understand that when you force people to sacrifice their own way of life, this is the result. These kids have no future... and it is you who took it from them.

nice concept.

people who join far right extremist parties are not responsible for joining.

the left is responsible for driving them to joining.

maybe anders breivik will use that line of defense, too.
Scary because I don't believe in Eugeniucs :confused:

The are standard BNP views and you know it. CG I don't know but she is probably more influenced by the US.

I attend another forum with British posters. While we have different views on things, the only ones who who come up with this crap were one BNP supporter now gone and Americans and the americans came to be shown as being a part of what has now been identified as a global movement of anti islam extremism. Something which the EDL themselves part of the network of.

see my location.

and you failed to see me address that re Luton and also to say the reasons and work that is going on.

Well I have not used the word racist and bigots so that one comes from your own thinking. I have however seen a documentary of somewhere where a lot of white immigrants looking for work were being treated extremely badly by the local population.

Having a difficulty with immigration is completely different issues to the riots. To try to pretend these riots are about immigration is simply to try to change the issue of the riots and exploit the riots for your own political agenda. If you want to discuss immigration then I suggest you start you own thread.

If you have a problem concerning this it is of no relevance to this thread. People do blame Poles most. They are the new immigrants. They do good work. Their was a documentary a couple of years ago on some of the work they were doing. Picking cabbages or something and packing potatoes. They got £8 an hour for picking the cabbages. The owner said he was well willing to give the job to locals. The reporter went down to outside the Jobcentre and offered the job but there was no way they were going to do it. Not one took them up. Two people agreed to try out the potato packing factory. They were very aggrieved to be under the supervision of Poles and extremely upset at the level of work expected of them. One only lasted a day or two. The other however adjusted and ended up with a full time job. Poles work, get used to it.

Other companies have said the same. They are good workers, work hard, do the job and go home. There is zero reason to have a go at Poles when local people without jobs have been unwilling to get off their arse and do the work.

They are not a problem in my society and we have found that through shared schooling there is virtually no prejudice among school leavers whether white or Muslim. The biggest problem Muslims have in integrating in Scotland is the extent to which people drink.

All this has zero to do with the thread and only something to do with your desire to pretend that the looting was caused by immigration or Muslims which it was not.

There are reasons and problems which gave rise to looting but the have nothing to do with immigration which clearly is your mantra.

Were the majority of Pakistani looters? No they were not. If you want to start a thread on unemployment start one.

All you are doing is trying to deflect a problem in England, the riots and looting and blame minorities and new immigrants. You yourself will have been blaming them for the problem what ever it is. That appears to be your way. To pretend it in any way characterises the temperament of British people is a wish which will never come true. Most of us got an education. The blaming of the immigrants, first Jews, the blacks, now Muslims and Poles, is centuries all. Hey, where are the Roma, you have forgotten them.

Now I have read as much of your hate promotion as I am prepared to do. I have at the moment staying with me a friend from Essex. We were discussing the issue last night. It may surprise you to hear she does not share your thoughts at all but does believe that there are a great number of disaffected youth who at the moment she gets in her FE classes to teach while they receive there £30 pw EMA. She says they arrive like you just would not want them in your class and she teaches them and credits them whenever she sees some achievement and she says that little by little several of these in each year will start to see that they can achieve and understand the work and that there are several who do make it through, gain confidence and get themselves into employment.

She sees her work as helpful first in keeping these disaffected kids off the street and second in that in actually reaches some who had been lost to the system and rehabilitates them and gets them back to lead a proper life. With the ending of the EMA she guesses they will stop coming, will be on the street, in trouble, and we may see more social unrest.

The fact that you wish to speak about issues which are unrelated to the looting illustrates that you wish to deflect from the looting and blame it on people who are not to blame while indeed there are real issues which have caused it and you have wanted to do that to use that as an opportunity to have a go at people not involved. There is a possibility to create new threads to bring up your issues. They are not to do with this thread. Others are.

On a final note if England becomes the fascist state which some people on this site seem to want, I am very glad that I have a way out in simply voting Scottish Independence. We have some good plans afoot for economic success working with Norway :)

Could a depression bring fascism to Britain? – Telegraph Blogs

(I am not sure when I will get on again as extremely busy, maybe not for a few days.)

With the "extremism" of the left, it is no surprise that the backlash against that is the rise of parties like the BNP and EDL. How the hell the left cannot understand that they are responsible for driving people into these parties is beyond my comprehension.

These people, the ones joining the BNP and EDL, are not racists, they are not 'extremists', they are not violent. They are ordinary people who see the damage people like you have done to their way of life and they resent it. So they join parties that they believe will fight for them. How can you not see that? Britain is inundated with foreigners, taking British jobs, taking British welfare, and destroying British culture and traditions.... it is not their fault. It is yours. You are the ones who tell communities "don't display Christmas decorations or the union jack, it might offend the minorities". It does not offend minorities, it offends you.

This shit - like last week - this is on your head. You and the moronic left who cannot understand that when you force people to sacrifice their own way of life, this is the result. These kids have no future... and it is you who took it from them.

nice concept.

people who join far right extremist parties are not responsible for joining.

the left is responsible for driving them to joining.

maybe anders breivik will use that line of defense, too.

Yeah, I almost choked on my coffee reading that.

The extremist left (labeled by someone that doesn't like the label extremist) is responsible for the actions and in fact the existence of the extremist right.
With the "extremism" of the left, it is no surprise that the backlash against that is the rise of parties like the BNP and EDL. How the hell the left cannot understand that they are responsible for driving people into these parties is beyond my comprehension.

These people, the ones joining the BNP and EDL, are not racists, they are not 'extremists', they are not violent. They are ordinary people who see the damage people like you have done to their way of life and they resent it. So they join parties that they believe will fight for them. How can you not see that? Britain is inundated with foreigners, taking British jobs, taking British welfare, and destroying British culture and traditions.... it is not their fault. It is yours. You are the ones who tell communities "don't display Christmas decorations or the union jack, it might offend the minorities". It does not offend minorities, it offends you.

This shit - like last week - this is on your head. You and the moronic left who cannot understand that when you force people to sacrifice their own way of life, this is the result. These kids have no future... and it is you who took it from them.

nice concept.

people who join far right extremist parties are not responsible for joining.

the left is responsible for driving them to joining.

maybe anders breivik will use that line of defense, too.

Yeah, I almost choked on my coffee reading that.

The extremist left (labeled by someone that doesn't like the label extremist) is responsible for the actions and in fact the existence of the extremist right.

I guess you don't have much exposure to parties like the BNP and EDL so I shall explain.

Historically, both have been seen as 'far right' and most certainly have deserved the label of 'racist'. However, in recent years, both the BNP and EDL have moderated their language - and have gotten far smarter about playing to people's fears, without the use of overtly racist sentiment. They have, basically, wised up to what used to concern people about their beliefs.

So, now we have much less 'agressive' and 'overt' racism from them.

At the same time, we have Britain being more and more welfare driven, and allowing almost unchecked immigration (as part of the EU and overly generous with African and Middle Eastern countries), which is costing taxpayers more and more money, more and more funding towards their health service (bearing in mind that it is free at the point of delivery - so you have people coming into the system without contributing to it). So, many people have got to breaking point. The major parties - Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrats, are not listening to them. So where do they go to have their views heard? To parties like the BNP and EDL. Sad, but true. Their more moderate language is seen as representing traditional England.

Dangerous shit for Britain.
Perhaps the views I stated were not for this thread. I was inspired by the talk of the state of the nation and the immigration issues etc and perhaps should have stated my opinions on another thread, the riot issue passed me by.

That's a fair comment.

Alexa, keep hiding under your duvet and pretending there isn't huge problems and maybe they will go away. Or perhaps your little band of do gooders will spread like wildfire and everything will be fine in the world. I doubt it though.

And what's all this bollocks about Muslims having problems in Scotland because of the level of alcohol that's consumed???? What's that got to do with anything? There's no pubs in Muslim areas, they don't have to see the drinking going on, and besides, that's the culture of the country they have moved into.

If I moved to Pakistan would I be within my rights to complain about the lack of Bacon? Or have the right to complain about Ramadan or the dress code or the call to prayer? NO I wouldn't. I would be expected to live in the culture, within the law, within the communities expectations of right and wrong. I would have no right to impose my views on one damn thing. Because you can bet your bottom dollar that the people of Pakistan wouldn't be dancing around me, making sure I wasn't offended by their ways. Their attitude would be, 'you want to live here, you live within our rules.'

They would at the very least ask me to disappear back where I came from, but more likely behead me in the street and wrap me in a burning Union Jack.

California Girl makes a valid point which was mentioned by myself. If the public have serious issues with something and they are ignored, or feel that they don't have a voice, they will lean towards a party that offers some sort of lifeline?

Why are the BNP getting more and more votes every election?

Why are EDL members doubling every 2 years?

Anyone that makes up their mind on an issue without hearing from all sides is a fool. I listen to all parties, what they represent, what they offer and what they have to say. Turning over the page or the TV channel and mumbling 'Bigots' 'extremists' or any other blanket statement is just a way of making yourself feel better for your compliance and conformity with the hypocracy that is our democracy. But not everyone is a sheep you know.

Have you ever wondered why in every opinion poll Immigration is high up the list of concerns from the public, but virtually ever political party campaigns on health and education? Its the safe bet to avoid the immigration issue mainly because of the fear of people like Alexa banging their drum on Question Time and pointing the Racist finger. Every politician is shit scared of losing their job for saying the wrong thing. Its the Enoch Powell effect. Well its time that someone stood up and tackled the issue head on, they would have more support than they could ever imagine.

The Australian prime minister has mastered the art better than anyone.

Anyway, the riots. In short. Poor neighbourhoods taking the opportunity to get as much free stuff as they can while the police were stretched to their limits. It doesn't have to be political, sometimes its just about class.
Perhaps the views I stated were not for this thread. I was inspired by the talk of the state of the nation and the immigration issues etc and perhaps should have stated my opinions on another thread, the riot issue passed me by.

That's a fair comment.

Alexa, keep hiding under your duvet and pretending there isn't huge problems and maybe they will go away. Or perhaps your little band of do gooders will spread like wildfire and everything will be fine in the world. I doubt it though.

And what's all this bollocks about Muslims having problems in Scotland because of the level of alcohol that's consumed???? What's that got to do with anything? There's no pubs in Muslim areas, they don't have to see the drinking going on, and besides, that's the culture of the country they have moved into.

If I moved to Pakistan would I be within my rights to complain about the lack of Bacon? Or have the right to complain about Ramadan or the dress code or the call to prayer? NO I wouldn't. I would be expected to live in the culture, within the law, within the communities expectations of right and wrong. I would have no right to impose my views on one damn thing. Because you can bet your bottom dollar that the people of Pakistan wouldn't be dancing around me, making sure I wasn't offended by their ways. Their attitude would be, 'you want to live here, you live within our rules.'

They would at the very least ask me to disappear back where I came from, but more likely behead me in the street and wrap me in a burning Union Jack.

California Girl makes a valid point which was mentioned by myself. If the public have serious issues with something and they are ignored, or feel that they don't have a voice, they will lean towards a party that offers some sort of lifeline?

Why are the BNP getting more and more votes every election?

Why are EDL members doubling every 2 years?

Anyone that makes up their mind on an issue without hearing from all sides is a fool. I listen to all parties, what they represent, what they offer and what they have to say. Turning over the page or the TV channel and mumbling 'Bigots' 'extremists' or any other blanket statement is just a way of making yourself feel better for your compliance and conformity with the hypocracy that is our democracy. But not everyone is a sheep you know.

Have you ever wondered why in every opinion poll Immigration is high up the list of concerns from the public, but virtually ever political party campaigns on health and education? Its the safe bet to avoid the immigration issue mainly because of the fear of people like Alexa banging their drum on Question Time and pointing the Racist finger. Every politician is shit scared of losing their job for saying the wrong thing. Its the Enoch Powell effect. Well its time that someone stood up and tackled the issue head on, they would have more support than they could ever imagine.

The Australian prime minister has mastered the art better than anyone.

Anyway, the riots. In short. Poor neighbourhoods taking the opportunity to get as much free stuff as they can while the police were stretched to their limits. It doesn't have to be political, sometimes its just about class.

If Britain is not careful, in the not too distant future, the BNP and EDL will be mainstream. And it won't be because the majority of Briton's are racists, it will be because their mainstream parties have allowed 'multiculturalism' to replace the British way of life.

For the most part, I agree with you about the riots. This was more about sheer wanton destruction and greed than anything else. The majority of these kids saw an opportunity to get shit for free and they took it.

I do admire the mother who shopped her daughter when she saw her on tv rioting. That is good parenting.
Originally posted by recklesslogic
Anyway, the riots. In short. Poor neighbourhoods taking the opportunity to get as much free stuff as they can while the police were stretched to their limits. It doesn't have to be political, sometimes its just about class.

The riots. In short.

England, for the last 50 years, allows tons of human garbage from Africa, the Middle East and even some from my own part of the world, Latin America, to flood the country and now, half a century later, the english people and their elected representatives scratch their collective heads and ask themselves:


Why does our beautiful island now look like a poor, illiterate, violent shithole like Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria and South Africa??

What have we done wrong??
:confused: :confused:"

Oh, for heaven's sake, you humorless moron.... I referred to 'we' as the human race 'we', breeding the stupid out - stupid racists like Tank.

Damn, you need to lighten up a tad.

Haven't you noticed, CG? She has a sly way of indirectly accusing those who won't agree with her of being extremists or wishing her harm. She even indirectly accused me of wishing harm on her, even though I never posted any such thing. It is, of course, a familiar technique often employed by the Labour party to demonize those who speak out against them. No surprise that she should employ the same tactics! It says a lot about her.

It is the left wing's new mantra 'extremists', 'hatefilled' 'violent', blah, blah, blah. What I find funny is that they think it's ok to label people as 'extremists' for not agreeing with a system that, as we witnessed last week, is not fucking working.

It's a lazy tactic, used by those who have no legitimate argument - cuz they know they are wrong.

I don't think a Leftist could recognize an extremist watching his/her neighborhood and home get torched. I bet they would pick out a cop or fireman in the line up before an arsonist even if the arsonist was still holding the gas can to start the fire. :D ;)
With the "extremism" of the left, it is no surprise that the backlash against that is the rise of parties like the BNP and EDL. How the hell the left cannot understand that they are responsible for driving people into these parties is beyond my comprehension.

These people, the ones joining the BNP and EDL, are not racists, they are not 'extremists', they are not violent. They are ordinary people who see the damage people like you have done to their way of life and they resent it. So they join parties that they believe will fight for them. How can you not see that? Britain is inundated with foreigners, taking British jobs, taking British welfare, and destroying British culture and traditions.... it is not their fault. It is yours. You are the ones who tell communities "don't display Christmas decorations or the union jack, it might offend the minorities". It does not offend minorities, it offends you.

This shit - like last week - this is on your head. You and the moronic left who cannot understand that when you force people to sacrifice their own way of life, this is the result. These kids have no future... and it is you who took it from them.

nice concept.

people who join far right extremist parties are not responsible for joining.

the left is responsible for driving them to joining.

maybe anders breivik will use that line of defense, too.

Yeah, I almost choked on my coffee reading that.

The extremist left (labeled by someone that doesn't like the label extremist) is responsible for the actions and in fact the existence of the extremist right.

;) Exactly, using your logic. :lol: The Nanny is responsible for the atmosphere created. The Nanny is a Ninny. :) You want a Statist Utopia where 2+2=5 for as long as you say it does, this is part of the responsibility that goes with Warring against Nature and the Forces of Creation. Take off you hat, look yourself in the mirror and say to yourself I am responsible because I try so hard to manipulate and regulate and control matters beyond my right to do so. The backlash is my own doing. :D
Last edited:
nice concept.

people who join far right extremist parties are not responsible for joining.

the left is responsible for driving them to joining.

maybe anders breivik will use that line of defense, too.

Yeah, I almost choked on my coffee reading that.

The extremist left (labeled by someone that doesn't like the label extremist) is responsible for the actions and in fact the existence of the extremist right.

;) Exactly, using your logic. :lol: The Nanny is responsible for the atmosphere created. The Nanny is a Ninny. :) You want a Statist Utopia where 2+2=5 for as long as you say it does, this is part of the responsibility that goes with Warring against Nature and the Forces of Creation. Take off you hat, look yourself in the mirror and say to yourself I am responsible because I try so hard to manipulate and regulate and control matters beyond my right to do so. The backlash is my own doing. :D

Nanny state my ass... there's no nanny state in the haitian shanty towns "forcing" haitians to steal, rape and kill at an unbelievably high rate that would make you shake your head in disbelief.

But don't let reality get in the way of your rightist partisanship/white guilt.

By all means, don't stop your endless brainstoming exercise to find each and every ridiculous excuse to justify anti-social behavior.
you would make good little nazis.

Says the guy who would rather have an arm amputated without anesthesia than leaving good, old Germany and spending the rest of his life in the multiracial paradise of a brazilian favela.

Fucking hipocrites... it's time to walk the talk at least once in your life.
José;4000350 said:
Yeah, I almost choked on my coffee reading that.

The extremist left (labeled by someone that doesn't like the label extremist) is responsible for the actions and in fact the existence of the extremist right.

;) Exactly, using your logic. :lol: The Nanny is responsible for the atmosphere created. The Nanny is a Ninny. :) You want a Statist Utopia where 2+2=5 for as long as you say it does, this is part of the responsibility that goes with Warring against Nature and the Forces of Creation. Take off you hat, look yourself in the mirror and say to yourself I am responsible because I try so hard to manipulate and regulate and control matters beyond my right to do so. The backlash is my own doing. :D

Nanny state my ass... there's no nanny state in the haitian shanty towns "forcing" haitians to steal, rape and kill at an unbelievably high rate that would make you shake your head in disbelief.

But don't let reality get in the way of your rightist partisanship/white guilt.

By all means, don't stop your endless brainstoming exercise to find each and every ridiculous excuse to justify anti-social behavior.

You do know we aren't talking about Haiti, right?

Do less drugs.
José;4000350 said:
Yeah, I almost choked on my coffee reading that.

The extremist left (labeled by someone that doesn't like the label extremist) is responsible for the actions and in fact the existence of the extremist right.

;) Exactly, using your logic. :lol: The Nanny is responsible for the atmosphere created. The Nanny is a Ninny. :) You want a Statist Utopia where 2+2=5 for as long as you say it does, this is part of the responsibility that goes with Warring against Nature and the Forces of Creation. Take off you hat, look yourself in the mirror and say to yourself I am responsible because I try so hard to manipulate and regulate and control matters beyond my right to do so. The backlash is my own doing. :D

Nanny state my ass... there's no nanny state in the haitian shanty towns "forcing" haitians to steal, rape and kill at an unbelievably high rate that would make you shake your head in disbelief.

But don't let reality get in the way of your rightist partisanship/white guilt.

By all means, don't stop your endless brainstoming exercise to find each and every ridiculous excuse to justify anti-social behavior.

Nanny state my ass... there's no nanny state in the haitian shanty towns "forcing" haitians to steal, rape and kill at an unbelievably high rate that would make you shake your head in disbelief.
No, the Nanny just makes excuses for their destructive behavior, taking on more than it can chew, contributing to the condition with open out of control immigration policies.
But don't let reality get in the way of your rightist partisanship/white guilt.
Reason is guiding my perspective, not preconceived notion or false expectation. What exactly is this White Guilt thing you are whining about? You are not Profiling again, are you? You might want to work on that bias thing that is obsessing you. Do you sleep well at night? May I recommend some warm milk and honey with a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg?

By all means, don't stop your endless brainstoming exercise to find each and every ridiculous excuse to justify anti-social behavior.
I do not justify or make excuses for anti-social behavior. The Golden Rule works everywhere it is tried.
Originally posted by California Girls
You do know we aren't talking about Haiti, right?

Do less drugs.

What I do realise is the fact that hardcore right-wing partisans like you and Intense as well as your leftist counterparts twist every single issue into right vs left ideological shitstorms.

Are the black youths to be blamed for the riots they started in England??

No sir!! The blame lies squarely on the british nanny state, on poverty, on Saint George (England's patron saint), on anything but the actual perpetrators themselves.

You guys are pathetic.

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