London Parliament shooting

Sick, sick, sick


No Sadiq, it's part and parcel of YOUR religion and the followers of YOUR religion.
4 now dead, one is the attacker. At least 20 others injured.

4 officers were hit by the attacker.
One conservative MP gave the officer cpr, trying to save him. Unfortunately, he did die.
The EMT response is:

1 - stop the bleeding

2 - check for heartbeat if no bleeding

3 - start compressions if no heartbeat

4 - give mouth to mouth respiration if no breathing

5 - have someone call for help

6 - when heartbeat and breathing resume then treat for shock.
It must be terrifying to live in a gun free nation where you cannot defend yourself.

Since the Dunblaine and Hungerford massacres the gun laws were tightened, and now it is only criminals and the police that have guns. There have been very few incidence of gun violence in Britain since the gun laws were changed to ban them. But there still seem to be a lot of shootings in America.

If the terrorists could easily get guns todays incident might have been a lot worse, but all he had was a knife.
It's easy enough to get guns into France from Morocco.

From France its easy enough to get guns into England thru the Chunnel.
We need to get used to calling them England again because soon N.Ireland and Scotland will brexit them back.
Just a reminder everyone: When the media says London was an act of "terror," they really mean it was an act of Muslim terror. Got it?
I will bet my last dollar and promise to leave this site, once you morons find out it wasn't a muslim, but some Asian rice eating fuck head....who proboally lost a chop stick and went nuts over it.

Remember this post folks.
Knife attacker described as 40 year old Asian.

The British press is cowardly beyond words. They use the term "Asian" to mask the fact it is Islamic in nature. if Japanese, Chinese and Vietnamese are running around doing this stuff.

Asian - in British English - does not refer to Japanese, Chinese or Vietnamese, they are using the term correctly: British Asian - Wikipedia

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