London Parliament shooting


attacker, according to reports

Just looking at a picture of the muslim being taken away. He sure looks muslim beard and all.

There is your "Asian"[/QUOTE]

I'll be darn, he has darker skin than the victims.
So surprised.

Do I feel sorry for the victims? Nope.[/QUOTE]
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attacker, according to reports

[QUOTE="DigitalDrifter, post: 16853890, member: 42777"][QUOTE="Votto, post: 16853861, member: 40768"][QUOTE="Tipsycatlover, post: 16853540, member: 59451"]Just looking at a picture of the muslim being taken away. He sure looks muslim beard and all.[/QUOTE]

There is your "Asian"[/QUOTE]

I'll be darn, he has darker skin than the victims.
So surprised.
Do I feel sorry for the victims? Nope[/U][/B].[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

For God's sake, why?
Dear Sweet Most merciful Jesus.....Please don't let that idiot in Chief make a statement, please.....the people of London have suffered enough....I can see this orange bitch tweeting it now...."called it".

What we will find, is some Asian thug, pissed off by whites, who clearly have a habit of turning immigrants in to radicals...taking his revenge out on innocent people.

Shut up.
Your not the boss of interesting, it was a Asian caught on the white house lawn, a asian that shot up IT tech school and now one in UK.....welp, nigga's, muslims, latino's and hicks....all guilty of terrorist attacks, its now time to focus on the rice eaters, eh?

Cat looks kinda like a red nigga to me. :dunno:

It was actually on Sunday, according to metro police.
Armed police swarm 'hijacked' Thames boat in terrifyingly realistic drill

Please don't go there. People have been killed. It isn't fair to their families.
And yesterday the police had held a drill there for such an attack.May be why they did it today.
It's Islamic.
It's the anniversary of the car attack last year.

Do you have a link for that?

If so, that is a good indicator of a false flag.

Don't go where?

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