London Parliament shooting

Dear Sweet Most merciful Jesus.....Please don't let that idiot in Chief make a statement, please.....the people of London have suffered enough....I can see this orange bitch tweeting it now...."called it".

What we will find, is some Asian thug, pissed off by whites, who clearly have a habit of turning immigrants in to radicals...taking his revenge out on innocent people.

Shut up.
Your not the boss of interesting, it was a Asian caught on the white house lawn, a asian that shot up IT tech school and now one in UK.....welp, nigga's, muslims, latino's and hicks....all guilty of terrorist attacks, its now time to focus on the rice eaters, eh?
A number of French students were among the casualties, according to French Prime Minister.
It's going to happen here, sooner or later. Somebody will run over people, jump out with a knife or a gun and start trying to kill as many Americans as possible. Subsequently we'll find out he was one of those so-called refugees, or somebody from of those 6 or 7 countries on Trump's EO that we might've detained and maybe not allowed entry into the US. I wonder if the Left already has it's response ready when the rest of the country turns to them and wants to know why the hell they want to allow as many refugees and illegals into the country, plus allowing entry to improperly vetted people from countries that export terrorists.
You'd love for something like that to happen wouldn't you......gotta hate the muslims no matter along with that idiot will soon learn.....EVIL COMES IN ALL COLORS, ETHNICITIES AND GENDERS.......including and especially in orangy white, ie Trump!!
Just a reminder everyone: When the media says London was an act of "terror," they really mean it was an act of Muslim terror. Got it?
I will bet my last dollar and promise to leave this site, once you morons find out it wasn't a muslim, but some Asian rice eating fuck head....who proboally lost a chop stick and went nuts over it.
It must be terrifying to live in a gun free nation where you cannot defend yourself.

Since the Dunblaine and Hungerford massacres the gun laws were tightened, and now it is only criminals and the police that have guns. There have been very few incidence of gun violence in Britain since the gun laws were changed to ban them. But there still seem to be a lot of shootings in America.

If the terrorists could easily get guns todays incident might have been a lot worse, but all he had was a knife.
It's going to happen here, sooner or later. Somebody will run over people, jump out with a knife or a gun and start trying to kill as many Americans as possible. Subsequently we'll find out he was one of those so-called refugees, or somebody from of those 6 or 7 countries on Trump's EO that we might've detained and maybe not allowed entry into the US. I wonder if the Left already has it's response ready when the rest of the country turns to them and wants to know why the hell they want to allow as many refugees and illegals into the country, plus allowing entry to improperly vetted people from countries that export terrorists.
You'd love for something like that to happen wouldn't you......gotta hate the muslims no matter along with that idiot will soon learn.....EVIL COMES IN ALL COLORS, ETHNICITIES AND GENDERS.......including and especially in orangy white, ie Trump!!

You really think I would welcome the death of innocents just to feel good about my political views? Or that I have a hatred of muslims or liberal democrats, or that I don't realize that evil comes in all disguises? If so, you are a misguided fool.
Just looking at a picture of the muslim being taken away. He sure looks muslim beard and all.
Can't believe you are making light of this. Try to tell that to those effected and their families.

BBC just stated there may have been 2 in the car: one white, one black with a beard. At least 10 injured on bridge, and several with catastrophic injuries, including at least one officer. Along with the deceased.
Seems a bit "sissyfied" one lone idiot with a knife can shut down "Great" Britian and they all run for cover. Shoot the MoFo, toss his body in the Thames and get back to business.

Reminds me when ALL of BOSTON shut down to hunt for one 18 year old. Found by private citizen after all of that. Scary.

The Car lunatic on the loose? OK that is a bit different story? How to stop those? Cannot?

Point is.........this is not a big deal. GOVTS make me ill. All leftist puke make me puke.

Well in my "defense", I did say the Car issue was a big deal. To get ran over is horrible I would think. I make "no light" of that part.

I suppose I am comfortably numb to the whole "terror" issue. If they don't crack 50 dead I yawn. It is just another lunatic on the loose, with a kitchen knife.

I sense the politicians lined up to somehow profit or take away rights by using these events.
One conservative MP gave the officer cpr, trying to save him. Unfortunately, he did die.
One woman was rescued after ending up in the river off the bridge (they are not sure if she jumped fleeing or pushed into the river by the car). She has injuries, but is alive.
One woman was rescued after ending up in the river off the bridge (they are not sure if she jumped fleeing or pushed into the river by the car). She has injuries, but is alive.
Probably jumped.

Smart lady.

Cars don't "push" you they impact you and that results in severe injuries.

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