London Parliament shooting

Here's what always happens here:

1 -- Early reports come in of what looks to be a terrorist attack.

2- People point out the 99.9999% likelihood it is yet another case of Islamic terrorism.

3 -- Defenders of Islam rush in to ridicule anybody who would dare suggest such a thing.

4 -- It turns out to be Islamic terrorism.

5 -- silence from the defenders of Islam (until the next go-round when they indulge in the exact, same defense)

Somewhere in that list is the assertion that Islam is a peaceful religion and most Moslems are good people.

and assertions that anybody who does not support the ideology and agenda involved suffers from a made-up mental disorder called "Islamophobia".
Still waiting for links. 8-10 run over on bridge - knife attack in Parliament building.

Noice how MSM liars call it an " Incident" and not a terrorist attack.

At this late date they must be feeling kinda silly pretending this isn't horrible violence and that it has nothing to do with Islam or real Moslems.

Latest: Police are treating this as a terrorist attack.
Here's what always happens here:

1 -- Early reports come in of what looks to be a terrorist attack.

2- People point out the 99.9999% likelihood it is yet another case of Islamic terrorism.

3 -- Defenders of Islam rush in to ridicule anybody who would dare suggest such a thing.

4 -- It turns out to be Islamic terrorism.

5 -- silence from the defenders of Islam (until the next go-round when they indulge in the exact, same defense)

Somewhere in that list is the assertion that Islam is a peaceful religion and most Moslems are good people.

and assertions that anybody who does not support the ideology and agenda involved suffers from a made-up mental disorder called "Islamophobia".

Some bypass the traditional responses and question the spelling of 'Moslem'.
Wonder if someone will try to tie Brexit to this.....poor migrants wont be able to wander at will into Britain anymore due to EU mandates
I went round the houses of parliament over ten years ago and I was so concerned about the security I wrote to MI5 and sent them photos of the vulnerable areas. I could not see any armed police and they just had one apparently unarmed female standing in the doorway. I said she was just cannon fodder and if there was a terrorist attack she would stand no chance. Years later I passed the building and there were two armed officers at the gate.
Here's what always happens here:

1 -- Early reports come in of what looks to be a terrorist attack.

2- People point out the 99.9999% likelihood it is yet another case of Islamic terrorism.

3 -- Defenders of Islam rush in to ridicule anybody who would dare suggest such a thing.

4 -- It turns out to be Islamic terrorism.

5 -- silence from the defenders of Islam (until the next go-round when they indulge in the exact, same defense)

Somewhere in that list is the assertion that Islam is a peaceful religion and most Moslems are good people.

and assertions that anybody who does not support the ideology and agenda involved suffers from a made-up mental disorder called "Islamophobia".

Some bypass the traditional responses and question the spelling of 'Moslem'.

What always amazes me when the hive mind launches into their pre-programmed defense of Islamism is that they will then turn around immediately and deny they have just done so.
This of course is a horrible event but not unexpected. This is what happens when you don't address the root of the problem. This is what happens when you merely treat the symptoms of a patient with cancer.
Question is should we continue our Bigotry against Electronics Trying to Get in to The United States from Islamic Nations?

The New Electronics Ban is Racist!

Lefty wants to know.....

Why you are all Islamophobic!
Here's what always happens here:

1 -- Early reports come in of what looks to be a terrorist attack.

2- People point out the 99.9999% likelihood it is yet another case of Islamic terrorism.

3 -- Defenders of Islam rush in to ridicule anybody who would dare suggest such a thing.

4 -- It turns out to be Islamic terrorism.

5 -- silence from the defenders of Islam (until the next go-round when they indulge in the exact, same defense)

Hopefully with Trump now as president, that will not be business as usual.
Here's what always happens here:

1 -- Early reports come in of what looks to be a terrorist attack.

2- People point out the 99.9999% likelihood it is yet another case of Islamic terrorism.

3 -- Defenders of Islam rush in to ridicule anybody who would dare suggest such a thing.

4 -- It turns out to be Islamic terrorism.

5 -- silence from the defenders of Islam (until the next go-round when they indulge in the exact, same defense)

Somewhere in that list is the assertion that Islam is a peaceful religion and most Moslems are good people.
White men commit crimes too. What about Jack the Ripper, he was white?
Here's what always happens here:

1 -- Early reports come in of what looks to be a terrorist attack.

2- People point out the 99.9999% likelihood it is yet another case of Islamic terrorism.

3 -- Defenders of Islam rush in to ridicule anybody who would dare suggest such a thing.

4 -- It turns out to be Islamic terrorism.

5 -- silence from the defenders of Islam (until the next go-round when they indulge in the exact, same defense)

Somewhere in that list is the assertion that Islam is a peaceful religion and most Moslems are good people.

and assertions that anybody who does not support the ideology and agenda involved suffers from a made-up mental disorder called "Islamophobia".

Some bypass the traditional responses and question the spelling of 'Moslem'.

What always amazes me when the hive mind launches into their pre-programmed defense of Islamism is that they will then turn around immediately and deny they have just done so.

Yep and referring to a Moslem terrorist as a "nut job" is, in fact, a support for Islamic supremacism.

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