London Parliament shooting

Here's what always happens here:

1 -- Early reports come in of what looks to be a terrorist attack.

2- People point out the 99.9999% likelihood it is yet another case of Islamic terrorism.

3 -- Defenders of Islam rush in to ridicule anybody who would dare suggest such a thing.

4 -- It turns out to be Islamic terrorism.

5 -- silence from the defenders of Islam (until the next go-round when they indulge in the exact, same defense)

Somewhere in that list is the assertion that Islam is a peaceful religion and most Moslems are good people.

White men commit crimes too. What about Jack the Ripper, he was white?

I saw a Christian jaywalk the other day, and a Jewish man farted in pubic.

It's just the same, you know.
Here's what always happens here:

1 -- Early reports come in of what looks to be a terrorist attack.

2- People point out the 99.9999% likelihood it is yet another case of Islamic terrorism.

3 -- Defenders of Islam rush in to ridicule anybody who would dare suggest such a thing.

4 -- It turns out to be Islamic terrorism.

5 -- silence from the defenders of Islam (until the next go-round when they indulge in the exact, same defense)

Somewhere in that list is the assertion that Islam is a peaceful religion and most Moslems are good people.

White men commit crimes too. What about Jack the Ripper, he was white?

I saw a Christian jaywalk the other day, and a Jewish man farted in pubic.

It's just the same, you know.

Let's face it. We can't blame Moslems for anything without blaming everyone.
Most SANE people care
My question would be how many more decades and lives lost will it take before we begin to confront the root of the problem.
One witness on BBC said he saw a body in the water off the bridge as well as all the others.
Dear Sweet Most merciful Jesus.....Please don't let that idiot in Chief make a statement, please.....the people of London have suffered enough....I can see this orange bitch tweeting it now...."called it".

What we will find, is some Asian thug, pissed off by whites, who clearly have a habit of turning immigrants in to radicals...taking his revenge out on innocent people.
Here's what always happens here:

1 -- Early reports come in of what looks to be a terrorist attack.

2- People point out the 99.9999% likelihood it is yet another case of Islamic terrorism.

3 -- Defenders of Islam rush in to ridicule anybody who would dare suggest such a thing.

4 -- It turns out to be Islamic terrorism.

5 -- silence from the defenders of Islam (until the next go-round when they indulge in the exact, same defense)

Somewhere in that list is the assertion that Islam is a peaceful religion and most Moslems are good people.
White men commit crimes too. What about Jack the Ripper, he was white?
How do you know he was never caught ?
Dear Sweet Most merciful Jesus.....Please don't let that idiot in Chief make a statement, please.....the people of London have suffered enough....I can see this orange bitch tweeting it now...."called it".

What we will find, is some Asian thug, pissed off by whites, who clearly have a habit of turning immigrants in to radicals...taking his revenge out on innocent people.

This place really needs a button one can select that says "utter stupidity".

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