Look What Happens When This White Guy Cut In Line and....

I think it’s more of a northern you know “yankee” culture thing to be rude n cut in line
Beat someone up for cutting a line?

Bullshit, I slung a negroid right to the ground for doing that.

I didn't have to beat him up, he knew he was got. I ain't playin' that, not intimidated just because you're bigger.

Next time it happened, it was a little white-collar Asian dude, I just told him, "You're not special, get to the back of the line, bubba."

He didn't like it, but he did. The 3-4 people behind me liked it.

Line cutters assume people are too meek to respond. It's like the people who don't wait for you to bag in self checkout lines at the supermarket.

They are just assholes.

Here is how you deal with line cutters:

I wasn't born to stand in line.
When you are on line you need to be ready and alert, not chatting with your friends, texting, etc.
I'll give you 5-10 seconds to move up, then I'm going around you.
The people who hold up the line are the rude ones.
Can any white people tell me why whites think its ok to cut in line? I ask because it seems to be a common thing IMO.
Yes. Cuz we be white. Deal with it, whiner.
I do deal with it but white people become afraid. Now if they just took their silly asses to the back of the line they wouldnt have to live in fear.
I think it’s more of a northern you know “yankee” culture thing to be rude n cut in line
You may have something there. When in the south I have never seen a white person try to cut.
Definitely not at taco stand, there’s one on every corner. All joking aside, no matter the race that guy got what he deserved. This younger generation has forgotten their manners, maybe a chin checking needs to be given out more often.
he didnt come armed with a gun.... This guy was bold. I have noticed that white people tend to do this alot.

Oh please, Crybaby, this thread is just another excuse to smear your feces all over white people, because you're full of feces. That's all you do, that's all you're about, nothing else. You're still a slave..... to your own deep-seated, paranoid obsession with us whites and you're too far up your own ass to realize your own trap you created for yourself.

Let me ask you this: how long do you black crybabies expect to spew your mindless, petulant, baby tantrum hatred at us whites before that hatred becomes RECIPROCATED in obedience to human nature? Hate begets hate and since all the black community is about is hatred, maybe white racists were right about you all along.
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