Look What Happens When This White Guy Cut In Line and....

well maybe this is a regional thing then, because I've never seen this happen just because people happen to be white an felt they could step in front of someone. I find people acting that way unbelievable.
It happened to me many times there which is why I didn't think anything about speaking up when I was with my boss & her colleague. It wasn't always easy to tell who was who though because Daytona is a tourist town but I got the impression that those primarily doing it were from the area and not out-of-state.
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Asclepias: white people are inherently violent

Also Asclepias: beating someone up for cutting in line is acceptable behavior
No they arent inherently evil. I have a white god daughter who is a really sweet child.

It is if when you remove them from the front of the line and they want to fight.

You latch onto a stranger anywhere, and you are looking at getting into a fight.
Well you dont just latch on. You get ready to knock their asses out if they put up a struggle. Now in my experience white guys wont fight and yelling at them will usually suffice.
No it isnt. I dont think its even against the law. Its just some rude shit white people tend to do.
During my life time, I've stood in hundreds, if not thousands of lines with people of every race and ethnicity.

And very rarely has anyone ever cut in line. In fact, I really can't remember the last time somebody did. ... :cool:
Thats interesting but it doesnt really have shit do with my point.

You don't have a point. You have a half assed opinion that belies common sense and is probably based solely on your racial prejudice.
No it isnt. I dont think its even against the law. Its just some rude shit white people tend to do.
During my life time, I've stood in hundreds, if not thousands of lines with people of every race and ethnicity.

And very rarely has anyone ever cut in line. In fact, I really can't remember the last time somebody did. ... :cool:
Thats interesting but it doesnt really have shit do with my point.

You don't have a point. You have a half assed opinion that belies common sense and is probably based solely on your racial prejudice.
Actually I do have a point. Cutting in line is rude and whites seem to be the race that does it the most.
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Asclepias: white people are inherently violent

Also Asclepias: beating someone up for cutting in line is acceptable behavior
No they arent inherently evil. I have a white god daughter who is a really sweet child.

It is if when you remove them from the front of the line and they want to fight.

You latch onto a stranger anywhere, and you are looking at getting into a fight.
Well you dont just latch on. You get ready to knock their asses out if they put up a struggle. Now in my experience white guys wont fight and yelling at them will usually suffice.

Intelligent people don't usually fight unless there is a real need to do so. Your experience is worth less than the time it took you to type it. Just another internet tough guy.
No it isnt. I dont think its even against the law. Its just some rude shit white people tend to do.
During my life time, I've stood in hundreds, if not thousands of lines with people of every race and ethnicity.

And very rarely has anyone ever cut in line. In fact, I really can't remember the last time somebody did. ... :cool:
Thats interesting but it doesnt really have shit do with my point.

You don't have a point. You have a half assed opinion that belies common sense and is probably based solely on your racial prejudice.
Actually I do have a point. Cutting in line is rude and whites seem to be the race that does it the most.

So you say.
Asclepias: white people are inherently violent

Also Asclepias: beating someone up for cutting in line is acceptable behavior
No they arent inherently evil. I have a white god daughter who is a really sweet child.

It is if when you remove them from the front of the line and they want to fight.

You latch onto a stranger anywhere, and you are looking at getting into a fight.
Well you dont just latch on. You get ready to knock their asses out if they put up a struggle. Now in my experience white guys wont fight and yelling at them will usually suffice.

Intelligent people don't usually fight unless there is a real need to do so. Your experience is worth less than the time it took you to type it. Just another internet tough guy.
I'm very intelligent and up to the time I hit my late 30's I loved to fight. That kind of kills your theory on how intellect and fighting correlates.
No it isnt. I dont think its even against the law. Its just some rude shit white people tend to do.
During my life time, I've stood in hundreds, if not thousands of lines with people of every race and ethnicity.

And very rarely has anyone ever cut in line. In fact, I really can't remember the last time somebody did. ... :cool:
Thats interesting but it doesnt really have shit do with my point.

You don't have a point. You have a half assed opinion that belies common sense and is probably based solely on your racial prejudice.
Actually I do have a point. Cutting in line is rude and whites seem to be the race that does it the most.

So you say.
Thats correct. I said it and created a thread about it. If you dont like that then dont read the thread. Whatever you decide please stop whining about it.
During my life time, I've stood in hundreds, if not thousands of lines with people of every race and ethnicity.

And very rarely has anyone ever cut in line. In fact, I really can't remember the last time somebody did. ... :cool:
Thats interesting but it doesnt really have shit do with my point.

You don't have a point. You have a half assed opinion that belies common sense and is probably based solely on your racial prejudice.
Actually I do have a point. Cutting in line is rude and whites seem to be the race that does it the most.

So you say.
Thats correct. I said it and created a thread about it. If you dont like that then dont read the thread. Whatever you decide please stop whining about it.
You are the one who’s whining. Your op proves it. One video and in your opinion all whites do it. You’re a moron.
Beat someone up for cutting a line?
He didnt actually beat him up. He just smacked him around when the white guy faced up. What was he supposed to do? Let the white guy cut everyone?
I do find it odd how you rail against violence but always seem to find it acceptable when its done against a white person.
Its sad really..
I find violence in self defense very acceptable. Its the people that innate violence by their actions that I am against.
That wasn’t self defense.
Asclepias: white people are inherently violent

Also Asclepias: beating someone up for cutting in line is acceptable behavior
No they arent inherently evil. I have a white god daughter who is a really sweet child.

It is if when you remove them from the front of the line and they want to fight.

It's as if we live in a country with 300 million individuals who's behavior can sometimes be considered rude.
In my experience its always been white people that make up the vast majority of people being rude. Why is that?
Considering you are wrong and racist. Your experience is a lie.
Can any white people tell me why whites think its ok to cut in line? I ask because it seems to be a common thing IMO.
Your opinion isn’t fact. Rude people are every where every color and every race. You on the other have have a problem with white people. You exaggerate what white people do and how rude they are. You are the definition of a miserable racist. Your history of posts prove it.
A few rules I use as a man to address people cutting.

1. Be proactive. Prevention is key. Stand in line with your hands on your waist and look angry.
2. Dont overreact. They may have just made a mistake.
3. Immediately say "excuse me. the line is back there"
4. Never confront an old person. Let them cut if youre a real man.
5. If its a pretty woman and she smiles at you let her cut.


A pretty woman should always get a pass. But just speaking for myself, I avoid lines as well as crowds whenever possible, and by doing so avoid confrontations with dickheads like that lidiot in the video. He deserved to get pimp slapped.

If I order food, I will normally phone in my order and pick it up, or even better, have it delivered.
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Asc is the perfect example..and I mean PERFECT example of why race relations are as they are. He is the embodiment of racist hate. Oh, and a troll too.
Beat someone up for cutting a line?

Bullshit, I slung a negroid right to the ground for doing that.

I didn't have to beat him up, he knew he was got. I ain't playin' that, not intimidated just because you're bigger.

Next time it happened, it was a little white-collar Asian dude, I just told him, "You're not special, get to the back of the line, bubba."

He didn't like it, but he did. The 3-4 people behind me liked it.
Race of people I've never been cut in line by: White, Hispanic, and Indian.

Blacks: 6-7X (Most were in the Jr. High breakfast line)

Asians: 1

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