Look what is coming

Students globally protest warming, pleading for their future

School children are now cutting class to protest global warming, much like they were told to do protesting guns.

The end result here is that an entire generation will have been indoctrinated to fight global warming at any cost. This means they will give up their economic freedom, property, everything.

This is the future.

They don't even want property because it has to be maintained and that's work. It's crazy! :cuckoo:

They want to be slaves. They'll kill me when I'm 70-80 probably. Euthanasia, no longer contributing to society and all that.

I'll be deemed useless. (If I make it that far)

Well at least they won't make you go into the woods with just a blanket. :21:

Should I find that comforting? Somehow I don't. I'm all for giving future generations the freedom I had growing up, which was extensive. They have no clue as to how locked down they are these days.

That's what MAGA is all about. I'm wondering if we can ever get back there. :(
What's coming is women's vote getting restricted

Men will not stand by letting women's vote destroy the nation
Really wish you would LEAVE THIS SITE.

You're such a fucking moron and the shit you post is absurd 9 times out of ten.

Uneducated drivel

Stop the temper tamtrums

Debate the issue if you can

Which issue do you disagree with?

The min age raised will bring more wise voters

The restricting emotional voters will stop electing crooks

Which issue do you disagree with ?
I disagree with YOU pretending to be an American and spouting the stupid shit you do which makes Americans look stupid.

You want to bet I'm not American

It's me protecting the founders NOT YOU

It was Adam type stupid men that helped change the founders laws
What's coming is women's vote getting restricted

Men will not stand by letting women's vote destroy the nation
Really wish you would LEAVE THIS SITE.

You're such a fucking moron and the shit you post is absurd 9 times out of ten.

Uneducated drivel

Stop the temper tamtrums

Debate the issue if you can

Which issue do you disagree with?

The min age raised will bring more wise voters

The restricting emotional voters will stop electing crooks

Which issue do you disagree with ?
I disagree with YOU pretending to be an American and spouting the stupid shit you do which makes Americans look stupid.

You want to bet I'm not American

It's me protecting the founders NOT YOU

It was Adam type stupid men that helped change the founders laws

You're Russian, comrade. I like your posts and all, but be what you are, ok?
What's coming is women's vote getting restricted

Men will not stand by letting women's vote destroy the nation
Really wish you would LEAVE THIS SITE.

You're such a fucking moron and the shit you post is absurd 9 times out of ten.

Uneducated drivel

Stop the temper tamtrums

Debate the issue if you can

Which issue do you disagree with?

The min age raised will bring more wise voters

The restricting emotional voters will stop electing crooks

Which issue do you disagree with ?
I disagree with YOU pretending to be an American and spouting the stupid shit you do which makes Americans look stupid.

Why don't you bet I'm not American

Never been out of the country but do know the world well and the laws of life

There are more men as morons than women the IQ of 40 or below

But the main thing is on the top side of the IQ the high level are nearly all men

And the logic part is the most valuable part of the IQ

Men have been stopped by low logic women from training kids correctly

All the crooks rushes in to fool the unwise to enrich themselves and makes people think women and low IQs voting is not a problem

They do that to rob the nation
What's coming is women's vote getting restricted

Men will not stand by letting women's vote destroy the nation
Really wish you would LEAVE THIS SITE.

You're such a fucking moron and the shit you post is absurd 9 times out of ten.

Uneducated drivel

Stop the temper tamtrums

Debate the issue if you can

Which issue do you disagree with?

The min age raised will bring more wise voters

The restricting emotional voters will stop electing crooks

Which issue do you disagree with ?
I disagree with YOU pretending to be an American and spouting the stupid shit you do which makes Americans look stupid.

You want to bet I'm not American

It's me protecting the founders NOT YOU

It was Adam type stupid men that helped change the founders laws

You're Russian, comrade. I like your posts and all, but be what you are, ok?

Want to bet??

This site has the proof they have already checked
Students globally protest warming, pleading for their future

School children are now cutting class to protest global warming, much like they were told to do protesting guns.

The end result here is that an entire generation will have been indoctrinated to fight global warming at any cost. This means they will give up their economic freedom, property, everything.

This is the future.

They don't even want property because it has to be maintained and that's work. It's crazy! :cuckoo:

They want to be slaves. They'll kill me when I'm 70-80 probably. Euthanasia, no longer contributing to society and all that.

I'll be deemed useless. (If I make it that far)

Well at least they won't make you go into the woods with just a blanket. :21:

Should I find that comforting? Somehow I don't. I'm all for giving future generations the freedom I had growing up, which was extensive. They have no clue as to how locked down they are these days.

That's what MAGA is all about. I'm wondering if we can ever get back there. :(

It does seem to be hopeless, but the longer we can stall it, the better.

We'll be fine, but it is the coming generations that worry me as well. The Democrat party is out to make this country a single-party government forever. When they accomplish that, we will quickly turn Socialist and eventually slip to Communism. The great experiment will be over and they will destroy all our history as they are trying to do today by tearing down statues.

If at least some history is preserved, they future people will be asking themselves how did we go wrong? Why did we let this happen?

I don't know why God made it this way, but it seems the good people can win the battle, but the devil always wins the war.
Students globally protest warming, pleading for their future

School children are now cutting class to protest global warming, much like they were told to do protesting guns.

The end result here is that an entire generation will have been indoctrinated to fight global warming at any cost. This means they will give up their economic freedom, property, everything.

This is the future.
--------------------------------- its 'OK ' with me Votto . They won't even have skateboards , tattoos and ill fitting 'sports' logo clothing eh ?? I suppose that they'll be able to keep their 'man buns' on their heads though eh ??
What's coming is women's vote getting restricted

Men will not stand by letting women's vote destroy the nation
Really wish you would LEAVE THIS SITE.

You're such a fucking moron and the shit you post is absurd 9 times out of ten.

Uneducated drivel

Stop the temper tamtrums

Debate the issue if you can

Which issue do you disagree with?

The min age raised will bring more wise voters

The restricting emotional voters will stop electing crooks

Which issue do you disagree with ?
I disagree with YOU pretending to be an American and spouting the stupid shit you do which makes Americans look stupid.

You want to bet I'm not American

It's me protecting the founders NOT YOU

It was Adam type stupid men that helped change the founders laws

You're Russian, comrade. I like your posts and all, but be what you are, ok?

Einstein did not follow that grammar experts were wise. He laughed at them

He invented his own way of doing things
Students globally protest warming, pleading for their future

School children are now cutting class to protest global warming, much like they were told to do protesting guns.

The end result here is that an entire generation will have been indoctrinated to fight global warming at any cost. This means they will give up their economic freedom, property, everything.

This is the future.
I only know one word Russian

No is something like nyet ??

Really foolish low logics here

Ask me all the sports questions if you got courage to lose

Do I know who Maury wills is??

Do I know who frank Howard is

Do I know who Willie Davis is and how fast he can run

Do I know who is lee Trevino?
Students globally protest warming, pleading for their future

School children are now cutting class to protest global warming, much like they were told to do protesting guns.

The end result here is that an entire generation will have been indoctrinated to fight global warming at any cost. This means they will give up their economic freedom, property, everything.

This is the future.

Brainwashing works. The filthy Left knows it.

LESSON 2: Bad teacher = Bad student

On that point, Mr. Miyagi was full of shit!

Not really. I remember years ago when my cousin and her husband adopted a child from Guatemala. They live in a very nice section of town. Her husband was brushing his teeth when the child went into the bathroom and shut off the water in the sink. She told him we don't want to waste a drop of water because water is precious. She demanded he only turn on the water after he spit, and turn it off again.

She and her husband are both libs, so they thought it was cute and complied. I guess the teacher forgot to tell students we live near the largest fresh water reserves in the world, and we have plenty of water.
So we should just waste all we want then?
Students globally protest warming, pleading for their future

School children are now cutting class to protest global warming, much like they were told to do protesting guns.

The end result here is that an entire generation will have been indoctrinated to fight global warming at any cost. This means they will give up their economic freedom, property, everything.

This is the future.
View attachment 250583

It's a fucked up thing.

Re: A) Global warming is a wealth redistribution scheme/scam.

Total bullshit that takes real money from citizens.
She and her husband are both libs, so they thought it was cute and complied. I guess the teacher forgot to tell students we live near the largest fresh water reserves in the world, and we have plenty of water
Libs, science deniers that they are, don't understand that water can never be "used up."
Of course it can't. That's why the aquifers here in Kansas are drying up.

What's coming is women's vote getting restricted

Men will not stand by letting women's vote destroy the nation
Really wish you would LEAVE THIS SITE.

You're such a fucking moron and the shit you post is absurd 9 times out of ten.

Uneducated drivel

Stop the temper tamtrums

Debate the issue if you can

Which issue do you disagree with?

The min age raised will bring more wise voters

The restricting emotional voters will stop electing crooks

Which issue do you disagree with ?
I disagree with YOU pretending to be an American and spouting the stupid shit you do which makes Americans look stupid.

You want to bet I'm not American

It's me protecting the founders NOT YOU

It was Adam type stupid men that helped change the founders laws

You're Russian, comrade. I like your posts and all, but be what you are, ok?

If you don't ask me questions to prove I'm not Russian

What does that prove??

You made the charge so you need to ask the questions

A normal American would ask the questions

If you don't your credibility is toast

So get to asking the questions if you got any courage and not afraid to lose
Students globally protest warming, pleading for their future

School children are now cutting class to protest global warming, much like they were told to do protesting guns.

The end result here is that an entire generation will have been indoctrinated to fight global warming at any cost. This means they will give up their economic freedom, property, everything.

This is the future.

These students are protesting for their futures. My daughter and her two best friends were among them. Her protest poster had melting glaciers.


I was so proud!
I guess they were to stupid to know glaciers started melting the day they were created and have never stopped,,,

I think thats called the law of thermal dynamics
It's the law of thermodynamics.

What's coming is women's vote getting restricted

Men will not stand by letting women's vote destroy the nation

Also will raise the min age to vote to stop the inexperienced from destroying the nation
Yeah... Nope. You incel types have already lost that battle.
Really wish you would LEAVE THIS SITE.

You're such a fucking moron and the shit you post is absurd 9 times out of ten.

Uneducated drivel

Stop the temper tamtrums

Debate the issue if you can

Which issue do you disagree with?

The min age raised will bring more wise voters

The restricting emotional voters will stop electing crooks

Which issue do you disagree with ?
I disagree with YOU pretending to be an American and spouting the stupid shit you do which makes Americans look stupid.

You want to bet I'm not American

It's me protecting the founders NOT YOU

It was Adam type stupid men that helped change the founders laws

You're Russian, comrade. I like your posts and all, but be what you are, ok?

If you don't ask me questions to prove I'm not Russian

What does that prove??

You made the charge so you need to ask the questions

A normal American would ask the questions

If you don't your credibility is toast

So get to asking the questions if you got any courage and not afraid to lose

What do you season greens with? :rolleyes:

What do people usually eat on St. Patty's day?
Really wish you would LEAVE THIS SITE.

You're such a fucking moron and the shit you post is absurd 9 times out of ten.

Uneducated drivel

Stop the temper tamtrums

Debate the issue if you can

Which issue do you disagree with?

The min age raised will bring more wise voters

The restricting emotional voters will stop electing crooks

Which issue do you disagree with ?
I disagree with YOU pretending to be an American and spouting the stupid shit you do which makes Americans look stupid.

You want to bet I'm not American

It's me protecting the founders NOT YOU

It was Adam type stupid men that helped change the founders laws

You're Russian, comrade. I like your posts and all, but be what you are, ok?

If you don't ask me questions to prove I'm not Russian

What does that prove??

You made the charge so you need to ask the questions

A normal American would ask the questions

If you don't your credibility is toast

So get to asking the questions if you got any courage and not afraid to lose
Do they pay you by the post, and if so how many rubles for each?

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