Look what Obama and the left has done

Obama ate his dog

Progressives are Compulsive Liars. "A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. "

Pathological versus Compulsive Liars - Truth About Deception

Hi, compulsive liar. you have done so much trolling you forgot that you have lost all credibility on telling people they are liars, m'kay

Come on out in WoT I have an AP round in the JTE100 ready for you
You haven't provided any evidence to back up your statements. As far a Obama being a compulsive liar-what's your proof?

Dishonest bastards will be dishonest bastards forever. I cannot remember a more dishonest bastard than Obama ever running for President.

We should all EXPECT dishonesty from that goddamned Marxist asshole. His agenda (to fundamentally transform the United States) is taking shape despite that pesky old Constitution that he chooses to ignore on occasion.

Obama and his followers are Compulsive Liars.


"A compulsive liar will resort to telling lies, regardless of the situation. Again, everyone lies from time to time (see, when lovers lie), but for a compulsive liar, telling lies is routine. It becomes a habit - a way of life."

Compulsive Lying - Truth About Deception

"Romney is a felon" -- Obama

Obama is a Liar -- CNN, NYTimes, WaPost
So you looked up what a compulsive liar is. Now where's your proof that Obama and all progressives are compulsive liars. Your posts have only given me some insight as to why fox news gets away with lying all the time and their listeners believe it anyway.

Obama ate his dog

Progressives are Compulsive Liars. "A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. "

Pathological versus Compulsive Liars - Truth About Deception

Hi, compulsive liar. you have done so much trolling you forgot that you have lost all credibility on telling people they are liars, m'kay

Come on out in WoT I have an AP round in the JTE100 ready for you
Obama was once fed dog in Indonesia in the 60's, where it was commonplace. He ate dog, not the dog, not his dog. How dumb can you get?

Obama wants to socialize NOTHING, MORONS. And as brainwashed, braindead cold war dinosaurs, you think socialist means communist- totally different. Change the channel, chumps.
A Kenyan
A Communist
A Marxist
A Nazi
A Socialist
An American hater
A hater of the rich
A hater of the middle class

Bet you don't have the balls to have an avatar that reads "Muslims Are Assholes".
Can anyone stick to the topic. Cons and Libs both wander off and just play the blame gave. If the sun didn't come up in the morning someone would blame the other side for it. Let find and elect someone who loves American and knows how to fix our problems.
Obama ate his dog
Progressives are Compulsive Liars.
"A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. "

Pathological versus Compulsive Liars - Truth About Deception

Irony. Again.

(As a child he was feed dog meat. He did not eat his dog.)

Habitual liar, you! :eusa_whistle:

Kinda like when you libs were saying that Romney said he likes to fire people?? A little out of context maybe? Or how about the "Let em die" comment that you guys played on FOREVER? Kinda goes both ways huh?
Obama ate his dog
Progressives are Compulsive Liars.
"A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. "

Pathological versus Compulsive Liars - Truth About Deception

Irony. Again.

(As a child he was feed dog meat. He did not eat his dog.)

Habitual liar, you! :eusa_whistle:

Kinda like when you libs were saying that Romney said he likes to fire people?? A little out of context maybe? Or how about the "Let em die" comment that you guys played on FOREVER? Kinda goes both ways huh?

Yes I remember it. I can only be responsible for me and no it doesn't go both ways.

A Kenyan
A Communist
A Marxist
A Nazi
A Socialist
An American hater
A hater of the rich
A hater of the middle class

Funny..they either bray this off the highest mountain..or acted all wounded and bray about what an awful man Obama is for attacking poor Mitt.

Obama endured. As did other Democrats.

Only difference is now comes the counter punch.

Man up..boys.
Look what these dishonest bastards have done.
They have attepted to convince Americans that Romney is:

An animal abuser
A felon
A tax evader
A killer

Obama cannot run on a positive note, he has to pull whatever he can come up with out of his ass to convince as many stupid Americans as possible that Romney is an evil person.

Obama's America is suffering, obviously he knows that otherwise he wouldn't be attempting all of these distractions.

Well duh! If you devastated the world economy, spent the US into the brink of collapse, created an environment where jobs are lost by the millions, and ensured that energy was scarce and thus more than most people could afford, would you run on your record?

He has to attack Romney with vicious lies - he knows he's going to get his ass kicked in the election, just like he did in the November 2010 elections!
A Kenyan
A Communist
A Marxist
A Nazi
A Socialist
An American hater
A hater of the rich
A hater of the middle class

Funny..they either bray this off the highest mountain..or acted all wounded and bray about what an awful man Obama is for attacking poor Mitt.

Obama endured. As did other Democrats.

Only difference is now comes the counter punch.

Man up..boys.

Except that those are stating FACTS while Obama is lying (and you even know it because you're response was "man up to the vicious attacks" :lol:)

A Communist - Obamacare (ie forced socialized medicine)
A Marxist - "the way you do that is to spread the wealth" (statement to Joe the Plumber)
A Nazi - "forget about the polls and the poltics and do what I know is right" (stated dozens of times during townhalls for Obamacare)
A Socialist - "If you have a business, you didn't build that, somebody else did"
An American hater - Dreams from my Father (autobiography by Barack Obama - in which he details the hate his father had for America, how his daddy referred to America as "The Great Imperialist").
A hater of the rich - "The rich aren't paying their fair share"
A hater of the middle class - Every policy he's enacted has been aimed at killing the upper and middle class.

You just got bitch-smacked hard with facts... :lol:
A Kenyan
A Communist
A Marxist
A Nazi
A Socialist
An American hater
A hater of the rich
A hater of the middle class

Funny..they either bray this off the highest mountain..or acted all wounded and bray about what an awful man Obama is for attacking poor Mitt.

Obama endured. As did other Democrats.

Only difference is now comes the counter punch.

Man up..boys.
Obama and Democrats can endure on lies. That is their modus operandi.

Obama's first elected office was won by lying.
Obama's last elected office was won by lying.

Obama has everything bought and paid for by someone else. Even his high position at Harvard was bought by Saudi Arabia...in exchange for a 20 million dollar contribution.

Barrack Hussein Obama is NOTHING BUT one fucking lie after another.
A Kenyan
A Communist
A Marxist
A Nazi
A Socialist
An American hater
A hater of the rich
A hater of the middle class
you forgot

A Muslim
A Killer
A Dictator
A King
The AntiChrist
A Racist

etc etc etc etc
What goes around, comes around...

sadly, they don't have that saying for nothing!

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