Look Who’s Being Violent! Wisconsin Unions! I Thought Libs Said it was the Tea Party


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010

After learning the state Senate passed the collective bargaining portion of the budget repair bill without the 14 missing Democrats, the Capitol erupted Wednesday evening as protesters flooded the closed building against a court order.
The hearings where the Senate passed the bill lasted less than a half hour, prompting the building to officially close around 6:30 p.m. Protesters outside chanted in frustration, “Let us in.”

After about an hour and a half, protesters stormed the building’s entrances, forcing themselves past police blockades.
Protesters who remained in the building past the hearing’s conclusion ran the risk of being arrested for disorderly conduct because of a March 3 court order that declared people could not occupy the Capitol after hours.
Read all here:


Now this is funny stuff, because THIS is what liberals accused the Tea Party of being like. But, the Tea Party has never behaved like this. Liberals make all kinds of lying accusations against conservatives. But, when liberals don’t get their way, look who behaves violently. It’s very hypocritical and very funny! Bravo for Wisconsin Republicans who stuck to their guns!

Look Who’s Being Violent! Wisconsin Unions! I Thought Libs Said it was the Tea Party that was Violent! « Political Pie by TeaPartySamurai

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To be honest, I was shocked they didn't storm it earlier.

I was mildly shocked that the Senators were able to leave without getting their asses beat by the tolerant party of the left.

But that is coming, I'm sure.
But... it's freedom of THEIR speech, and freedom of THEIR expression!
I know this is going to sound crazy but......

Those people should get together and have an election to select some people to go to the Capitol and represent their interests.


Oh yeah...........I said it.
Both voters of the 2 popular parties do this stuff, no big deal, it's only going to increase. I don't have a problem with any of it. I don't agree with them, but don't have an issue with them doing what they did.
(I don't vote for either of the 2 big parties).

But just hope that the members of the party you don't like on this board don't save this thread for when tea partiers or republicans do something similar and you don't start threads to speak out against it. You'll look like hypocrites.
Both voters of the 2 popular parties do this stuff, no big deal, it's only going to increase. I don't have a problem with any of it. I don't agree with them, but don't have an issue with them doing what they did.
(I don't vote for either of the 2 big parties).

But just hope that the members of the party you don't like on this board don't save this thread for when tea partiers or republicans do something similar and you don't start threads to speak out against it. You'll look like hypocrites.

I disagree that both parties do this. Republicans usually work at their jobs instead of running down on orders from some political union hack to shout and pound on walls.
Both voters of the 2 popular parties do this stuff, no big deal, it's only going to increase. I don't have a problem with any of it. I don't agree with them, but don't have an issue with them doing what they did.
(I don't vote for either of the 2 big parties).

But just hope that the members of the party you don't like on this board don't save this thread for when tea partiers or republicans do something similar and you don't start threads to speak out against it. You'll look like hypocrites.


The Tea Party has been around for more than TWO YEARS. Liberals over and over LIED AND LIED AND LIED about them.

"They had swastikas, they were racists, they were violent, blah blah blah."

It was all a pure lie.

But when liberals protest . . . . .

Now you threaten us with, "yeah, but the tea party might be violent in the future!!!!!!!!!!!"

Let us know when that happens okay . . .

You know why I'm not worried?

Because I understand the difference between conservatism and liberal.

It's why when conservatives said "tea bag Washington" they were thinking of our proud American history of the Boston Tea Party.

Liberals thought of a perverted, sex act.

That's all you need to say to tell you how liberals and conservatives are different.

I know the difference between conservatism and liberalism. How they think, how they act, and how they treat the country.

That legsilation has passed. Time to have civil discourse on other things. This is settled. Did I miss anything the liberal chant usually says at this point?
I wonder if they are considering calling in the Ohio National Guard....

Too late! Liberals are already behaving violently and blaming it on everyone else.

BTW, scumbag, Ohio is my state. I don't find it funny joking about the 4 slain in Ohio.

Nor do I forget that it was magget infested dope smoking little rich boys, going to college on daddy's money that caused the incident by throwing rocks and bottles at the Ohio National Guard.
Gee whiz guys, lets take your right away to go the church of your choice. I wonder what would happen? Or lets just say from now on you can watch the church service on TV, but there isn't a place to hear and your not going to be able to be a part of it.

Just keep pushing guys, you have gone a long way in getting the 30 million people who either voter against their own best interest or didn't vote at all to take notice of how brutal your side is in getting what they want.
Both voters of the 2 popular parties do this stuff, no big deal, it's only going to increase. I don't have a problem with any of it. I don't agree with them, but don't have an issue with them doing what they did.
(I don't vote for either of the 2 big parties).

But just hope that the members of the party you don't like on this board don't save this thread for when tea partiers or republicans do something similar and you don't start threads to speak out against it. You'll look like hypocrites.

I disagree that both parties do this. Republicans usually work at their jobs instead of running down on orders from some political union hack to shout and pound on walls.

Damn straight!
Gee whiz guys, lets take your right away to go the church of your choice. I wonder what would happen? Or lets just say from now on you can watch the church service on TV, but there isn't a place to hear and your not going to be able to be a part of it.

Just keep pushing guys, you have gone a long way in getting the 30 million people who either voter against their own best interest or didn't vote at all to take notice of how brutal your side is in getting what they want.

Sort of like forcing everyone to have health insurance unconstitutionally?
Gee whiz guys, lets take your right away to go the church of your choice. I wonder what would happen? Or lets just say from now on you can watch the church service on TV, but there isn't a place to hear and your not going to be able to be a part of it.

Just keep pushing guys, you have gone a long way in getting the 30 million people who either voter against their own best interest or didn't vote at all to take notice of how brutal your side is in getting what they want.

Hey Bozo, the money to pay for all of those Union perks comes from US, the taxpayer..Since when did my money become a RIGHT for lefties to take??? WTF does going to church have to do with liberals wanting a free ticket off of hard working Americans?? YOUR GRAVY TRAIN IS OVER so STFU and deal with it like an adult. Be grateful you morons had more than all other American's for so long.

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