Looking at all the Republicans victims, who suffers the most?

Cost of Cheapest Obamacare Plans Is Soaring Cost of Cheapest Obamacare Plans Is Soaring - Bloomberg View Libs yelling squirrel again as they pummel the poor and middle class into oblivion forcing them to buy crappy policies they cant afford

2016: The worst year yet for Obamacare penalties
The penalties reach their worst next year, with huge increases coming once again. The per-person charge in 2016 jumps to $695 per adult and $347.50 per child, topping out at a whopping $2,085 per family. The income-based penalty rises to 2.5%.

Not sure how income level figures in all this madness? 2.5% of 84K is about 2K?

The only link to back you up is at Fool.Com seriously. Do you have a legit link?
The Motley Fool

I am looking for better. This one says same.

The Individual Mandate | ObamaCare Watch

Beginning in 2014, the federal government will impose new fines on citizens and legal residents who do not obtain government-approved insurance. Those without insurance will pay a tax that is the greater of a flat fee, or a percentage of family income. The flat fee will be phased in over several years. In 2014, the penalty will be $95 per adult in an uninsured household, increasing to $325 in 2015, then to $695 in 2016, after which it will increase annually in line with consumer inflation. For uninsured children, the fine will be half the amount applied to uninsured adults. If greater, households pay 1 percent of their income in 2014, 2 percent in 2015, and 2.5 percent in 2016 and thereafter in lieu of the flat per person fee.

I really did not want HOMEWORK on SUN morning.

Thank you~
Wow! if $20K AGI fine = $0. if $21K AGI fine = $1390 married joint no kids. No thanks boss, don't want that last weeks check.
Wow! if $20K AGI fine = $0. if $21K AGI fine = $1390 married joint no kids. No thanks boss, don't want that last weeks check.
At Obamacare exchange prices thats only one month of crappy insurance
Dont get a refund and shove it up their ......people have to stand up to this
Democrats train people to look forward to a life of either unemployment or a minimum wage job
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A girl collecting plastic bottles from local parks in Arizona in 2012. Her mother was no longer receiving welfare checks because she had already participated in the program for the maximum amount of time allotted by the state. (I wonder what happened to her. Not that Republicans care)


And if Paul Ryan, the Republican lawmaker from Wisconsin who is expected to become speaker of the House, has his way, poor people in many other states can expect similar treatment in the years ahead.

Peter Germanis, one of the White House advisers who help write President Ronald Reagan’s welfare reform proposal of 1986, called “Up From Dependency.” He has been affiliated with the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute, both conservative advocacy and research organizations in Washington.

Over the summer, Mr. Germanis published a startling confession. Writing “as a citizen and in my capacity as a conservative welfare expert,” he apologized for whatever role he may have had in the welfare reform enacted in 1996.

Arizona is a prime example of what has happened in states where Republicans rule. By now, only about nine out of every 100 poor families benefit from the cash welfare program, down from 55 percent two decades ago. This has nothing to do with the program’s objective of helping poor adults with children escape the stigma of welfare and get a job, still the best antipoverty tool there is. Arizona simply needed the money for something else.


I think it's clearly children who suffer the most under Republican leadership. A direct result of the "get 'em born, then fuck 'em, it's not my kid" political and ideological strategy of the GOP.

Lol at your kid!

what Party is in power?
what Party has the presidency?
what Party controls 2 of the 3 branches of the law-making process??

gotta love left-wing losers admitting how irrelevant obama and democrats are; or how little they were able to "change" on their watch

Republican policies passed when they held the entire government fucked this country. Republicans retain enough power to make sure that trend will never be reversed. Hope that helps.

One day people might look for a job.

what Party is in power?
what Party has the presidency?
what Party controls 2 of the 3 branches of the law-making process??

gotta love left-wing losers admitting how irrelevant obama and democrats are; or how little they were able to "change" on their watch

Republican policies passed when they held the entire government fucked this country. Republicans retain enough power to make sure that trend will never be reversed. Hope that helps.

One day people might look for a job.
I suggest they go to India and come back as an H1-B.
You dipshit libs, you send millions of young black and Hispanic men off to prison from your Democratic party controlled ghetto inner cities forever ruining their lives. You bus millions of young minority women off to abortion clinics, then you wonder why this girl is collecting plastic bottles??? Holy shit.
You dipshit libs, you send millions of young black and Hispanic men off to prison from your Democratic party controlled ghetto inner cities forever ruining their lives. You bus millions of young minority women off to abortion clinics, then you wonder why this girl is collecting plastic bottles??? Holy shit.

You dipshit Conservative, you vote for weak willed Representatives who pass legislation to send jobs overseas and replace American coffee pumpers with laid off H1-Bs.

A girl collecting plastic bottles from local parks in Arizona in 2012. Her mother was no longer receiving welfare checks because she had already participated in the program for the maximum amount of time allotted by the state. (I wonder what happened to her. Not that Republicans care)


And if Paul Ryan, the Republican lawmaker from Wisconsin who is expected to become speaker of the House, has his way, poor people in many other states can expect similar treatment in the years ahead.

Peter Germanis, one of the White House advisers who help write President Ronald Reagan’s welfare reform proposal of 1986, called “Up From Dependency.” He has been affiliated with the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute, both conservative advocacy and research organizations in Washington.

Over the summer, Mr. Germanis published a startling confession. Writing “as a citizen and in my capacity as a conservative welfare expert,” he apologized for whatever role he may have had in the welfare reform enacted in 1996.

Arizona is a prime example of what has happened in states where Republicans rule. By now, only about nine out of every 100 poor families benefit from the cash welfare program, down from 55 percent two decades ago. This has nothing to do with the program’s objective of helping poor adults with children escape the stigma of welfare and get a job, still the best antipoverty tool there is. Arizona simply needed the money for something else.


I think it's clearly children who suffer the most under Republican leadership. A direct result of the "get 'em born, then fuck 'em, it's not my kid" political and ideological strategy of the GOP.
The biggest victim is Rdean...still stuck in that jalopy with an ugly wife and smelly kids. Get a job, dude!
You dipshit libs, you send millions of young black and Hispanic men off to prison from your Democratic party controlled ghetto inner cities forever ruining their lives. You bus millions of young minority women off to abortion clinics, then you wonder why this girl is collecting plastic bottles??? Holy shit.

You dipshit Conservative, you vote for weak willed Representatives who pass legislation to send jobs overseas and replace American coffee pumpers with laid off H1-Bs.

Pull the libtarded IV out of your arm dummy.
You dipshit libs, you send millions of young black and Hispanic men off to prison from your Democratic party controlled ghetto inner cities forever ruining their lives. You bus millions of young minority women off to abortion clinics, then you wonder why this girl is collecting plastic bottles??? Holy shit.
We can't convince the Right to be moral enough to bear true witness to our own laws; that is the problem.
California's welfare time limit is 24 months. I doubt if anyone ever called pot head Jerry a republican.
California's welfare time limit is 24 months. I doubt if anyone ever called pot head Jerry a republican.
what about unemployment compensation? why are there any limits on unemployment compensation at-will?

are limits specified in a federal Doctrine and State laws regarding the concept of employment at will?
The little nippers should be sorting coal in the mine for a living. It was good enough for kids in Appalachia in the 1800, and it is good enough for spoiled kids of today!

The little nippers should be sorting coal in the mine for a living. It was good enough for kids in Appalachia in the 1800, and it is good enough for spoiled kids of today!

I agree to disagree; i say, let the children play as long as they can, adulthood with come soon enough.
The little nippers should be sorting coal in the mine for a living. It was good enough for kids in Appalachia in the 1800, and it is good enough for spoiled kids of today!

I agree to disagree; i say, let the children play as long as they can, adulthood with come soon enough.

This guy/chick, is a hoot. If he/she had it the way they want, people would be professional students playing games until they were 40. It is the Socialist way.Somebody, who wants something, for nothing. Typical left wing liberal/socialist.
The red states suck up the most welfare money and keep voting republican, or don't vote because they are too busy laying on the couch.
Its the children who suffer, they should have free schools lunches .

Red States Are Welfare Queens

Sates don't get welfare--people get welfare.

I live in a pretty conservative state, however our cities are mostly all Democrat and that's where the largest populations are.

You know exactly what I meant when I said that the Red States suck up the most welfare.

Red States Are Welfare Queens

Map of food stamp usage


JULY 12, 2013
The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients
Get a job. If you can't work go on social security.

What if you are illegal and have paid no wages into legal SSI account? Now you "can't work".

What if you are age 45 laid off and can't find another job for three years? UI runs out 99 weeks max (maybe 26 weeks?). You have assets (home equity, small 401K or whatever). You not really "un-able" to work but now your skills are lost. What you do for those Citizens? $15/hr won't pay your mortgage/taxes. This guy has kids in local schools. What about him?
It's not an easy fix and there are no easy answers. Welfare for more than 3 years? Sorry, no.

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