Looking at all the Republicans victims, who suffers the most?

Get a job. If you can't work go on social security.

What if you are illegal and have paid no wages into legal SSI account? Now you "can't work".

What if you are age 45 laid off and can't find another job for three years? UI runs out 99 weeks max (maybe 26 weeks?). You have assets (home equity, small 401K or whatever). You not really "un-able" to work but now your skills are lost. What you do for those Citizens? $15/hr won't pay your mortgage/taxes. This guy has kids in local schools. What about him?
It's not an easy fix and there are no easy answers. Welfare for more than 3 years? Sorry, no.

thank you. "we" have had 535 of "them" + massive staff supposedly working on it since "forever". All the miserable lying dogs have produced is more ladies bathrooms in Capitol. Time is now for change. "they" are massively compensated for three days/week. Almost all leave millionaires. But ZERO fix?
"Arizona is a prime example of what has happened in states where Republicans rule. By now, only about nine out of every 100 poor families benefit from the cash welfare program, down from 55 percent two decades ago. This has nothing to do with the program’s objective of helping poor adults with children escape the stigma of welfare and get a job, still the best antipoverty tool there is. Arizona simply needed the money for something else."

This also demonstrates to be false the conservative notion that public assistance programs 'facilitate' poverty, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
"Arizona is a prime example of what has happened in states where Republicans rule. By now, only about nine out of every 100 poor families benefit from the cash welfare program, down from 55 percent two decades ago. This has nothing to do with the program’s objective of helping poor adults with children escape the stigma of welfare and get a job, still the best antipoverty tool there is. Arizona simply needed the money for something else."

This also demonstrates to be false the conservative notion that public assistance programs 'facilitate' poverty, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
You don't think that people get comfortable with free money coming in and just settle for that rather than go out and work to make one maybe 30% more than the making just sitting at home? I know a lot of people who are getting free money and I can be honest most of them probably shouldn't be. Or put them to work if you're going to give them money even if its just stuffing envelopes answering emails or phone calls or making phone calls. Or picking up trash that's it pick up trash yeah
"Arizona is a prime example of what has happened in states where Republicans rule. By now, only about nine out of every 100 poor families benefit from the cash welfare program, down from 55 percent two decades ago. This has nothing to do with the program’s objective of helping poor adults with children escape the stigma of welfare and get a job, still the best antipoverty tool there is. Arizona simply needed the money for something else."

This also demonstrates to be false the conservative notion that public assistance programs 'facilitate' poverty, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

lol, are you high? Have your seen the stats on generational welfare? (mostly blacks).
"Arizona is a prime example of what has happened in states where Republicans rule. By now, only about nine out of every 100 poor families benefit from the cash welfare program, down from 55 percent two decades ago. This has nothing to do with the program’s objective of helping poor adults with children escape the stigma of welfare and get a job, still the best antipoverty tool there is. Arizona simply needed the money for something else."

This also demonstrates to be false the conservative notion that public assistance programs 'facilitate' poverty, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

lol, are you high? Have your seen the stats on generational welfare? (mostly blacks).
Republicans love to talk about all the people who are unemployed but aren't being counted in the statistics, suggesting the unemployment rate is higher than it actually is.

But let's remind ourselves what the Republicans and corporations offer the people who've been out of work for a long time. Nothing. Companies don't hire them and Republicans offer them nothing.

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