Looking BAD ABNORMALS! Majority of Americans now say they approve of Trump's handling of coronavirus

Can you imagine pushing 30,000 on the stock market a few weeks before election?......I CAN!!!!
Start to call Trump the DemonRAT/KUNG FLU GIANT KILLER!.....Now I wonder how the Surrender Monkey can claim HE DID THAT.....I KNOW.....LIE AND HAVE THE LAPDOG MEDIA AGREE WITH HIM!!!!



The majority of Americans now approve of President Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, a change from just one week prior, according to a new Ipsos/ABC News poll.

Of those surveyed, 55 percent said that they approved of the president's handling of the situation, while 43 percent said they disapproved. The numbers were basically reversed from one week ago when 54 percent said they disapproved and 43 percent approved.

Trump's tone and approach to the outbreak has changed in recent weeks, with the president now appearing at daily briefings at the White House with his coronavirus task force. Trump said this week that he knew that COVID-19 was a pandemic before it was labeled as such by the World Health Organization, despite his previous rhetoric downplaying the severity of the virus.

The president has passed two coronavirus stimulus packages that include paid sick leave for certain workers and free coronavirus testing.

Despite the improvement in the approval rating, the public remains strongly partisan......(Absolutely amazing how many TRULY STUPID LOW 2 DIGIT IQ'D AMERICANS BELIEVE THE LIES AND BULLSHIT OF THE DEATHRATS AND THEIR LAPDOG MEDIA!!!!!)

Nearly 70 percent of Democrats still disapprove of how Trump is dealing with the pandemic, while 92 percent of Republicans approve of how he's handled the crisis.


(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...

Polls don't matter.

Only liberal ones do....remember!?....ROTFLMFAO

Hildebeast wins by 97%....LOLOLOLOLOLOL
Until GOP big mouth James Comey....and of course the Russians and our ridiculous punditocracy going on about emails 60% of political coverage in 2016 was total idiocy fueled by the GOP propaganda machine.
Can you imagine pushing 30,000 on the stock market a few weeks before election?......I CAN!!!!
Start to call Trump the DemonRAT/KUNG FLU GIANT KILLER!.....Now I wonder how the Surrender Monkey can claim HE DID THAT.....I KNOW.....LIE AND HAVE THE LAPDOG MEDIA AGREE WITH HIM!!!!



The majority of Americans now approve of President Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, a change from just one week prior, according to a new Ipsos/ABC News poll.

Of those surveyed, 55 percent said that they approved of the president's handling of the situation, while 43 percent said they disapproved. The numbers were basically reversed from one week ago when 54 percent said they disapproved and 43 percent approved.

Trump's tone and approach to the outbreak has changed in recent weeks, with the president now appearing at daily briefings at the White House with his coronavirus task force. Trump said this week that he knew that COVID-19 was a pandemic before it was labeled as such by the World Health Organization, despite his previous rhetoric downplaying the severity of the virus.

The president has passed two coronavirus stimulus packages that include paid sick leave for certain workers and free coronavirus testing.

Despite the improvement in the approval rating, the public remains strongly partisan......(Absolutely amazing how many TRULY STUPID LOW 2 DIGIT IQ'D AMERICANS BELIEVE THE LIES AND BULLSHIT OF THE DEATHRATS AND THEIR LAPDOG MEDIA!!!!!)

Nearly 70 percent of Democrats still disapprove of how Trump is dealing with the pandemic, while 92 percent of Republicans approve of how he's handled the crisis.


(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...

Polls don't matter.

Only liberal ones do....remember!?....ROTFLMFAO

Hildebeast wins by 97%....LOLOLOLOLOLOL
Until GOP big mouth James Comey....and of course the Russians and our ridiculous punditocracy going on about emails 60% of political coverage in 2016 was total idiocy fueled by the GOP propaganda machine.

Well maybe next time our libcommies can control the narrative with their compelling case for Green New Deal Second Great Depression and Communist Revolution. What do you think??
Trump said this week that he knew that COVID-19 was a pandemic before it was labeled as such by the World Health Organization, despite his previous rhetoric downplaying the severity of the virus

Why was TrumpO downplaying the potential severity of COVID-19 when he knew a Pandemic was coming?
President Trump is going to come out of this like a war time President in victory.

We may need to amend the Constitution to allow him to serve our four full terms like FDR.

Yes, like war time president GH Bush.

The Donald is a thousand times better President than either Bush was.
Just like Putin, a permanent oligarch. It would be fitting. We'll need more concentration camps.
I can't tell you how much I'd like to see you in a concentration camp wearing a striped suit, but Trump doesn't do that kind of things. Dims are the ones who created America's only concentration camps, not Republicans.
Trump said this week that he knew that COVID-19 was a pandemic before it was labeled as such by the World Health Organization, despite his previous rhetoric downplaying the severity of the virus

Why was TrumpO downplaying the potential severity of COVID-19 when he knew a Pandemic was coming?
The Wuhan flu is no more deadly than any other flu, and Trump treated it just like any other flu. He's treating it far more seriously than Obama treated the Swine flu.

Get used to having Obama's record thrown in your face every time you attack Trump.
...then I guess FDR downplayed Pearl Harbor when he said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself
you did lie

I didn’t see FDR attacking the media for how they reported Pearl Harbor

How DARE you report we lost five Battleships !
.....the media today are LIARS/etc......today's media are jackasses--if you don't know that, you are really stupid

The media is concentrated capital. Clinton deregulated the FCC, we all sat and watched.
Like Obama with the exception of Obamacare, Clinton couldn't pass anything. He signed Republican bills like a fool....
Yes, you see, party is for the masses to quibble over amongst themselves, the will of capital be done on earth as is it is in heaven, amen.
You're giving away your commie predilections.
Its a global pandemic hammering the economy. Honest hard working Americans know that's not Trump's fault or due to his policies.

TrumpO did not handle the crisis well at all from the start and voters knew it. That’s why up until now only 43% approved of this ridiculously poor leadership from TrumpO telling us he had it all taken care of, the border was secured, America only had 15 cases, and in a couple days America’s cases would be ZERO. We were all in the GREAT TrumpO’s most capable hands. And the Pandemic was not causing the sell off on Wall Street. It was Wall Street’s fear that a Democrat would win in November.

That was TrumpO at the end February..

We were supposed to be down to zero cases now, or did you forget:

President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Conference​

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room
February 26, 2020 6:37 P.M. EST​

THE PRESIDENT: Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low.​

THE PRESIDENT: As most of you know, the — the level that we’ve had in our country is very low, and those people are getting better, or we think that in almost all cases they’re better, or getting. We have a total of 15.​

THE PRESIDENT: Of the 15 people — the “original 15,” as I call them — 8 of them have returned to their homes, to stay in their homes until fully recovered. One is in the hospital and five have fully recovered. And one is, we think, in pretty good shape and it’s in between hospital and going home.​

So we have a total of — but we have a total of 15 people, and they’re in a process of recovering, with some already having fully recovered.​

THE PRESIDENT: Hopefully, we’re not going to have to spend so much because we really think we’ve done a great job in keeping it down to a minimum. And again, we’ve had tremendous success — tremendous success — beyond what people would have thought.​

THE PRESIDENT: And, so far, if you look at what we have with the 15 people and their recovery, one is — one is pretty sick but hopefully will recover, but the others are in great shape.​

THE PRESIDENT: But we’re very, very ready for this, for anything — whether it’s going to be a breakout of larger proportions or whether or not we’re — you know, we’re at that very low level, and we want to keep it that way.​

So we’re at the low level. As they get better, we take them off the list, so that we’re going to be pretty soon at only five people. And we could be at just one or two people over the next short period of time. So we’ve had very good luck.​

THE PRESIDENT: And we have a total of 15 cases, many of which, or most — within a day, I will tell you most of whom are fully recovered. I think that’s, really, a pretty impressive mark.​

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I really think the stock market — of something I know a lot about — I think it took a hit maybe for two reasons. I think they look at the people that you watched debating last night and they say, if there’s even a possibility that can happen, I think it really takes a hit because of that.​

THE PRESIDENT; Our borders are very controlled. Our flights in from certain areas that we’re talking about are very controlled.​

THE PRESIDENT: We have the greatest — it’s the greatest tourism country in the world. So instead of leaving our country, leaving our shores, they’ll stay here.​

And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.​

THE PRESIDENT; I think every aspect of our society should be prepared. I don’t think it’s going to come to that, especially with the fact that we’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.​

THE PRESIDENT; But we have it so well under control. I mean, we really have done a very good job.​

Q Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you, Mr. President. Are financial markets overreacting here?​

THE PRESIDENT: I think the financial markets are very upset when they look at the Democrat candidates standing on that stage making fools out of themselves. And they say, “If we ever have a President like this…”​

Q So far, your administration is only testing less than 500 people. And health officials are questioning whether that’s enough, comparing to other countries who have tested more than tens of thousands of people. Are you planning to test more people?​

THE PRESIDENT: Well, we’re testing everybody that we need to test. And we’re finding very little problem. Very little problem.​

THE PRESIDENT; So far, we’ve done a great job. When you have 15 people, with this whole world coming into the United States, and the 15 people are either better or close to being better, that’s pretty good.​

TrumpOroids need to read the above and prepare for the upcoming DNC Biden BLOOMBERG attack ads against TrumpO showing the early incompetent dishonest response to an oncoming crisis worse than the 2008 economic meltdown in 2008.

Those ads showing TrumpO a full 30 days into a crisis that he was briefed by our intelligence community of the potential danger, making public recorded video stating he did what’s needed and in a few days America would be at Zero cases.

TRUMPo has no prayer to win another term.

Americans Rejecting Hysterical Criticism of Trump
TrumpO did not handle the crisis well at all from the start and voters knew it.

Yeah over 12,000 have died...oh wait no that was Obama's H1N1 pandemic. Only 250 people have died in the pandemic Trump is fighting. The vast majority of deaths and infected are in liberal cities run by liberals.

See the term "emerging" within the context of "emerging pandemic". You may yet get the numbers you need. Time will tell, like your hindsight.
We know you're hoping for those Swine flu type numbers.
Like Obama with the exception of Obamacare, Clinton couldn't pass anything. He signed Republican bills like a fool....
Yes, you see, party is for the masses to quibble over amongst themselves, the will of capital be done on earth as is it is in heaven, amen.
It's been so long since the Democrats had real control outside of a corrupt GOP financial meltdown, people can't remember what they are like. Think LBJ.
Um, Dimsocialists controlled both houses of Congress when the shit hit the fan in 2008.

Bush was warning of a housing crisis as far back as 2003, but Bawney Fwank and the rest of the Dimsocialist leaders ignored it.
Don also had two years with majorities in both houses. You partisanshitheads are a hoot.
Are you really so fucking brain dead that you think who controls the House, Senate, or WH would matter in a situation where the world economy is effectively shut down in a matter of weeks?

Please tell us you aren't really that stupid.
Diddlysquat believes Trump created the virus So he could con the House into passing subsidies for his hotels.

I'm not kidding. He literally believes that.
Can you imagine pushing 30,000 on the stock market a few weeks before election?......I CAN!!!!
Start to call Trump the DemonRAT/KUNG FLU GIANT KILLER!.....Now I wonder how the Surrender Monkey can claim HE DID THAT.....I KNOW.....LIE AND HAVE THE LAPDOG MEDIA AGREE WITH HIM!!!!



The majority of Americans now approve of President Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, a change from just one week prior, according to a new Ipsos/ABC News poll.

Of those surveyed, 55 percent said that they approved of the president's handling of the situation, while 43 percent said they disapproved. The numbers were basically reversed from one week ago when 54 percent said they disapproved and 43 percent approved.

Trump's tone and approach to the outbreak has changed in recent weeks, with the president now appearing at daily briefings at the White House with his coronavirus task force. Trump said this week that he knew that COVID-19 was a pandemic before it was labeled as such by the World Health Organization, despite his previous rhetoric downplaying the severity of the virus.

The president has passed two coronavirus stimulus packages that include paid sick leave for certain workers and free coronavirus testing.

Despite the improvement in the approval rating, the public remains strongly partisan......(Absolutely amazing how many TRULY STUPID LOW 2 DIGIT IQ'D AMERICANS BELIEVE THE LIES AND BULLSHIT OF THE DEATHRATS AND THEIR LAPDOG MEDIA!!!!!)

Nearly 70 percent of Democrats still disapprove of how Trump is dealing with the pandemic, while 92 percent of Republicans approve of how he's handled the crisis.


(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...

Polls don't matter.

Only liberal ones do....remember!?....ROTFLMFAO

Hildebeast wins by 97%....LOLOLOLOLOLOL
Until GOP big mouth James Comey....and of course the Russians and our ridiculous punditocracy going on about emails 60% of political coverage in 2016 was total idiocy fueled by the GOP propaganda machine.

Well maybe next time our libcommies can control the narrative with their compelling case for Green New Deal Second Great Depression and Communist Revolution. What do you think??
I think you are a brainwashed functional moron. No one is for communism. Your admiration for pollution and greedy assholes is noted.....
Trump said this week that he knew that COVID-19 was a pandemic before it was labeled as such by the World Health Organization, despite his previous rhetoric downplaying the severity of the virus

Why was TrumpO downplaying the potential severity of COVID-19 when he knew a Pandemic was coming?
The Wuhan flu is no more deadly than any other flu, and Trump treated it just like any other flu. He's treating it far more seriously than Obama treated the Swine flu.

Get used to having Obama's record thrown in your face every time you attack Trump.
It is much worse than any flu we've seen in the last hundred years. And there you have it, the effect perfect mixture of of the orange clown and God knows who, the GOP propaganda machine.
The Wuhan flu is no more deadly than any other flu, and Trump treated it just like any other flu. He's treating it far more seriously than Obama treated the Swine flu.

Get used to having Obama's record thrown in your face every time you attack Trump.

The swine flu was milder than any other flu. The Wuhan Flu is at least 35 times more deadly than the swine flu. Obama Handled that Pandemic appropriately.

What can you throw at me about Obama’s record? Obama did not turn a flu Pandemic into a 10,000 point panicky sell off, the market started a bull run in that lasted ten years until TrumpO killed it with his failed flu pandemic response.
Like Obama with the exception of Obamacare, Clinton couldn't pass anything. He signed Republican bills like a fool....
Yes, you see, party is for the masses to quibble over amongst themselves, the will of capital be done on earth as is it is in heaven, amen.
It's been so long since the Democrats had real control outside of a corrupt GOP financial meltdown, people can't remember what they are like. Think LBJ.
Um, Dimsocialists controlled both houses of Congress when the shit hit the fan in 2008.

Bush was warning of a housing crisis as far back as 2003, but Bawney Fwank and the rest of the Dimsocialist leaders ignored it.
Don also had two years with majorities in both houses. You partisanshitheads are a hoot.
Are you really so fucking brain dead that you think who controls the House, Senate, or WH would matter in a situation where the world economy is effectively shut down in a matter of weeks?

Please tell us you aren't really that stupid.
That was my point. See them crawl to socialism regardless?
The Wuhan flu is no more deadly than any other flu, and Trump treated it just like any other flu. He's treating it far more seriously than Obama treated the Swine flu.

Get used to having Obama's record thrown in your face every time you attack Trump.

The swine flu was milder than any other flu. The Wuhan Flu is at least 35 times more deadly than the swine flu. Obama Handled that Pandemic appropriately.

What can you throw at me about Obama’s record? Obama did not turn a flu Pandemic into a 10,000 point panicky sell off, the market started a bull run in that lasted ten years until TrumpO killed it with his failed flu pandemic response.
No, President Trump, the Coronavirus Is Nothing Like H1N1 Swine Flu Either
The media is concentrated capital. Clinton deregulated the FCC, we all sat and watched.
Like Obama with the exception of Obamacare, Clinton couldn't pass anything. He signed Republican bills like a fool....
Yes, you see, party is for the masses to quibble over amongst themselves, the will of capital be done on earth as is it is in heaven, amen.
It's been so long since the Democrats had real control outside of a corrupt GOP financial meltdown, people can't remember what they are like. Think LBJ.
Um, Dimsocialists controlled both houses of Congress when the shit hit the fan in 2008.

Bush was warning of a housing crisis as far back as 2003, but Bawney Fwank and the rest of the Dimsocialist leaders ignored it.
the real estate bubble was caused by GOP crony corrupt oversight of the markets. Fannie and Freddie share of the market went from 75% to 30% in 2003 so all your whining about Barney Frank is totally ridiculous.
undeniable that was Dem dumbass Clinton's fault
....the Dems thought how fairytale lovely it would be if the poor could get housing---even if they couldn't afford it!!!!!!!
Clinton's Legacy: The Financial and Housing Meltdown
.....the media today are LIARS/etc......today's media are jackasses--if you don't know that, you are really stupid

you are a liar and a jackass and here you are posting on this forum...weird.
how mature of you to start being a jackass

You started this little game, not I. Do try and keep up
If Trump had done a Halloween party 7 days after an emergency declaration the MOONBAT media would have went postal.

Obama.......NOT SO MUCH......4000 had died by then.......just so you know.
.....the media today are LIARS/etc......today's media are jackasses--if you don't know that, you are really stupid

you are a liar and a jackass and here you are posting on this forum...weird.
how mature of you to start being a jackass

You started this little game, not I. Do try and keep up
very mature of you --YOU started the crap by posting unsubstantiated crap
If Trump had done a Halloween party 7 days after an emergency declaration the MOONBAT media would have went postal.

Obama.......NOT SO MUCH......4000 had died by then.......just so you know.

One more reason why Obama sucked...and still the best thing you can say about your god is the he is better than Obama...weird

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