Looking BAD ABNORMALS! Majority of Americans now say they approve of Trump's handling of coronavirus

.....the media today are LIARS/etc......today's media are jackasses--if you don't know that, you are really stupid

you are a liar and a jackass and here you are posting on this forum...weird.
how mature of you to start being a jackass

You started this little game, not I. Do try and keep up
very mature of you --YOU started the crap by posting unsubstantiated crap

I have already substantiated it, you are just to dishonest to move on.
If Trump had done a Halloween party 7 days after an emergency declaration the MOONBAT media would have went postal.

Obama.......NOT SO MUCH......4000 had died by then.......just so you know.

One more reason why Obama sucked...and still the best thing you can say about your god is the he is better than Obama...weird
Not weird...........and there is you saying GOD AGAIN......YAWN.

He bought us time..........the MEDIA SUCKS.......and treatments are being tested.....vaccines are being tested...........

Soooo.......the Media for the DNC and TDS scum can kiss my ass............there..ahhh..I feel better.....Now off to put pins into the Obama Voodoo doll.................LMAO
Not weird...........and there is you saying GOD AGAIN......YAWN.

He bought us time..........the MEDIA SUCKS.......and treatments are being tested.....vaccines are being tested...........

The time he "bought" us was wasted by him downplaying the problem.
.....the media today are LIARS/etc......today's media are jackasses--if you don't know that, you are really stupid

you are a liar and a jackass and here you are posting on this forum...weird.
how mature of you to start being a jackass

You started this little game, not I. Do try and keep up
very mature of you --YOU started the crap by posting unsubstantiated crap

I have already substantiated it, you are just to dishonest to move on.
just like you substantiated Russian Collusion/Jussie Smollet attack/ etc
..don't forget how you said Marines were not on ships
just like you substantiated Russian Collusion/Jussie Smollet attack/ etc
..don't forget how you said Marines were not on ships

I have said from day one that I did not think Trump did anything illegal in regards to Russia
I have never mentioned Smollet, could not give a shit about the man.
And I never said Marines were not in ships, I assumed you were a squid because of the amount of time you spent talking about being on aa ship.

With each post you lie about more...why do you have the need to do such things?
Trump started to tell the truth, so people approve of his handling a bit more...what an amazing concept.

I bet the idea of being truthful never occurred to you or him, did it?

I guess that the obvious was difficult to deny as the calamity hit us harder and harder. Trump would look like the fool that he is if he
continued to use the same rhetoric. Maybe if he was more truthful upfront he would have more support. Decent, intelligent people don't like being lied to on a daily basis because after a while it doesn't pass the smell test, no matter what he says.
The difference is that Trump is addressing the public himself instead of allowing the fake news to filter what he says. They make complete fools of themselves in those press conferences. The public can see for themselves that they are lying idiots.

Yeah, cause addressing the public worked so well for him up to March 11th. He could have used a filter. The markets tank the next day and lo and behold, Pence is out front on Friday with the experts. It took them less than 48 hours to largely muzzle Trump. Cause ever since last Friday, he's pretty much stayed on message and stood quietly by while Pence directs and then lets the experts talk. I've noticed in the last day or two they may have taken the training wheels off and are letting little Donny bike on his own. Probably with a stern lecture about staying on message and inciting any more panic...but don't worry, he always has Twitter to be Trump.
Spare me. You have no evidence to support anything you posted. That's all TDS conspiracy theory.

The evidence is Donald Trump himself. A lazy person search will give you all the truth you can handle about what Trump actually said and did in the weeks leading up to March 11th. I've been watching presidents address the public for four decades now. I don't think I've ever seen an address to the nation that was as big of an unmitigated disaster as Trump rolled out that night. If he wanted to reassure people, he failed spectacularly. His incompetence, his lack of empathy, and his fitness for the job were all laid bare for everyone to see. If Pence (And I suspect other Republican leadership) didn't act after Trumps debacle of a speech and the markets tanking the next day, you could have been witnessing the beginning of the end of the Republican party.

The Republican party has already ceased to exist with Trump in office.
just like you substantiated Russian Collusion/Jussie Smollet attack/ etc
..don't forget how you said Marines were not on ships

I have said from day one that I did not think Trump did anything illegal in regards to Russia
I have never mentioned Smollet, could not give a shit about the man.
And I never said Marines were not in ships, I assumed you were a squid because of the amount of time you spent talking about being on aa ship.

With each post you lie about more...why do you have the need to do such things?
......I said I was on ship and you assumed I was not in the Marines = you cannot think properly
......I said I was on ship and you assumed I was not in the Marines = you cannot think properly

All you talked about was being on ship and I assumed you were a squid = a normal assumption.

But thanks for admitting you lied about me, yet again.
Once again the Dims and the fake news media tried their best to smear Trump, but they failed. Americans have observed for themselves what a bunch of frauds they are. Trump was brilliant for having daily news conferences on this topic and thereby giving all the scumbags the opportunity to expose themselves.

Americans Rejecting Hysterical Criticism of Trump

It seems amazing that the public is ignoring the unhinged criticism and hate directed at the president and are standing behind him in this time of crisis.

The latest evidence for that is a new Morning Consult poll out today that shows a surprising jump in support for Trump's handling of the crisis. Yesterday, Matt Margolis covered similar polls from ABC and Harris.

Given the overwhelmingly negative coverage by the fake news media, complete with blatantly false stories, the fact that Trump’s approval in handling the pandemic is in positive territory is remarkable. One can only imagine what Trump’s numbers would be if Democrats weren’t politicizing the pandemic and he was getting fair coverage from the media.

Today, the morning consult poll shows 53 percent of voters approve of Trump's crisis management, while only 39 percent disapprove. significantly, there was a sizable increase in support from Democrats and independents.

The uptick was largely driven by 8-point bumps in approval among Democrats (from 18 percent to 26 percent) and independents (from 43 percent to 51 percent), while positive sentiment among GOP voters rose from 83 percent to 87 percent.

Trump started to tell the truth, so people approve of his handling a bit more...what an amazing concept.

I bet the idea of being truthful never occurred to you or him, did it?

I guess that the obvious was difficult to deny as the calamity hit us harder and harder. Trump would look like the fool that he is if he
continued to use the same rhetoric. Maybe if he was more truthful upfront he would have more support. Decent, intelligent people don't like being lied to on a daily basis because after a while it doesn't pass the smell test, no matter what he says.
The difference is that Trump is addressing the public himself instead of allowing the fake news to filter what he says. They make complete fools of themselves in those press conferences. The public can see for themselves that they are lying idiots.

Yeah, cause addressing the public worked so well for him up to March 11th. He could have used a filter. The markets tank the next day and lo and behold, Pence is out front on Friday with the experts. It took them less than 48 hours to largely muzzle Trump. Cause ever since last Friday, he's pretty much stayed on message and stood quietly by while Pence directs and then lets the experts talk. I've noticed in the last day or two they may have taken the training wheels off and are letting little Donny bike on his own. Probably with a stern lecture about staying on message and inciting any more panic...but don't worry, he always has Twitter to be Trump.
Spare me. You have no evidence to support anything you posted. That's all TDS conspiracy theory.
Not weird...........and there is you saying GOD AGAIN......YAWN.

He bought us time..........the MEDIA SUCKS.......and treatments are being tested.....vaccines are being tested...........

The time he "bought" us was wasted by him downplaying the problem.
You bitch and whine too dang much bro...........It's all you do......kind of like this.

......I said I was on ship and you assumed I was not in the Marines = you cannot think properly

All you talked about was being on ship and I assumed you were a squid = a normal assumption.

But thanks for admitting you lied about me, yet again.
airdale Jarhead ...........Probably bitched that they ran out of beer at the exchange in Guam......

Poor thing..........
"Men are 70% of the coronavirus fatalities in Italy (despite the fact that there are a LOT more women than men over the age of 70).

......I said I was on ship and you assumed I was not in the Marines = you cannot think properly

All you talked about was being on ship and I assumed you were a squid = a normal assumption.

But thanks for admitting you lied about me, yet again.
airdale Jarhead ...........Probably bitched that they ran out of beer at the exchange in Guam......

Poor thing..........

Never made it to Guam. Not really a Marine hotspot.
Not weird...........and there is you saying GOD AGAIN......YAWN.

He bought us time..........the MEDIA SUCKS.......and treatments are being tested.....vaccines are being tested...........

The time he "bought" us was wasted by him downplaying the problem.
You bitch and whine too dang much bro...........It's all you do......kind of like this.

I am merely the counter balance to your non-stop ass kissing worship of Trump.
Not weird...........and there is you saying GOD AGAIN......YAWN.

He bought us time..........the MEDIA SUCKS.......and treatments are being tested.....vaccines are being tested...........

The time he "bought" us was wasted by him downplaying the problem.
You bitch and whine too dang much bro...........It's all you do......kind of like this.

I am merely the counter balance to your non-stop ass kissing worship of Trump.

You never went to Dubs, did you?
The Wuhan flu is no more deadly than any other flu, and Trump treated it just like any other flu. He's treating it far more seriously than Obama treated the Swine flu.

Get used to having Obama's record thrown in your face every time you attack Trump.

The swine flu was milder than any other flu. The Wuhan Flu is at least 35 times more deadly than the swine flu. Obama Handled that Pandemic appropriately.

What can you throw at me about Obama’s record? Obama did not turn a flu Pandemic into a 10,000 point panicky sell off, the market started a bull run in that lasted ten years until TrumpO killed it with his failed flu pandemic response.
You're peddling fake news. The death rate from the Wuhan flu is about 0.18%, only a little higher than the swine flu.

Peddling hysteria is what you scumbags do. The fake news media generated the hysteria that caused the sell off. You want to destroy this country. You are filthy traitors.
Last edited:
Not weird...........and there is you saying GOD AGAIN......YAWN.

He bought us time..........the MEDIA SUCKS.......and treatments are being tested.....vaccines are being tested...........

The time he "bought" us was wasted by him downplaying the problem.
You bitch and whine too dang much bro...........It's all you do......kind of like this.

I am merely the counter balance to your non-stop ass kissing worship of Trump.

You never went to Dubs, did you?

all the time. Was even there one night when Tom Petty just showed up and played a song with whatever band was there that night.

Those were simpler times!
Can you imagine pushing 30,000 on the stock market a few weeks before election?......I CAN!!!!
Start to call Trump the DemonRAT/KUNG FLU GIANT KILLER!.....Now I wonder how the Surrender Monkey can claim HE DID THAT.....I KNOW.....LIE AND HAVE THE LAPDOG MEDIA AGREE WITH HIM!!!!



The majority of Americans now approve of President Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, a change from just one week prior, according to a new Ipsos/ABC News poll.

Of those surveyed, 55 percent said that they approved of the president's handling of the situation, while 43 percent said they disapproved. The numbers were basically reversed from one week ago when 54 percent said they disapproved and 43 percent approved.

Trump's tone and approach to the outbreak has changed in recent weeks, with the president now appearing at daily briefings at the White House with his coronavirus task force. Trump said this week that he knew that COVID-19 was a pandemic before it was labeled as such by the World Health Organization, despite his previous rhetoric downplaying the severity of the virus.

The president has passed two coronavirus stimulus packages that include paid sick leave for certain workers and free coronavirus testing.

Despite the improvement in the approval rating, the public remains strongly partisan......(Absolutely amazing how many TRULY STUPID LOW 2 DIGIT IQ'D AMERICANS BELIEVE THE LIES AND BULLSHIT OF THE DEATHRATS AND THEIR LAPDOG MEDIA!!!!!)

Nearly 70 percent of Democrats still disapprove of how Trump is dealing with the pandemic, while 92 percent of Republicans approve of how he's handled the crisis.


(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...

Polls don't matter.

Only liberal ones do....remember!?....ROTFLMFAO

Hildebeast wins by 97%....LOLOLOLOLOLOL
Until GOP big mouth James Comey....and of course the Russians and our ridiculous punditocracy going on about emails 60% of political coverage in 2016 was total idiocy fueled by the GOP propaganda machine.

Well maybe next time our libcommies can control the narrative with their compelling case for Green New Deal Second Great Depression and Communist Revolution. What do you think??
I think you are a brainwashed functional moron. No one is for communism. Your admiration for pollution and greedy assholes is noted.....
Trump said this week that he knew that COVID-19 was a pandemic before it was labeled as such by the World Health Organization, despite his previous rhetoric downplaying the severity of the virus

Why was TrumpO downplaying the potential severity of COVID-19 when he knew a Pandemic was coming?
The Wuhan flu is no more deadly than any other flu, and Trump treated it just like any other flu. He's treating it far more seriously than Obama treated the Swine flu.

Get used to having Obama's record thrown in your face every time you attack Trump.
It is much worse than any flu we've seen in the last hundred years. And there you have it, the effect perfect mixture of of the orange clown and God knows who, the GOP propaganda machine.
Fake news generated hysteria. It's no worse than the Swine flu.

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