Looks like Loretta Lynch

As Disgruntled_Bedwetter pointed out, we are being partisan.

That's a good thing. You can either be a treasonous authoritarian democrook partisan, or an anti-statist partisan. The meat puppet queer will not nominate a judge that will be anything more than a criminally insane collectivist who will push the leftist agenda and rule against the constitution.

The republicrats better finally stand up and oppose the democrooks, that's what they're supposed to do. So let the moonbat messiah nominate whomever he wishes. The republicrats just need to Bork each one of them until the mongrel faggot takes his last ride in Air Force One with that hideous wookie tranny, and the White House can be fumigated for parasites.

Hillary will likely be the next president, and as sickening as that is I don't think she hates like Obama does. Hillary will have to play politics with her nominee, where Obama has nothing to lose and would love to go out by successfully getting a more leftist justice shoved through.
It would be his final "Fuck You America".

I don't see hitlary winning. Batshit Bernie has a better chance and is actually preferable. Hitlary shares every bit of contempt for the people of this country as the moonbat messiah. She would pick someone just as repulsive.

If this country is going to be put back on the road to prosperity Ted Cruz must be elected. Rubio would be tolerable, but barely. Who knows WTF Trump will do. He can be found spouting off from both sides of every issue. Ted Cruz is the ONLY candidate who has a solid foundation and is willing to engage in conflict even if it pisses off other republicans. Ted Cruz calls DC a "cartel", and that's exactly what it has become. It is a criminal organization and it must be broken up. No other candidate is going to make honest men out of political whores.

I see Obama as the enemy. I fully expect my side to fight any nomination that Obama puts up.
The goal should be to use every legal means available to prevent an Obama nomination from actually taking a seat on the court.
This can wait for the next president to decide.
and what happens if the next president is hillary clinton?

Hillary will likely be the next president, and as sickening as that is I don't think she hates like Obama does. Hillary will have to play politics with her nominee, where Obama has nothing to lose and would love to go out by successfully getting a more leftist justice shoved through.
It would be his final "Fuck You America".
you seem to be the one out of control with hate

My hate is under control.
Will be the next SC Justice , all over the news here in NC as she is NC born and was a federal judge in NYC


Yeah....only if a democrat gets elected........

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