Looks like Loretta Lynch

I do NOT want anyone that Obama suggest be put in Scalia's place. THE PEOPLE in this country needs to speak up. anyone he puts in will NOT BE GOOD for us and our country.

Sorry but you don't get a say in that part. Obama is currently president and as such it is his choice who to fill the slot with. I don't agree it should be Loretta, but it is in his right to pick.

I seriously doubt if a GOP was president and a liberal SCOTUS member passed away that you would be shouting for a liberal judge to be picked for the nomination.

This is nothing but sour grapes on your part and is showing the true Republicans, nothing but spoiled little brats.
You need to read the Constitution before coming here and running your ignorant LIB mouth pal.
The Constitution lays down the method of choosing a SCJ.
The President has the 'right'/obligation' to 'NOMINATE'! a SCJ.
The SENATE either accepts the President's nomination or rejects the nomination.
Plain and simple. The Senate also makes the decision WHEN to review the President's nomination.
Obama has spent 7+ years attempting to bypass Congress and the Senate. He has shown repeatedly his blatant disregard and disdain for both Houses.
Hey Obama! What goes around comes around dick-head!
Karma has a bigger dick than 'Big MO' does.
Arguably the most important moment in Obama's Presidency would be to choose a LIB SGJ.
And what happens? The asshole, soon to be living above Boytown has to sit in his office as politically impotent as a popcorn fart in the wind and watch both houses give him the finger.
You LIB fuck-wits elected the asshole. YOU can live with your choice!
President Trump and his REP majority Senate are going to put up to 5-6 YOUNG! DEM SCJ's on the bench where they will reside for many decades.
If I were you I wouldn't be paying to make any more Anti NRA T-shirts to sell on Ebay.
"Mommy. What was an abortion mill?".
"Daddy. What's on the other side of that 200' high voltage charged wall that runs the entire length of the southern border?".

Your ignorance is astounding and you don't care about procedures or the constitution.
What part about the Constitution which says the President can nominate a SCJ but only the Senate can accept or refuse the nomination am I "ignorant" about?

Stalling for purely political purposes is not what the Constitution was about and you know that.
I do NOT want anyone that Obama suggest be put in Scalia's place. THE PEOPLE in this country needs to speak up. anyone he puts in will NOT BE GOOD for us and our country.

Sorry but you don't get a say in that part. Obama is currently president and as such it is his choice who to fill the slot with. I don't agree it should be Loretta, but it is in his right to pick.

I seriously doubt if a GOP was president and a liberal SCOTUS member passed away that you would be shouting for a liberal judge to be picked for the nomination.

This is nothing but sour grapes on your part and is showing the true Republicans, nothing but spoiled little brats.

Yes, we do have a say. Obama isn't a dictator, yet. He works for us.

And it is his right to pick the nominee just like Bush did before. Were you crying about Bush picking a replacement SCOTUS when he did?
You are a liar!
Bush NOMINATED!!!!!! a SCJ. The SENATE had to approve or reject Bush's nomination.

That's picking you moron.
I see Obama as the enemy. I fully expect my side to fight any nomination that Obama puts up.
The goal should be to use every legal means available to prevent an Obama nomination from actually taking a seat on the court.
This can wait for the next president to decide.
I see Obama as the enemy. I fully expect my side to fight any nomination that Obama puts up.
The goal should be to use every legal means available to prevent an Obama nomination from actually taking a seat on the court.
This can wait for the next president to decide.

So in the same situation with a GOP president and his term ending you would fight to have that nomination be delayed until the next president? Or is this just purely partisan hackery?
I see Obama as the enemy. I fully expect my side to fight any nomination that Obama puts up.
The goal should be to use every legal means available to prevent an Obama nomination from actually taking a seat on the court.
This can wait for the next president to decide.

you see the elected president of the united states as an enemy?

then you're a treasonous loon on top of being a sockpuppet troll.
Will be the next SC Justice , all over the news here in NC as she is NC born and was a federal judge in NYC


Never happen...but if it did the public hearings would be fascinating. "So why have you refused to indict Hillary Clinton?" :lol:
I see Obama as the enemy. I fully expect my side to fight any nomination that Obama puts up.
The goal should be to use every legal means available to prevent an Obama nomination from actually taking a seat on the court.
This can wait for the next president to decide.

So in the same situation with a GOP president and his term ending you would fight to have that nomination be delayed until the next president? Or is this just purely partisan hackery?

It's partisan hackery for Obama to be nominating a replacement for Scalia in an election year.
How in the hell can anyone expect this hack to go from being a career prosecutor to being a jurist on civil matters ranging from tort to contract to bankruptcy and tax law?
I see Obama as the enemy. I fully expect my side to fight any nomination that Obama puts up.
The goal should be to use every legal means available to prevent an Obama nomination from actually taking a seat on the court.
This can wait for the next president to decide.

So in the same situation with a GOP president and his term ending you would fight to have that nomination be delayed until the next president? Or is this just purely partisan hackery?

It's partisan hackery for Obama to be nominating a replacement for Scalia in an election year.

I'm sorry please point where in the Constitution it limits the time when a president can nominate a person for the SCOTUS in an election year? Can you do that? I'm guessing you can't. So no, it isn't partisan hackery on Obama's part, just hackery from the spoiled little brats on the right throwing a temper tantrum. Your hypocrisy is also noted.
How in the hell can anyone expect this hack to go from being a career prosecutor to being a jurist on civil matters ranging from tort to contract to bankruptcy and tax law?

I think being the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York qualifies as having experience. You may not like her or approve of her, but she does have experience.
I do NOT want anyone that Obama suggest be put in Scalia's place. THE PEOPLE in this country needs to speak up. anyone he puts in will NOT BE GOOD for us and our country.

Sorry but you don't get a say in that part. Obama is currently president and as such it is his choice who to fill the slot with. I don't agree it should be Loretta, but it is in his right to pick.

I seriously doubt if a GOP was president and a liberal SCOTUS member passed away that you would be shouting for a liberal judge to be picked for the nomination.

This is nothing but sour grapes on your part and is showing the true Republicans, nothing but spoiled little brats.
You need to read the Constitution before coming here and running your ignorant LIB mouth pal.
The Constitution lays down the method of choosing a SCJ.
The President has the 'right'/obligation' to 'NOMINATE'! a SCJ.
The SENATE either accepts the President's nomination or rejects the nomination.
Plain and simple. The Senate also makes the decision WHEN to review the President's nomination.
Obama has spent 7+ years attempting to bypass Congress and the Senate. He has shown repeatedly his blatant disregard and disdain for both Houses.
Hey Obama! What goes around comes around dick-head!
Karma has a bigger dick than 'Big MO' does.
Arguably the most important moment in Obama's Presidency would be to choose a LIB SGJ.
And what happens? The asshole, soon to be living above Boytown has to sit in his office as politically impotent as a popcorn fart in the wind and watch both houses give him the finger.
You LIB fuck-wits elected the asshole. YOU can live with your choice!
President Trump and his REP majority Senate are going to put up to 5-6 YOUNG! DEM SCJ's on the bench where they will reside for many decades.
If I were you I wouldn't be paying to make any more Anti NRA T-shirts to sell on Ebay.
"Mommy. What was an abortion mill?".
"Daddy. What's on the other side of that 200' high voltage charged wall that runs the entire length of the southern border?".

Your ignorance is astounding and you don't care about procedures or the constitution.
What part about the Constitution which says the President can nominate a SCJ but only the Senate can accept or refuse the nomination am I "ignorant" about?

Stalling for purely political purposes is not what the Constitution was about and you know that.
Yes, it is. The Framers knew that slow deliberation would help prevent power from becoming too concentrated.
How in the hell can anyone expect this hack to go from being a career prosecutor to being a jurist on civil matters ranging from tort to contract to bankruptcy and tax law?

I think being the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York qualifies as having experience. You may not like her or approve of her, but she does have experience.
Not judicial experience, num nuts. We have no record whatsoever to determine what type of judicial temperament she may have. Some judges are nice folks off the bench but become lunatics on the bench.
I see Obama as the enemy. I fully expect my side to fight any nomination that Obama puts up.
The goal should be to use every legal means available to prevent an Obama nomination from actually taking a seat on the court.
This can wait for the next president to decide.
and what happens if the next president is hillary clinton?
I see Obama as the enemy. I fully expect my side to fight any nomination that Obama puts up.
The goal should be to use every legal means available to prevent an Obama nomination from actually taking a seat on the court.
This can wait for the next president to decide.

So in the same situation with a GOP president and his term ending you would fight to have that nomination be delayed until the next president? Or is this just purely partisan hackery?

It's partisan hackery for Obama to be nominating a replacement for Scalia in an election year.

I'm sorry please point where in the Constitution it limits the time when a president can nominate a person for the SCOTUS in an election year? Can you do that? I'm guessing you can't. So no, it isn't partisan hackery on Obama's part, just hackery from the spoiled little brats on the right throwing a temper tantrum. Your hypocrisy is also noted.
Call it whatever you want asshole. It's PAYBACK TIME for Obama!
The poser liar queer Obama spat in the face of Congress and the Senate since the day he was elected.
Remember his famous comment: "Elections have consequences". Guess what ashole! Each REP Congressman/women and REP Senator was also "elected'. Obama seemed to forget this fact when he was acting like a fucking banana Republic dictator.
Had a REP President behaved that way to a duly elected DEM majority in both houses and then both houses got their chance to split back I may not like the outcome but I'd at least have enough class to take my political lumps like a man and understand what goes around comes around.
You ought to give 'maning up' at try for once in your empty headed LIB life.
You're the one who is blubbering like a fucking baby because the DEMs are eating Obama's lunch.
How in the hell can anyone expect this hack to go from being a career prosecutor to being a jurist on civil matters ranging from tort to contract to bankruptcy and tax law?

I think being the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York qualifies as having experience. You may not like her or approve of her, but she does have experience.
Not judicial experience, num nuts. We have no record whatsoever to determine what type of judicial temperament she may have. Some judges are nice folks off the bench but become lunatics on the bench.

Then go whine and complainabout the requirements for being a member of the SCOTUS because guess what? There are no requirements num nuts.
I see Obama as the enemy. I fully expect my side to fight any nomination that Obama puts up.
The goal should be to use every legal means available to prevent an Obama nomination from actually taking a seat on the court.
This can wait for the next president to decide.

So in the same situation with a GOP president and his term ending you would fight to have that nomination be delayed until the next president? Or is this just purely partisan hackery?

It's partisan hackery for Obama to be nominating a replacement for Scalia in an election year.

I'm sorry please point where in the Constitution it limits the time when a president can nominate a person for the SCOTUS in an election year? Can you do that? I'm guessing you can't. So no, it isn't partisan hackery on Obama's part, just hackery from the spoiled little brats on the right throwing a temper tantrum. Your hypocrisy is also noted.
Call it whatever you want asshole. It's PAYBACK TIME for Obama!
The poser liar queer Obama spat in the face of Congress and the Senate since the day he was elected.
Remember his famous comment: "Elections have consequences". Guess what ashole! Each REP Congressman/women and REP Senator was also "elected'. Obama seemed to forget this fact when he was acting like a fucking banana Republic dictator.
Had a REP President behaved that way to a duly elected DEM majority in both houses and then both houses got their chance to split back I may not like the outcome but I'd at least have enough class to take my political lumps like a man and understand what goes around comes around.
You ought to give 'maning up' at try for once in your empty headed LIB life.
You're the one who is blubbering like a fucking baby because the DEMs are eating Obama's lunch.

You only prove my point that you are acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum and the Consitution means NOTHING to you at all. Thank you for once again showing why retarded cons such as yourself should NEVER be in any position of power. You don't care about America at all. Piss off you anti-American loser.
I see Obama as the enemy. I fully expect my side to fight any nomination that Obama puts up.
The goal should be to use every legal means available to prevent an Obama nomination from actually taking a seat on the court.
This can wait for the next president to decide.

you see the elected president of the united states as an enemy?

then you're a treasonous loon on top of being a sockpuppet troll.

I see Barack Obama as the enemy, and no I am not nor do I have a sock.
I see Obama as the enemy. I fully expect my side to fight any nomination that Obama puts up.
The goal should be to use every legal means available to prevent an Obama nomination from actually taking a seat on the court.
This can wait for the next president to decide.

you see the elected president of the united states as an enemy?

then you're a treasonous loon on top of being a sockpuppet troll.

I see Barack Obama as the enemy, and no I am not nor do I have a sock.

okie dokie :cuckoo:

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