Looks like McConnell wins again

The Senate filibuster will done away on the first day of the new term.

This is over for the Republicans as they are now constituted.


Packing the courts creates a long term nightmare that will continue to grow the courts.

The key will be for Democrats to win the White House and Congress by any margin.

Pass rapid legislation over the next two years that Republican can not reverse without taking Congress and the White House.

It might take decades for Republicans to win all three
You mean like Obamacare and such?

They already do this crap.

Funny thing, they passed health care so fast they now want to change it again?

Sounds about right.
The Senate filibuster will done away on the first day of the new term.

This is over for the Republicans as they are now constituted.


Packing the courts creates a long term nightmare that will continue to grow the courts.

The key will be for Democrats to win the White House and Congress by any margin.

Pass rapid legislation over the next two years that Republican can not reverse without taking Congress and the White House.

It might take decades for Republicans to win all three
The Tidy Bowl blue "wave" circles around on its way all the way down.....House of Wackos turns red, Senate gains and 4 more years.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
Do you think that anyone would get violent on the other side? They have not done much up to now. I do know many will not rat on those if they did get violent.

No need for Democrats to get violent.
Republicans have won

Now all that matters is getting even
Pass every piece of legislation you have been putting off. Without a filibuster, Republicans will be powerless
I am talking about the Repub side. They have shown very little in violence so far. And if I was a conservative to the max I would say to you that they have not won much for over half a century. The extreme radical judges have made law and policy for us all. Unelected ones. It is like judicial dictatorship.
You have the Courts

Now it is time for Democrats to seize the other branches of Government and ram through legislation they have wanted for years
The seizing and ramming parts are right your rioters already have that down.
No need to riot.

Democrats and Independents need to VOTE and push out Republicans from all levels of Government

It would take decades for Republicans to recover
I agree there is no "need" to riot but your America hating, lawbreaking ilk cannot help themselves. Better than getting a job.
The Senate filibuster will done away on the first day of the new term.

This is over for the Republicans as they are now constituted.


Packing the courts creates a long term nightmare that will continue to grow the courts.

The key will be for Democrats to win the White House and Congress by any margin.

Pass rapid legislation over the next two years that Republican can not reverse without taking Congress and the White House.

It might take decades for Republicans to win all three
You mean like Obamacare and such?

They already do this crap.

Funny thing, they passed health care so fast they now want to change it again?

Sounds about right.

Obamacare needed 60 votes last time.
Imagine the healthcare plan Democrats can pass with only 50 Senate votes

Democrats need to pass the National Healthcare Plan they WANT.

Make the Republicans have to win the Presidency and both Houses of Congress to change it.

By then, it will be too deeply embedded in our society for Republicans to do anything about it.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
More like..........................

Pack the Supreme Court like Obama did the federal courts so they win all their court cases and will do things like round up the guns and flush the 2nd amendment down the toilet.

Then add Washington DC and Puerto Rico so they can take over the Senate so that no GOP nomination ever occurs again and any GOP President that does not "behave" gets impeached.

Republicans have a stranglehold on the courts. Dems need to have a stranglehold on upcoming legislation.

Forget ANY semblance of filibuster or listening to the minority party. If Dems take Congress, begin a reign of terror on Republicans
When did Democrats ever listen to republicans when they were the minority? Never. Sounds like a business as usual plan for lefties. I find it amusing that lefties in the minority think their opinions should matter considering their past attitudes on the subject.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
Do you think that anyone would get violent on the other side? They have not done much up to now. I do know many will not rat on those if they did get violent.

No need for Democrats to get violent.
Republicans have won

Now all that matters is getting even
Pass every piece of legislation you have been putting off. Without a filibuster, Republicans will be powerless
I am talking about the Repub side. They have shown very little in violence so far. And if I was a conservative to the max I would say to you that they have not won much for over half a century. The extreme radical judges have made law and policy for us all. Unelected ones. It is like judicial dictatorship.
You have the Courts

Now it is time for Democrats to seize the other branches of Government and ram through legislation they have wanted for years
There are limits. To many groups to satisfy with to much corruption. People have proven to leave higher tax areas if they could. The riots will not help that. A massive underground economy could develop as one example in the flyover areas and probably in the cities.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
We all knew that the Republicans were lying in 2016..You can't trust a Repub nor a Dem politician...

Lying about what, Comrade traitor?

In 2016 your media had you convinced that Hillary would be Fuhrer and that you would put an end to America once and for all,

The rage that is fed to you by your party isn't because the Republicans lied to you. But CNN will never tell you this, so you will never believe it.
No need for Democrats to get violent.
Republicans have won

Now all that matters is getting even
Pass every piece of legislation you have been putting off. Without a filibuster, Republicans will be powerless

You Marxists are already violent, and your ReichsFuhrers have promised even more violence.

The Senate filibuster will done away on the first day of the new term.

This is over for the Republicans as they are now constituted.


Packing the courts creates a long term nightmare that will continue to grow the courts.

The key will be for Democrats to win the White House and Congress by any margin.

Pass rapid legislation over the next two years that Republican can not reverse without taking Congress and the White House.

It might take decades for Republicans to win all three
You mean like Obamacare and such?

They already do this crap.

Funny thing, they passed health care so fast they now want to change it again?

Sounds about right.

Obamacare needed 60 votes last time.
Imagine the healthcare plan Democrats can pass with only 50 Senate votes

Democrats need to pass the National Healthcare Plan they WANT.

Make the Republicans have to win the Presidency and both Houses of Congress to change it.

By then, it will be too deeply embedded in our society for Republicans to do anything about it.
Right, lie to the voters about what they want to pass, like telling them they can keep their doctor and health care coverage and it will be cheaper, etc, etc., and then once passed it becomes too deeply entrenched to ever change.

Yea, we are accustomed to democrat rule.
The election is coming and the Republicans will be going down in defeat: a stacked Dem court and NPV and M4all will be the first legislation passed in the 100 days.

The American people are coming for the loser right.

View attachment 392017
The only thing happening after the election is you and another wacko or two leaving the board right??
That will be the Trumpbumplican defeat minority like you.
Only a few weeks left for to post your idiotic bs here.....
Many of these lefty board trolls usually leave after the elections as they are only here to spew democratic talking points...so yes.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
Wackoland from the commie left.....

Idiots who have been on the forum for two months and don’t have the sense God gave a goose.

As soon as you use the word “commie” to describe another poster, you’ve defined yourself as an idiot.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
More like..........................

Pack the Supreme Court like Obama did the federal courts so they win all their court cases and will do things like round up the guns and flush the 2nd amendment down the toilet.

Then add Washington DC and Puerto Rico so they can take over the Senate so that no GOP nomination ever occurs again and any GOP President that does not "behave" gets impeached.

Republicans have a stranglehold on the courts. Dems need to have a stranglehold on upcoming legislation.

Forget ANY semblance of filibuster or listening to the minority party. If Dems take Congress, begin a reign of terror on Republicans
When did Democrats ever listen to republicans when they were the minority? Never. Sounds like a business as usual plan for lefties. I find it amusing that lefties in the minority think their opinions should matter considering their past attitudes on the subject.

Mitch McConnell used to be the master of ruling from a minority. Now, take away his favorite tool.....The Senate filibuster.

Use the next two years to pass EVERY piece of legislation the Democrats have ever dreamed of.

Make Republicans win all branches of Government to change it.
No need for Democrats to get violent.
Republicans have won

Now all that matters is getting even
Pass every piece of legislation you have been putting off. Without a filibuster, Republicans will be powerless

You Marxists are already violent, and your ReichsFuhrers have promised even more violence.

View attachment 392025

No need for violence.

Just WIN in November and turn the Biden Presidency into Republicans worst nightmare

It is Republicans who will threaten Second Amendment Remedies
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
We all knew that the Republicans were lying in 2016..You can't trust a Repub nor a Dem politician...

Lying about what, Comrade traitor?

In 2016 your media had you convinced that Hillary would be Fuhrer and that you would put an end to America once and for all,

The rage that is fed to you by your party isn't because the Republicans lied to you. But CNN will never tell you this, so you will never believe it.
You are obsessed with Shillary..what an idiot. When the motion to not allow a nominee for the Supreme Court to pass through an election year-Duh! Please try to keep up.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
Do you think that anyone would get violent on the other side? They have not done much up to now. I do know many will not rat on those if they did get violent.

No need for Democrats to get violent.
Republicans have won

Now all that matters is getting even
Pass every piece of legislation you have been putting off. Without a filibuster, Republicans will be powerless
I am talking about the Repub side. They have shown very little in violence so far. And if I was a conservative to the max I would say to you that they have not won much for over half a century. The extreme radical judges have made law and policy for us all. Unelected ones. It is like judicial dictatorship.
You have the Courts

Now it is time for Democrats to seize the other branches of Government and ram through legislation they have wanted for years
The seizing and ramming parts are right your rioters already have that down.
No need to riot.

Democrats and Independents need to VOTE and push out Republicans from all levels of Government

It would take decades for Republicans to recover
What makes you think independents side with Marxists?
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
Wackoland from the commie left.....

Idiots who have been on the forum for two months and don’t have the sense God gave a goose.

As soon as you use the word “commie” to describe another poster, you’ve defined yourself as an idiot.
Well there is an old Baby Boomer saying wacko.....it says "if the shoe fits, wear it".....and you libbers wear that shoe well.
You are obsessed with Shillary..what an idiot. When the motion to not allow a nominee for the Supreme Court to pass through an election year-Duh! Please try to keep up.

We would have all forgotten her if you traitor scum would have accepted the results of the election and allowed the peaceful transition of power, which was the hallmark of America. But you didn't, you had to be fucking traitors.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
Wackoland from the commie left.....

Idiots who have been on the forum for two months and don’t have the sense God gave a goose.

As soon as you use the word “commie” to describe another poster, you’ve defined yourself as an idiot.
Well there is an old Baby Boomer saying wacko.....it says "if the shoe fits, wear it".....and you libbers wear that shoe well.
Hardly so, since you gave zero proof of your opinion therefore it is not a fact.

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