Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

Who are "the Media"? Please list the largest media corporations and their CEOs, and explain how these Fortune 500 giants are "liberal".

Do you even know who controls our media in the US? It isn't Progressives. There isn't any "liberal media conspiracy" because there aren't any "liberal media". Is this really so difficult to understand?
Four American are dead. What difference does it make who did it. There was no evidence of a pending attack.All was quiet. Steven had gone to bed when the attack occured. How the hell could any one get there to help. Daryle Issa is a Head Hunter and Obama is preferable the target. How many American died int Iraq and in Afghanistan????

yea a destabilized government with rebels running the streets killing at will. who would have ever thought there might have been trouble?
Benghazi attack caused by anti-Muslim film, Al-Qaeda not involved - report
Published time: December 29, 2013 03:49 Get short URL

There is no evidence suggesting that Al-Qaeda or any other international terrorist organization took part in the 2012 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, a new report suggests.

The investigation by The New York Times has revealed that it was actually the US-made movie ‘Innocence of Muslims’ that fueled the attack, adding that the assault on the consulate did not appear to be “meticulously planned, but neither was it spontaneous or without warning signs.”

The report is based on interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack and its context.

Months of investigation “turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault,” The Times said.
Thread is bogus. Just saying.

The left is reduced to outright lying, hoping they wont get called on it.

"Reduced" to lying?

Their political philosophies are based on lies. They've never overcome it, so therefore there's no reduction involved.

Just sayin.

I'm more concerned about their perplexing refusal to question anything that promotes their agenda in spite of evidence that destroys the credibility of the source. It's terrifying how they will attack the agenda of people who present facts, rather than deal with the facts, because they're so devoted to their cult of personality for the moonbat messiah.

Imagine if we never got involved in WW2. Let say the russians made it into Poland and managed to broadcast to the world the horrors of Auschwitz, or Sobibor.

The same sort of sniveling, bed wetting, mindless, servile parasites that are devoted to obozo, would insist it was a hit piece of propaganda designed to hurt the integrity of the fuhrer, and that it was ...


We are dealing with some dangerous delusionally insane people here. The sort of morons who follow cult leaders into Guyana and end up committing mass suicide.

Jonestown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If only we could get more of them to do so again in the near future, just 10,000 fold...

It would be a mess but think of the savings in welfare checks.
House lawmakers on Sunday disputed a new report that concludes Al Qaeda played no role in the fatal 2012 terror attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.

The report, published Saturday in The New York Times, found no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had a role in the assault that killed four Americans on Sept. 11, 2012, and that it appeared that the attack was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made anti-Islamic video, as the Obama administration first claimed.

“I dispute that, and the intelligence community, to a large volume, disputes that,” Michigan GOP Rep. Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, told “Fox News Sunday.”

He also repeatedly said the story was “not accurate.”

Rogers was joined on the show by California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, who said, “intelligence indicates Al Qaeda was involved.”

The findings in the New York Times story also conflict with testimony from Greg Hicks, the deputy of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who was killed in the attack. Hicks described the video as "a non-event in Libya" at that time, and consequently not a significant trigger for the attack

Sean Smith, a foreign service officer, and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were also killed in the 2012 attack.

The responses by Rogers and Schiff Sunday follow New York Rep. Peter King, member and former chairman of the House’s Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, telling Fox News on Saturday the argument in the Times story that the militia group Ansar al-Shariah -- not Al Qaeda -- led the Benghazi attack is an academic argument over semantics.

“It’s misleading,” said King, considering Ansar al-Shariah is widely believed to be an affiliate terror group of Al Qaeda. “It’s a distinction without a difference.”

Schiff, a House Intelligence Committee member, said the story doesn’t conclude the attack was a flash mob attack or a “pre-planned, core Al Qaeda operation.”

Rogers declined to say whether he thought the recent Benghazi-related stories on TV and in print were politically motivated -- particularly to try to exonerate then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is eyeing a 2016 presidential bid.

But he took issue with Ambassador Susan Rice talking about the incident when Congress “still has an ongoing investigation.”

Schiff said the newspaper report “was not designed to exonerate State Department lapses.”

”Congress, in bipartisan tone, disputes report Al Qaeda not involved in deadly Benghazi attack | Fox News

Why should anyone give a shit about a Fox News article that is summarizing what republicans are saying about Benghazi?
And why should anyone give a shit about a NYTimes article that is full of falsehoods and protects Obama & Clinton from the truth as to what Really happened 9/11 in Benghazi??
They are dodging and deflecting by focusing on who did it and what caused it and blaming republicans for cutting security funds. It doesn't matter who did it or why. Extra security was requested weeks before and denied by the State Department. A squad of Marines would have thwarted any attack. A president or Secretary of State with any common sense should have thought with the anniversary of 9/11 coming and shit already happening and warnings from the embassy staff and Libyans, they would have thought ahead and automatically beefed up security ahead of time. Libs are acting as if sending in a squad would have bankrupted the treasury. Like I said. Dodging and deflecting.

it was a destabilized nation with rebels running wildly in the streets. what could have possible gone wrong?
At this point you are merely attempting to hijack this thread - so I am calling BULLSHIT right here and telling you point-blank why this proclamation is without merit.

Obama does not "send help" when none is available.

Care to admit your error right now or are you just going to post another stupid pic with yet another snarky retort?

The attack took place over 8 hours.

Val Jarrett refused to send help

End of story

What part of the official word from the US military are you having trouble wrapping your brain around?

Is the military lying as well?

10 p.m.: Attackers breach the mission walls and make for the ambassador's residence. Stevens and information officer Sean Smith run to a safe room with one security agent.

An alert is sent to the CIA security team at an annex about a mile away, the State Department and the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli. Stevens calls deputy mission chief Gregory Hicks at the embassy and tells him, "Greg, we're under attack."

10:30 p.m.: Stevens and Smith have taken refuge behind a fortified door with heavy metal bars that keeps the attackers from breaking in, but they set fire to the villa with diesel fuel. Within minutes, Stevens and Smith are overwhelmed by smoke.

At about the same time, six U.S. security agents leave the CIA annex for the main building. They and 16 Libyan security guards regain control over the compound and start searching for Stevens and Smith.

Shortly after 11 p.m.: A U.S. surveillance drone arrives over Benghazi. Then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Dempsey meet with President Barack Obama.

Eight hours with no help, eh?

Yeah, the military NEVER lies, unless there is a republicrat president who can be blamed.

I'm sure there are all sorts of people in the military chomping at the bit to end their careers in order to defy the CINC.
Four American are dead. What difference does it make who did it. There was no evidence of a pending attack.All was quiet. Steven had gone to bed when the attack occured. How the hell could any one get there to help. Daryle Issa is a Head Hunter and Obama is preferable the target. How many American died int Iraq and in Afghanistan????

yea a destabilized government with rebels running the streets killing at will. who would have ever thought there might have been trouble?

It was quiet enough for Amb. Stevens to go to bed. He was awaken by the attack. He diied of smoke inhalation and not because some one got to him. There was help and many were saved and ONLY four died. The glass was hafl full.
Around 9:00 p.m. (3:00 p.m. ET): In the walled Benghazi compound, U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens says good night to the Turkish Ambassador Ali Kemal Aydin and retires to his room in Building C, a large residence with numerous bedrooms and a safe haven.

9:40 p.m. (3:40 p.m. ET): Gunfire and an explosion are heard. A TOC agent sees dozens of armed people over security camera flowing through a pedestrian gate at the compound's main entrance. It is not clear how the gate was opened.

The agent hits the alarm and alerts the CIA security team in the nearby annex and the Libyan 17th of February Brigade, one of several powerful militias serving as a de facto security presence in Benghazi. The embassy in Tripoli and the State Dept. command center were also alerted.
Last edited:
Well looks like Obama was wrong after all:

Congress, in bipartisan tone, disputes report Al Qaeda not involved in deadly Benghazi attack

House lawmakers on Sunday disputed a new report that concludes Al Qaeda played no role in the fatal 2012 terror attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.

The report, published Saturday in The New York Times, found no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had a role in the assault that killed four Americans on Sept. 11, 2012, and stated the attack appeared largely fueled by anger over an American-made anti-Islamic video, as the Obama administration first claimed.

“I dispute that, and the intelligence community, to a large volume, disputes that,” Michigan GOP Rep. Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, told “Fox News Sunday.”

He also repeatedly said the story was “not accurate.”

Rogers was joined on the show by California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, who said, “intelligence indicates Al Qaeda was involved.”

The findings in the New York Times story also conflict with testimony from Greg Hicks, the deputy of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who was killed in the attack. Hicks described the video as "a non-event in Libya" at that time, and consequently not a significant trigger for the attack

Sean Smith, a foreign service officer, and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were also killed in the 2012 attack.

The responses by Rogers and Schiff Sunday follow New York Rep. Peter King, member and former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, telling Fox News on Saturday the argument in the Times story that the militia group Ansar al-Shariah -- not Al Qaeda -- led the Benghazi attack is an academic argument over semantics.

“It’s misleading,” said King, considering Ansar al-Shariah is widely believed to be an affiliate terror group of Al Qaeda. “It’s a distinction without a difference.”

Schiff, a House Intelligence Committee member, said the story doesn’t conclude the attack was a flash mob attack or a “pre-planned, core Al Qaeda operation.”

Rogers declined to say whether he thought the recent Benghazi-related stories on TV and in print were politically motivated -- particularly to try to exonerate then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is eyeing a 2016 presidential bid.

But he took issue with Ambassador Susan Rice talking about the incident when Congress “still has an ongoing investigation.”

Schiff said the newspaper report “was not designed to exonerate State Department lapses.”

Congress, in bipartisan tone, disputes report Al Qaeda not involved in deadly Benghazi attack | Fox News
And it turns out Al Qaeda wasn't involved.

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. And contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.

Hey Joe, psssssssssssst. I've got this beach house in Nebraska you might be interested in.
Congress, in bipartisan tone, disputes report Al Qaeda not involved in deadly Benghazi attack

House lawmakers on Sunday disputed a new report that concludes Al Qaeda played no role in the fatal 2012 terror attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.

The report, published Saturday in The New York Times, found no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had a role in the assault that killed four Americans on Sept. 11, 2012, and stated the attack appeared largely fueled by anger over an American-made anti-Islamic video, as the Obama administration first claimed.

“I dispute that, and the intelligence community, to a large volume, disputes that,” Michigan GOP Rep. Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, told “Fox News Sunday.”

He also repeatedly said the story was “not accurate.”

Rogers was joined on the show by California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, who said, “intelligence indicates Al Qaeda was involved.”

The findings in the New York Times story also conflict with testimony from Greg Hicks, the deputy of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who was killed in the attack. Hicks described the video as "a non-event in Libya" at that time, and consequently not a significant trigger for the attack

Sean Smith, a foreign service officer, and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were also killed in the 2012 attack.

The responses by Rogers and Schiff Sunday follow New York Rep. Peter King, member and former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, telling Fox News on Saturday the argument in the Times story that the militia group Ansar al-Shariah -- not Al Qaeda -- led the Benghazi attack is an academic argument over semantics.

“It’s misleading,” said King, considering Ansar al-Shariah is widely believed to be an affiliate terror group of Al Qaeda. “It’s a distinction without a difference.”

Schiff, a House Intelligence Committee member, said the story doesn’t conclude the attack was a flash mob attack or a “pre-planned, core Al Qaeda operation.”

Rogers declined to say whether he thought the recent Benghazi-related stories on TV and in print were politically motivated -- particularly to try to exonerate then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is eyeing a 2016 presidential bid.

But he took issue with Ambassador Susan Rice talking about the incident when Congress “still has an ongoing investigation.”

Schiff said the newspaper report “was not designed to exonerate State Department lapses.”

Congress, in bipartisan tone, disputes report Al Qaeda not involved in deadly Benghazi attack | Fox News
And what about that previous major investigative piece in the New York Times, the one that reported the involvement of a key al Qaeda affiliate and international terrorist groups? Was it wrong? Should we expect a correction?

Times Ignores Evidence of Al Qaeda Link to Benghazi | The Weekly Standard

Interesting article. One of the main points is that the NY Times itself reported the Benghazi attack was linked to Al-Qaeda back in 2012. Now....suddenly....they decided to change their story. Hmmmm.....wonder why?

I guess the NY Times was for it being a terrorist attack before they were against it. :lol:
And what about that previous major investigative piece in the New York Times, the one that reported the involvement of a key al Qaeda affiliate and international terrorist groups? Was it wrong? Should we expect a correction?

Times Ignores Evidence of Al Qaeda Link to Benghazi | The Weekly Standard

Interesting article. One of the main points is that the NY Times itself reported the Benghazi attack was linked to Al-Qaeda back in 2012. Now....suddenly....they decided to change their story. Hmmmm.....wonder why?

I guess the NY Times was for it being a terrorist attack before they were against it. :lol:

it is an OPINION basically of one man. It is not an editorial.
So when is Issa gonna make this mess into the Gahzi crash y'alls hopes gonna happen?

When all the survivors that were left for dead finally get the chance to tell what actually happened instead of being threatened for speaking about 9/11 in Benghazi.
A day that Everyone especially the president should have been on High Alert instead of just High:confused:
Benghazi attack caused by anti-Muslim film, Al-Qaeda not involved - report
Published time: December 29, 2013 03:49 Get short URL

There is no evidence suggesting that Al-Qaeda or any other international terrorist organization took part in the 2012 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, a new report suggests.

The investigation by The New York Times has revealed that it was actually the US-made movie ‘Innocence of Muslims’ that fueled the attack, adding that the assault on the consulate did not appear to be “meticulously planned, but neither was it spontaneous or without warning signs.”

The report is based on interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack and its context

Months of investigation “turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault,” The Times said.
Benghazi attack caused by anti-Muslim film, Al-Qaeda not involved - report ? RT USA
U.S. Consulate Attack in Benghazi, Libya, Part 1 - C-SPAN Video Library you must enlighten yourself. That hearing might help if you are willing to open your ears and eyes
And it turns out Al Qaeda wasn't involved.

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. And contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.

You reek of desperation.
Does anyone know if an armed drone was overhead as the attack formed at the Benghazi consulate?

Would it have made a difference ?
oh this such good news. it wasn't al Qaeda who killed the us citizens. I wonder if the Obama administration will be sending notes to the families of those killed - Good News! your Sons, Husbands, Fathers were not killed by al Qaeda. I'm sure they will find this news very consoling

I have to tell you, liberal apologists have sunken to new lows trying to defend this disastrous administration

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