Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

I have been wondering how much of the uproar over the terrible incident in Benghazi was reaction by American homosexuals and closet homosexuals such as body builders that spend an unsusual amount of time adoring the male body for the unconscionable rape of one of thier homosexual bretheren. I have no idea why a gay American man would be stationed as an ambassadore in a part of the world where homosexuals are killed on sight.

Owe ..poor baby, Quit being a hater, did that neg hurt you? Your'e a joke boy. kinda anti gay for a liberal nutjob aren't you?:cuckoo:
So much for the Republican campaign against Hillary

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault.

still drinking the coolaid.

Most of the islamic nutjobs never saw that stupid video until these idiots pushed it as the reason, for the attack in Benghazi. We had more riots, throughout the Mideast after the stupid apology tour. Benghazi was preplanned way before the video crap. The ambassador even reported his compound being watched. You Obama apologists are a pathetic joke. I don't give a shit what your precious, liberal, crap, newspaper says :cuckoo:


Well, the fastest way to get peace in the middle east would be to stop propping up the Zionist entity.

But the fact is, unless you've talked to the guys who carried out the attack, you really don't know what they were planning.

the NYT did talk to people who were there, and they said, "Nope, we aren't Al Qaeda, and yes, we were damned pissed about the Video!"

Well as long as they said so:lol::cuckoo:
I didn't care about/refused to comment about this issue when the right wingers manufactured this brouhaha

I still DON"T CARE about it.

That is all.
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The second most dangerous terrorist organization is AIPAC - The American Israel Public Affairs Committee which openly promotes the offering of American soldiers as sacrificial lambs and the draining of U S treasure to fight Israeli causes while they make billions off of our country and lift nary a finger in any of the "wars" they have encouraged us to fight for them. Thanks Iroc for reminding me what snakes you and your kind are.

All of the subversive Pieces of Shit that operate in our country influencing our government should be arrested and deported immediately. That includes those from and those that work for Israel.

Then perhaps President Obama needs to butt out and allow the nation of Israel to defend their own boarders against Iran, right? After all, what right does this President have telling another nation how to defend itself. I'm quite sure with the hostilities that surround them from neighboring Muslim countries, that Israeli pilots have more skilled combat flight time than the vast majority of our own Air Force.

If the Zionists could successful attack Iran, they'd have done so by now.

The fact they are still trying to goad us into doing it prove they can't.

Actually they have already done it once before known as Operation Babylon, and as usual the United Nations Security Council had condemned the attack. Of course that only shows how utterly worthless the UN has proven to be when handling rogue nations trying to develop chemical or nuclear capabilities. An organization that's "all talk" with no teeth, who has proven key members can be easily bought. In this case it's the United States, and particularly this administration, that has been trying their best "diplomatically" to hold Israel back from doing it again.
The U S has hopefully learned a lesson in the Mid East when they outrageously were sucked into attacking Iraq by Bush I and starting a snowball rolling down a mountain when Kuwaitt was stealing Iraqi oil by cross drilling miles under the border into Iraqi oil fields.

The Jews were afraid of Saddam so they helped start the war with selling the New American Century doctrine and then we were saddled with "protecting" poor little Israel AND Saudi Arabia against big bad Saddam who was by the by just a tad busy with Iran at the time. Saddam was given the OK by the U S and then "mysteriously" labeled the Crazy Dictator when he did what he said he would do and get payment for the stolen oil from the incredibly stupid Kuwaittis.

ALL OF SUDDEN the whole sheebang was about protecting Israel from the SCUD missles.

The truth is that Israel instigated the U S involvement. Iraq never had any intentions of attacking Israel untill the fucking Jews got us involved. How many Americans died needlessly? How much U S treasure was wasted needlessly? How much has happened since as a result of that first war that Bush only took up to Bagdad then pulled out? ALL of this...that war that was none of our business and then Bush II's war cuz they threatened his idiot Israeli dick sucking daddy's blunder. How much of Americas future have we squandered at the demand of Israel? Whe we add up the cost of running to the defense real or imagined of the Jews we pay in TRILLIONS of dollars and hundreds of thousands of our fighting best killed and probably over a million affected by injury not counting the affect of the families we have devastated here at home..

That's just the effect on America. I believe that Israel goaded America to start wars with thier neighbors so they could hide what they have done in the shadows of these unneccesary conflicts to the Arabs living on thier stolen borders. How many Iraqis were killed or injured or run out of thier country? tens of MILLIONS!!! All that blood is on the hands of a people with no conscience... Israel and it's subversive agents in the U S.

If there was a god I would thank him that we have a president that will not be a fool for the Jews. Obama has quitely spent much of his presidency cleaning up after the bloody messes created by the hubris of the Bush Family.

All this to protect a nest of snakes and vermin.
Good gosh, what an idiot. Joe logic, 'evil A defeats evil B, therefore evil A is good.'

Here's your 'logic' in practice; 'because murderers exists, rapists aren't that bad.'



Oh noes, good old 'Joe Stalin wasn't half bad Joe' negative rep'd me! My day is ruined! RUINED I SAY!!


He negged repped me and called me a racist shit stain. Looks like we both won the argument. :lol:

You know who JoeB DIDN'T neg rep? That's right, Joseph Stalin! :lol:
The most dangerous terrorist organization in the world is the American Tea Party. They have caused more damage to this country than all of the others put together.

I feel sorry that our educational system failed you in such extraordinary fashion.

The U S has hopefully learned a lesson in the Mid East when they outrageously were sucked into attacking Iraq by Bush I and starting a snowball rolling down a mountain when Kuwaitt was stealing Iraqi oil by cross drilling miles under the border into Iraqi oil fields.

The Jews were afraid of Saddam so they helped start the war with selling the New American Century doctrine and then we were saddled with "protecting" poor little Israel AND Saudi Arabia against big bad Saddam who was by the by just a tad busy with Iran at the time. Saddam was given the OK by the U S and then "mysteriously" labeled the Crazy Dictator when he did what he said he would do and get payment for the stolen oil from the incredibly stupid Kuwaittis.

ALL OF SUDDEN the whole sheebang was about protecting Israel from the SCUD missles.

The truth is that Israel instigated the U S involvement. Iraq never had any intentions of attacking Israel untill the fucking Jews got us involved. How many Americans died needlessly? How much U S treasure was wasted needlessly? How much has happened since as a result of that first war that Bush only took up to Bagdad then pulled out? ALL of this...that war that was none of our business and then Bush II's war cuz they threatened his idiot Israeli dick sucking daddy's blunder. How much of Americas future have we squandered at the demand of Israel? Whe we add up the cost of running to the defense real or imagined of the Jews we pay in TRILLIONS of dollars and hundreds of thousands of our fighting best killed and probably over a million affected by injury not counting the affect of the families we have devastated here at home..

That's just the effect on America. I believe that Israel goaded America to start wars with thier neighbors so they could hide what they have done in the shadows of these unneccesary conflicts to the Arabs living on thier stolen borders. How many Iraqis were killed or injured or run out of thier country? tens of MILLIONS!!! All that blood is on the hands of a people with no conscience... Israel and it's subversive agents in the U S.

If there was a god I would thank him that we have a president that will not be a fool for the Jews. Obama has quitely spent much of his presidency cleaning up after the bloody messes created by the hubris of the Bush Family.

All this to protect a nest of snakes and vermin.

:cuckoo:Shut up with your Jew derangement syndrome you idiot. Stick to the topic of the thread.
My hope is the NYTimes False story starts the unraveling of the truth about Benghazi.
I Will NEVER Forget Benghazi where Americans were left to die & the POS POTUS went to Vegas.

Calling it a false story without backing it up with links....links to Al Qaeda just proves that the GOPers are so angry that their only hope to attack Hillary is dissolving into thin air.

As for your last comment, but you sure were able to forget the 3000 that died in NY on 9/ll, and the 4000+ that died defending a worthless war due to Booooooosh.....that's unbelievable!

What was so special about the 4 that died in Benghazi that the 7000 that died due to Bush's 9/ll didn't have?

It's called "Obama Derange Syndrome."
The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Barack Obama.

The state of paranoia in which people fear President Obama so much, they stop thinking logically and stop using common sense. Usually a direct result of watching too much Fox News.

When a person stops disagreeing with Obama on political policy and believe every single policy decision that he make is apart sinister conspiracy to weaken or destroy America and possibly the world.

"Obama will confiscate guns, bring the Muslim brotherhood to power in America, Take all his orders from Putin, declare war on Israel, become a permanent dictator, maybe even become the anti Christ and set up a one world government...But I just disagree with the guy. How an I suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome?"
Urban Dictionary: obama derangement syndrome
That's just the effect on America. I believe that Israel goaded America to start wars with thier neighbors so they could hide what they have done in the shadows of these unneccesary conflicts to the Arabs living on thier stolen borders. How many Iraqis were killed or injured or run out of thier country? tens of MILLIONS!!! All that blood is on the hands of a people with no conscience... Israel and it's subversive agents in the U S.

If there was a god I would thank him that we have a president that will not be a fool for the Jews.

All this to protect a nest of snakes and vermin.

Israel is a small oasis of civilization surrounded by a vast desert of the most brutal and repulsive barbarism. :eek::eek::eek:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBIvPkdIOT8]Hatikva- Israeli national anthem - YouTube[/ame]
The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Barack Obama.

The state of paranoia in which people fear President Obama so much, they stop thinking logically and stop using common sense. Usually a direct result of watching too much Fox News.

When a person stops disagreeing with Obama on political policy and believe every single policy decision that he make is apart sinister conspiracy to weaken or destroy America and possibly the world.

"Obama will confiscate guns, bring the Muslim brotherhood to power in America, Take all his orders from Putin, declare war on Israel, become a permanent dictator, maybe even become the anti Christ and set up a one world government...But I just disagree with the guy. How an I suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome?"
Urban Dictionary: obama derangement syndrome

Paranoia and/or fear? No.
Substitute dislike and you have just described the average thinking American.
My hope is the NYTimes False story starts the unraveling of the truth about Benghazi.
I Will NEVER Forget Benghazi where Americans were left to die & the POS POTUS went to Vegas.

Calling it a false story without backing it up with links....links to Al Qaeda just proves that the GOPers are so angry that their only hope to attack Hillary is dissolving into thin air.

As for your last comment, but you sure were able to forget the 3000 that died in NY on 9/ll, and the 4000+ that died defending a worthless war due to Booooooosh.....that's unbelievable!

What was so special about the 4 that died in Benghazi that the 7000 that died due to Bush's 9/ll didn't have?

President Bush didn't send a representative to address the public in an attempt to look back to find blame outside of his own administration for the attack on 9-11. Instead he was pushing forward to find solutions on how our nation can prevent such an attack on American soil from happening again. President Obama was too busy looking for an scape goat to cover his own ass.

With respect to Iraq, each of our US soldiers had the ability and military "support" to defend themselves.
My hope is the NYTimes False story starts the unraveling of the truth about Benghazi.
I Will NEVER Forget Benghazi where Americans were left to die & the POS POTUS went to Vegas.

Calling it a false story without backing it up with links....links to Al Qaeda just proves that the GOPers are so angry that their only hope to attack Hillary is dissolving into thin air.

As for your last comment, but you sure were able to forget the 3000 that died in NY on 9/ll, and the 4000+ that died defending a worthless war due to Booooooosh.....that's unbelievable!

What was so special about the 4 that died in Benghazi that the 7000 that died due to Bush's 9/ll didn't have?

Benghazi is what happens when you don't pay attention to warning signs.

The same kind of thing happened in Somalia when I was there. We kept sending word up the chain that we needed this or needed that in order to defend ourselves and they refused. Then on October 3, 1993 all of the neglect of the Clinton Administration resulted in the unnecessary deaths of 18 Rangers and Delta members along with the wounding of nearly 100 members of Taskforce Ranger. Instead of allowing us to have armored vehicles like every other country there we were forced to use unarmored Hummers and flatbed trucks. Fact is Hillary doesn't care if a few people die because of her lack of preparation. All she cares about is being the first woman to become president of the United States.
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So much for the Republican campaign against Hillary

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault.

That's it...I carried your water longer than just about every conservative on this forum.
This is the last straw. For you to cling to this story by NYT and give it immediate credence over all of the investigation by private and government agencies in multiple countries - dismiss all of them, for this story - can only be because you want it to be true.
You are as dismissible as Sallow now.
My hope is the NYTimes False story starts the unraveling of the truth about Benghazi.
I Will NEVER Forget Benghazi where Americans were left to die & the POS POTUS went to Vegas.

Calling it a false story without backing it up with links....links to Al Qaeda just proves that the GOPers are so angry that their only hope to attack Hillary is dissolving into thin air.

As for your last comment, but you sure were able to forget the 3000 that died in NY on 9/ll, and the 4000+ that died defending a worthless war due to Booooooosh.....that's unbelievable!

What was so special about the 4 that died in Benghazi that the 7000 that died due to Bush's 9/ll didn't have?

Benghazi is what happens when you don't pay attention to warning signs.

The same kind of thing happened in Somalia when I was there. We kept sending word up the chain that we needed this or needed that in order to defend ourselves and they refused. Then on October 3, 1993 all of the neglect of the Clinton Administration resulted in the unnecessary deaths of 18 Rangers and Delta members along with the wounding of nearly 100 members of Taskforce Ranger. Instead of allowing us to have armored vehicles like every other country there we were forced to use unarmored Hummers and flatbed trucks. Fact is Hillary doesn't care if a few people die because of her lack of preparation. All she cares about is being the first woman to become president of the United States.

Or we could have not been there at all... that would have been a great idea.
So much for the Republican campaign against Hillary

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault.

That's it...I carried your water longer than just about every conservative on this forum.
This is the last straw. For you to cling to this story by NYT and give it immediate credence over all of the investigation by private and government agencies in multiple countries - dismiss all of them, for this story - can only be because you want it to be true.
You are as dismissible as Sallow now.

Well, the New York Times did what Darryl Issa refused to do... actually do an investigation and talk to people.

But Congressman Issa (R-Koch Brothers) was just out there stirring up shit without basis, and wonders why no one takes him seriously.
Calling it a false story without backing it up with links....links to Al Qaeda just proves that the GOPers are so angry that their only hope to attack Hillary is dissolving into thin air.

As for your last comment, but you sure were able to forget the 3000 that died in NY on 9/ll, and the 4000+ that died defending a worthless war due to Booooooosh.....that's unbelievable!

What was so special about the 4 that died in Benghazi that the 7000 that died due to Bush's 9/ll didn't have?

Benghazi is what happens when you don't pay attention to warning signs.

The same kind of thing happened in Somalia when I was there. We kept sending word up the chain that we needed this or needed that in order to defend ourselves and they refused. Then on October 3, 1993 all of the neglect of the Clinton Administration resulted in the unnecessary deaths of 18 Rangers and Delta members along with the wounding of nearly 100 members of Taskforce Ranger. Instead of allowing us to have armored vehicles like every other country there we were forced to use unarmored Hummers and flatbed trucks. Fact is Hillary doesn't care if a few people die because of her lack of preparation. All she cares about is being the first woman to become president of the United States.

Or we could have not been there at all... that would have been a great idea.

We were there because like Americans always do, we try to help those who are suffering. Somalia was in the middle of a civil war and people were dying, so of course America had to chip in and help. By the time we left the starvation had ended and the people there were getting back to murdering anyone who was not Muslim as they always do.

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