Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

typical repub-lie-turd when losing the debate

Typical of a ding bat when he's lost the debate

But two members of the House intelligence committee, Republican Mike Rogers and Democrat Adam Schiff

there was a democrat helping your republican to tell your so called truth ... so the fact that one democrat was helping now makes it, they're telling the truth ... GOT IT !!!! so when and two democrats tell you something its a lie ... but if a republican and a democrats tells us it makes it true ... GOT IT !!!! I'LL try to remember .... the facts are as followed .. the Al-qaeda had nothing to do with it ...there wasn't any protest on the ground ... the whole thing took place by mad Muslims who were angry about the Americans insulting their religious... got it... but if a Republican and a democrt says all their reserch on the ground is wrong ... then it must be right HUH!!!!

you really are a fucking idiot.
Stop lying.
There is a Chinese recycling company negotiating the purchase of NYT. I am not sure if the company is aware that most people no longer get their news from print medium.
Typical of a ding bat when he's lost the debate

But two members of the House intelligence committee, Republican Mike Rogers and Democrat Adam Schiff

there was a democrat helping your republican to tell your so called truth ... so the fact that one democrat was helping now makes it, they're telling the truth ... GOT IT !!!! so when and two democrats tell you something its a lie ... but if a republican and a democrats tells us it makes it true ... GOT IT !!!! I'LL try to remember .... the facts are as followed .. the Al-qaeda had nothing to do with it ...there wasn't any protest on the ground ... the whole thing took place by mad Muslims who were angry about the Americans insulting their religious... got it... but if a Republican and a democrt says all their reserch on the ground is wrong ... then it must be right HUH!!!!

you really are a fucking idiot.
Stop lying.

you're a lazy repub-lie-tard ... that doesn't want to do any research at all ...we all get that about you ... when you're challenged, insults is all ya got... the problem you have is you don't know a liar when you hear one ... try reading your post ... read it out loud so you can hear a actual liar... if that post of yours doesn't say lying idiot, I don't know what does...:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Repub-lie-tards are traitors
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there was a democrat helping your republican to tell your so called truth ... so the fact that one democrat was helping now makes it, they're telling the truth ... GOT IT !!!! so when and two democrats tell you something its a lie ... but if a republican and a democrats tells us it makes it true ... GOT IT !!!! I'LL try to remember .... the facts are as followed .. the Al-qaeda had nothing to do with it ...there wasn't any protest on the ground ... the whole thing took place by mad Muslims who were angry about the Americans insulting their religious... got it... but if a Republican and a democrt says all their reserch on the ground is wrong ... then it must be right HUH!!!!

you really are a fucking idiot.
Stop lying.

you're a lazy repub-lie-tard ... that doesn't want to do any research at all ...we all get that about you ... when you're challenged, insults is all ya got... the problem you have is you don't know a liar when you hear one ... try reading your post ... read it out loud so you can hear a actual liar... if that post of yours doesn't say lying idiot, I don't know what does...:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Repub-lie-tards are traitors

lazy lying sack of shit. hillary dropped the ball and obama played cards you ignorant bastard.
Because there isn't a Hell for me to go to.

And, sorry, no, you really haven't proven much of anything. Now I know you nutters NEED TO BELIEVE it was an Al Qaeda attack and the Video had nothing to do with it...

But it's just not so.
Because there isn't a Hell for me to go to.

And, sorry, no, you really haven't proven much of anything. Now I know you nutters NEED TO BELIEVE it was an Al Qaeda attack and the Video had nothing to do with it...

But it's just not so.

I've proven you're a dumb son of a bitch.

Please stop trying to use the death of those four people for political gain.



Please stop trying to cover up what really happened in the death of those four people for political gain.

Because there isn't a Hell for me to go to.

And, sorry, no, you really haven't proven much of anything. Now I know you nutters NEED TO BELIEVE it was an Al Qaeda attack and the Video had nothing to do with it...

But it's just not so.

I've proven you're a dumb son of a bitch.

Any thoughts on the topic?

wow almost one of the last post and you comment on that one. How about taking your lazy ass back up in the thread and shut the fuck up.
that were pissed off about the movie that Rice spoke about on all the morning shows... we get it ...

had nothing to do with a protest over a movies that was posted on you tube months before obama and Clinton dropped the ball at Benghazi

yes it did ... its what pissed them off... the fact that they have documented proof, you can't stand that fact .... unlike fox noise lies

Actually I find that response rather hilarious, seeing that the left keeps going back to their one source of information on this thread - a contrived article which stems from a left leaning newspaper. :lol:

You honestly are going to say with a straight face that the New York Times is not biased, without producing any other investigative sources of information to collaborate with this? Something concrete other than "but because Mrs. Rice says so. This administration must be telling the truth." Just like "If you like your plan you can keep it, right?" -or- "If you like your doctor, I guess you can keep him too."
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Yawn, guy, get over it....

You think the world would have been better off had Hitler won WWII instead of Stalin?

Good gosh, what an idiot. Joe logic, 'evil A defeats evil B, therefore evil A is good.'

Here's your 'logic' in practice; 'because murderers exists, rapists aren't that bad.'



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