Looks Like The Cat's Out Of The Bag....


I was using hyperbole to make a point, and in your desperation you're focusing on that hyperbole to try to save face. You've been destroyed thoroughly. I'm sorry you're too stupid to know it. If you know so much you should go make yourself rich and famous by proving the scientists wrong.

No, you are using hyperbole because it is just about all you have. At this point, you are using hyperbole to support logical fallacies. And you think you have destroyed anything other than what meager credibility you had when you entered this conversation?

Destroying an opponents argument requires evidence to support your own position over theirs....like when I showed you that the claim of unprecedented warming in the past 1000 years was nothing more than a trick designed to lead you to believe that the present climate was in some way unusual and unprecedented....the rest of the graph showed the trick...alas, it is you who have been destroyed but you just aren't bright enough to get it. You are stupid enough to believe that hyperbole and logical fallacies constitute a rational argument...My bet is that you don't even realize that the bulk of your argument (97% of scientists meme) is nothing more than a logical fallacy. You have no argument....you have dogma...and you have no evidence to back it up.

You and your conspiracy websites are not more credible than scientists, sorry. I don't and I never will take you seriously. You're ignorant, and so incredibly arrogant that you can dismiss scientists with a wave of your hand.

What conspiracy web site...those were the graphs published by the very people who duped you. They simply didn't show you the whole picture because then, even a goob like you wouldn't have been fooled.

Calling the truth a conspiracy is no more an effective argument than your hyperbole and logical fallacies...it just shows that you aren't very bright.

But it is as I predicted...even when you see evidence that you have been tricked, you aren't bright enough to alter your thinking...
Take your findings and become famous.

So no actual argument...just the same old logical fallacy we have all become accustomed to. Only a real idiot chooses to remain a dupe when he is shown that he has been fooled.

I was using hyperbole to make a point, and in your desperation you're focusing on that hyperbole to try to save face. You've been destroyed thoroughly. I'm sorry you're too stupid to know it. If you know so much you should go make yourself rich and famous by proving the scientists wrong.

No, you are using hyperbole because it is just about all you have. At this point, you are using hyperbole to support logical fallacies. And you think you have destroyed anything other than what meager credibility you had when you entered this conversation?

Destroying an opponents argument requires evidence to support your own position over theirs....like when I showed you that the claim of unprecedented warming in the past 1000 years was nothing more than a trick designed to lead you to believe that the present climate was in some way unusual and unprecedented....the rest of the graph showed the trick...alas, it is you who have been destroyed but you just aren't bright enough to get it. You are stupid enough to believe that hyperbole and logical fallacies constitute a rational argument...My bet is that you don't even realize that the bulk of your argument (97% of scientists meme) is nothing more than a logical fallacy. You have no argument....you have dogma...and you have no evidence to back it up.

You and your conspiracy websites are not more credible than scientists, sorry. I don't and I never will take you seriously. You're ignorant, and so incredibly arrogant that you can dismiss scientists with a wave of your hand.

What conspiracy web site...those were the graphs posted by the very people who duped you. They simply didn't show you the whole picture because then, even a goob like you wouldn't have been fooled.

But it is as I predicted...even when you see evidence that you have been tricked, you aren't bright enough to alter your thinking...

You are a doofus on the internet that can barely use English. They are incredibly intelligent people that have dedicated their lives to the subject they are talking about. I'm not going to pretend I'm a scientist or that I know better than scientists; it's as simple as that. The conversation ends there for me. I really don't care what you think you know and I never will. There is not a global scientific conspiracy. That's the tinfoil nonsense you come up with out of desperation to defend your view that is more political than scientific.
I have a decent understanding of the science because I have done research and I'm not an idiot. I'm just not going to speak as if I'm an expert because I'm not an arrogant retard like you. There is a large scientific consensus that says humans are impacting global temperature. If you blow that off you're a jackass.

Still waiting for the evidence from you:

"There are 100 papers that back AGW claims for every one your conspiracy blog website points at"

Waiting...……………. Waiting.

Come on it isn't hard to do.....

I'm not going to waste my time proving what is already known, which is that the vast majority of scientists agree that humans impact global temperature. They didn't come to that conclusion without studies.

"I'm not going to waste my time blah blah blah...."

Yet you keep posting the same 'is not, isssssss noootttttttt!!!!'

To put it simply, you've become our best source of Greenhouse Gases.

That's nice honey.

What's really nice is how I reduce you to the same muttering over and over.

It is all he has...Most dupes are at least creative enough to construct elaborate stories about how they aren't duped...this one just spews the same old logical fallacy over and over.
Still waiting for the evidence from you:

"There are 100 papers that back AGW claims for every one your conspiracy blog website points at"

Waiting...……………. Waiting.

Come on it isn't hard to do.....

I'm not going to waste my time proving what is already known, which is that the vast majority of scientists agree that humans impact global temperature. They didn't come to that conclusion without studies.

"I'm not going to waste my time blah blah blah...."

Yet you keep posting the same 'is not, isssssss noootttttttt!!!!'

To put it simply, you've become our best source of Greenhouse Gases.

That's nice honey.

What's really nice is how I reduce you to the same muttering over and over.

It is all he has...Most dupes are at least creative enough to construct elaborate stories about how they aren't duped...this one just spews the same old logical fallacy over and over.

I think it's a pretty good argument to say the scientists agree with me and disagree with you. To anybody with a brain that ends it. There is not a global conspiracy.

I was using hyperbole to make a point, and in your desperation you're focusing on that hyperbole to try to save face. You've been destroyed thoroughly. I'm sorry you're too stupid to know it. If you know so much you should go make yourself rich and famous by proving the scientists wrong.

No, you are using hyperbole because it is just about all you have. At this point, you are using hyperbole to support logical fallacies. And you think you have destroyed anything other than what meager credibility you had when you entered this conversation?

Destroying an opponents argument requires evidence to support your own position over theirs....like when I showed you that the claim of unprecedented warming in the past 1000 years was nothing more than a trick designed to lead you to believe that the present climate was in some way unusual and unprecedented....the rest of the graph showed the trick...alas, it is you who have been destroyed but you just aren't bright enough to get it. You are stupid enough to believe that hyperbole and logical fallacies constitute a rational argument...My bet is that you don't even realize that the bulk of your argument (97% of scientists meme) is nothing more than a logical fallacy. You have no argument....you have dogma...and you have no evidence to back it up.

You and your conspiracy websites are not more credible than scientists, sorry. I don't and I never will take you seriously. You're ignorant, and so incredibly arrogant that you can dismiss scientists with a wave of your hand.

What conspiracy web site...those were the graphs posted by the very people who duped you. They simply didn't show you the whole picture because then, even a goob like you wouldn't have been fooled.

But it is as I predicted...even when you see evidence that you have been tricked, you aren't bright enough to alter your thinking...

You are a doofus on the internet that can barely use English. They are incredibly intelligent people that have dedicated their lives to the subject they are talking about. I'm not going to pretend I'm a scientist or that I know better than scientists; it's as simple as that. The conversation ends there for me. I really don't care what you think you know and I never will. There is not a global scientific conspiracy. That's the tinfoil nonsense you come up with out of desperation to defend your view that is more political than scientific.

Is this really all you have? I showed you a deliberate misdirection made by those "incredibly intelligent" people. Done with the intent of misinforming you. You think bright people aren't capable of misdirecting less intelligent people for fun and profit? Here is a newsflash for you...the most successful fraudsters out there are very intelligent...many bordering or exceeding the genius level....and many of them have dedicated their lives to defrauding people.

The very fact that you are able to ignore a genuine, undeniable example of the sort of fraud they are perpetrating speaks volumes about your level of intelligence.

I was using hyperbole to make a point, and in your desperation you're focusing on that hyperbole to try to save face. You've been destroyed thoroughly. I'm sorry you're too stupid to know it. If you know so much you should go make yourself rich and famous by proving the scientists wrong.

No, you are using hyperbole because it is just about all you have. At this point, you are using hyperbole to support logical fallacies. And you think you have destroyed anything other than what meager credibility you had when you entered this conversation?

Destroying an opponents argument requires evidence to support your own position over theirs....like when I showed you that the claim of unprecedented warming in the past 1000 years was nothing more than a trick designed to lead you to believe that the present climate was in some way unusual and unprecedented....the rest of the graph showed the trick...alas, it is you who have been destroyed but you just aren't bright enough to get it. You are stupid enough to believe that hyperbole and logical fallacies constitute a rational argument...My bet is that you don't even realize that the bulk of your argument (97% of scientists meme) is nothing more than a logical fallacy. You have no argument....you have dogma...and you have no evidence to back it up.

You and your conspiracy websites are not more credible than scientists, sorry. I don't and I never will take you seriously. You're ignorant, and so incredibly arrogant that you can dismiss scientists with a wave of your hand.

What conspiracy web site...those were the graphs posted by the very people who duped you. They simply didn't show you the whole picture because then, even a goob like you wouldn't have been fooled.

But it is as I predicted...even when you see evidence that you have been tricked, you aren't bright enough to alter your thinking...

You are a doofus on the internet that can barely use English. They are incredibly intelligent people that have dedicated their lives to the subject they are talking about. I'm not going to pretend I'm a scientist or that I know better than scientists; it's as simple as that. The conversation ends there for me. I really don't care what you think you know and I never will. There is not a global scientific conspiracy. That's the tinfoil nonsense you come up with out of desperation to defend your view that is more political than scientific.

Is this really all you have? I showed you a deliberate misdirection made by those "incredibly intelligent" people. Done with the intent of misinforming you. You think bright people aren't capable of misdirecting less intelligent people for fun and profit? Here is a newsflash for you...the most successful fraudsters out there are very intelligent...many bordering or exceeding the genius level....and many of them have dedicated their lives to defrauding people.

The very fact that you are able to ignore a genuine, undeniable example of the sort of fraud they are perpetrating speaks volumes about your level of intelligence.

Scientists all over the world are not fraudsters you incredible imbecile. There wouldn't be a consensus if the evidence they have is nonsense. You're some unscientific tinfoil hat wearing clown that is arrogant enough to dismiss the entire scientific community. If the most qualified people on Earth can't convince your dumb ass, why would I even bother? It's a waste of time. You are not somebody that is open to having their mind changed. Go take your findings to a scientist and explain to them why they are wrong.
Your ignorance is showing...you are being led, and misled by people who set out to trick you.

You mean the scientists all over the world, right?

I showed you clear evidence of one such instance. Are you stupid enough to remain tricked?

I'm not stupid or arrogant enough to tell the scientific community it's wrong. I'm not going to argue with my surgeon either.

Well s0n you dont seem to get it.....

The science doesnt matter for sick unless the scientists can make their case. We've been told for 10 years the science is decided....but nobody is caring. Token climate action is ghey....and all we've seen.

What the climate nutters fail to ever comprehend is....people with real lives and real responsibilities have waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much other shit to worry about. Worry about the 3mm rise in the sea level?:777::777:. Cmon now....duh.....shit is peripheral for most everybody. The k00ks might not like that but sorry....that's the way it is!

Look at this thread...20 pages in a day. One reason.....epic lOsInG makes heads explode and progressives aren't adept at dealing with bumpy cucumbers.

Nobody cares about the science s0ns!!:backpedal::backpedal:
Your ignorance is showing...you are being led, and misled by people who set out to trick you.

You mean the scientists all over the world, right?

I showed you clear evidence of one such instance. Are you stupid enough to remain tricked?

I'm not stupid or arrogant enough to tell the scientific community it's wrong when I'm not a scientist. That's the main difference between us. I'm not going to argue with my surgeon either.

So you are saying that you aren't bright enough to read a very simple graph? Is that what you are saying? It isn't as if you have to be a rocket scientist to understand climate science..and it doesn't take any more than average intelligence to spot a deliberate trick. Since you clearly fall below the average, here let me help you out.

this is the graph published by the people who said that they studied ice cores to determine that the warming of the present is unprecedented in the past 1000 years. Well, it is unprecedented in the past 1000 years. Then they show you the past 1000 years of this very graph and tell you a wild tale about how man is altering the global climate and that we are all headed for catastrophe...and you obviously believed it since you are defending them.

Now, be honest if you have it in you....what would be your response had they shown you the entire graph rather than just the past 1000 years and told you that the warming we are seeing is unprecedented and that we are all headed for catastrophe? Surely you can look at that graph and see that the warming since the little ice age ended is in no way unusual, or extraordinary, or unprecedented...Are you at least that bright?

Still waiting for the evidence from you:

"There are 100 papers that back AGW claims for every one your conspiracy blog website points at"

Waiting...……………. Waiting.

Come on it isn't hard to do.....

I'm not going to waste my time proving what is already known, which is that the vast majority of scientists agree that humans impact global temperature. They didn't come to that conclusion without studies.

"I'm not going to waste my time blah blah blah...."

Yet you keep posting the same 'is not, isssssss noootttttttt!!!!'

To put it simply, you've become our best source of Greenhouse Gases.

That's nice honey.

What's really nice is how I reduce you to the same muttering over and over.

It is all he has...Most dupes are at least creative enough to construct elaborate stories about how they aren't duped...this one just spews the same old logical fallacy over and over.

For the weakest of us, indoctrination is indelible.
when he is shown that he has been fooled.

It's a nonstarter. You are not qualified to educate people about the climate.

You have no idea what my education or qualifications are. One more instance of you speaking from ignorance. Do you have any actual knowledge base behind all your talk, or to you just say whatever comes to mind without regard to whether you can actually back it up or not?
It isn't as if you have to be a rocket scientist to understand climate science

You and I don't understand climate science as well as the global body of scientists that disagree with you. It's a nonstarter as I said earlier. You lack the credentials to tell me they're wrong.
when he is shown that he has been fooled.

It's a nonstarter. You are not qualified to educate people about the climate.

You have no idea what my education or qualifications are. One more instance of you speaking from ignorance. Do you have any actual knowledge base behind all your talk, or to you just say whatever comes to mind without regard to whether you can actually back it up or not?

Are you a scientist?
I'm not going to waste my time proving what is already known, which is that the vast majority of scientists agree that humans impact global temperature. They didn't come to that conclusion without studies.

"I'm not going to waste my time blah blah blah...."

Yet you keep posting the same 'is not, isssssss noootttttttt!!!!'

To put it simply, you've become our best source of Greenhouse Gases.

That's nice honey.

What's really nice is how I reduce you to the same muttering over and over.

It is all he has...Most dupes are at least creative enough to construct elaborate stories about how they aren't duped...this one just spews the same old logical fallacy over and over.

For the weakest of us, indoctrination is indelible.

Says the home schooled creationist.
Remember this, from the first Republican President?

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Looks like the Global Warming Scam has run its course.

"New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem, contrary to what NRCM, Audubon and CLF sock puppets tell us."
New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

Oh, noooozzzzz!!!!

Now we're gonna have to find a whole new bunch of human piñatas!!!

When have we ever had such a nut job for president? Remember when your kind claimed to the be the party of "Family Values"? We didn't know you meant "crime" family.

When your kind compares Trump to Obama or Clinton, the absurdity becomes laughably obvious.

Any other headlines about anything are swallowed up.

Babies in dirty diapers and lice in cages?

An incredible idea is handing over American citizens to Russians for interrogation?

Canceling military exercises are too expensive but a military parade costing the same amount is not?

Republicans have lost their fuking minds.
I'm not going to waste my time proving what is already known, which is that the vast majority of scientists agree that humans impact global temperature. They didn't come to that conclusion without studies.

"I'm not going to waste my time blah blah blah...."

Yet you keep posting the same 'is not, isssssss noootttttttt!!!!'

To put it simply, you've become our best source of Greenhouse Gases.

That's nice honey.

What's really nice is how I reduce you to the same muttering over and over.

It is all he has...Most dupes are at least creative enough to construct elaborate stories about how they aren't duped...this one just spews the same old logical fallacy over and over.

For the weakest of us, indoctrination is indelible.

Sad but to incredibly true. He is unable to see which side is providing actual data in support of our position. It is a sad commentary on the abject failure of our educational system. Indoctrination has become the norm and education and developing critical thinking skills has gone out the window.
"I'm not going to waste my time blah blah blah...."

Yet you keep posting the same 'is not, isssssss noootttttttt!!!!'

To put it simply, you've become our best source of Greenhouse Gases.

That's nice honey.

What's really nice is how I reduce you to the same muttering over and over.

It is all he has...Most dupes are at least creative enough to construct elaborate stories about how they aren't duped...this one just spews the same old logical fallacy over and over.

For the weakest of us, indoctrination is indelible.

Says the home schooled creationist.

Any evidence to back that claim up or are you now reduced to the level of a cornered animal lashing out at anyone you perceive as a threat to your belief?
Looks like Conservative misinformation is working

It's seriously embarrassing. A bunch of fuck mouthed rednecks from the United States have unraveled the global conspiracy being pushed by some of the most educated people on Earth. Right...
Every other nation on earth recognizes the dangers of global warming

Conservatives in this country have convinced people it is fake news

You think warming is more dangerous than cooling? What dangers are you talking about? This should be interesting since most of the past 10,000 years have been warmer than the present.

Warming is great if you enjoy hurricanes

Even that lie has been shredded and yet you use it over and over again.....

Heat generates hurricanes

More heat= more energy= bigger hurricanes

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