Looks Like The Cat's Out Of The Bag....

Think we can get Gore to give back the loot????

I think he spent it ...

Your imbecilic reliance of consensus proves YOU are a science illiterate.

Yes, I am an imbecile for taking it seriously when the vast majority of the people most qualified to have an opinion about a subject tell us something about that subject.

You keep pushing the Consensus and Authority fallacy over and over, which indicate that you don't understand how science research works.

Consensus has been wrong many times, which slowed down science research.

You are just another low brow warmist moron to make a fool of yourself in public with your stupidity and ignorance.

You don't understand this topic any more than I do. You probably understand it less in fact. I'm just not an arrogant asshole with the audacity to speak as if I am an expert. You're simply dumb if you think a scientific consensus is meaningless and doesn't need to be taken seriously.

As usual your reply has NO substance in it, just scream is all you can do.

I cannot give you an expert opinion because I am not an expert, and neither are you. Go debate the scientific majority that agrees with what I am saying. They'll make you look like an imbecile because they are actually experts and know what they're talking about. Like other sane people I take it seriously when the majority of experts in a field say something about the field they're experts in. If you think they're wrong you should go publish your findings and become globally known as the nobody redneck that proved the scientific community wrong.

The scientific community has not been able to prove itself right.

They can neither explain the past with models and they sure as fuck cannot predict the future.

So just what it is that they know ?
Why are you not shutting me down with a single shred of observed, measured data that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability? Why are you standing there looking like an impotent dupe who believes so strongly in something that isn't supported by the first piece of actual evidence?

Come on warmer...mewl some more for me...mewl like there is no tomorrow...Go on and on and on with your impotent sniveling...Show us that you have nothing but talk...and even that is about as weak as it gets.

No, I'm serious. You have convinced me. You need to inform the scientific community.

So you are a misinformed dupe and a liar. Exactly how low did you set the bar for yourself?
Looks like Conservative misinformation is working

It's seriously embarrassing. A bunch of fuck mouthed rednecks from the United States have unraveled the global conspiracy being pushed by some of the most educated people on Earth. Right...
Every other nation on earth recognizes the dangers of global warming

Conservatives in this country have convinced people it is fake news

You think warming is more dangerous than cooling? What dangers are you talking about? This should be interesting since most of the past 10,000 years have been warmer than the present.

Warming is great if you enjoy hurricanes

Sorry guy, that bit of misinformation has been debunked as well. The actual data once again prove the models wrong.
The fact it is bogus as a threat, is commonsense and science.

According to all of the rednecks that have figured out the truth. Scientists say otherwise, but what do they know?

These days, it is an ever shrinking number of scientists as evidenced by the growing number of papers that are very skeptical of the AGW claims. Now it is mostly the media and politicians propping up a smaller and smaller group spewing catastrophic warnings.
You get your scientific information from conspiracy blogs. The consensus is known and undeniable. Most skeptics will admit at least that much. If you think AGW is bullshit then you think the vast majority of climate scientists are full of shit, which is fine. Apparently they don't understand what you do.

Consensus is a political term. Scientists...true scientists are skeptical by nature...hell, they can't even agree on what might cause gravity...in the absence of any observed, measured evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis, what, other than money might make a group of people who are natural skeptics agree on anything?

You tell me.
Do you have any links that aren't from known conspiracy websites? Again, the consensus in undeniable if you live in reality. Most skeptics aren't stupid enough to argue that point. For every skeptic paper out there there's 100 others that support AGW claims.

If you live in reality, then you know that consensus is a political term and has nothing to do with science.

And alas, there aren't 100 papers supporting AGW to every paper which is skeptical. That was true some years back when warmers were able to block any paper that was skeptical of AGW...those days are over. There is a growing river of peer reviewed papers skeptical of the catastrophic claims made by warmers these days. The AGW hypothesis is in its death throes....
Nasa: Earth is warming at a pace 'unprecedented in 1,000 years'

Nasa said that records of temperature that go back far further, taken via analysis of ice cores and sediments, suggest that the warming of recent decades is out of step with any period over the past millennium.

This is a prime example of how you have been duped...and clear evidence that you have never taken the time to actually look anything up for yourself. Laziness or are you just not bright enough to do it?

Why do you suppose they chose to only go back 1000 years? Any idea? Since they talk about taking their evidence from ice cores, (which are the gold standard for temperature reconstruction) lets look at ice cores...

Here is the GISP2 ice core...taken from Greenland above the Arctic Circle. One of the more important ice core reconstructions ever done.


Now does the reason they chose to claim that the temperatures we are seeing today are unprecedented in the past 1000 years? In case you have a hard time with graphs like so many warmers do, let me help you out. if you go back 1000 years on that chart, you will see that it meshes nicely with the end of the Medieval Warm Period...from that point the earth started cooling down to the low temperatures of the little ice age at which point, it started warming again and has been warming ever since. Of course, we aren't up to the highs that they enjoyed during the medieval warm period and all the previous warm periods before that, but maybe we will get there. Those were, after all the balmy temperatures that ushered in the rise of human civilization.

They chose 1000 years because they figured that the lemmings who supported them would lack the intellectual wattage required to look any further back and see that they had been duped. They had these ice cores and deliberately chose 1000 years in order to misguide you into thinking that the climate we are seeing is somehow grossly unusual. Had they shown the entire 10,000 year reconstruction that the ice core provided, there would have been no "drama" possible and people would have rightly laughed them out of business.

As you can see from this graph, if you can, in fact, read a graph, it clearly shows that most of the past 10,000 years have been warmer than the present, In addition it shows temperatures dropping and rising at rates far faster, and for longer periods than anything we have ever seen. As you can see, natural variability is a wild ride..and that is why I say that there is no observed, measured data which supports the man made climate change hypothesis over natural variability because we aren't even close to the limits of natural variability...and if you go back more than 10,000 years, way back to the time when temperatures started dropping into the ice age that we are still in, you will see temperatures so high, that no ice existed at either pole...and during those times, the whole earth was green and life flourished everywhere. Most of the species we know came into being during that time.

Face it guy...you have been duped. Right there is undeniable evidence that they set out to deliberately trick you..and the trick succeeded in spades. Now the $64,000.00 question is.....do you intend to remain tricked?

My bet is yes. You are to emotionally invested in the scam to ever allow something like evidence that you were tricked change your mind.
According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem
That's because Americans are dumbasses. Hell, almost half of them voted for Trump.

Now go back and ask those same people if they're worried that future natural disasters are going to be more intense, more extreme, more costly and they will overwhelmingly say yes.

Climate change. Just depends on how you ask it.
I see being stupid as a rock is contagious among liberals..

And seems to be mandatory for that group.
According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem
That's because Americans are dumbasses. Hell, almost half of them voted for Trump.

Now go back and ask those same people if they're worried that future natural disasters are going to be more intense, more extreme, more costly and they will overwhelmingly say yes.

Climate change. Just depends on how you ask it.

Only failing models predict worse future disasters...observations show otherwise.
Hey moron... Define the roll...

First you have to define how it is going to create the impact. You have still failed to give me what the core premise is..

Unlike you I'm not a fucking idiot and I'm not going to pretend to be a climate scientist. I trust in the expertise of the most qualified people on the planet. When a giant majority of them tell us humans are fucking with global temperature I take that seriously.
Oh Contra... You are a huge fucking idiot...

You have taken the bait, hook, line, and sinker... You don't even know what your pontificating about... You don't have a clue about the science involved.

You refuse to even acknowledge you don't know jack... and that is the most tell of all traits.. Your ignorant and wish to remain so...

I have a decent understanding of the science because I have done research and I'm not an idiot. I'm just not going to speak as if I'm an expert because I'm not an arrogant retard like you. There is a large scientific consensus that says humans are impacting global temperature. If you blow that off you're a jackass.

Still waiting for the evidence from you:

"There are 100 papers that back AGW claims for every one your conspiracy blog website points at"

Waiting...……………. Waiting.

Come on it isn't hard to do.....

I'm not going to waste my time proving what is already known, which is that the vast majority of scientists agree that humans impact global temperature. They didn't come to that conclusion without studies.

"I'm not going to waste my time blah blah blah...."

Yet you keep posting the same 'is not, isssssss noootttttttt!!!!'

To put it simply, you've become our best source of Greenhouse Gases.
Your conspiracy nonsense doesn't change the fact that most scientists, and especially climate scientists, agree that humans are impacting the environment. Even the skeptical scientists admit humans have some level of impact. They only dispute the severity.

Climate science is a soft science...not rigorously performed as evidenced by the complete lack of observed, measured data which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability. Climate science is for people who aren't smart enough to get through the much more difficult curriculum of the hard sciences like physics, chemistry, and engineering. An engineer with a BS could easily teach any level of course required for a PhD in climate science...while a PhD in climate science would be lost trying to teach the 4th year maths, physics, and chemistry that physicists, chemists, and engineers are required to take.

Guess you didn't know that either...anyone who could be fooled by that 1000 year claim would be easily fooled by any number of ruses.
Your imbecilic reliance of consensus proves YOU are a science illiterate.

Yes, I am an imbecile for taking it seriously when the vast majority of the people most qualified to have an opinion about a subject tell us something about that subject.

You keep pushing the Consensus and Authority fallacy over and over, which indicate that you don't understand how science research works.

Consensus has been wrong many times, which slowed down science research.

You are just another low brow warmist moron to make a fool of yourself in public with your stupidity and ignorance.

You don't understand this topic any more than I do. You probably understand it less in fact. I'm just not an arrogant asshole with the audacity to speak as if I am an expert. You're simply dumb if you think a scientific consensus is meaningless and doesn't need to be taken seriously.

As usual your reply has NO substance in it, just scream is all you can do.

I cannot give you an expert opinion because I am not an expert, and neither are you. Go debate the scientific majority that agrees with what I am saying. They'll make you look like an imbecile because they are actually experts and know what they're talking about. Like other sane people I take it seriously when the majority of experts in a field say something about the field they're experts in. If you think they're wrong you should go publish your findings and become globally known as the nobody redneck that proved the scientific community wrong.

There is no such 'scientific majority'....

Morons....you....have been trained to accept the phrase as though it were fact.

"The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'
What is the origin of the false belief—constantly repeated—that almost all scientists agree about global warming?

...John Kerry warned graduating students at Boston College of the "crippling consequences" of climate change. "Ninety-seven percent of the world's scientists," he added, "tell us this is urgent."

Yet the assertion that 97% of scientists believe that climate change is a man-made, urgent problem is a fiction. The so-called consensus comes from a handful of surveys and abstract-counting exercises that have been contradicted by more reliable research.

The “97 percent” figure in the Zimmerman/Doran survey represents the views of only 79 respondents who listed climate science as an area of expertise and said they published more than half of their recent peer-reviewed papers on climate change. Seventy-nine scientists—of the 3,146 who responded to the survey—does not a consensus make."
Mr. Bast is president of the Heartland Institute. Dr. Spencer is a principal research scientist for the University of Alabama in Huntsville and the U.S. Science Team Leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on NASA’s Aqua satellite.
The Myth of the Climate Change ‘97%’ | The Freedom Pub

The world would laugh at us if the abject stupidity in this country wasn't so dangerous. I've given up on trying to convince people like you that scientists the world over are not in on a conspiracy to scam us into giving them grant money. It's enough to know historians will look back and talk about how people like you were stupid as fuck.
Historians will file climategate with Piltdown Man.

....unless they're Liberals, and their career required the lock-step response.
Been saying it for 5 years.
...the evidence is daunting.

Even most young people laugh when "global warming" comes up for discussion. It was a fad for the hopelessly duped, many who now know the score and dont want to look like a jackass!:cul2::cul2:.
Does it hurt being so utterly fucking moronic?

As soon as one sees the vulgarity, one recognizes a Hillary voter.
Oh, by the way, all three studies you linked are kind of old. The last one is actually from almost 40 fucking years ago. Are you serious right now? Do you have any idea how much more we understand now? Anyway, even if you include your studies from 40 years ago the fact remains that there is a large consensus among scientists. If you dispute that you are disputing reality. There are 100 papers that back AGW claims for every one your conspiracy blog website points at.

Want some new stuff. No problem. There is plenty of it. There have been 254 of them published in the first 6 months of 2018 alone.

The skepticism falls into 4 main categories:

1) Natural mechanisms play a far more important role in climate than alarmist have ever admitted, and that changes in climate patterns are far less pronounced than alarmists have claimed.

2) Warming, sea levels, glacier and sea ice retreat, hurricane and drought intensities in the modern era are neither unprecedented or remarkable....nor do they even approach the range of natural variability.

3) Computer climate models are neither reliable or consistently accurate and projections of future climate are little more than wild assed guesses since the uncertainty and error ranges are enormous in a non linear system such as earth's climate.

4) Current emissions reduction policies, especially related to the push for renewables are most often effective, and even harmful to the environment whereas elevated CO2 and a warmer climate provide numerous benefits not mentioned by the alarmist community.

So where would you like to start? I can provide as much new research as you care to look at.

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