Looks Like The Cat's Out Of The Bag....

Every other nation on earth recognizes the dangers of global warming

Conservatives in this country have convinced people it is fake news

You think warming is more dangerous than cooling? What dangers are you talking about? This should be interesting since most of the past 10,000 years have been warmer than the present.

Warming is great if you enjoy hurricanes

Even that lie has been shredded and yet you use it over and over again.....

Heat generates hurricanes

More heat= more energy= bigger hurricanes

Actually it is the temperature difference between the poles and the equator that drive hurricanes...if all the ice melted and the poles got quite a bit warmer, hurricanes would be a thing of the past.
Now your using facts to discredit his misconceptions... Bravo!
That's nice honey.

What's really nice is how I reduce you to the same muttering over and over.

It is all he has...Most dupes are at least creative enough to construct elaborate stories about how they aren't duped...this one just spews the same old logical fallacy over and over.

For the weakest of us, indoctrination is indelible.

Sad but to incredibly true. He is unable to see which side is providing actual data in support of our position. It is a sad commentary on the abject failure of our educational system. Indoctrination has become the norm and education and developing critical thinking skills has gone out the window.
The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Pew: Most Republicans View Higher Education as Bad for America

Fuking hilarious. People from foreign countries send their children here to not only go to college but to high school because they believe an American education is the best in the world.

Then you have Republicans who think American education is riddled with "fact" and therefore, cannot be trusted.

You have millions of white Republicans living in Appalachia. Many places in Appalachia, people don't have running water or electricity which make them poorer than many of those sh!thole countries Trump talks about. Appalachia is the US biggest sinkholes of free money and welfare. And they vote almost exclusively Republican. Hilarious!

Your statements about Appalachia (and your relatives who live there) are correct.

But, then are you going to address the black population ?

They are, by far, the most uneducated demographic in our country and they vote 90% democratic. They are a much more sizable group than the people of the mountains.

Want to try that one on ?

As to the GOP and colleges...already been explained. Again and again. And yet you continue to use it like it were actually valid.

Only showing yourself to be the liar and laughingstock that you are.
That's nice honey.

What's really nice is how I reduce you to the same muttering over and over.

It is all he has...Most dupes are at least creative enough to construct elaborate stories about how they aren't duped...this one just spews the same old logical fallacy over and over.

For the weakest of us, indoctrination is indelible.

Sad but to incredibly true. He is unable to see which side is providing actual data in support of our position. It is a sad commentary on the abject failure of our educational system. Indoctrination has become the norm and education and developing critical thinking skills has gone out the window.
The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Pew: Most Republicans View Higher Education as Bad for America

Fuking hilarious. People from foreign countries send their children here to not only go to college but to high school because they believe an American education is the best in the world.

Then you have Republicans who think American education is riddled with "fact" and therefore, cannot be trusted.

You have millions of white Republicans living in Appalachia. Many places in Appalachia, people don't have running water or electricity which make them poorer than many of those sh!thole countries Trump talks about. Appalachia is the US biggest sinkholes of free money and welfare. And they vote almost exclusively Republican. Hilarious!

And when do we get to hear about your credentials.

You are so willing to jump behind climate change science an excoriate the GOP for their lack of faith.

Let's hear it.

4 semesters of math ?
3 ?
2 ?
1 ?

A diploma from a crackerjax box ?

What do you know about science ?

C'mon deanrd .....let's hear how smart you are. What you know and what makes you think for one minute you deserve more than the cat calls you get.

You only confirm what many of us know. That you, on the left, have big rings through your noses and half educated people can bullshit you into going right over a cliff if need be.
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That's nice honey.

What's really nice is how I reduce you to the same muttering over and over.

It is all he has...Most dupes are at least creative enough to construct elaborate stories about how they aren't duped...this one just spews the same old logical fallacy over and over.

For the weakest of us, indoctrination is indelible.

Sad but to incredibly true. He is unable to see which side is providing actual data in support of our position. It is a sad commentary on the abject failure of our educational system. Indoctrination has become the norm and education and developing critical thinking skills has gone out the window.
The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Pew: Most Republicans View Higher Education as Bad for America

Fuking hilarious. People from foreign countries send their children here to not only go to college but to high school because they believe an American education is the best in the world.

Then you have Republicans who think American education is riddled with "fact" and therefore, cannot be trusted.

You have millions of white Republicans living in Appalachia. Many places in Appalachia, people don't have running water or electricity which make them poorer than many of those sh!thole countries Trump talks about. Appalachia is the US biggest sinkholes of free money and welfare. And they vote almost exclusively Republican. Hilarious!

Then you have no answer to the poll in post ONE showing that Climate change is not important enough for people to worry over.
Confounding makes clear he has no understanding of what credible published papers does for science research, he seems to think they become worthless when they are old as shown by his silly words:

"Oh, by the way, all three studies you linked are kind of old. The last one is actually from almost 40 fucking years ago. Are you serious right now? Do you have any idea how much more we understand now? Anyway, even if you include your studies from 40 years ago the fact remains that there is a large consensus among scientists. If you dispute that you are disputing reality. There are 100 papers that back AGW claims for every one your conspiracy blog website points at."

See how ignorant he really is, might as well throw away Einstein's 1916 paper since it is OLD and out of date!

The ignorant fool doesn't realize that science research are at least partially built on earlier published science research, even Einstein's famous paper was partly built on research published by others.

Heck the Milankovitch hypothesis underwent many challenges over the decades before it was mostly settled in 1976, based on many published papers, pro and con over it from several scientists who debated over the data. I have the book from Dr. Imbrie that talks about it in some detail.

Confounding relies on the following as shown vividly in the thread,

Consensus fallacy
Authority fallacy'
Argumentation fallacies
Make thumper statements he never backs up when challenged
Fails to answer relevant questions
Never made a cogent counterpoint
Profound ignorance on how published papers can advance science research

He doesn't know how to make a cogent argument.
It isn't as if you have to be a rocket scientist to understand climate science

You and I don't understand climate science as well as the global body of scientists that disagree with you. It's a nonstarter as I said earlier. You lack the credentials to tell me they're wrong.
I see your still spouting your crap from a position of ignorance..

Liberals never learn...

Are you going to tell us all what the base premise of AGW is and what evidence you can produce to show us why you believe it?

Your logical fallacies and appeals to authority mean absolutely squat here!
And still no cogent reply showing any understanding...
According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem
That's because Americans are dumbasses. Hell, almost half of them voted for Trump.

Now go back and ask those same people if they're worried that future natural disasters are going to be more intense, more extreme, more costly and they will overwhelmingly say yes.

Climate change. Just depends on how you ask it.
I see being stupid as a rock is contagious among liberals..
I see being stupid as a rock is contagious among liberals
Moohaha its very likely that you might have hit the nail on the head:
(from a recent CBC documentary..unfortunately the video can`t be played outside Canada, but here is a short portion of the transcript)
Invasion of the Brain Snatchers
And just wait until Professor Joanne Webster of London’s Imperial College reveals “feline fatal attraction”. That’s when toxoplasma gondii, a single-celled parasite, convinces a rat that it’s actually sexually attracted to the smell of cat urine. This makes the rodent easy pickings for its most dangerous predator. And all so the parasite gets to move into the cat, where it can reproduce and complete its lifecycle.
But guess what -- human adults can be infected by toxoplasma too. And when the parasite is inside us it doesn’t know it’s not on board a rodent and it tries the same mind manipulating tricks. Jaroslav Flegr of Prague’s Charles University has linked toxoplasma infections in humans with increased traffic accident rates and even personality changes. Kevin Lafferty also studies toxoplasma, and he thinks explains some of the differences between different human cultures.
Other studies have found schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, and other mental diseases are more common in people with toxoplasmosis,

Observing how the liberals have been reacting after the election...H.Clinton-schizo& depression + CO2 anxiety, matching all the symptoms of brains being infected by the toxoplasmosis parasite it`s a certainty that people infected by it would wind up being libtards.
According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem
That's because Americans are dumbasses. Hell, almost half of them voted for Trump.

Now go back and ask those same people if they're worried that future natural disasters are going to be more intense, more extreme, more costly and they will overwhelmingly say yes.

Climate change. Just depends on how you ask it.
I see being stupid as a rock is contagious among liberals..
Another failure of the conservative ‘intellect’.
According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem
That's because Americans are dumbasses. Hell, almost half of them voted for Trump.

Now go back and ask those same people if they're worried that future natural disasters are going to be more intense, more extreme, more costly and they will overwhelmingly say yes.

Climate change. Just depends on how you ask it.
I see being stupid as a rock is contagious among liberals..

And seems to be mandatory for that group.
And yet another failure of the conservative ‘intellect’.

They’re coming in pairs!
According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem
That's because Americans are dumbasses. Hell, almost half of them voted for Trump.

Now go back and ask those same people if they're worried that future natural disasters are going to be more intense, more extreme, more costly and they will overwhelmingly say yes.

Climate change. Just depends on how you ask it.

Only failing models predict worse future disasters...observations show otherwise.
What are you looking at? I see longer, more severe droughts in the West and SouthWest. I see larger, more intense hurricanes in Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. I see storms like Superstorm Sandy do things to the NorthEast never seen before. Not to mention the typhoons in the Far East and the soaring temperatures across the U.S. and the world.

Now the leftards are posting up SPAM... A little more than usual... They must be TRIGGERED...

Yeah he doesn't understand what evidence is since he didn't post any when he blabbered this:

"What are you looking at? I see longer, more severe droughts in the West and SouthWest. I see larger, more intense hurricanes in Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. I see storms like Superstorm Sandy do things to the NorthEast never seen before. Not to mention the typhoons in the Far East and the soaring temperatures across the U.S. and the world."

The blabber doesn't seem to realize that Sandy wasn't even a hurricane when it made landfall SIX years ago. It was classified as Post-tropical storm.

The ignoramus moron fails to notice that there was a 11+ years landfalling of major hurricane drought that was finally broken last year, America didn't get a single major hurricane from 2006 to 2017 on it.

U.S. Major Hurricane Drought Ends at Record 4,323 Days

Heatwaves happened EVERY year, but the worst decade for heatwaves in America was back in the 1930's.

According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem
That's because Americans are dumbasses. Hell, almost half of them voted for Trump.

Now go back and ask those same people if they're worried that future natural disasters are going to be more intense, more extreme, more costly and they will overwhelmingly say yes.

Climate change. Just depends on how you ask it.

Only failing models predict worse future disasters...observations show otherwise.
What are you looking at? I see longer, more severe droughts in the West and SouthWest. I see larger, more intense hurricanes in Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. I see storms like Superstorm Sandy do things to the NorthEast never seen before. Not to mention the typhoons in the Far East and the soaring temperatures across the U.S. and the world.

View attachment 206471

But s0n....the whole point of the thread is, everybody is seeing what you are seeing. They're just not caring. I'm not getting why this is some kind of quantum concept to fathom? People like you tend to the hysterical on the weather/climate....most dont. What can you do?

The climate crusaders have been throwing bombs about us having to take action for 20 years :ack-1::ack-1::bye1:

When we see beach chairs in the Arctic laden with bikini babes s0n, maybe then you'll have something!:cul2:
Now the leftards are posting up SPAM... A little more than usual... They must be TRIGGERED...

Yeah he doesn't understand what evidence is since he didn't post any when he blabbered this:

"What are you looking at? I see longer, more severe droughts in the West and SouthWest. I see larger, more intense hurricanes in Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. I see storms like Superstorm Sandy do things to the NorthEast never seen before. Not to mention the typhoons in the Far East and the soaring temperatures across the U.S. and the world."

The blabber doesn't seem to realize that Sandy wasn't even a hurricane when it made landfall SIX years ago. It was classified as Post-tropical storm.

The ignoramus moron fails to notice that there was a 11+ years landfalling of major hurricane drought that was finally broken last year, America didn't get a single major hurricane from 2006 to 2017 on it.

U.S. Major Hurricane Drought Ends at Record 4,323 Days

Heatwaves happened EVERY year, but the worst decade for heatwaves in America was back in the 1930's.

View attachment 206475

I'm melting.....

I'm melting.....

"When have we ever had such a nut job for president?"

Two years ago.
President Obama was the greatest president in the past 50 years, since LBJ.

That is indisputable.

Nobody cares about Obama....its 2018 s0n. Like me saying Peggy Flemming is the greatest female ice skater ever. Both are veritable fossils in the bigger picture.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

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