Looks like the infamous Vindman will be doing the duffle bag drag

Impeachment witness Vindman fired, escorted out of White House after Trump acquittal
This piece of shit will be an example to others who want to politicize their positions and attemp a coup to overthrow our government. He should be stripped of his rank and given a dishonorable discharge

He was not fired, he is still an Army office, he was just reassigned. Happens to thousands of military personnel every day.
He needs to be before a court martial and drummed out of the service.
He committed Espionage.

These People need prosecuted not fired.
Impeachment witness Vindman fired, escorted out of White House after Trump acquittal
This piece of shit will be an example to others who want to politicize their positions and attemp a coup to overthrow our government. He should be stripped of his rank and given a dishonorable discharge

He was not fired, he is still an Army office, he was just reassigned. Happens to thousands of military personnel every day.
He needs to be before a court martial and drummed out of the service.
Impeachment witness Vindman fired, escorted out of White House after Trump acquittal
This piece of shit will be an example to others who want to politicize their positions and attemp a coup to overthrow our government. He should be stripped of his rank and given a dishonorable discharge

What "misconduct" was this?

Opposing the foreign policy decisions of the president, and conspiring with the WB.
He belongs in a cell next to Reality Winner. Reality Winner - Wikipedia

That's uh, not "misconduct". That's patriotism.

Anyway I axed the OP, although I doubt he can come up with an answer either. Whatever it is it will start with "moron,", end in endless ellipses and fail to capitalize proper nouns. I so look forward to it.
You have no idea what patriotism is then do you? Guess you feel Alger Hiss was a great American?

See what I mean? You can't answer. Can't defend your own OP.

Lying under oath before a Congressional committee is a crime.
Vindman's Claims Don't Hold Up | RealClearPolitics
The name Vindman is now going to be 'forever' associated with what amounts to sedition against the United States of America.

Benedict Arnold

Adam Schiff

Nancy Pelosi

Jerry Nadler

Alexander Vindman

Eric Ciaramella

Shawn Misko
Only to the 10% of the nation that is in the Trump cult. And all you goobers will be dead in 50 years ... Long after the child president has died from his heart attack before he even hits the ground...

That 10% is the cult you belong to, little clown. As you will discover come election time.
Impeachment witness Vindman fired, escorted out of White House after Trump acquittal
This piece of shit will be an example to others who want to politicize their positions and attemp a coup to overthrow our government. He should be stripped of his rank and given a dishonorable discharge

He was not fired, he is still an Army office, he was just reassigned. Happens to thousands of military personnel every day.
He needs to be before a court martial and drummed out of the service.

And what do YOU need for your endless bullshit lying on this board?
Isn’t he too fat to be The Ukrainian Defense Minister?

Impeachment witness Vindman fired, escorted out of White House after Trump acquittal
This piece of shit will be an example to others who want to politicize their positions and attemp a coup to overthrow our government. He should be stripped of his rank and given a dishonorable discharge

He was not fired, he is still an Army office, he was just reassigned. Happens to thousands of military personnel every day.

without a doubt you are about 5'8" and weigh 350.
5'10" and 185.

I was not talking to you dumbass. Try and keep up. Though that is pretty doubtful as well.
A year from today, Vindman will be an Ambassador to Ukraine.

Have you ever been in the military, dumbass? Its obvious you haven't a single solitary clue.
If you were I doubt like hell you made it out with an honorable discharge. I suppose the best you could have done is one of those "for the convenience of the government" things they used for queers and crazies.
Worked 40 years DoD

Vindman was transferred for political reasons not for personal conduct.
He will be honored next year once Dems are calling the shots

Dod IS NOT THE FUCKING MILITARY. You don't know shit.
I saw plenty of O-5s promoted to 0-6
(That means LTC promoted to Col)

"(That means LTC promoted to Col)"

Like I didn't know that. :laughing0301:

You say that to show you know what you're talking about. But you haven't a clue.
Just educating you
How did Conservative heroes LTC Oliver North and LTC Allen West do in their military careers? Both left service in disgrace

Vindman is probably on the O-6 list right now. He will never make it as long as spiteful Trump is President.

Remove Trump and he will be rewarded
I don’t think revenge firing is legal. Remember the day after the Mueller report was released, and Donald Trump felt vindicated, he committed a whole Nother crime by trying to do a shakedown of the Ukrainian leader ship to subvert an American election.

he knows Republicans will protect him from any crimes at all.

so like he says that it says in the constitution, article two allows him to do whatever he wants.
Impeachment witness Vindman fired, escorted out of White House after Trump acquittal
This piece of shit will be an example to others who want to politicize their positions and attemp a coup to overthrow our government. He should be stripped of his rank and given a dishonorable discharge

He was not fired, he is still an Army office, he was just reassigned. Happens to thousands of military personnel every day.
He needs to be before a court martial and drummed out of the service.

And what do YOU need for your endless bullshit lying on this board?
Can't handle the truth once you get out of liberal media bubble can you?
I don’t think revenge firing is legal. Remember the day after the Mueller report was released, and Donald Trump felt vindicated, he committed a whole Nother crime by trying to do a shakedown of the Ukrainian leader ship to subvert an American election.

he knows Republicans will protect him from any crimes at all.

so like he says that it says in the constitution, article two allows him to do whatever he wants.
This is not revenge firing. This is the removal of a sub-standard employee. Happens in business world all the time.
Impeachment witness Vindman fired, escorted out of White House after Trump acquittal
This piece of shit will be an example to others who want to politicize their positions and attemp a coup to overthrow our government. He should be stripped of his rank and given a dishonorable discharge
Roly Poly? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: I can just imagine your point of comparison.

I know right. Soon as I saw the thread title I got an earworm.

Well mabey a bag of chees puffs and some cake can calm you down trigglypuff.
Impeachment witness Vindman fired, escorted out of White House after Trump acquittal
This piece of shit will be an example to others who want to politicize their positions and attemp a coup to overthrow our government. He should be stripped of his rank and given a dishonorable discharge

What "misconduct" was this?

What "misconduct" was this?

Passing confidential information to a third party.
Lying under oath...
Vindman's Claims Don't Hold Up | RealClearPolitics
Impeachment witness Vindman fired, escorted out of White House after Trump acquittal
This piece of shit will be an example to others who want to politicize their positions and attemp a coup to overthrow our government. He should be stripped of his rank and given a dishonorable discharge

What "misconduct" was this?

Opposing the foreign policy decisions of the president, and conspiring with the WB.
He belongs in a cell next to Reality Winner. Reality Winner - Wikipedia

That's uh, not "misconduct". That's patriotism.

Anyway I axed the OP, although I doubt he can come up with an answer either. Whatever it is it will start with "moron,", end in endless ellipses and fail to capitalize proper nouns. I so look forward to it.

No, that is a criminal violation under the UCMJ, little steaming pile of poo.

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