Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

Are we seriously supposed to believe that Flynn was unaware that it is illegal to lie to the FBI?
Was it an official visit? He was never told it was.

Now please address the handwritten note that said "get him to lie" as their goal.

People find what they are looking for. It's sheer bullshit to ignore what the fbi did. If you can't even admit this was wrong of them you carry no cred into other arguments because your definition of right or wrong changes on your emotional ties.
Put another way, had Hillary been prosecuted or Biden in the future, you'd likely see a 180° flip on the views and defense of the FBI. It all depends on which person's party is involved. :smoke:
Clinton has plenty to complain about with regards to the FBI.

Comeys statements in July and notification in October were damaging to her campaign and well outside the norms for any treatment of people who are not being prosecuted.
ARE YOU SHITTING ME? She has plenty to complain about? ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS? She signed a document saying she understood the law and her responsibility regarding protection of government records. Then lied through her teeth and broke a long list of federal statutes that would have put anyone else in federal prison for DECADES! And you are so fucking stupid you think she has a right to complain because those facts came out and were released to the public with a RIGHT TO KNOW?

When would have been a better, more appropriate time to tell us, shithead, six months after she had been put in the White House, that she was a felon, and the government concealed her crimes to help her get into office?

Comey should be sweating , time to pay the Barr tab
It’s telling that that’s how you see the AG. Why don’t you get down and lick his boots while you’re at it, authoritarian groupie?
Standing up for justice is authoritarian? Aren’t you the guy that said it’s ok for a black to attack a white man for asking a question?
Nope. I didn’t say that.
Yes you did
as if the FBI was performing legitimate investigation and not publicly releasing details that were damaging to Trump.

The article points out the fact that the FBI had no legitimate reason for investigating the National Security Advisor, just as there was no legitimate reason for the FBI (DOJ, NSA, CIA...) to investigate the Trump administration...other than the false narrative claim about 'Russian Collusion' which was debunked and abandoned by the Democrats.

Furthermore, James Comey ADMITTED to leaking classified information through his friend to the press to initiate the pre-planned official investigation and appointment of co-conspirator Mueller as Special Counsel. Comey himself threw FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe under the proverbial judicial bus under oath by stating McCabe had leaked classified....which was confirmed by the US IG in their report, resulting in the US IG recommending McCabe be indicted for his crime.

Everything you just stated above is either the ignorant, debunked babbling of an indoctrinated TDS-suffering snowflake...or a liar. I'll let you decide which....
Comey should be sweating , time to pay the Barr tab
It’s telling that that’s how you see the AG. Why don’t you get down and lick his boots while you’re at it, authoritarian groupie?
Standing up for justice is authoritarian? Aren’t you the guy that said it’s ok for a black to attack a white man for asking a question?
Nope. I didn’t say that.
Yes you did
No, I didn’t, liar
Michael Flynn should not have been prosecuted.. Obama is behind it too . FBI discussed interviewing Michael Flynn 'to get him to lie' and 'get him fired,' handwritten notes show a 33 yr old veteran had less rights then a criminal.

How about this crazy idea - All Flynn had to do to avoid the devious plan...is NOT LIE.

But he did lie to everyone including FBI and then admitted to this perjury (a crime last I checked) in his guilty plea.

He only admitted that he "lied" as part of a plea deal. He had said he didn't recall, the FBI said that enough to say he "lied" and they told him that either he admit guilt or they would continue endless investigations, dragging him and his family through the mud personally and financially ad-nauseum. He didn't lie. "As I recall", is a perfectly acceptable preface to a statement. He could have taken the 5th. He didn't, but they were not satisfied until they could get some dirt. The entire thing was a political witch hunt, just like the impeachment trial. Schiff or one of the other idiot, commie Democrats will likely start another investigation just prior to the election to see if they can gain some more momentum from the trained monkeys that vote for them.
Are we seriously supposed to believe that Flynn was unaware that it is illegal to lie to the FBI?
Was it an official visit? He was never told it was.

Now please address the handwritten note that said "get him to lie" as their goal.

People find what they are looking for. It's sheer bullshit to ignore what the fbi did. If you can't even admit this was wrong of them you carry no cred into other arguments because your definition of right or wrong changes on your emotional ties.
Put another way, had Hillary been prosecuted or Biden in the future, you'd likely see a 180° flip on the views and defense of the FBI. It all depends on which person's party is involved. :smoke:
Clinton has plenty to complain about with regards to the FBI.

Comeys statements in July and notification in October were damaging to her campaign and well outside the norms for any treatment of people who are not being prosecuted.
ARE YOU SHITTING ME? She has plenty to complain about? ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS? She signed a document saying she understood the law and her responsibility regarding protection of government records. Then lied through her teeth and broke a long list of federal statutes that would have put anyone else in federal prison for DECADES! And you are so fucking stupid you think she has a right to complain because those facts came out and were released to the public with a RIGHT TO KNOW?

When would have been a better, more appropriate time to tell us, shithead, six months after she had been put in the White House, that she was a felon, and the government concealed her crimes to help her get into office?

And based on all the facts, she was not prosecuted.

When someone isn’t prosecuted, there isn’t a long press conference and testimony talking about all the details of the case.

There was no cover up and the press conference was not necessary. You’re living in a fantasy world.
as if the FBI was performing legitimate investigation and not publicly releasing details that were damaging to Trump.

The article points out the fact that the FBI had no legitimate reason for investigating the National Security Advisor, just as there was no legitimate reason for the FBI (DOJ, NSA, CIA...) to investigate the Trump administration...other than the false narrative claim about 'Russian Collusion' which was debunked and abandoned by the Democrats.

Furthermore, James Comey ADMITTED to leaking classified information through his friend to the press to initiate the pre-planned official investigation and appointment of co-conspirator Mueller as Special Counsel. Comey himself threw FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe under the proverbial judicial bus under oath by stating McCabe had leaked classified....which was confirmed by the US IG in their report, resulting in the US IG recommending McCabe be indicted for his crime.

Everything you just stated above is either the ignorant, debunked babbling of an indoctrinated TDS-suffering snowflake...or a liar. I'll let you decide which....
The person claiming that is incorrect. They had perfectly legitimate reason to interview Flynn. Flynn was lying publicly about matters of national security. That’s a reason to question him. Furthermore, the interview was voluntary. Flynn was given the opportunity to have anyone present with him, and he declined.

Comey did not leak classified information to the press. McCabe was not recommended for prosecution, he was referred. The IG does not make recommendations, just referrals.

As usual, you are too easily misled.
Comey's ego just had to boast what he had done to Flynn.

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IM2’s black judge called Flynn a traitor
Since he has shown this broad view
Let’s see if he has an equally broad view in his next decision
Michael Flynn should not have been prosecuted.. Obama is behind it too . FBI discussed interviewing Michael Flynn 'to get him to lie' and 'get him fired,' handwritten notes show a 33 yr old veteran had less rights then a criminal.

How about this crazy idea - All Flynn had to do to avoid the devious plan...is NOT LIE.

But he did lie to everyone including FBI and then admitted to this perjury (a crime last I checked) in his guilty plea.

He only admitted that he "lied" as part of a plea deal. He had said he didn't recall, the FBI said that enough to say he "lied" and they told him that either he admit guilt or they would continue endless investigations, dragging him and his family through the mud personally and financially ad-nauseum. He didn't lie. "As I recall", is a perfectly acceptable preface to a statement. He could have taken the 5th. He didn't, but they were not satisfied until they could get some dirt. The entire thing was a political witch hunt, just like the impeachment trial. Schiff or one of the other idiot, commie Democrats will likely start another investigation just prior to the election to see if they can gain some more momentum from the trained monkeys that vote for them.

Yea that's bullshit as Trump himself can explain to you:


His conversations with Kysliak were recorded and all you have to do is compare them against his (also recorded) statements to FBI to prove the disconnect. THAT is first and foremost why he pled guilty.

But aside from that Flynn was ALSO lying to FBI about his work (as undeclared foreign agent btw) for Turkey, he pled guilty to that as well.

He is clearly a shady character and his lies finally caught up with him.
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Mike plead guilty..............

Former national security adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty on Friday to one felony count of lying to the FBI about conversations he had with Russia’s ambassador last year, bringing the special counsel’s investigation into the 2016 election deeper into President Donald Trump’s inner circle.

.................didn't like the deal he got, and now is trying to weasel his way out of his confession. Typical deceitful Trumplehead.
Wowsa, leftards still don't comprehend reality. We are not debating facts at this point. Everyone knew the FBI setup Flynn years ago. A crime so blatantly obvious it should have shut down the FBI until an independent agency can ascertain what happened. Yet right now, leftard idiots insist on defending the most dangerous corruption of government in the history of the USA, pre-lockdown...

Leftards say, "He was a friend of the orange blob who disliked Muslim terrorists and therefore bad."

You can't force someone to lie.
And so far we haven’t been able to force the FBI to tell the truth either
And based on all the facts, she was not prosecuted.
She wasn't even CHARGED. And Comey made that decision even though he as an INVESTIGATOR doesn't even have that authority. In fact, the FBI even destroyed some of the evidence!
When someone isn’t prosecuted, there isn’t a long press conference and testimony talking about all the details of the case.
There are press meetings ALL THE TIME when it is a sublect of national attention, interest and scrutiny. Long conference? All he said is that she remains under investigation. PUT ANOTHER WAY: Hillary has no one but herself to fault. If she didn't want negative press, she should have kept her nose clean.
There was no cover up and the press conference was not necessary. You’re living in a fantasy world.
Biggest cover up in history.
It's a miracle that is all she got. The people were informed.
The powerful were protected. Idiots never change.

as if the FBI was performing legitimate investigation and not publicly releasing details that were damaging to Trump.

The article points out the fact that the FBI had no legitimate reason for investigating the National Security Advisor, just as there was no legitimate reason for the FBI (DOJ, NSA, CIA...) to investigate the Trump administration...other than the false narrative claim about 'Russian Collusion' which was debunked and abandoned by the Democrats.

Furthermore, James Comey ADMITTED to leaking classified information through his friend to the press to initiate the pre-planned official investigation and appointment of co-conspirator Mueller as Special Counsel. Comey himself threw FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe under the proverbial judicial bus under oath by stating McCabe had leaked classified....which was confirmed by the US IG in their report, resulting in the US IG recommending McCabe be indicted for his crime.

Everything you just stated above is either the ignorant, debunked babbling of an indoctrinated TDS-suffering snowflake...or a liar. I'll let you decide which....
The person claiming that is incorrect. They had perfectly legitimate reason to interview Flynn. Flynn was lying publicly about matters of national security. That’s a reason to question him. Furthermore, the interview was voluntary. Flynn was given the opportunity to have anyone present with him, and he declined.

Comey did not leak classified information to the press. McCabe was not recommended for prosecution, he was referred. The IG does not make recommendations, just referrals.

As usual, you are too easily misled.
Flynn was lying publicly about matters of national security.

Really? What were the lies? That is enough for a perjury trap to be set by the FBI? Please show us the FBI guidelines that says someone lying about "national security issues" is grounds for an FBI investigation.

Good luck!
And based on all the facts, she was not prosecuted.

Based on all the facts - and testimony from the co-conspirators - Hillary was guilty as hell and was protected from indictment and prosecution by Barry, his DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI. Comey testified to Congress that Hillary lied to them and broke many laws. FBI Agent Page testified that the DOJ informed the FBI (to include McCabe and herself) that the DOJ had no interest in a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton and one was never actually / legitimately conducted.

Once again you continue to spread unsubstantiated, debunked MANURE.

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