Looks like Twitter has hired Tucker!!!

Fox News isn't a free broadcast in the USA or globally. You know that. He's going for a global audience and we own twitter now hahahahahahahah. Remember when you could ban us? Not anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And your internet connection is free? LOL....

I hope he continues to split the GOP vote.
Great move I would expect something more formal later. 1.3 Million views in 15 minutes.

Incredible news. It’s always great to get positive news. I can’t wait to see what types of guests Tucker brings onto his new show. Now that he is even more free than before.
Viewership is viewership how can you not understand this?

The logic of the far left is to intentionally act like an idiot or lie. So that’s what you’re dealing with. You are literally dealing with people who think Tucker hates gays. Even though one if his key contributors was a gay guy.

I wonder how many employees from Fox News Tucker will take to Twitter.

Tucker is going to effectively take over Twitter. This is incredible. This is great news for America. Nobody gets these types of millions of views like Tucker Carlson gets whether they’re on CNN or fox.
"People don't want to be informed; they only want the illusion of being informed." - Roger Ailes
Big step down from his previous job.
Yeah? How so? Most people work for the highest earnings possible and often in the news/entertainment business, they also want control over their own content. When he pulls THAT MANY views, that fast, you can bet he's making more than the 20 million per year that Fox was paying him.
Having his show on Fox News just might be a bigger deal than tweeting?
In case you hadn't noticed... Fox's ratings in his time slot have plummeted and his numbers so far indicate most of his audience will follow him. He'll be providing more content than just Tweets. His videos will likely draw more eyes than CNN and Fox COMBINED ;)
In case you hadn't noticed... Fox's ratings in his time slot have plummeted and his numbers so far indicate most of his audience will follow him. He'll be providing more content than just Tweets. His videos will likely draw more eyes than CNN and Fox COMBINED ;)

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