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Looming Republican Government Shutdown having Adverse effect on the Market.

veterans with ptsd who depend on making contact with councelors when they are having "episodes" will dial their emergency number and get a recording telling them that counceling is not available.


excerpted from defcon hill: health care and other benefits for veterans from the department of veterans affairs would be largely protected if the government shuts down on tuesday because of the way the benefits are funded by congress.
most va workers will not be furloughed in a shutdown. According to a planning document released friday, only 14,200 of the va’s 332,000 employees are subject to furlough.

So we caught camp in another lie.

So I'll ask again, what are the adverse effects of a government shutdown?

Can we at least try to be honest.


It would be great though if we could stop Odumbo's check and make him continue destroying America for free

Actually, the economy is doing pretty good...a lot better than when Obama took office.

You can't explain how any of Obama's policies have hurt the economy.

Actually, there are record numbers of people on food stamps, welfare or other forms of government "assistance," our workforce participation rate is the lowest it's been in four decades and we have almost $17 trillion in debt.

You can't explain how any of Obama's policies have helped the economy.

Which are ALL the result of conservative policies.

Liberal talking point spin nonsense.
Don't be ridiculous.

Why should he cave?

The Affordable Care Act was passed by a democratically elected Congress, signed by a democratically elected president, and upheld by the Supreme Court.

U.S. voters had a chance to get rid of it in an election. Instead they voted to keep it because the democrats won and the republicans lost.

It's called democracy.

Shutting down the government, just because they didn't get their way on 1 law is tyrannical.

So let me see if I understand how this works...

If your side controls the House, Senate and the Oval Office and push through a bill that the American people didn't really want...rushing it through before the representatives that the voters just elected could stop it...then that bill is UNTOUCHABLE? Because you managed to get it through before the American people could stop you...they have no recourse now but to live with it?

Let's be honest about this situation...the progressive wing of the Democratic Party pushed for ObamaCare. It's not a well written piece of legislation. If it's allowed to stand without major changes it's going to be a train wreck. That's something that many Democrats have already admitted. So where is the compromise from the Obama Administration on this law? What have they compromised on EVER? They have taken the same tact as you...that ObamaCare is established...therefore it is written in stone! Written in stone even though enormous parts of it simply won't work.

Man, you are dumb.

The American people did have recourse. It was called the 2010 and 2012 elections. They failed to take control of the Senate and the White House.

Most of the Affordable Care Act is not even a progressive idea. It is a republican idea. The only reason republicans turned against it was because democrats were for it.

Obama has offered to compromise on the Affordable Care Act. Defunding and delaying the entire law is not a compromise position. Therefore, it is republicans who are not compromising.
"it's a republican idea"...You libs keep telling yourselves that.
Yet, it is the democrats and ONLY the democrats that are in support of it.
Based on your regurgitation of this lib talking point that it is a GOP idea, how much sense does THAT make?
Which are ALL the result of conservative policies.

Can you explain in detail? Or are you talking out of your backside as you usually do?

I'll start slowly because I realize you are sort of "special".

Reagan broke the Air Traffic Controller Union. That was basically a first for a president and started the downward slide on Union Membership.

Curiously enough, it also was the start of wage stagnation. :eusa_shifty:

WRONG...Union membership peaked in the mid 60's. Membership has been on a steady decline since then. Unions were on their way out long before Reagan fired the PATCO workers. BTW, he fired them because it was ILLEGAL for them to strike.
That's right. PATCO was in violation of federal law. The Reagan Admin gave the union's leaders fair warning and many chances to come to DC and work out their issues. They refused. The Reagan Admin called PATCO's bluff. They lost.
When Reagan left office this country was out of the depths of the Nixon/Carter stag-flationary period. We were in a period of economic boom.
You can throw out all kinds of unrelated nonsense you wish. Does't change the facts.
Carry on.
So after passing through both houses, being signed by the President, surviving all sorts of court challenges, THEN being settled in the Supreme Court...

The House, for the first time in the History of the United States, can capriciously decide to kill a law via funding?

That's never been done before.

And along with the filibuster and all sorts of congressional nonsense, will add another layer of complexity to government.

This probably won't work. But be careful what you wish for..

I said the same exact thing when you folks were happy about the Patriot Act passing. :eusa_shifty:

ACA was passed by a legislative trick, reconciliation was never intended to be used for something of this magnitude.

congress has no obligation to fund anything---law or not. Their charter is to authorize spending in accordance with revenue and the needs of the country.

A one year delay makes a lot of sense, obama has already given big business a year delay.

It was used to ram through two major tax cuts for the wealthy by the Bush administration.

Only those who pay taxes can get a tax cut. I always laugh at the liberal left who cry it is unfair that those paying taxes get a cut and those who don't, don't get a cut. Very humorous.
Which are ALL the result of conservative policies.

The democrat MO for 13 years. Any problems are to be blamed exclusively on republicans.

The US is the richest nation on earth. It also has the most billionaires. It also has the widest wealth disparity.

That IS the result of conservative policies.

So? Why aren't you folks happy? Huh? You should be doing fucking jigs in the streets.
"wealth disparity"...Another lib talking point.
And it's a load of dog shit...
For example. When Chavez took over in Venezuela he promised the people he would bring the money from the private companies to the poor by nationalizing industry. Oh he did that ok....The money never made it to the people though. 60% of Venezuelan's live in abject poverty.
Brazil, one of the other one of the world's wealthiest countries has hyper inflation due to rampant government spending on social programs that are unsustainable. All that oil and sugar cane revenue and the government is still unable to fund itself.
Most of Brazil's people live in poverty.
In every socialist country, those connected to government live well. While those who do not, have nothing.
It's simple:

Liberals have been trying to get a national health care program for over a hundred years.

Conservatives have been stopping a national health care program for over a hundred years.

Now that a national health care program has been enacted, conservatives are doing everything in their power to stop it.

Liberals are digging in their heels and are determined to not let the conservatives stop it.

Realpolitik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So now the government will be shutdown AND the conservatives will threaten to not raise the debt limit - they may actually do it this time.

So, what's gonna happen?

The shutdown is gonna piss a lot of people off - and they're gonna blame the GOP. What's more is the stock market is gonna go down and the economy is gonna take a hit.

Then, the debt ceiling debate (and the actual refusal to raise the debt ceiling) is gonna cause absolute economic chaos. The markets are gonna crash like it was 2007.

So, who's gonna blink?

Seems to me that the GOP has the larger number of supporters that will lose BIG TIME when the markets crash.

How long will major GOP supporters let the GOP continue this stand off when they see their net worth drop like a rock?

Meanwhile, the Dems have the larger number of supporters with less to lose, and everything to gain from Obamacare.

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"

I predict that the GOP's gonna blink!

Why would the markets crash?
Don't be ridiculous.

Why should he cave?

The Affordable Care Act was passed by a democratically elected Congress, signed by a democratically elected president, and upheld by the Supreme Court.

U.S. voters had a chance to get rid of it in an election. Instead they voted to keep it because the democrats won and the republicans lost.

It's called democracy.

Shutting down the government, just because they didn't get their way on 1 law is tyrannical.

So let me see if I understand how this works...

If your side controls the House, Senate and the Oval Office and push through a bill that the American people didn't really want...rushing it through before the representatives that the voters just elected could stop it...then that bill is UNTOUCHABLE? Because you managed to get it through before the American people could stop you...they have no recourse now but to live with it?

Let's be honest about this situation...the progressive wing of the Democratic Party pushed for ObamaCare. It's not a well written piece of legislation. If it's allowed to stand without major changes it's going to be a train wreck. That's something that many Democrats have already admitted. So where is the compromise from the Obama Administration on this law? What have they compromised on EVER? They have taken the same tact as you...that ObamaCare is established...therefore it is written in stone! Written in stone even though enormous parts of it simply won't work.

Time for some critical thinking. You just stated that we need compromise and that Obamacare needs some changes because it just won't work as written, at least that's what I got out of it. But then you go on to state that Democrats will not compromise on anything when it comes to Obamacare, yet as we have seen there is and has been absolutely zero attempt made by Republicans to offer any positive changes to Obamacare or to even come up with a realistic alternate plan. The Republicans only offer of compromise is defund it, kill it, repeal it, do anything to stop it from happening.

That my friend, is not compromise. It's my way or the highway. That is what we are getting from Republicans. When Republicans start offering up ideas on changes that can be made to make Obamacare better and more workable, then you can talk about compromise. Your idea of compromise is a joke, and no, it's not Democrats who are averse to it; it is strictly the Republicans.

What you desire is capitulation.
Supreme Court
Validated by the last general election

Republicans bring down the economy. Again...
ACA was passed by a legislative trick, reconciliation was never intended to be used for something of this magnitude.

congress has no obligation to fund anything---law or not. Their charter is to authorize spending in accordance with revenue and the needs of the country.

A one year delay makes a lot of sense, obama has already given big business a year delay.

It was used to ram through two major tax cuts for the wealthy by the Bush administration.

Only those who pay taxes can get a tax cut. I always laugh at the liberal left who cry it is unfair that those paying taxes get a cut and those who don't, don't get a cut. Very humorous.
My sister in law came to a family gathering all fired up because SHE did not get a check. That was when Bush rebated single taxpayers $300 and Married couples $600.
When I told her that in order to get a rebate, one had to pay taxes the year before. She started all this nonsense about sales taxes and lots of other stuff.
Then I informed her that it was federal income taxes that was the deciding factor..
She got so pissed off, she stormed out of the house and left. Oh well. She missed out on a good meal.
Don't be ridiculous.

Why should he cave?

The Affordable Care Act was passed by a democratically elected Congress, signed by a democratically elected president, and upheld by the Supreme Court.

U.S. voters had a chance to get rid of it in an election. Instead they voted to keep it because the democrats won and the republicans lost.

It's called democracy.

Shutting down the government, just because they didn't get their way on 1 law is tyrannical.

So let me see if I understand how this works...

If your side controls the House, Senate and the Oval Office and push through a bill that the American people didn't really want...rushing it through before the representatives that the voters just elected could stop it...then that bill is UNTOUCHABLE? Because you managed to get it through before the American people could stop you...they have no recourse now but to live with it?

Let's be honest about this situation...the progressive wing of the Democratic Party pushed for ObamaCare. It's not a well written piece of legislation. If it's allowed to stand without major changes it's going to be a train wreck. That's something that many Democrats have already admitted. So where is the compromise from the Obama Administration on this law? What have they compromised on EVER? They have taken the same tact as you...that ObamaCare is established...therefore it is written in stone! Written in stone even though enormous parts of it simply won't work.

Time for some critical thinking. You just stated that we need compromise and that Obamacare needs some changes because it just won't work as written, at least that's what I got out of it. But then you go on to state that Democrats will not compromise on anything when it comes to Obamacare, yet as we have seen there is and has been absolutely zero attempt made by Republicans to offer any positive changes to Obamacare or to even come up with a realistic alternate plan. The Republicans only offer of compromise is defund it, kill it, repeal it, do anything to stop it from happening.

That my friend, is not compromise. It's my way or the highway. That is what we are getting from Republicans. When Republicans start offering up ideas on changes that can be made to make Obamacare better and more workable, then you can talk about compromise. Your idea of compromise is a joke, and no, it's not Democrats who are averse to it; it is strictly the Republicans.

What compromises have the Democrats offered, Auditor? Name one. In 2008, Barack Obama rightly pointed out that "elections have consequences". Liberals had won big at the ballot box and controlled the House, the Senate and the Oval Office. They got to enact legislation that the GOP couldn't block and what the Democrats came up with was ObamaCare a badly written Frankenstein's monster of a bill...a bill that was so unpopular with the American people that they voted out Democrats in record numbers in the 2010 mid-term elections. So answer me this...if elections had consequences in 2008...then what did the 2010 elections have? Why is it that liberals felt they STILL had the right to dictate policy when the electorate had sent such a strong message that they weren't happy with the agenda that the progressives had forced upon them? In what way has Barack Obama or Harry Reid compromised on ANYTHING since losing the House in 2010? Obama threatens to veto anything that the GOP changes to ObamaCare as soon as it hits his desk. Harry Reid won't even bring GOP House legislation to the floor of the Senate. How is THAT compromise?

In essence you had Obama, Reid and Pelosi claiming a "mandate" from the people to make drastic changes to the very makeup of this country...but then when the people went to the polls to vote out Democrats in record numbers...all three then simply stated that they knew better than the people and that reform of health care reform wasn't an option.
And what DOESN'T have a fucking adverse effect on the market? Obama could have a bad golf game and the market would react.

The market's value has nearly doubled since Obama came into office, dumbass.

Which is almost completely due to money being loaned at near zero interest rates by the Fed. Every time that the Fed even gives an indication that they're thinking about stopping quantitative easing the markets go into a nosedive. The market "value" that you speak of is a mirage.
Don't be ridiculous.

Why should he cave?

The Affordable Care Act was passed by a democratically elected Congress, signed by a democratically elected president, and upheld by the Supreme Court.

U.S. voters had a chance to get rid of it in an election. Instead they voted to keep it because the democrats won and the republicans lost.

It's called democracy.

Shutting down the government, just because they didn't get their way on 1 law is tyrannical.

So let me see if I understand how this works...

If your side controls the House, Senate and the Oval Office and push through a bill that the American people didn't really want...rushing it through before the representatives that the voters just elected could stop it...then that bill is UNTOUCHABLE? Because you managed to get it through before the American people could stop you...they have no recourse now but to live with it?

Let's be honest about this situation...the progressive wing of the Democratic Party pushed for ObamaCare. It's not a well written piece of legislation. If it's allowed to stand without major changes it's going to be a train wreck. That's something that many Democrats have already admitted. So where is the compromise from the Obama Administration on this law? What have they compromised on EVER? They have taken the same tact as you...that ObamaCare is established...therefore it is written in stone! Written in stone even though enormous parts of it simply won't work.

Man, you are dumb.

The American people did have recourse. It was called the 2010 and 2012 elections. They failed to take control of the Senate and the White House.

Most of the Affordable Care Act is not even a progressive idea. It is a republican idea. The only reason republicans turned against it was because democrats were for it.

Obama has offered to compromise on the Affordable Care Act. Defunding and delaying the entire law is not a compromise position. Therefore, it is republicans who are not compromising.

First of all...it wasn't possible for the GOP to take back the White House in 2010. They did however take back a record number of seats in both the House and the Senate from the Democrats. So when that happened? Where was the compromise from the Obama Administration?

What compromise has Obama offered on the Affordable Care Act?

And why is it that Obama can unilaterally decide to give waivers to certain people to delay portions of the law...an action that isn't legal because there were stipulations in the ACA to prohibit that...but when Republicans ask for a delay in implementation to fix the glaring flaws in the plan they are painted by you as the "bad guys"? What gives the Obama Administration that right? Why is the law applied to some and not others? And why are those that are getting the waivers Obama supporters?
Last edited:
It's simple:

Liberals have been trying to get a national health care program for over a hundred years.

Conservatives have been stopping a national health care program for over a hundred years.

Now that a national health care program has been enacted, conservatives are doing everything in their power to stop it.

Liberals are digging in their heels and are determined to not let the conservatives stop it.

Realpolitik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So now the government will be shutdown AND the conservatives will threaten to not raise the debt limit - they may actually do it this time.

So, what's gonna happen?

The shutdown is gonna piss a lot of people off - and they're gonna blame the GOP. What's more is the stock market is gonna go down and the economy is gonna take a hit.

Then, the debt ceiling debate (and the actual refusal to raise the debt ceiling) is gonna cause absolute economic chaos. The markets are gonna crash like it was 2007.

So, who's gonna blink?

Seems to me that the GOP has the larger number of supporters that will lose BIG TIME when the markets crash.

How long will major GOP supporters let the GOP continue this stand off when they see their net worth drop like a rock?

Meanwhile, the Dems have the larger number of supporters with less to lose, and everything to gain from Obamacare.

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"

I predict that the GOP's gonna blink!

Why would the markets crash?

Market futures are all up this morning. I bought yesterday and will buy more today.
Has the sky fallen yet? I'm still waiting for the disaster Obama said was about to happen. So far, the worst I've heard is the parks will be closed. Big deal.
Has the sky fallen yet? I'm still waiting for the disaster Obama said was about to happen. So far, the worst I've heard is the parks will be closed. Big deal.

The Parks are not 'closed'...There just isn't any camping permitted and the best part is NO FEES collected. No Parks will be barricaded. If people decide to hike in difficult areas, they do so at their own peril. If they screw up, no one from the federal government will be available to help.
Who cares if the government does not perform non essential functions.
The biggest fear here is the democrats finding that we can for the most part get by quite nicely, thank you, without non essential government functions.
It's simple:

Liberals have been trying to get a national health care program for over a hundred years.

Conservatives have been stopping a national health care program for over a hundred years.

Now that a national health care program has been enacted, conservatives are doing everything in their power to stop it.

Liberals are digging in their heels and are determined to not let the conservatives stop it.

Realpolitik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So now the government will be shutdown AND the conservatives will threaten to not raise the debt limit - they may actually do it this time.

So, what's gonna happen?

The shutdown is gonna piss a lot of people off - and they're gonna blame the GOP. What's more is the stock market is gonna go down and the economy is gonna take a hit.

Then, the debt ceiling debate (and the actual refusal to raise the debt ceiling) is gonna cause absolute economic chaos. The markets are gonna crash like it was 2007.

So, who's gonna blink?

Seems to me that the GOP has the larger number of supporters that will lose BIG TIME when the markets crash.

How long will major GOP supporters let the GOP continue this stand off when they see their net worth drop like a rock?

Meanwhile, the Dems have the larger number of supporters with less to lose, and everything to gain from Obamacare.

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"

I predict that the GOP's gonna blink!

Why would the markets crash?

Market futures are all up this morning. I bought yesterday and will buy more today.

That is really the kicker isn't it.
Obama saying a government shut down would crash the economy.
He's STILL saying it today.
He must be absolutely furious that the traders are not in compliance. The Chosen One has issued an edict that due to a partial government shut down that the markets MUST crash. How dare those EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL Wall Street people disobey.
Wtch this, Obama will head off to some Rust Belt Blue state, stand in front of a few UAW workers and slam the "Wall Street hypocrisy"..Or some such nonsense.
Meanwhile, those UAW workers very livelihoods are directly tied to the stock price of the Company.
So let me see if I understand how this works...

If your side controls the House, Senate and the Oval Office and push through a bill that the American people didn't really want...rushing it through before the representatives that the voters just elected could stop it...then that bill is UNTOUCHABLE? Because you managed to get it through before the American people could stop you...they have no recourse now but to live with it?

Let's be honest about this situation...the progressive wing of the Democratic Party pushed for ObamaCare. It's not a well written piece of legislation. If it's allowed to stand without major changes it's going to be a train wreck. That's something that many Democrats have already admitted. So where is the compromise from the Obama Administration on this law? What have they compromised on EVER? They have taken the same tact as you...that ObamaCare is established...therefore it is written in stone! Written in stone even though enormous parts of it simply won't work.

Man, you are dumb.

The American people did have recourse. It was called the 2010 and 2012 elections. They failed to take control of the Senate and the White House.

Most of the Affordable Care Act is not even a progressive idea. It is a republican idea. The only reason republicans turned against it was because democrats were for it.

Obama has offered to compromise on the Affordable Care Act. Defunding and delaying the entire law is not a compromise position. Therefore, it is republicans who are not compromising.

First of all...it wasn't possible for the GOP to take back the White House in 2010. They did however take back a record number of seats in both the House and the Senate from the Democrats. So when that happened? Where was the compromise from the Obama Administration?

What compromise has Obama offered on the Affordable Care Act?

And why is it that Obama can unilaterally decide to give waivers to certain people to delay portions of the law...an action that isn't legal because there were stipulations in the ACA to prohibit that...but when Republicans ask for a delay in implementation to fix the glaring flaws in the plan they are painted by you as the "bad guys"? What gives the Obama Administration that right? Why is the law applied to some and not others? And why are those that are getting the waivers Obama supporters?
I replied to the OP's post as well.. And I missed this....They failed to take control of the the White House.
I also pointed out that while the dems made some gains, they lost ground in the states in 2012. That now 30 states were either fully controlled by the GOP or at least had the governor's seat. That was met with a response that I could swear sounded like crickets.
In 2010, the dems got killed. In state and federal elections, they lost over 600 seats.
In fact, in no recent presidential term have BOTH houses of COngress been turned away from the party of the sitting president.
And these libs are running around telling anyone who will listen that the dems have a mandate, Obamacare is "the law of the land"( as though it were written in stone) and that the House has some nerve trying to stop Obamacare.
These libs are so arrogant. They actually believe their own bullshit.
Just think of Obama talking to democrats and fellow libs when you watch this...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7Arnq_moPY]It's Not a Lie if YOU Believe it - YouTube[/ame]

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