Looters take advantage of Hurricane Irma

Violent criminal activity is a progressive disease
That's the "easy" explanation.

The truth is, white liberal Ann Arborites don't murder. Sweden, before it became multicultural, didn't have crime.

The truth, few want to accept is that some races just tend to be more violent. That's just the way it is.
That blacks are convicted of or commit more crimes does not in any way make it a fact that blacks have a predisposition to crime. Perhaps you do not understand the difference between correlation and causation. There are multiple possible causes for blacks to commit more crimes. It does not have to be inherent.
Lemme guess. It's the white man's fault, right?
I this k looting is wrong.....but why would a business open in a hurricane zone......not too bright.
Looters should be shot....anyone who takes advantage of a natural disaster is the lowest of the low. The end.

Even if it is only a "glorified thunderstorm".
Not a one of you can answer why the business owner opened in a known hurricane area.....typical. Looting is wrong no doubt. Buuut, opening there is questionable at best.
Business owners shouldn't open up there.....easy to see...but they can't figure it out.​
Blacks having a predisposition for stealing and being inherently criminal are facts? :lol:
Yes. But you are so caught up in your idealism, your faculties now reject anything that does not conform to your beliefs. Here's one fact;


That blacks are convicted of or commit more crimes does not in any way make it a fact that blacks have a predisposition to crime. Perhaps you do not understand the difference between correlation and causation. There are multiple possible causes for blacks to commit more crimes. It does not have to be inherent.

Posting a meme about crime statistics does not prove that blacks have a greater predisposition to crime than any other race.

Oh, and what do you know about my supposed "idealism"? Do you think you know me?
It's a cultural thing and the Democrat party breeds the conditions.
That blacks are convicted of or commit more crimes does not in any way make it a fact that blacks have a predisposition to crime. Perhaps you do not understand the difference between correlation and causation. There are multiple possible causes for blacks to commit more crimes. It does not have to be inherent.
Lemme guess. It's the white man's fault, right?

Didn't say anything of the sort. Socioeconomic status and culture can drive criminality, it doesn't have to be due to race or caused by another race. It's possible that systemic racism could play or have played a part, but I wouldn't personally consider it the driving factor.

The point, however, is that there is no proof or even consensus about what causes people to commit crimes, let alone what causes people of a particular race to commit crimes. Therefore, saying that blacks have a predisposition to commit crimes is certainly not a fact.
Looters should be shot....anyone who takes advantage of a natural disaster is the lowest of the low. The end.
But they are unarmed blacks
They are looters...what does their skin color have to do with anything?
If White Cops had gunned them down, you would be the first to cry BLM
Looters are looters...why are you fixated on skin color? Can't you look beyond that?
Don't you think it's smart to point to the problem if we want to fix It?

This problem is cultural, not racial. Black culture is poisonous and needs to be shunned by the entire nation. As long as we avoid that problem, it's always going to remain. The longer you avoid it, the longer black people are going to suffer.
Probably going to donate the shoes to a shelter

It is funny that progressives fully support this type of behavior, envy has always been a petty emotion.

Really? Can you name some progressives here that "fully support this type of behavior"?

Can you name any progressives that are strongly condemning it?

Isn't bode generally considered a progressive by posters on this board? She's already said looters should be shot.
That blacks are convicted of or commit more crimes does not in any way make it a fact that blacks have a predisposition to crime. Perhaps you do not understand the difference between correlation and causation. There are multiple possible causes for blacks to commit more crimes. It does not have to be inherent.
Lemme guess. It's the white man's fault, right?

Didn't say anything of the sort. Socioeconomic status and culture can drive criminality, it doesn't have to be due to race or caused by another race. It's possible that systemic racism could play or have played a part, but I wouldn't personally consider it the driving factor.

The point, however, is that there is no proof or even consensus about what causes people to commit crimes, let alone what causes people of a particular race to commit crimes. Therefore, saying that blacks have a predisposition to commit crimes is certainly not a fact.
Black culture is the problem, but your side won't touch that topic with a 10 foot pole.
Probably going to donate the shoes to a shelter

It is funny that progressives fully support this type of behavior, envy has always been a petty emotion.

Really? Can you name some progressives here that "fully support this type of behavior"?

Can you name any progressives that are strongly condemning it?

Isn't bode generally considered a progressive by posters on this board? She's already said looters should be shot.

Condemning looters is easy. Condemning the specific group that ALWAYS loots is apparently impossible for the left.
Your topic fails on all counts.its afalse narrative based on your personal bigotry alone. My statement OTOH is a matter of historical record. How dare you speak of black thievery when your ilk are the kings of theivery. Shit...your kind perpetrated armed robbery upon the Native aborigines of this land and you have the gall to speak of thievery ...some fuggin nerve...
Ideological babble. Tell someone else. I deal in facts.

You deal in facts? Are these facts?

Wrong. Blacks will loot and steal from any store, regardless of the race of the person owning it. They all are just inherently criminal.

Stick to the topic. We are talking about the black predisposition for stealing, not your ideological contortions.

Blacks having a predisposition for stealing and being inherently criminal are facts? :lol:
blacks commit murder at over SEVEN times the rate of whites
their crime rate is much higher
the percentage of blacks commiting crime/murder is much, much higher than whites......why?
Which blacks commit murder? That "murder"rate is really an arrest rate not a rate based on convictions. And since most blacks don't commit murder...you have just made a false statistical statement. How can the majority of innocent blacks who never commit murder be used to measure the black murder rate? You're generalizing.
Your topic fails on all counts.its afalse narrative based on your personal bigotry alone. My statement OTOH is a matter of historical record. How dare you speak of black thievery when your ilk are the kings of theivery. Shit...your kind perpetrated armed robbery upon the Native aborigines of this land and you have the gall to speak of thievery ...some fuggin nerve...
Ideological babble. Tell someone else. I deal in facts.

You deal in facts? Are these facts?

Wrong. Blacks will loot and steal from any store, regardless of the race of the person owning it. They all are just inherently criminal.

Stick to the topic. We are talking about the black predisposition for stealing, not your ideological contortions.

Blacks having a predisposition for stealing and being inherently criminal are facts? :lol:
blacks commit murder at over SEVEN times the rate of whites
their crime rate is much higher
the percentage of blacks commiting crime/murder is much, much higher than whites......why?
Which blacks commit murder? That "murder"rate is really an arrest rate not a rate based on convictions. And since most blacks don't commit murder...you have just made a false statistical statement. How can the majority of innocent blacks who never commit murder be used to measure the black murder rate? You're generalizing.
"They aren't ALL bad" is a terrible fucking argument. Clearly its impossible to defend the rampant violence in the black community.

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