Los Angeles paints its streets WHITE to stop climate change.

Wow...it's almost as if they've done some research!
Reading this thread I thought someone had just woken up one morning and decided to paint the town.

Cool Pavement Pilot Project
Temperatures in Southern California are rising as a result of climate change. Thanks to Councilmember Blumenfield’s leadership and support, the Bureau will be fighting even harder against global warming with the cool pavement pilot project. The project involves applying a light gray coating onto the pavement that absorbs less heat than its darker asphalt counterpart. On May 20th, Jordan Ave. in Council District 3 was the first of its kind in California to test the cool seal on a public street. Results from this preliminary testing have shown the coating reducing temperatures +10 degrees. The goal of these efforts are reducing the risk of heat-related deaths, to save energy by reducing air conditioning, and replicate these results in each council districts designated streets.

The coating, which costs $40,000 per mile and lasts for seven years, will be applied to streets in a pilot program before it is applied citywide.
Why Los Angeles has started to paint its streets white

As part of that effort, Los Angeles is coating its roads in CoolSeal, a gray paint that keeps streets and parking lots 10 degrees cooler than black asphalt. Engineers developed the material for military air bases to keep spy planes cool while they rest on the tarmac. This can help them avoid being detected by satellite-mounted infrared cameras, which measure heat.
LA Paints Its Streets White To Keep The City Cooler | CleanTechnica

One tactic for achieving that goal may involve coating city streets in a substance known as CoolSeal, a gray-colored coating designed to reflect solar rays. City officials said CoolSeal has already shown promising results. The coating was first tested in 2015 on a parking lot in the San Fernando Valley, one of the hottest parts of town, according to Greg Spotts, the assistant director of the Bureau of Street Services, which oversaw the testing. Summer temperatures in the area — which average in the upper 80s — have climbed above 100 degrees multiple times over the past year.
“We found that on average the area covered in CoolSeal is 10 degrees cooler than black asphalt on the same parking lot,” Spotts said. “We thought it was really interesting. It’s almost like treated asphalt warms at a lower rate.”

City officials claim Los Angeles is the first U.S. city to test cool pavement to fight urban heat.

To determine whether CoolSeal is cost-effective and how it influences drivers, Spotts said his agency has applied the product to designated streets in 14 of the city’s 15 council districts, where it will be monitored and studied through the fall.

“We think that more than 10 percent of the city is asphalt — that’s 69,000 city blocks,” Spotts said. “There’s been estimates that suggest covering a third in the city’s pavement with a cooler materials might be able to move the needle on the city’s temperature.

“We’re not ready to do that, but we do want to explore what it might take to go big and take this thing to scale,” he added.

The coating costs about $40,000 per mile and lasts seven years, officials said.

Street Services is carrying out their pilot program with GuardTop, a California-based, asphalt coating manufacturer. The company began working with the defense industry to develop cool pavement for military spy planes, according to Jeff Luzar, GuardTop’s vice president of sales.
Why L.A. is coating its streets with material that hides planes from spy satellites

“We found that on average the area covered in CoolSeal is 10 degrees cooler than black asphalt on the same parking lot,” Spotts said. “We thought it was really interesting. It’s almost like treated asphalt warms at a lower rate.”

City officials claim Los Angeles is the first U.S. city to test cool pavement to fight urban heat.
View attachment 187129
LA paints its streets white to reduce effects of climate change | Daily Mail Online

"Los Angeles paints its streets WHITE to beat sizzling summer heat as part of 20-year plan to combat the effects of climate change"

How long do you think that a street will remain white?
How much is it going to cost to paint all of their streets white?
Have they calculated what effect it will have on climate change?

Isn't your trailer roof painted white? Oh. sorry, "Redneck mansion."
View attachment 187129
LA paints its streets white to reduce effects of climate change | Daily Mail Online

"Los Angeles paints its streets WHITE to beat sizzling summer heat as part of 20-year plan to combat the effects of climate change"

How long do you think that a street will remain white?
How much is it going to cost to paint all of their streets white?
Have they calculated what effect it will have on climate change?

SOOOOO, with California on the verge of financial collapse, Los Angeles as advented to spend up to $920,000,000 to paint all their roads white in the hopes that it will lower the temp around the city by 3° thinking this will not only combat global warming but is actually an effective expense of tax dollars! What it'll actually do is make the streets slippery when its raining causing a lot more rear end collisions! And in the sun, more accidents from the glare of the white light. And will need redone every time a road is resurfaced and will deteriorate in effectiveness over time as rubber from tires builds up!

Good points.

As an aside, I wonder if anyone has considered how people will see lane divisions, street markings, like single and double yellow and white lines, crosswalks, and so forth? None of the usual traffic control indicators will show up on a white street. They will have to change all of that. This has to be one of the single most idiotic things ever conceived by leftists! And if it is going to even come close to meeting its stated goal, they will need to do this to most of the 23,000 miles of roads in and around LA.
I'm certain no-one has thought of those things.
You should write a letter.
View attachment 187129
LA paints its streets white to reduce effects of climate change | Daily Mail Online

"Los Angeles paints its streets WHITE to beat sizzling summer heat as part of 20-year plan to combat the effects of climate change"

How long do you think that a street will remain white?
How much is it going to cost to paint all of their streets white?
Have they calculated what effect it will have on climate change?

SOOOOO, with California on the verge of financial collapse, Los Angeles as advented to spend up to $920,000,000 to paint all their roads white in the hopes that it will lower the temp around the city by 3° thinking this will not only combat global warming but is actually an effective expense of tax dollars! What it'll actually do is make the streets slippery when its raining causing a lot more rear end collisions! And in the sun, more accidents from the glare of the white light. And will need redone every time a road is resurfaced and will deteriorate in effectiveness over time as rubber from tires builds up!
Link? Last I heard, they had a substancial surpluss.
View attachment 187129
LA paints its streets white to reduce effects of climate change | Daily Mail Online

"Los Angeles paints its streets WHITE to beat sizzling summer heat as part of 20-year plan to combat the effects of climate change"

How long do you think that a street will remain white?
How much is it going to cost to paint all of their streets white?
Have they calculated what effect it will have on climate change?

SOOOOO, with California on the verge of financial collapse, Los Angeles as advented to spend up to $920,000,000 to paint all their roads white in the hopes that it will lower the temp around the city by 3° thinking this will not only combat global warming but is actually an effective expense of tax dollars! What it'll actually do is make the streets slippery when its raining causing a lot more rear end collisions! And in the sun, more accidents from the glare of the white light. And will need redone every time a road is resurfaced and will deteriorate in effectiveness over time as rubber from tires builds up!

Good points.

As an aside, I wonder if anyone has considered how people will see lane divisions, street markings, like single and double yellow and white lines, crosswalks, and so forth? None of the usual traffic control indicators will show up on a white street. They will have to change all of that. This has to be one of the single most idiotic things ever conceived by leftists! And if it is going to even come close to meeting its stated goal, they will need to do this to most of the 23,000 miles of roads in and around LA.
Ever heard of yellow paint?
I painted the roof of the house I live in with snow roof. Made the house a lot cooler on a summer day.
View attachment 187129
LA paints its streets white to reduce effects of climate change | Daily Mail Online

"Los Angeles paints its streets WHITE to beat sizzling summer heat as part of 20-year plan to combat the effects of climate change"

How long do you think that a street will remain white?
How much is it going to cost to paint all of their streets white?
Have they calculated what effect it will have on climate change?

SOOOOO, with California on the verge of financial collapse, Los Angeles as advented to spend up to $920,000,000 to paint all their roads white in the hopes that it will lower the temp around the city by 3° thinking this will not only combat global warming but is actually an effective expense of tax dollars! What it'll actually do is make the streets slippery when its raining causing a lot more rear end collisions! And in the sun, more accidents from the glare of the white light. And will need redone every time a road is resurfaced and will deteriorate in effectiveness over time as rubber from tires builds up!
Link? Last I heard, they had a substancial surpluss.

The California Public Employees’ Retirement System currently has a $153 billion unfunded liability, with only 68 percent of the assets it should have, largely because of similar, past hubris about investment returns.

Borenstein: CalPERS about to bury taxpayers in more debt
View attachment 187129
LA paints its streets white to reduce effects of climate change | Daily Mail Online

"Los Angeles paints its streets WHITE to beat sizzling summer heat as part of 20-year plan to combat the effects of climate change"

How long do you think that a street will remain white?
How much is it going to cost to paint all of their streets white?
Have they calculated what effect it will have on climate change?

SOOOOO, with California on the verge of financial collapse, Los Angeles as advented to spend up to $920,000,000 to paint all their roads white in the hopes that it will lower the temp around the city by 3° thinking this will not only combat global warming but is actually an effective expense of tax dollars! What it'll actually do is make the streets slippery when its raining causing a lot more rear end collisions! And in the sun, more accidents from the glare of the white light. And will need redone every time a road is resurfaced and will deteriorate in effectiveness over time as rubber from tires builds up!
Link? Last I heard, they had a substancial surpluss.

The California Public Employees’ Retirement System currently has a $153 billion unfunded liability, with only 68 percent of the assets it should have, largely because of similar, past hubris about investment returns.

Borenstein: CalPERS about to bury taxpayers in more debt

hey, but they will have nice white streets to drive on, troglocrats are dumb
In Texas they wouldn't do something as foolish as painting a street white to reflect sunlight and keep the city cooler, they'd pray to their flying magical grandpa in the sky instead.
In Texas they wouldn't do something as foolish as painting a street white to reflect sunlight and keep the city cooler, they'd pray to their flying magical grandpa in the sky instead.

Agreed.....here in NewYorkistan, I could definitely see this happening....especially in NYC with this nut job mayor....amything is possible.
View attachment 187129
LA paints its streets white to reduce effects of climate change | Daily Mail Online

"Los Angeles paints its streets WHITE to beat sizzling summer heat as part of 20-year plan to combat the effects of climate change"

How long do you think that a street will remain white?
How much is it going to cost to paint all of their streets white?
Have they calculated what effect it will have on climate change?
It should make those hot summer days more tolerable.

Trying to use it to mitigate a non-existent global warming problem is nothing but moonbattery.
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I painted the roof of the house I live in with snow roof. Made the house a lot cooler on a summer day.
Yup! - I put on a white roof & it slashed my A/C bill. I can even go into the attic during the daytime now & not burn up.

This will also increase night-time viability lowering crime & need for electric street lighting

This is also a sealer that extends the lifetime of the streets, dramatically lowering cost.

Cooler streets reduce thermal expansion thus extending the lifetime of the streets, dramatically lowering cost.
View attachment 187129
LA paints its streets white to reduce effects of climate change | Daily Mail Online

"Los Angeles paints its streets WHITE to beat sizzling summer heat as part of 20-year plan to combat the effects of climate change"

How long do you think that a street will remain white?
How much is it going to cost to paint all of their streets white?
Have they calculated what effect it will have on climate change?

white reflects light. black tar absorbs it.

are you allergic to science moron?
View attachment 187129
LA paints its streets white to reduce effects of climate change | Daily Mail Online

"Los Angeles paints its streets WHITE to beat sizzling summer heat as part of 20-year plan to combat the effects of climate change"

How long do you think that a street will remain white?
How much is it going to cost to paint all of their streets white?
Have they calculated what effect it will have on climate change?
How long before they figure out all that paint is going to end up in the ocean killing dolphins and fish?
The Land of Fruit and Nuts has little infrastructure left from the Republican days.


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