Losing weight doesn’t actually improve health biomarkers, and thin people aren't healthier


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"Studies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention repeatedly find the lowest mortality rates among people whose body mass index puts them in the “overweight” and “mildly obese” categories. And recent research suggests that losing weight doesn’t actually improve health biomarkers such as blood pressure, fasting glucose, or triglyceride levels for most people.
"So why, then, are we so deeply invested in treatments that not only fail to do what they’re supposed to—make people thinner and healthier—but often actively makes people fatter, sicker, and more miserable?"

"“Maintaining weight loss is not a lifestyle,” she says. “It’s a job.” It’s a job that requires not just time, self-discipline, and energy—it also takes up a lot of mental real estate. People who maintain weight loss over the long term typically make it their top priority in life. Which is not always possible. Or desirable."

"Obese patients with heart disease, heart failure, diabetes, kidney disease, pneumonia, and many other chronic diseases fare better and live longer than those of normal weight."

Diets do not work The thin evidence that losing weight makes you healthier.
Oh boy. Gotta disagree with this. First off, it isn't maintaining weight loss. It's maintaining a healthy weight. I've seen lots of old people, none of them are make it to 90 if they are overweight. If you want to make it to 80 you can be a little overweight but if you are constantly "dieting" you are doing something wrong. Eat what you need to sustain health.

I'd also argue that many or most diseases are preventable with a healthy diet, food your body needs, not what you crave. Food is fuel and food is good medicine!
Oh boy. Gotta disagree with this. First off, it isn't maintaining weight loss. It's maintaining a healthy weight. I've seen lots of old people, none of them are make it to 90 if they are overweight. If you want to make it to 80 you can be a little overweight but if you are constantly "dieting" you are doing something wrong. Eat what you need to sustain health.

I'd also argue that many or most diseases are preventable with a healthy diet, food your body needs, not what you crave. Food is fuel and food is good medicine!

Except what you're saying..it's not true. It's the modern meme..and none of it is true.
Oh boy. Gotta disagree with this. First off, it isn't maintaining weight loss. It's maintaining a healthy weight. I've seen lots of old people, none of them are make it to 90 if they are overweight. If you want to make it to 80 you can be a little overweight but if you are constantly "dieting" you are doing something wrong. Eat what you need to sustain health.

I'd also argue that many or most diseases are preventable with a healthy diet, food your body needs, not what you crave. Food is fuel and food is good medicine!
I fluctuate seasonally, from 180 to 190.

If I do go over 190, I get more exercise, go to 1% milk, and give up the deserts.

Back to 185 today, I think I will have pie and ice cream for desert!!!

I think happiness and self-esteem have more to do with longevity than some particular weight or body size based on advertising and celebrities.
My 2 cents: The best "expert" is you. Do whatever makes you happy.

Personally, I feel happiest when I am fit.
My 2 cents: The best "expert" is you. Do whatever makes you happy.

Personally, I feel happiest when I am fit.
If my pants feel tight, I don't feel right!!!!

Been wearing 34 Levi's for 50 years, ain't going to change now.
The article is about dieting, weight loss, and long term health.

kg is just trying to justify being a waddler.

In fact, eat right, exercise regularly, and stay away from bad foods and habits (smoking, etc), you will eventually be at the right weight.
The 'plugged-in' generations are gonna be dropping like flies from heart attacks in their 50's. Us baby-boomer seniors are fukin' fit!
When I was full time RV'ing, it was amazing the number of couples in their late 70's to mid 80's that my wife and I encountered. It might have taken them longer to set up/take down camp in their trailers/rigs, but they are independent cusses that get the job done!
I had two obese siblings who died at 45 and 59. An overweight uncle died at 49, two grandfathers dead from heart disease at 53. My skinny mom is 86, her skinny mom lived to 81 and her skinny aunts and uncles approached or passed 100.
I sense a pattern.
So, now koshergrl likes the federal government :lol:

They're not right about anything, but now that they're giving her the ok to be a fat ass, they're all good :thup:

Kgrill is so stupid that she ate two gallons of ice cream after she read that article.
Oh boy. Gotta disagree with this. First off, it isn't maintaining weight loss. It's maintaining a healthy weight. I've seen lots of old people, none of them are make it to 90 if they are overweight. If you want to make it to 80 you can be a little overweight but if you are constantly "dieting" you are doing something wrong. Eat what you need to sustain health.

I'd also argue that many or most diseases are preventable with a healthy diet, food your body needs, not what you crave. Food is fuel and food is good medicine!
Except what you're saying..it's not true. It's the modern meme..and none of it is true.
It is true. Where are all the fat old people?
Oh boy. Gotta disagree with this. First off, it isn't maintaining weight loss. It's maintaining a healthy weight. I've seen lots of old people, none of them are make it to 90 if they are overweight. If you want to make it to 80 you can be a little overweight but if you are constantly "dieting" you are doing something wrong. Eat what you need to sustain health.

I'd also argue that many or most diseases are preventable with a healthy diet, food your body needs, not what you crave. Food is fuel and food is good medicine!
I fluctuate seasonally, from 180 to 190.

If I do go over 190, I get more exercise, go to 1% milk, and give up the deserts.

Back to 185 today, I think I will have pie and ice cream for desert!!!

I think happiness and self-esteem have more to do with longevity than some particular weight or body size based on advertising and celebrities.
Humans have been around longer than ad agencies or Hollywood. Our biology hasn't changed that much. All things in moderation is fine but it's very well documented that excess weight cuts into your lifespan. If you're happy and overweight that's fine but living in denial won't buy you more time.
My 2 cents: The best "expert" is you. Do whatever makes you happy.

Personally, I feel happiest when I am fit.
If my pants feel tight, I don't feel right!!!!

Been wearing 34 Levi's for 50 years, ain't going to change now.
If it's a true 34 you're in good shape. But a LOT of guys are running around with 34s and a huge gut. That cuts your intestines in half and screws up digestion big time.
Look at this! All of our USMB nutters are not only self made millionaires who can survive the apocalypse, they all wear the same jeans that they wore when they were 20. Models of self restraint!
Weight loss in this country has two main problems.

First, too few are doing it to be healthy. The main reason people try and lose weight is to look better. That is why so many crackpot, dangerous weight loss plans have done so well.

Second, our diet has been crappy for decades. the USDA has been bought by too many special interests to be trusted to give us valid information. Fast food has become a staple for so many. And the amount of processed food, processed sugar, and carbs that turn into sugar has created a nation of obese people with diabetes running rampant.
The government has been a huge source of misinformation. Many people today think in terms of the basic four food groups pyramid. Millions have died early guzzling cow's milk, loading up on meats, breads processed foods. Add sugar into the mix and you have a lot of unhealthy folks running around. It's a lifestyle choice, not a diet.

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