Louisiana #1 in Gun Violence...

THE MORON OP forgot to mention it is the "bluest" parts of Red states where all the killing is happening

and it is the bluest parts of Blue states too where all the people's lives are being cut down early; ESPECIALLY BLACK PEOPLE

Conclusion: Places run by people who call themselves DEMOCRATS always have been and continue to be the places where the most Black people are murdered

At least you are't another conservative concern troll, all bleeding over the 'disintegration of the black family' and 'black on black' crime.

You aren't that sly.
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Louisiana #1 in Gun Violence...

And I'll bet the majority of it is in New Orleans.
...and let's look at the demographics of n.o.
let's look at the demographics of crime in general.
Negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in america despite only making up 13% of the population...according to the doj, fbi and bjs.

it isn't as much a gun problem as it is a negro problem...but unfortunately they go hand in hand.
THE MORON OP forgot to mention it is the "bluest" parts of Red states where all the killing is happening

and it is the bluest parts of Blue states too where all the people's lives are being cut down early; ESPECIALLY BLACK PEOPLE

Conclusion: Places run by people who call themselves DEMOCRATS always have been and continue to be the places where the most Black people are murdered

At least you are't another conservative concert troll, all bleeding over the 'disintegration of the black family' and 'black on black' crime.

You aren't that sly.

THOSE ARE also facts though. the Left DID destroy the Black nuclear family
Anyplace with large numbers of blacks also has lots of gun violence.

Can you say "New Orleans"?

The blacks are killing each other off at breakneck speed. But Mitch Landrieu, that mental giant, thinks statues from the civil war era are the problem.
Louisiana #1 in Gun Violence...

And I'll bet the majority of it is in New Orleans.
...and let's look at the demographics of n.o.
let's look at the demographics of crime in general.
Negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in america despite only making up 13% of the population...according to the doj, fbi and bjs.

it isn't as much a gun problem as it is a negro problem...but unfortunately they go hand in hand.
Pulling stats out of your ass. Source?

Try this:
Louisiana #1 in Gun Violence...

And I'll bet the majority of it is in New Orleans.
...and let's look at the demographics of n.o.
let's look at the demographics of crime in general.
Negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in america despite only making up 13% of the population...according to the doj, fbi and bjs.

it isn't as much a gun problem as it is a negro problem...but unfortunately they go hand in hand.

Pulling stats out of your ass. Source?

Try this: Table 43
An actual event that proves your world view to be upside down.

So you disbelieve all you can and deny the rest. Yes, that black, unarmed farnily was just asking to be shot up by the white cops! They should have stayed in Chocolate Town, and not try to escape to the white suburbs.

No it doesn't in any way shape or form ... Not to mention your post doesn't even address anything I mentioned in the one you initially responded to.
You cannot shape the argument to try and manipulate the discussion.

The article you posted referred to police by no other description that may have come close to them being fundamental Christians bible thumpers nor Conservative.
That could only be assumed by your ridiculously bigoted ass.

Nor does the article address anything about the multitude of murders that puts New Orleans at the top of the list ... Which in fact was the subject I was discussing in the first place.

One unarmed family by all means doesn't shape 20 years of outright bloodshed ... And the shame of it all is that you are not stupid and simply choose to be a bigot.

Anyplace with large numbers of blacks also has lots of gun violence.

Can you say "New Orleans"?

The blacks are killing each other off at breakneck speed. But Mitch Landrieu, that mental giant, thinks statues from the civil war era are the problem.
Louisiana #1 in Gun Violence...

And I'll bet the majority of it is in New Orleans.
...and let's look at the demographics of n.o.
let's look at the demographics of crime in general.
Negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in america despite only making up 13% of the population...according to the doj, fbi and bjs.

it isn't as much a gun problem as it is a negro problem...but unfortunately they go hand in hand.
Pulling stats out of your ass. Source?

Try this:
Louisiana #1 in Gun Violence...

And I'll bet the majority of it is in New Orleans.
...and let's look at the demographics of n.o.
let's look at the demographics of crime in general.
Negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in america despite only making up 13% of the population...according to the doj, fbi and bjs.

it isn't as much a gun problem as it is a negro problem...but unfortunately they go hand in hand.

Pulling stats out of your ass. Source?

Try this: Table 43

you talking to me?

Your table illustrates exactly what I said...
An actual event that proves your world view to be upside down.

So you disbelieve all you can and deny the rest. Yes, that black, unarmed farnily was just asking to be shot up by the white cops! They should have stayed in Chocolate Town, and not try to escape to the white suburbs.

No it doesn't in any way shape or form ... Not to mention your post doesn't even address anything I mentioned in the one you initially responded to.
You cannot shape the argument to try and manipulate the discussion.

The article you posted referred to police by no other description that may have come close to them being fundamental Christians bible thumpers nor Conservative.
That could only be assumed by your ridiculously bigoted ass.

Nor does the article address anything about the multitude of murders that puts New Orleans at the top of the list ... Which in fact was the subject I was discussing in the first place.

One unarmed family by all means doesn't shape 20 years of outright bloodshed ... And the shame of it all is that you are not stupid and simply choose to be a bigot.

Derailing the thread occurred when you expanded the group of murderers to ' southern fundamentalist Christian conservative bible thumpers.'

Really? They arent killing anybody. But white criminals, are, whether they have a badge or not.

You're criticizing me because reality didn't match up with your fantasy? It's your m.o. When you see your side losing - you devolve into ridiculousness as if that was cool, then belittle the better argument as being off topic.
Anyplace with large numbers of blacks also has lots of gun violence.

Can you say "New Orleans"?

The blacks are killing each other off at breakneck speed. But Mitch Landrieu, that mental giant, thinks statues from the civil war era are the problem.
Louisiana #1 in Gun Violence...

And I'll bet the majority of it is in New Orleans.
...and let's look at the demographics of n.o.
let's look at the demographics of crime in general.
Negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in america despite only making up 13% of the population...according to the doj, fbi and bjs.

it isn't as much a gun problem as it is a negro problem...but unfortunately they go hand in hand.
Pulling stats out of your ass. Source?

Try this:
Louisiana #1 in Gun Violence...

And I'll bet the majority of it is in New Orleans.
...and let's look at the demographics of n.o.
let's look at the demographics of crime in general.
Negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in america despite only making up 13% of the population...according to the doj, fbi and bjs.

it isn't as much a gun problem as it is a negro problem...but unfortunately they go hand in hand.

Pulling stats out of your ass. Source?

Try this: Table 43

you talking to me?

Your table illustrates exactly what I said...
The table shows whites committing 6.2m crimes vs 2.5m by blacks . Hardly 'over half by blacks.'

But if you are dyslexic, I can understand how such an error would be made.
The table shows whites committing 6.2m crimes vs 2.5m by blacks . Hardly 'over half by blacks.'

But if you are dyslexic, I can understand how such an error would be made.
Negroes commit over half of all VIOLENT crime in the country...and the table supports that.

go down the list and look for yourself...do the math.
The table shows whites committing 6.2m crimes vs 2.5m by blacks . Hardly 'over half by blacks.'

But if you are dyslexic, I can understand how such an error would be made.
Negroes commit over half of all VIOLENT crime in the country...and the table supports that.

go down the list and look for yourself...do the math.
The term "violent" crimes were crimes that were violent but didn't fall into another category.

Surely, you don't believe 390.000 or so crimes out of 9,000,000 were the only "violent" ones?
The table shows whites committing 6.2m crimes vs 2.5m by blacks . Hardly 'over half by blacks.'

But if you are dyslexic, I can understand how such an error would be made.
Negroes commit over half of all VIOLENT crime in the country...and the table supports that.

go down the list and look for yourself...do the math.
The term "violent" crimes were crimes that were violent but didn't fall into another category.

Surely, you don't believe 390.000 or so crimes out of 9,000,000 were the only "violent" ones?

run in circles all you like..anyone who understands how to read a table can see the truth.
Negroes commit MASSIVELY disproportionate amounts of crime in general but over HALF of ALL violent crime...the numbers don't lie.
The table shows whites committing 6.2m crimes vs 2.5m by blacks . Hardly 'over half by blacks.'

But if you are dyslexic, I can understand how such an error would be made.
Negroes commit over half of all VIOLENT crime in the country...and the table supports that.

go down the list and look for yourself...do the math.
The term "violent" crimes were crimes that were violent but didn't fall into another category.

Surely, you don't believe 390.000 or so crimes out of 9,000,000 were the only "violent" ones?

run in circles all you like..anyone who understands how to read a table can see the truth.
Negroes commit MASSIVELY disproportionate amounts of crime in general but over HALF of ALL violent crime...the numbers don't lie.
If you don't consider rapes, aggravated assaults, sex offenses, weapons charges, and other assaults, as violent, then I believe you are misguided.

If you consider them violent, then I believe you are a liar.
The table shows whites committing 6.2m crimes vs 2.5m by blacks . Hardly 'over half by blacks.'

But if you are dyslexic, I can understand how such an error would be made.
Negroes commit over half of all VIOLENT crime in the country...and the table supports that.

go down the list and look for yourself...do the math.
The term "violent" crimes were crimes that were violent but didn't fall into another category.

Surely, you don't believe 390.000 or so crimes out of 9,000,000 were the only "violent" ones?

run in circles all you like..anyone who understands how to read a table can see the truth.
Negroes commit MASSIVELY disproportionate amounts of crime in general but over HALF of ALL violent crime...the numbers don't lie.
If you don't consider rapes, aggravated assaults, sex offenses, weapons charges, and other assaults, as violent, then I believe you are misguided.

If you consider them violent, then I believe you are a liar.

once again;
negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in the u.s despite only making up 13% of the population.
table 43 illustrates it very well...
Derailing the thread occurred when you expanded the group of murderers to ' southern fundamentalist Christian conservative bible thumpers.'

Really? They arent killing anybody. But white criminals, are, whether they have a badge or not.

You're criticizing me because reality didn't match up with your fantasy? It's your m.o. When you see your side losing - you devolve into ridiculousness as if that was cool, then belittle the better argument as being off topic.

I didn't derail the thread ... I made a sarcastic comment and you felt compelled to comment in manner that didn't address the premise of the thread nor my comment.
Do some research into why Louisiana has the highest murder rate ... It isn't a mystery because all you have to do here is watch any of the local news channels.

...Alabama #3

Who coulda guessed there'd be more gun violence in Southern states...?

10 states with the highest levels of gun violence
By Matthew Hartvigsen, Deseret News
April 28 2013

#3 -
Alabama Average state ranking: 8.6

Overall firearm deaths from 2001 through 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 16.62

Firearm homicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 5.92

Firearm suicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 9.5

Aggravated assaults with a firearm in 2011; rate per 100,000 people: 40.5

#1 -
Average state ranking: 5

Overall firearm deaths from 2001 through 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 18.9

Firearm homicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 9.53

Firearm suicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 8.49

Aggravated assaults with a firearm in 2011; rate per 100,000 people: 99.51


And look at who is committing the overwhelming majority of those crimes.... Color me unsurprised.
...Alabama #3

Who coulda guessed there'd be more gun violence in Southern states...?

10 states with the highest levels of gun violence
By Matthew Hartvigsen, Deseret News
April 28 2013

#3 -
Alabama Average state ranking: 8.6

Overall firearm deaths from 2001 through 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 16.62

Firearm homicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 5.92

Firearm suicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 9.5

Aggravated assaults with a firearm in 2011; rate per 100,000 people: 40.5

#1 -
Average state ranking: 5

Overall firearm deaths from 2001 through 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 18.9

Firearm homicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 9.53

Firearm suicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 8.49

Aggravated assaults with a firearm in 2011; rate per 100,000 people: 99.51


Proof that just locking up criminals doesn't work. Louisiana also has the highest incarceration rate in the US>
...Alabama #3

Who coulda guessed there'd be more gun violence in Southern states...?

10 states with the highest levels of gun violence
By Matthew Hartvigsen, Deseret News
April 28 2013

#3 -
Alabama Average state ranking: 8.6

Overall firearm deaths from 2001 through 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 16.62

Firearm homicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 5.92

Firearm suicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 9.5

Aggravated assaults with a firearm in 2011; rate per 100,000 people: 40.5

#1 -
Average state ranking: 5

Overall firearm deaths from 2001 through 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 18.9

Firearm homicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 9.53

Firearm suicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 8.49

Aggravated assaults with a firearm in 2011; rate per 100,000 people: 99.51


Proof that just locking up criminals doesn't work. Louisiana also has the highest incarceration rate in the US>

Yes, locking up violent criminals work...when you see a shooter in a democrat city...find out how many weapon crimes they have....anyone shooting at another human is going to have a violent history. I love it when you guys say this.....do you want violent sociopaths let free?

New Orleans, and Baton Rouge are two democrat controlled cities in red Louisiana.....you can probably find they don't keep gun criminals locked up, they under staff, and undermine their police...and the prosecutors and judges refuse to lock up repeat weapon offenders for long periods of time.......I have seen that over and over in these cities.

Richmond, Calofornia, a city of about 100,000 people has 17 known criminals who do 76% of all the shooting in that city. They decided to pay those guys to not shoot people.......it seems to be working for them.....
Alabama does not share a border with Mexico. In fact, illegal border jumpers would have to travel Texas and Louisiana before they can enter Alabama.

In fact, violence should be higher in Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico (plus states immediately next to them) than Alabama if we use your logic.
Apparently you have not heard of migrant workers. Well, migrant workers migrate, that's what they do but if you don't want to look uninformed just STFU

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