Louisiana #1 in Gun Violence...

how nice. they can insult all they want. I don't watch Fox news or supple anything

I posted it was out Salt lake but that wasn't good enough
I grew up in SLC out in the bennion and taylorsville area
Even subscribed to the deseret news

About ready to go through Provo and do some flyfishing.
I live in Idaho now. Didn't do much fly fishing in Utah
Alot of flyfishing on the Provo I know.
Freemont river near velvet I here is pretty good

Yeah, those are good also. Up in Missoula fishing Rock Creek and the Bitterroot.
Island Park in eastern idaho is the big flyfishing place around here
except I like the Little Wood River cuz know one else fishes it
South fork of the Boise is popular to along with big wood near sun valley
where all the rich yuckie mucks live
...Alabama #3

Who coulda guessed there'd be more gun violence in Southern states...?

10 states with the highest levels of gun violence
By Matthew Hartvigsen, Deseret News
April 28 2013

#3 -
Alabama Average state ranking: 8.6

Overall firearm deaths from 2001 through 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 16.62

Firearm homicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 5.92

Firearm suicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 9.5

Aggravated assaults with a firearm in 2011; rate per 100,000 people: 40.5

#1 -
Average state ranking: 5

Overall firearm deaths from 2001 through 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 18.9

Firearm homicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 9.53

Firearm suicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 8.49

Aggravated assaults with a firearm in 2011; rate per 100,000 people: 99.51


Gee, how totally UNSURPRISING given the massive amounts of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border.
Good post except it is full of shit.

Minnesota is lying

it is a sanctuary state
...Alabama #3

Who coulda guessed there'd be more gun violence in Southern states...?

10 states with the highest levels of gun violence
By Matthew Hartvigsen, Deseret News
April 28 2013

#3 -
Alabama Average state ranking: 8.6

Overall firearm deaths from 2001 through 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 16.62

Firearm homicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 5.92

Firearm suicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 9.5

Aggravated assaults with a firearm in 2011; rate per 100,000 people: 40.5

#1 -
Average state ranking: 5

Overall firearm deaths from 2001 through 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 18.9

Firearm homicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 9.53

Firearm suicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 8.49

Aggravated assaults with a firearm in 2011; rate per 100,000 people: 99.51


State by state comparisons according to this one expert that I'll put a link to is bogus.

On the other hand if we want to make comparisons state to state on gun violence, let's base it on the inhabitants of those states as well as the gun stats.

"Another problem with the state-by-state reporting in the BMJ study is that rates are skewed significantly within certain cities and counties. This makes state-based data misleading."
...Alabama #3

Who coulda guessed there'd be more gun violence in Southern states...?

10 states with the highest levels of gun violence
By Matthew Hartvigsen, Deseret News
April 28 2013

#3 -
Alabama Average state ranking: 8.6

Overall firearm deaths from 2001 through 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 16.62

Firearm homicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 5.92

Firearm suicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 9.5

Aggravated assaults with a firearm in 2011; rate per 100,000 people: 40.5

#1 -
Average state ranking: 5

Overall firearm deaths from 2001 through 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 18.9

Firearm homicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 9.53

Firearm suicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 8.49

Aggravated assaults with a firearm in 2011; rate per 100,000 people: 99.51


State by state comparisons according to this one expert is bogus.

On the other hand if we want to make comparisons state to state on gun violence, let's base it on the inhabitants of those states as well as the gun stats.

"Another problem with the state-by-state reporting in the BMJ study is that rates are skewed significantly within certain cities and counties. This makes state-based data misleading."

Well let's see who lives in the states with the highest gun violence.

Oh gee. Apparently race does matter.

Gun Deaths in U.S. Twice as High Among African-Americans as Caucasians


We have New Orleans ... Just about the deadliest city in America (changes each time they calculate the numbers).
It is all those southern right-wing religious fundamentalist conservatives running around down there shooting each other in the "Chocolate City" (that's what Mayor Nagin called it).

Well let's see who lives in the states with the highest gun violence.

Oh gee. Apparently race does matter.

Gun Deaths in U.S. Twice as High Among African-Americans as Caucasians


We have New Orleans ... Just about the deadliest city in America (changes each time they calculate the numbers).
It is all those southern right-wing religious fundamentalist conservatives running around down there shooting each other in the "Chocolate City" (that's what Mayor Nagin called it).


Pufuckinglease, if you're trying make a case for another one of your racist rants - fuhgettaboutit. New Orleans and Tulsa are comparable in size but-----but New Orleans is majority African-American, Tulsa is overwhelmingly White and yet...

Compare Crime Rates Tulsa, OK - New Orleans, LA

Crime Rates.......Tulsa, Oklahoma .......New Orleans, Louisiana
Violent Crime ...........83.6........................................68.3
Property Crime ..........66 .........................................52.5

...Alabama #3

Who coulda guessed there'd be more gun violence in Southern states...?

10 states with the highest levels of gun violence
By Matthew Hartvigsen, Deseret News
April 28 2013

#3 -
Alabama Average state ranking: 8.6

Overall firearm deaths from 2001 through 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 16.62

Firearm homicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 5.92

Firearm suicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 9.5

Aggravated assaults with a firearm in 2011; rate per 100,000 people: 40.5

#1 -
Average state ranking: 5

Overall firearm deaths from 2001 through 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 18.9

Firearm homicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 9.53

Firearm suicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 8.49

Aggravated assaults with a firearm in 2011; rate per 100,000 people: 99.51


That what you get when a fairly sparsely populated state has a liberal hell hole like NO, spoils the stats for the whole state.
We have New Orleans ... Just about the deadliest city in America (changes each time they calculate the numbers).
It is all those southern right-wing religious fundamentalist conservatives running around down there shooting each other in the "Chocolate City" (that's what Mayor Nagin called it).


Pufuckinglease, if you're trying make a case for another one of your racist rants - fuhgettaboutit. New Orleans and Tulsa are comparable in size but-----but New Orleans is majority African-American, Tulsa is overwhelmingly White and yet...

Compare Crime Rates Tulsa, OK - New Orleans, LA

Crime Rates.......Tulsa, Oklahoma .......New Orleans, Louisiana
Violent Crime ...........83.6........................................68.3
Property Crime ..........66 .........................................52.5


I didn't post Violent Crime or Property Crime dickhead ... I posted "Deadliest" (in reference to gun deaths and you can look it up) ... Get a better grasp of the English Language.

And it doesn't have anything to do with racism except for you ... And you cannot change the facts about New Orleans no matter how bad you want to.
You are wrong in misunderstanding the post as you are incapable of interpreting data correctly ... And to serve your political purpose with your ignorance.

Well let's see who lives in the states with the highest gun violence.

Oh gee. Apparently race does matter.

Gun Deaths in U.S. Twice as High Among African-Americans as Caucasians


We have New Orleans ... Just about the deadliest city in America (changes each time they calculate the numbers).
It is all those southern right-wing religious fundamentalist conservatives running around down there shooting each other in the "Chocolate City" (that's what Mayor Nagin called it).


Our first tour of NO included a tour of Our Lady of Guadalupe and we were instructed by the tour guide that under no circumstance whatsoever was anyone to enter the 9th Ward.

She really said "don't go over there ".
Instead of state to state gun violence why don't we take off our politically correct hats and zoom in and look at comparing city to city violence.

Better yet. Let's get a take on not just city to city comparison, but to take a look at the violent hot spots in each city.

And THEN look at the demographics in areas that are extremely violent.

Mmmmmkay? Any liberal want to take on that discussion?
...Alabama #3

Who coulda guessed there'd be more gun violence in Southern states...?

10 states with the highest levels of gun violence
By Matthew Hartvigsen, Deseret News
April 28 2013

#3 -
Alabama Average state ranking: 8.6

Overall firearm deaths from 2001 through 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 16.62

Firearm homicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 5.92

Firearm suicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 9.5

Aggravated assaults with a firearm in 2011; rate per 100,000 people: 40.5

#1 -
Average state ranking: 5

Overall firearm deaths from 2001 through 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 18.9

Firearm homicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 9.53

Firearm suicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 8.49

Aggravated assaults with a firearm in 2011; rate per 100,000 people: 99.51


That what you get when a fairly sparsely populated state has a liberal hell hole like NO, spoils the stats for the whole state.

Is that your explanation for why lily white AK, MT, and WY are high on the gun violence list? - and/or why NY and NJ with higher than average African-American populations are low on the gun violence list? - or-----or are just pulling that claim out of your racist ass?

New Study Ranks 50 States By Gun Sense And Gun Deaths -- Gun Extremists Arrive in 5-4-3-2-1
Leslie Salzillo
Jun 20, 2014

A good study that shows which states are doing their part to decrease gun violence/gun deaths, and which states are doing little - to nothing.

Washington, DC — States with weak gun violence prevention laws and higher rates of gun ownership have the highest overall gun death rates in the nation, according to a Violence Policy Center (VPC) analysis of new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.

Meanwhile, states with the lowest overall gun death rates have lower rates of gun ownership and some of the strongest gun violence prevention laws in the nation. However, even in these states the human toll of gun violence remains unacceptably high and far exceeds the gun death rate in most Western industrialized nations.

The VPC analysis is based on data newly released this week and refers to overall gun death rates in 2011, the most recent year for which data is available.

The five states with the highest per capita gun death rates in 2011 were Louisiana, Mississippi, Alaska, Wyoming, and Montana. Each of these states has extremely lax gun violence prevention laws as well as a higher rate of gun ownership. The state with the lowest gun death rate in the nation was Rhode Island, followed by Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey. Each of these states has strong gun violence prevention laws and has a lower rate of gun ownership.

“Gun violence is preventable, and states can pass effective laws that will dramatically reduce gun death and injury,” states VPC Executive Director Josh Sugarmann. “Our analysis also shows that states with weak gun violence prevention laws and easy access to guns pay a severe price with gun death rates far above the national average.”

“Lawmakers in every state should roll up their sleeves and pass stronger legislation to prevent needless deaths from gun violence,"states Sue Hornik, executive director of States United to Prevent Gun Violence, a national umbrella group for state gun violence prevention organizations. “The safety of our families and communities is at stake.”


States with the Five Highest Gun Death Rates
(Rank State Household Gun Ownership Gun Death Rate Per 100,000)

1 Louisiana 45.6 percent 18.91
2 Mississippi 54.3 percent 17.80
3 Alaska 60.6 percent 17.41
4 Wyoming 62.8 percent 16.92
5 Montana 61.4 percent 16.74

States with the Five Lowest Gun Death Rates
(Rank State Household Gun Ownership Gun Death Rate Per 100,000)

50 Rhode Island 13.3 percent 3.14
49 Hawaii 9.7 percent 3.56
48 Massachusetts 12.8 percent 3.84
47 New York 18.1 percent 5.11
46 New Jersey 11.3 percent 5.46

...Alabama #3

Who coulda guessed there'd be more gun violence in Southern states...?

10 states with the highest levels of gun violence
By Matthew Hartvigsen, Deseret News
April 28 2013

#3 -
Alabama Average state ranking: 8.6

Overall firearm deaths from 2001 through 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 16.62

Firearm homicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 5.92

Firearm suicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 9.5

Aggravated assaults with a firearm in 2011; rate per 100,000 people: 40.5

#1 -
Average state ranking: 5

Overall firearm deaths from 2001 through 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 18.9

Firearm homicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 9.53

Firearm suicides in 2010; rate per 100,000 people: 8.49

Aggravated assaults with a firearm in 2011; rate per 100,000 people: 99.51


That what you get when a fairly sparsely populated state has a liberal hell hole like NO, spoils the stats for the whole state.

Is that your explanation for why lily white AK, MT, and WY are high on the gun violence list? - and/or why NY and NJ with higher than average African-American populations are low on the gun violence list? - or-----or are just pulling that claim out of your racist ass?

New Study Ranks 50 States By Gun Sense And Gun Deaths -- Gun Extremists Arrive in 5-4-3-2-1
Leslie Salzillo
Jun 20, 2014

A good study that shows which states are doing their part to decrease gun violence/gun deaths, and which states are doing little - to nothing.

Washington, DC — States with weak gun violence prevention laws and higher rates of gun ownership have the highest overall gun death rates in the nation, according to a Violence Policy Center (VPC) analysis of new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.

Meanwhile, states with the lowest overall gun death rates have lower rates of gun ownership and some of the strongest gun violence prevention laws in the nation. However, even in these states the human toll of gun violence remains unacceptably high and far exceeds the gun death rate in most Western industrialized nations.

The VPC analysis is based on data newly released this week and refers to overall gun death rates in 2011, the most recent year for which data is available.

The five states with the highest per capita gun death rates in 2011 were Louisiana, Mississippi, Alaska, Wyoming, and Montana. Each of these states has extremely lax gun violence prevention laws as well as a higher rate of gun ownership. The state with the lowest gun death rate in the nation was Rhode Island, followed by Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey. Each of these states has strong gun violence prevention laws and has a lower rate of gun ownership.

“Gun violence is preventable, and states can pass effective laws that will dramatically reduce gun death and injury,” states VPC Executive Director Josh Sugarmann. “Our analysis also shows that states with weak gun violence prevention laws and easy access to guns pay a severe price with gun death rates far above the national average.”

“Lawmakers in every state should roll up their sleeves and pass stronger legislation to prevent needless deaths from gun violence,"states Sue Hornik, executive director of States United to Prevent Gun Violence, a national umbrella group for state gun violence prevention organizations. “The safety of our families and communities is at stake.”


States with the Five Highest Gun Death Rates
(Rank State Household Gun Ownership Gun Death Rate Per 100,000)

1 Louisiana 45.6 percent 18.91
2 Mississippi 54.3 percent 17.80
3 Alaska 60.6 percent 17.41
4 Wyoming 62.8 percent 16.92
5 Montana 61.4 percent 16.74

States with the Five Lowest Gun Death Rates
(Rank State Household Gun Ownership Gun Death Rate Per 100,000)

50 Rhode Island 13.3 percent 3.14
49 Hawaii 9.7 percent 3.56
48 Massachusetts 12.8 percent 3.84
47 New York 18.1 percent 5.11
46 New Jersey 11.3 percent 5.46


Gun grabber spin, good job. Now address what I said. You like numbers, try these.

Gun murders per 100,000 people:

1. New Orleans...........................19.0

2. Memphis...................................9.4

3. Detroit.......................................8.6

4. Birmingham..............................8.4

5. St. Louis...................................8.1

6. Baltimore..................................7.7

7. Jacksonville..............................7.4

8. Kansas City..............................6.8

9. Philadelphia..............................6.2
Last edited:
Well let's see who lives in the states with the highest gun violence.

Oh gee. Apparently race does matter.

Gun Deaths in U.S. Twice as High Among African-Americans as Caucasians


We have New Orleans ... Just about the deadliest city in America (changes each time they calculate the numbers).
It is all those southern right-wing religious fundamentalist conservatives running around down there shooting each other in the "Chocolate City" (that's what Mayor Nagin called it).


Danziger Bridge shootings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well that certainly explains the shit you commented towards ... Good thing no one is killed in New Orleans anymore ... :thup:
That's about how people like you look at it ... And why nothing ever changes ... Because you just don't get it and never will.

An actual event that proves your world view to be upside down.

So you disbelieve all you can and deny the rest. Yes, that black, unarmed farnily was just asking to be shot up by the white cops! They should have stayed in Chocolate Town, and not try to escape to the white suburbs.
THE MORON OP forgot to mention it is the "bluest" parts of Red states where all the killing is happening

and it is the bluest parts of Blue states too where all the people's lives are being cut down early; ESPECIALLY BLACK PEOPLE

Conclusion: Places run by people who call themselves DEMOCRATS always have been and continue to be the places where the most Black people are murdered

Well that certainly explains the shit you commented towards ... Good thing no one is killed in New Orleans anymore ... :thup:
That's about how people like you look at it ... And why nothing ever changes ... Because you just don't get it and never will.

An actual event that proves your world view to be upside down.

So you disbelieve all you can and deny the rest. Yes, that black, unarmed farnily was just asking to be shot up by the white cops! They should have stayed in Chocolate Town, and not try to escape to the white suburbs.

so you're accusing somebody or "believing what they want and denying the rest..."????

so your one incident negates the SIX THOUSAND BLACK LIVES ENDED BY MURDER EACH AND EVERY YEAR where the killer WASNT white and/or a cop???

who's disbelieving and denying stuff????

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