Louisiana Governor knows this will increase his popularity

Should the 10 Commandments be displayed in public schools in America?

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Required to post, is the missing part. There is already precedent.

Poor little commie, if you can legally post it, it can be required you legally post it. And so far no one has said specifically what they're crying about, exactly how it's supposedly violating the Constitution.

Gee, mr bigot, proving that the democrats are the party of bigot, have a history of bigotry, fought to keep slaves, fought to keep black people at the back of the bus, democrats fought to keep black people from using democrat water drinking fountains

you heard nothing of the sort that you paraphrase poorly
You can go and get his podcast of yesterday's show girl.
Poor little commie, if you can legally post it, it can be required you legally post it. And so far no one has said specifically what they're crying about, exactly how it's supposedly violating the Constitution.

Establishment of religion felony fuckup.
So, why does the constitution not mention religion?

Religion is twice and only twice.

Article VI. Clause I. But No Religious Test Shall Ever Be Required as a Qualfication To Any Office or Public Trust Under the United States.

First Amendment: Congress Shall No Law Respecting An Establishment of Religion or Probhiting The Free Excerise There of.

No American can be required to believe in god to work for our government and the government cannot force any religion our throats.
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I'm guessing the historical documents from Satanists, Islam and Muslims would be posted too.

Please explain the difference in Islam and Muslims, I'm very sure the whole class would be very interested in knowing. Please be very specific to enhance understanding.


I do believe that they specifically mean Christianity and yes the Ten Commandments SHOULD be allowed in schools but there's the separation of church and state to consider.

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