Louisiana Governor knows this will increase his popularity

Should the 10 Commandments be displayed in public schools in America?

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Because Christianity is not being forced upon anyone in the USA.
That is a boatload of bizarre and brazen bovine excrement. We have a Speaker of the House who preaches Christian Dominionism- the idea that all institutions of American life from politics to education to the arts and more must be based on Cristian beliefs. We are seeing an erosion of reproductive rights driven by the Christian right. The anti LGBT hysteria -especially the hate directed at trans people is largely a product of a bastardized version of Christianity. Several states give two Christian holidays- Christmas and Good Friday – as paid timer off for state workers NO OTHER religion has such holidays. Give me a fucking break already!
That is a boatload of bizarre and brazen bovine excrement. We have a Speaker of the House who preaches Christian Dominionism- the idea that all institutions of American life from politics to education to the arts and more must be based on Cristian beliefs. We are seeing an erosion of reproductive rights driven by the Christian right. The anti LGBT hysteria -especially the hate directed at trans people is largely a product of a bastardized version of Christianity. Several states give two Christian holidays- Christmas and Good Friday – as paid timer off for state workers NO OTHER religion has such holidays. Give me a fucking break already!
It’s called traditions that you snowflakes Pearl clutch over
I do believe that they specifically mean Christianity and yes the Ten Commandments SHOULD be allowed in schools but there's the separation of church and state to consider.

Louisiana can do whatever it wants as a state; the establishment clause only restricted the Federal govt. from establishing a national sect. The individual state kept their established state favored sects. Massachusetts was the last to dis-establish their Congregationalists, in 1834' that was do to demographic changes and the demographics of the state's voters themselves, not Federal law or SC rulings.
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That is a boatload of bizarre and brazen bovine excrement. We have a Speaker of the House who preaches Christian Dominionism- the idea that all institutions of American life from politics to education to the arts and more must be based on Cristian beliefs. We are seeing an erosion of reproductive rights driven by the Christian right. The anti LGBT hysteria -especially the hate directed at trans people is largely a product of a bastardized version of Christianity. Several states give two Christian holidays- Christmas and Good Friday – as paid timer off for state workers NO OTHER religion has such holidays. Give me a fucking break already!

Pay no mind to this sociopath deviant. Here is what 'Progressive Patriots' worship:

Harry Hay is the founder of gay liberation. This lovely interview with Hay by Anne-Marie Cusac was published in the September 1998 issue of The Progressive magazine. Then-editor Matt Rothschild called Hay "a hero of ours," writing that he should be a household name. He wrote: "This courageous and visionary man launched the modern gay-rights movement even in the teeth of McCarthyism."

Want to see more of good ole Harry? Here you go:


'Progressive' is just another dogwhistle for pedophile fans.

I say the answer is yes for the whole country. Whether it is decided on a individual state level by every state or on some kind of a federal level. The United States has always been a Christian majority country largely based on Christian values, even though we are not technically a theocracy. We can do something like this without it being “fanaticism”. Or even any kind a semblance of religious supremacy.

Radical atheists/far left Christians will respond with false accusations against people and they will tell people how they think, they will make things up. They do that in threads like this. Otoh right wing Christians, who might disagree with the ruling generally have a civil disagreement

And for people who might say well, why not have something from the Quran or the Torah or the Hindu scriptures displayed in public. Well if we’re talking about Israel a Jewish majority country or Saudi Arabia a Muslim majority country ….and they had their religious scriptures in public schools, I would be fine with it.

Allow me to go even further. I believe in respecting the majority culture of the country one is living in. While living in Thailand and Cambodia, I respected the Buddhist religion and even visited a number of Buddhist temples. I think this is called common sense … remember the old saying “when in Rome.”
It’s unconstitutional on the face of it. While every non-psychopath abhors lying, stealing and murder, the first three commandments concern a single god(what about polytheists), blasphemy(denying God is blasphemy, violating atheists’ rights) and graven images(some people are fans). I don’t see it surviving an honest judicial review.

Have you got anything remotely responsive to what I actually said? You commies a pathetically weak on this.

You have said nothing worthwhile, but sputter and flutter.

Some of the LA schools are planning to put the Pride Flag in the classrooms next to the Christian document.
It’s unconstitutional on the face of it. While every non-psychopath abhors lying, stealing and murder, the first three commandments concern a single god(what about polytheists), blasphemy(denying God is blasphemy, violating atheists’ rights) and graven images(some people are fans). I don’t see it surviving an honest judicial review.


Why is it unconstitutional on its face? You commies always seem to want a way out, can you be very specific?

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Sure, then let’s put the tenants of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam fir kids too.

Poor ignorant thing, all those use the 10 commandments and the old testament, Christians use the new testament as well.

It’s called traditions that you snowflakes Pearl clutch over

Maybe Progressive Patriot wants to take your advice, but not me.

I will stay in my homeland and will support and follow the US Constitution.

If you don't like the US Constitution, I suggest you pack up your shit and leave.

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