Louisiana justice of the peace denied marriage license to interracial couple

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This couple is just looking to make alot of money in a lawsuit.

It will pay for a big wedding and an even bigger house. :evil:

No, they were only looking to get married, but an idiotic decision by this guy will probably buy them a huge house and anything else that they want. Both he and the state will pay for them.

And now I hear on Network News that the state AG is defending this guy. Is Louisiana really that backwoods?
This couple is just looking to make alot of money in a lawsuit.

It will pay for a big wedding and an even bigger house. :evil:

No, they were only looking to get married, but an idiotic decision by this guy will probably buy them a huge house and anything else that they want. Both he and the state will pay for them.

And now I hear on Network News that the state AG is defending this guy. Is Louisiana really that backwoods?

What the fuck do you think caused the disaster after Katrina? Ask yourself why the Convention Center was not made available to the General Population and kept secret from the Feds for days Ass wipe? Bush!!! No you fucking Morons!!! LA State Government. They fucking make New Jersey look good.
I agree with the judge. Mixed race children are the ones that suffer, as a result of two selfish people who want to experiment and mix their races. I am a black male who does not feel mixed race marriages should be legal. White people need to stick with whites, and blacks need to keep the black race black.

We need to stop all this bulcrap about "melting pot" and "diversity is good" garbage.
There is beauty in the unique features of all races, there is no need to distort, and or mix the
races of the world. Mixing the races, takes away from the original form of how God made us all.

Just wow! I didn't know there were people like you still around.
Louisiana is the most corrupt and racist bastion in the entire country. These people make Mississippians look like ever loving loony leftists liberals. I am not kidding. The only decent people in the state are the Catholic Cajuns in New Orleans who ignore everyone else. They are all crackers down there -- white crackers, black crackers, crackers of all shades of the rainbow crackers. They are crackers who come with multiple fillings. I despise that place. What a sinkhole of humanity.
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Bardwell said. “In my heart, I feel the children will later suffer.”

Someone needs to remind this gomer who's president.
So because we have a mixed race president.

All is fine and mixed race children will never face discrimination?

Your argument is that mixed race marriage should be prohibited because mixed race children might face discrimination?

Have you thought that one through...?
Bardwell said. “In my heart, I feel the children will later suffer.”

Someone needs to remind this gomer who's president.
So because we have a mixed race president.

All is fine and mixed race children will never face discrimination?

Your argument is that mixed race marriage should be prohibited because mixed race children might face discrimination?
I said I support the right for mixed race couples to marry.

And I also support the rights of people who don't want to marry mixed race couples.
So because we have a mixed race president.

All is fine and mixed race children will never face discrimination?

Your argument is that mixed race marriage should be prohibited because mixed race children might face discrimination?
I said I support the right for mixed race couples to marry.

And I also support the rights of people who don't want to marry mixed race couples.

If He's an Officer of The Court, He might be able to find a substitute, but it's past that now.
The Justice of the Peace does not have a constitutional right to hold his office and not be removed for his behavior. Of course he can be removed. It is not a lifetime appointment. However, if it is an elective position, then a federal lawsuit may be the best remediation after state regulatory and legal options have been exhausted.
So because we have a mixed race president.

All is fine and mixed race children will never face discrimination?

Your argument is that mixed race marriage should be prohibited because mixed race children might face discrimination?
I said I support the right for mixed race couples to marry.

And I also support the rights of people who don't want to marry mixed race couples.

They can exercise that right by choosing not to become justices or others whose duties include performing civil marriages.
The JOP is an instrument/agent of the government, or a state actor.

Loving cleary points out a state can not deny a marriage license to different races.

The "state" didn't deny a marriage license.

State actor refers to color of law, ergo, he IS the government.

Except he did not in any way, shape or form prevent them from getting a marriage license or from getting married, your argument fails, except to liberal dumb asses that think they can force people to do what they want. He is NOT the State, his refusal to marry them did not prevent in any manner them from marrying. Thus no law was broken. His position inot a State position and anyone that claims it is must need more schooling.
A justice of the peace doesn't have to marry anyone. They can refuse to marry you if they don't like you, or if they're busy that day, or if they just don't do marriages.
if they'd just asked a non-denominational minister to marry them, it wouldn't have been an issue.
A JP is supposed to be non-denominational - he was elected to perform the duty. If he refuses to do his legal duty ..... what SHOULD be the recourse?

Do they impeach JP's in Louisiana? This guy needs to be shown the door. In our country we do not need people like this in the Justice Dept. of any State or Federal Office.
Except he did not in any way, shape or form prevent them from getting a marriage license

That's funny now, here is what the article states:

>>>The AP reports that Louisiana justice of the peace Keith Bardwell has refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple because he believes that such marriages don’t usually last very long:<<<

I guess you are saying since he denied it, they could go to another person?

That fullfills a constitutional mandate?? Hmm!!

except to liberal dumb asses that think they can force people to do what they want. He is NOT the State, his refusal to marry them did not prevent in any manner them from marrying. Thus no law was broken. His position inot a State position and anyone that claims it is must need more schooling.

Schooling?? I can assure you I am quite intelligent and versed in the law. It is you who does NOT comprehend what a "state actor" is!!

As far as schooling, you thought the 2nd AM applied to the states as an individual right to bear arms! Who needs schooling there?

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