Louisiana justice of the peace denied marriage license to interracial couple

Wow! This thread is a Jerk Magnet.

Scientific Eve.
Watch NGC Presents Online - Scientific Adam and Eve - Zimbio

Perhaps I am, but this guy is a flaming racist and many of you are accepting of what he did. NICE!

This is one area we are in agreement. What he did was wrong. Not something any two people looking to get married should have to encounter.

This is one of the main reasons I dispise liberals. I did nothing wrong. I just stated some genetic facts, and voiced my opinions with regards to mixed marriages. I don't believe in them.!!
52nd Street, you have every right to post what you believe, and good Biblical Christians have every right to tell you that your words show that you hate Jesus and His Word.

Shame on you!
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52nd Street, you have every right to post what you believe, and good Biblical Christians have every right to tell you that your words show that you hate Jesus and His Word.

Shame on you!

Jesus and God the Father did say "Thou should not mix your seeds" .
God instructed us to breed amongst our own kind. Not this melting pot wife swapping
bullcrap we see many liberals trying to promote today. Keep your White wives please,
leave our black women alone.!!
52nd Street, you have every right to post what you believe, and good Biblical Christians have every right to tell you that your words show that you hate Jesus and His Word.

Shame on you!

Jesus and God the Father did say "Thou should not mix your seeds" .
God instructed us to breed amongst our own kind. Not this melting pot wife swapping
bullcrap we see many liberals trying to promote today. Keep your White wives please,
leave our black women alone.!!

The OT advice was wrong, the NT advice was right. You are simply morally wrong, 52nd Street, and so was the justice. I understand that Senator Landreau is bringing the weight of the State of Louisiana on your judge this week. Either he retires with his state benefits, or he will be removed without state benefits. Seems right to me.
I love it! A black guy saying G-d was a racist.

The irony of that is just overwhelming....
Hey, jillian, blacks can be as racists as whites, as women can be as sexist as men. We see that in the world all the time.
I thought people were already past this shit, even in the south. Here we are, about to get Gays the right to marry, and then Lousiana's got to pull this shit.

People need to grow the fuck up.

Some just want the clock to spin in reverse. I wonder how they'll put all the mixed race kids back in the womb though.

My mother thought like that, 21 years and 14 months ago, said she (my beautiful girl) could pass for Italian (I shit you not) once she was born, wouldn't have her any different today. The woman watches NASCAR (somebody kill me) with the old man now. Go figger. Times change, some people do, some won't. As for Louisiana, they need to be brought up to speed in regard to Loving Vs. Virginia. It's precedent case law, Supreme.
Why do I have to be a Nazi, to say that I don't beleive in the mixing of the races?.
Blacks should marry other blacks only, and whites should stick to the white race only.
This has been the case for many thousands of years now.

As far as I am concerned, the White race is genetically inferior to blacks anyway, why would a black person in their
right mind want to dilute their genes with someone who is white? Black genes are dominate in all of these combinations.

"Nazi" is an overused term that should be reserved for mass-murdering genocidal fascists.

You aren't that important. You're just a garden variety racist.
I love it! A black guy saying G-d was a racist.

The irony of that is just overwhelming....

Well, there is chapter an verse in the "good book" about how to treat your slaves (can't beat them beyond that they wouldn't come to by the third day), and how slaves should behave towards their masters. Meanwhile, back in prehistory, slaves came in more than just the one geographical region or shade.

Did you hear there will be a re-write of that good book by (I really don't want to call them conservatives, it just isn't fair. They need to come up with a distinctive tag. I'm thinking Regressives) a group that thinks a lot of the Bible just isn't, um, Kosher (for lack of a better word) and wants to omit the more liberal passages as so many varied fuck-ups by the scribes. There go the gospels of Christ.
I love it! A black guy saying G-d was a racist.

The irony of that is just overwhelming....

Well, there is chapter an verse in the "good book" about how to treat your slaves (can't beat them beyond that they wouldn't come to by the third day), and how slaves should behave towards their masters. Meanwhile, back in prehistory, slaves came in more than just the one geographical region or shade.

Did you hear there will be a re-write of that good book by (I really don't want to call them conservatives, it just isn't fair. They need to come up with a distinctive tag. I'm thinking Regressives) a group that thinks a lot of the Bible just isn't, um, Kosher (for lack of a better word) and wants to omit the more liberal passages as so many varied fuck-ups by the scribes. There go the gospels of Christ.

Absolutely true re slaves.

Wouldn't be the first time the "good book" has been re-written, as I'm sure Constantine would have attested to. Regressives is good. Reactionaries works as well, IMO. Interesting about removing the more "liberal" bits. Can't imagine what Jesus will say instead of "turn the other cheek". (Show them your sword??) *sigh*

And they say the bible should be literally interpreted? Something is very wrong with this picture.
I love it! A black guy saying G-d was a racist.

The irony of that is just overwhelming....

Well, there is chapter an verse in the "good book" about how to treat your slaves (can't beat them beyond that they wouldn't come to by the third day), and how slaves should behave towards their masters. Meanwhile, back in prehistory, slaves came in more than just the one geographical region or shade.

Did you hear there will be a re-write of that good book by (I really don't want to call them conservatives, it just isn't fair. They need to come up with a distinctive tag. I'm thinking Regressives) a group that thinks a lot of the Bible just isn't, um, Kosher (for lack of a better word) and wants to omit the more liberal passages as so many varied fuck-ups by the scribes. There go the gospels of Christ.

Absolutely true re slaves.

Wouldn't be the first time the "good book" has been re-written, as I'm sure Constantine would have attested to. Regressives is good. Reactionaries works as well, IMO. Interesting about removing the more "liberal" bits. Can't imagine what Jesus will say instead of "turn the other cheek". (Show them your sword??) *sigh*

And they say the bible should be literally interpreted? Something is very wrong with this picture.

Reactionaries is the term used most in the academy. It fits.

I just wonder what they'll do to the sermon on the mount. Or the loaves and fishes. Heaven help us, but there won't be any wine at the wedding, either. Job was just a WHIIIIINER, and the good Samaritan a busy-body librul do-gooder bent on spending other peoples money.

Actually, I can't wait until this thing comes out. There will be a treasure trove of omissions and additions to deconstruct.
Perhaps I am, but this guy is a flaming racist and many of you are accepting of what he did. NICE!

This is one area we are in agreement. What he did was wrong. Not something any two people looking to get married should have to encounter.

This is one of the main reasons I dispise liberals. I did nothing wrong. I just stated some genetic facts, and voiced my opinions with regards to mixed marriages. I don't believe in them.!!

In all fairness 52nd street your genetic facts are debatable. I'll stick with Scientific Eve.

You argue that You believe the Races shouldn't mix. I personally believe that the mind, even the Conscience is above outside rule, so I defend your Right to believe what you do. Your jurisdiction is limited to yourself though, right or wrong. Marrying People would probably not be the best profession for you.

For the Record the Flaming Racist described in the Post, I believe to be the JP, not you.
52nd Street, you have every right to post what you believe, and good Biblical Christians have every right to tell you that your words show that you hate Jesus and His Word.

Shame on you!

Jesus and God the Father did say "Thou should not mix your seeds" .
God instructed us to breed amongst our own kind. Not this melting pot wife swapping
bullcrap we see many liberals trying to promote today. Keep your White wives please,
leave our black women alone.!!

The OT advice was wrong, the NT advice was right. You are simply morally wrong, 52nd Street, and so was the justice. I understand that Senator Landreau is bringing the weight of the State of Louisiana on your judge this week. Either he retires with his state benefits, or he will be removed without state benefits. Seems right to me.

Why are white people always the ones that want to promote wife swapping?.
Jesus and God the Father did say "Thou should not mix your seeds" .
God instructed us to breed amongst our own kind. Not this melting pot wife swapping
bullcrap we see many liberals trying to promote today. Keep your White wives please,
leave our black women alone.!!

The OT advice was wrong, the NT advice was right. You are simply morally wrong, 52nd Street, and so was the justice. I understand that Senator Landreau is bringing the weight of the State of Louisiana on your judge this week. Either he retires with his state benefits, or he will be removed without state benefits. Seems right to me.

Why are white people always the ones that want to promote wife swapping?.

When I was in the Navy, it wasn't only the white officers participating.
Jesus and God the Father did say "Thou should not mix your seeds" .
God instructed us to breed amongst our own kind. Not this melting pot wife swapping
bullcrap we see many liberals trying to promote today. Keep your White wives please,
leave our black women alone.!!

The OT advice was wrong, the NT advice was right. You are simply morally wrong, 52nd Street, and so was the justice. I understand that Senator Landreau is bringing the weight of the State of Louisiana on your judge this week. Either he retires with his state benefits, or he will be removed without state benefits. Seems right to me.

Why are white people always the ones that want to promote wife swapping?.

I'm monogamous. I don't believe in wife swapping. I never got that impression though. True Love being so hard to find, I think that you take it where you find it, and hold on for the ride.
I love it! A black guy saying G-d was a racist.

The irony of that is just overwhelming....

Well, there is chapter an verse in the "good book" about how to treat your slaves (can't beat them beyond that they wouldn't come to by the third day), and how slaves should behave towards their masters. Meanwhile, back in prehistory, slaves came in more than just the one geographical region or shade.

Did you hear there will be a re-write of that good book by (I really don't want to call them conservatives, it just isn't fair. They need to come up with a distinctive tag. I'm thinking Regressives) a group that thinks a lot of the Bible just isn't, um, Kosher (for lack of a better word) and wants to omit the more liberal passages as so many varied fuck-ups by the scribes. There go the gospels of Christ.

I think that your intolerance shines like a road flare darling.
Louisiana's Judicial Code of Ethics requires officials like Bardwell to "perform judicial duties without bias or prejudice."

case closed
I love it! A black guy saying G-d was a racist.

The irony of that is just overwhelming....

Well, there is chapter an verse in the "good book" about how to treat your slaves (can't beat them beyond that they wouldn't come to by the third day), and how slaves should behave towards their masters. Meanwhile, back in prehistory, slaves came in more than just the one geographical region or shade.

Did you hear there will be a re-write of that good book by (I really don't want to call them conservatives, it just isn't fair. They need to come up with a distinctive tag. I'm thinking Regressives) a group that thinks a lot of the Bible just isn't, um, Kosher (for lack of a better word) and wants to omit the more liberal passages as so many varied fuck-ups by the scribes. There go the gospels of Christ.

I think that your intolerance shines like a road flare darling.

It isn't me came up with the idea to re-write religious text to fit a certain political ideology, Sparky.
Jesus and God the Father did say "Thou should not mix your seeds" .
God instructed us to breed amongst our own kind. Not this melting pot wife swapping
bullcrap we see many liberals trying to promote today. Keep your White wives please,
leave our black women alone.!!

The OT advice was wrong, the NT advice was right. You are simply morally wrong, 52nd Street, and so was the justice. I understand that Senator Landreau is bringing the weight of the State of Louisiana on your judge this week. Either he retires with his state benefits, or he will be removed without state benefits. Seems right to me.

Why are white people always the ones that want to promote wife swapping?.

And 52nd just flamed into the ocean of mindlessness.

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